All good.
2014-08-20 10:37:31 UTC
We are a very modest family with 1 child and me and my husband both grew up methodist.
4 weeks ago, we had some missionaries knock on our door, we are always open to listening to missionaries of any faith, so we told them to come in.
The mormon elders were 2 boys. The smaller boy, named Elder Hurst, i think he said his first name was Austin. Elder Austin Hurst.
And the taller boy, a Elder Morgan. But I cant remember what the Elder Morgan said his first name was.
We ask their first name all the time because we are not extremely formal people, and we think Elder sounds way to formal. They still requested we call them Elder tho. Even after knowing their first names.
So, we talked to these two, and I have to say, I have never got a more condescending feeling from a person, then that, that I received from the Elder Hurst. His companion, Elder Morgan, I did not receive such a strong impression from, but he was going to back-up his buddy no matter what kind of attitude he had.
They barely explained a pamphlet, and within I want to say... a 10 minute time frame..Maybe less... they were already asking when they could come for another visit, and saying how much they cared about us. Most of this was from the Elder Hurst, whom I just cant shake the condescending and weird impression I have of him.
If all Mormon Missionary are like that one, they will never get anywhere.