First let us define what is God .,.,.God is the Creator of each and everything in this universe and beyond and he is Un-created.,.,.,Now let us find the true creator,..,who should deserve to be our creator ,, the Qualities,.,
Have U Come across or Seen or Met any God to till date,Who should deserve to be a God?,,No,
How to decide who is right God?
Can A Human be A God? No,,,
Because Man is Mortal,,,And God should be Immortal.,Man suffers from diseases and god is absolute Eternal,,,,So Humans can't be a God,.,.,Logical
If God Wants to Rule this world it will be easy for him to rule this world,,,,Did U come across any God who has ruled this earth and ascended up the SKY,,in front of All,,,,and Without being killed?,,No,,,,
If U say God visited the earth long back and went back to Heavens ,,I am asking a Logical Question,,,to them where is ur God,,,,?and why did he visited the earth only for few people at that time and doesn't manifest to me or others,,,How can I believe those peoples words,,,God can't be unjust and manifest to some and hide from others,,,,If so on Judgement day i can say that how can i believe in some people or Gods words who says U have visited and gone up,,,without showing or manifesting to us?,,So it is not Logical for God to Manifest to some and hide from others,.,.,.Either True God should Rule this Earth Forever OR Hide forever and take a test without manifesting to Few people and visiting the earth for short time,.,.,.
What should be the CONCEPT of our GOD,,,,Lets settle down the criteria to decide the true God.
Ch 112-V1-4 Allah he is one and Only
He is absolute, Eternal means Self-sufficient
He begets not, Nor he was begotten.
There is nothing like him. Comparable in this universe
If U find such a God with these Qualities inform me, I am ready to accept him to be my God.
If u Can't find such a God then agree that Allah is our Creator....,.,.,.,.