Most Actual Health care services are currently non-profit and it is expensive because there are enormous costs associated with health care such as Insurance, facilities, medicine and equipment.
The development of health care technology is primarily for-profit. This includes pharmaceutical companies and companies like Medtronics which produces electronic and mechanical devices for health care.
All of the health care technology has to be approved by the FDA. It has to undergo significant research, development and testing before it can be approved for use.
To get the money for the research, development and testing health care technology companies have to attract people to invest in their ideas.
Investors typically expect a return on their investment. People who put money into IRA's, 401K's, bank accounts, mutual funds, expect to earn interest.
Without earning interest there is no reason to invest. Without investment there is no money to research, develop and test health care technology.
Without health care technology there is no medicine and there are no medical devices, no X-ray machines, no cat scans, no MRI, no pace makers.
This is why most medical technology advancements occur in capitalist economies which support capitalist medicine.
There can be a balance between the socialized medicine and capitalist or for-profit technology development, however, we must be very careful not to destroy the medical technology development industry.
Medicine was stagnant for thousands of years because there was no money to support development. Only monarchs and warlords had enough money to support development and typically these rulers paid "doctors", not engineers.
The industrial revolution developed primarily because a middle class of tradespeople who could invest developed.
As the middle class developed people began to have money which they used to invest in medical technology. People like Louis Pasture were able to fund their research and develop technology.
As we eliminate the reason for investment, we eliminate investment and return to the same kind of technology stagnation caused by relying on the bureaucrats employed by past rulers to decide what technology is worth investing in and what isn't that the word endured for thousands of years.
There can be a balance between the socialization of health care and the money required for research and development of new technologies.
If history has taught us anything it is that when we depend on bureaucracies to invest in new technology the world stagnates.