Why do Christians always seem to do whatever they can to avoid questions which could potentially make them...?
2008-10-24 15:47:50 UTC
...question their beliefs?

Is their faith really so weak and fragile?
39 answers:
2008-10-24 15:52:44 UTC
Why bother sowing seed to the swine, You know Dang good and well that it doesn't matter what answer we give in any way shape or fashion known to man, because you won't accept it anyway, You don't have the testicles to Challenge us in a face to face confrontation in Public so you hide behind the computer screen and ask the baseless questions not accepting any answer that you don't want to hear so why waste time on an idiot
2008-10-24 16:24:52 UTC
I suspect it depends on what type of Christian they are. The stakes are highest for fundamentalist, 'sola scriptura', Protestants because if you believe that the Bible is the inerrant word of God then any flaw or discrepancy in the text means the whole lot must be discarded. Hence there is a temptation to defend every last point and cling doggedly to every shaky defence.

There will also be those, of all churches, who just lack the skills for debate, and find it easier to repeat mantras unquestioningly.

There are also Christians out there who are intelligent, will engage with the question and will attempt to give thoughtful answers. They may even be prepared to give ground on certain points in a debate. But there comes a point, where even people like this will have to fall back on lines such as 'It's a mystery' or 'We just have to accept this on faith'. I can see how this may seem like evasiveness but at times it is the only honest answer to give.

The best way I can explain this last point is by analogy with science. There are some scientific facts and concepts which are just as inexplicable as anything in religion. How a electron can be in two places at once, or what energy really is, for instance, are impossible to explain to a layman and perhaps even the best scientists cannot really understand these questions. But the fact that a scientist cannot explain wave-partical duality or quantum entanglement to me in any deep way doesn't mean that he is being evasive, or that I should reject the totality of scientific knowledge. There are times when we just have to have the humility to accept that not all things are within our understanding.
B Baruk Today
2008-10-24 15:59:03 UTC
These people that you speak of are obviously not Christians.

Not all that call themselves Christians are followers of the Christ.

Because nothing could ever be said or done that would make a follower of the Christ put down his/her cross and question their believes.

All that is needed is the faith of a mustard seed!

No fragile or weak here.

Be Blessed:-)
2008-10-24 15:55:34 UTC
I wonder why do people like you have to generalize on such broad subject? If someone asked you for an in-depth answer as to why you want to wear a certain hairstyle for a long time and as to where your background choice came from etc etc...wouldn't you think it to be a bit tedious to have to give up every single detail to a complete stranger? I would think so!!!!

Maybe you should actually talk to a pastor or something because you have obviously not tried to broaden your experience with other people and other religions, You don't even know that there are more than 100 different types of churches within the Christian Community as it is...

Wow I love how ignorant this world as become.
2008-10-24 16:00:55 UTC
I have many questions that pertain to my faith, but nothing will ever make me question believing. Ask away, my faith is not weak or fragile. I know the truth and the truth has set me free.
Natasha A
2008-10-24 15:53:37 UTC
Not every Christian is like that. For some they do not want to ruin a relationship with someone close to them by getting into a debate over a difference of opinions. Others may have newly come to Christ and are still a tad bit unsure of there religion. But for others they are more than willing to answer any question about there religion.
2008-10-24 15:55:14 UTC
Generalizations kill.

Every single Christian must question their beliefs in order to keep them strong. If they don't, then they will be weak and fragile.
2008-10-24 15:53:46 UTC
Well, it is better to blindly follow God and make it to Heaven than to enter Hell fooly enlightened.

Going into areas that could cause you to question your faith is dangerous. Sadly this is the very thing we hope and pray for when we come into contact with those of opposing beliefs. Seems hypocritical and yet there it is.
2008-10-24 15:50:13 UTC

I've posted some really good thoughtful questions (or videos) in the past defending Christianity and (for some unknown reason) hardly got any responses from atheists on those. Actually I've have multiple questions deleted (that were actual question/debate) because the atheists didn't know how to answer. I see no other reason why they would've been deleted.

But when it comes to the easy debatable questions, they jump on those like piranhas.

I am certainly not one to back away from a good question, tho you may not like the answer.
2008-10-24 15:51:26 UTC
Like what? We're not avoiding any questions except those which are a total waste of time. I haven't see a question yet that makes me question my beliefs.
Martin S
2008-10-24 15:51:00 UTC
Since you didn't give an example I couldn't tell you, but I'm always happy to answer anyone's question about the faith that God has gifted me with.
bye bye
2008-10-24 15:51:59 UTC
Is this the question that is supposed to question my beliefs? I fully support idea that can question my beliefs, it is what makes them grow and solidifies them. If you have such a question ask it, my faith is strong.
2008-10-24 15:54:38 UTC
This Christian doesnt and I havent seen a single question to even come close to make me rethink even one of my beliefs...Just a whole bunch of retarded questions about creationism with a boatload of sarcasm to annoy believers.
2008-10-24 15:51:07 UTC
a lot of religions do this actually. im muslim but try and explain whatever i can if im questioned, theres no point avoiding things because they are there to be questioned at the end of the day.
No Chance Without Jesus
2008-10-24 15:51:35 UTC
Nothing makes me question my beliefs

Bring It

But yes some people are struggling with faith.

I am no apostle, or great Holy man that I don't.....I just sold out to God a long time ago.
Felicity Hazel
2008-10-24 15:59:43 UTC

I'm a born-again Christian who lives in Utah around MANY mormons.

I question my faith everyday...that's what makes us stronger.

That's why I'm still Christian.
2008-10-24 16:10:41 UTC
It is called Intellectual Dishonesty...christians have mastered the art of self-deception.
2008-10-24 15:54:33 UTC
I have an answer for everything, including I do not know.

Remember, complex questions are, generally, easier to answer, it is the simple questions that become hard to answer.
the only 1 hobo
2008-10-24 16:03:44 UTC
So what is this question because Ive never seen 1 ?
Dreamweaver back for more
2008-10-24 15:51:23 UTC
I won't avoid. I try and answer anything I can...very little makes me question my beliefs.
Someone who cares
2008-10-24 15:50:57 UTC
Probably because the questioner suffers from over generalization disorder.
2008-10-24 15:50:55 UTC
For some maybe.

Others just don't want to ruin relationships with people over a debate on religion.
2008-10-24 16:01:38 UTC
when we ask questions that you guys dont like u dont answer, we dont answer ur guys questions becuase most of us have given up hope on you guys, and i dont answer them becuase im not on yahoo much

email me questions and i will answer them but expect questions back also!!

email to my msn email pls.!!! still just at
2008-10-24 15:53:28 UTC
Try an Alpha course ! If it's all true, no question is too threatening, is it?
2008-10-24 15:58:05 UTC
Where? Where? Let me at 'em!

**searches frantically for said question**
2008-10-24 15:53:25 UTC
Nothing weak OR fragile
2008-10-24 15:52:41 UTC
I just answered your little question, go check it out.
2008-10-24 15:53:08 UTC
As a Christian I've never done that.
2008-10-24 15:50:20 UTC
Generalize much?
2008-10-24 15:50:47 UTC
Feel free to ask me anything. Just email me.
2008-10-24 15:52:16 UTC
Their faith is easily questioned by reality.

Just like asking someone high off mushrooms.
2008-10-24 15:50:50 UTC
What is that question. I am here to answer it.
2008-10-24 15:50:33 UTC

what is the ground breaking question you're talking about?

or are you just spewing?
2008-10-24 15:52:13 UTC
it's why they survived so long, by avoiding all questions. It seems that Jesus was good in this game too.
2008-10-24 15:50:34 UTC
Now that I'm here they have proof! Muahahahahaha
2008-10-24 15:58:52 UTC
Ask away, jerky boy! ;)
2008-10-24 15:51:05 UTC
nothing has come close so far .. hit me with your best question ..
2008-10-24 15:50:24 UTC
what questions in particular do you mean?
Ali B
2008-10-24 15:50:53 UTC
Exactly because their faith is weak because deep down inside they know what they believe in is bulllshit!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.