Do you agree that socialized health care is morally wrong?
2008-10-18 06:08:31 UTC
This involves STEALING money from rich people by punishing them for making money so you can give free unearned handouts to people that are too lazy to get a good job that has health care.

America has the best health care system in the world because once you turn to communism like in China, the quality of the healthcare goes WAY DOWN.

In Canada, you have to wait MONTHS to see a doctor. That's a FACT.

America is NOT Communist Russia.

Socialism turns people away from God and from financial responsibility.

There is NO such thing as a free lunch, but Obama apparently thinks so because he wants to steal money from everyone to pay for SOCIALISM.

Do you agree?

Obama is not a true Christian. He supports ABORTION.

Do you agree socialized health care is wrong and will lead this country towards financial bankruptcy?
28 answers:
sioux †
2008-10-18 06:34:53 UTC
If we are going to be taxed, we might as well

get something for it.

Having wars and blowing everything up

doesnt make one feel better.
2008-10-22 07:35:51 UTC
first of all, you don't steal money from the rich, they make money from the hard work of their poor employees.

Morally wrong? So, it is morally right to have 50 million Americans without any health coverage?

Many Americans are under the delusion that they have the best health care system in the world.

The World Health Organization ranked the health systems of 191 nations. France and Italy took the top two spots; the United States was a dismal 37th.

6 months waiting in Canada? Perhaps 2, for a minor problem, if it is serious you are taken care immediately. And if hospitals are full they are sent to USA and fully paid for any treatment. And everybody is covered, not just the ones who can afford it. So, the “countless Canadians” who cross the border for medical treatment, are sent and paid by the Canadian government, they don’t pay a cent.

There is nothing wrong with a democratic form of socialism. We don't live in the 1808, alone, in the far west.

Get more informed.
2008-10-21 05:21:32 UTC
You have no idea what you are talking about, do you?

Many people in the U.S. have no medical insurance.

Even if you do, when you want to go see a doctor, you have to make appointment weeks or even months in advance. If you have emergency, and rush to hospital, you often end up seeing only a nurse.

Not to mention all the bills even with the insurance coverage.

In China, before the Medicare reform a few years ago, it was 100% free for everyone who had a job and retired (everyone had a job under socialist). And their kids can be 50% free. The companies (used to be all state owned) you worked in, will give you back all the money once you show them the bill from the hospital. Even medicines were free after you get your money back from the company.

Aside the cost, you can go to hospital to see a real doctor at any time you want without waiting more than 20 min. usually.

That was good old times. Of course, people exploited such system. Many people got exceeded amount of medicines they don't really need. With over 1 billion people, the waste was significant.

Just a few years ago, this all changed. First China tried to copy the U.S.'s medical insurance system, ended up with all the complains due to high medical expenses.(many people can't afford insurance, and insurance are expensive to begin with) Then they implied a new system, which currently expenses is about in between the "100% free for you, 50% free for your kid system" and the "you buy your own insurance" system.

China's old system was way better for the people. So I have no idea where your "WAY DOWN" came from...
2008-10-18 13:29:19 UTC
Where to begin:

Socialised heath care is not morally wrong; it is in fact commendable. That the money of those that have a surplus is going to help those who cannot afford to get heath care is a sound moral principle.

People are frequently poor because their parents were poor, they could not get a good education and so get a good job, or are ill or disabled, meaning they cannot work. There are few people who are poor through apathy, so your comments were not only inaccurate, they were in fact insulting to many people. On the other hand many rich people live on intrest, and don't do anything.

You may have to wait longer to see a doctor with a nationalised heath service, but everyone gets seen in turn, rather than the rich jumping the queue and the poor having to suffer. If people are waiting months to see a doctor then the heath service is insufficient for the population, but that would be the same if the service was private. The capacity is irrelevant to the organisation.

Socialism supports those who cannot support themselves. It could be considered charity, which is why there are poor people who refuse it even though they cannot really afford to do otherwise.

How much of a Christian Obama is or is not isn't relevant.

Socialised heath care will make your country a healthier place to be. Embrace it, and stop being a Scrooge. If you are so bothered about having to wait longer go and see a private doctor. Even with a socialised heath care system these will still exist

In short: I disagree with you. Here in the UK the NHS is a very good service. It isn't perfect, but it's open to anyone, it costs nothing and as was said on a British hospital drama recently, there is no better system in an emergency.

In shorter: You're wrong
2008-10-18 13:50:03 UTC
We trusted the government to regulate our money and keep it safe. We have over a $700 billion bail out that is not working.

We trusted government to watch over our corporations. There is more greed today than we have ever seen before and most corporations have left America and gone abroad.

Does anyone honestly think we should trust government with our health?

What we do need from government is support of good ethical values. Support the values that work. Support preventive medicine instead of money medicine. Support good banking qualities instead of greed and risky banking. Support good business that is ethical and sound and not a fast buck for the top few.

There are many good men in government but the hand full that throws in pork at the end of a good bill is the scum of the earth and we don't need them in the government offices. Throwing in bills that are worthless along with a necessity bill is underhanded and criminal. This practice must stop. Every bill must stand alone to pass or fail.

Sure, it would be nice if all people owned a home, but not all people deserve to own a home because they can't afford a home. They've made bad credit decisions and we reap what we sow. There is great upkeep to owning a home and when it is paid for the taxes and insurance are still quite a bill each year even without the continual repairs. Some people can't even pay their rent on time so how are they going to buy a home. Not all people are responsible citizens.

We are growing a godless society and we are reaping the outcome of it. This is harvest time for the godless and harvest time for the godless will last longer than any human will want. The Bible calls the worst of the godless harvest, The Great Tribulation.

Our churches are more at fault than our government. Our churches will not preach the Word of God. Our churches preach to keep the congregation coming back and our churches allow the worst of sinners to remain in the church polluting the congregation. We want sinners to come in and receive the Lord, but not to stay and pollute the congregation. Most churches are full of baby Christians who have not reached full maturity in the Word of God taught by the Holy Spirit. They do not have the full armor of God which is needed to combat evil and are easily persuaded by the demonic.

Congress is a reflection of our churches and it is not good. The American people are religious and especially the atheists.

We are increasing greed, increasing wickedness, increasing bad behavior, increasing fornication, increasing abortion, increasing homosexuality, increasing witchcraft, increasing sorcery, divination, pharmaceuticals legal and illegal and when wickedness increases so does the prince of the power of the air with all his fallen angels and demons increase.
2008-10-18 15:05:54 UTC
So, first communism and socialism are different. Educate yourself:

Now, I don't support economic socialism, because I think it would be too constrictive as far as people advancing their economic class. I do support using taxes for a welfare system that works, and it would be nice if the US system did. I believe in socialized education, and yes, health care. Everyone deserves access to education and health care. It's immoral to deny anyone those rights. We already have socialized education, that's why conservatives don't scream that it's going to lead to communism.

The US spends the most money on health care per capita, but millions remain uninsured. People go bankrupt even with insurance, because companies won't pay. Our infant mortality rate is higher than most developed countries. If fact it's higher than Cuba's, a communist nation.

Do a little research before you start spouting off.

I would say, the richest in society contributing to help the poorest in society is a show of good morals.
2008-10-18 17:26:42 UTC
well first off, mr know it all and with out a clue. it is not that easy to get a good job. I am lucky and have a great one. but any one no matter who you are can have a bad turn of events and lose all you have even with insurance. and most of the rich have made there money off of the working class, that makes them money. so maybe some day people like you will learn to see things in a different persons point of view. So when you out of luck and dieing of some sickness that is caused by a factory using crap to make something that we really don't need, you will want it also.
2008-10-18 13:25:05 UTC
No. I don't think it would be morally wrong if it could be made FAIR. The problem is that it has never worked -anywhere.

We would be better if we keep the capitalistic system, and figure out a way to "help" provide insurance for those who can not afford it. But never should subsidized insurance have an income limit to qualify.

My son has this problem right now. He and his wife both work for different companies. The wife gets individual ins for free. The husband's is too costly. And neither can afford to insure their child. Their combined income is not enough to afford coverage but too much to allow them to qualify for "all-kids" and the like.

Hard working taxpayers- can not get insurance, but welfare recipients ( those who pay no taxes) get it for free. This is not right.
2008-10-18 13:32:20 UTC
If socailized medicine is wrong, public education is wrong. Public education is taking money from rich people (who usually send their kids to private schools) to fund education for all children. Universal public education has been in place in the US since the 19th century

I'm Canadian and I would make the counter argument that American steal from Canadians by coming to Canada and purchasing drugs which are subsidized by Canadian taxpayers and the provinces. When Canadians go the States for a operation they PAY for the operation at private hospitals. When Americans buy our subsidized drugs we have to pay for it. Despite our problems, Canadians would laugh in your face if you asked them if they wanted an American style health care system.

OUr country isn't bankrupt. Our national debt is half of our GDP. Your national debt equals your GDP. We've had balanced budgets since the mid-nineties. None of our banks have come close to failure during the financial crisis and our banking and financial sectors are essentially conservative and highly regulated

The United States does not have the best health care system in the world. 50 million Americans are uninsured and life expectancy in the US is lower than it is in Canada, many Western European countries and Japan where they have socialized medicine
Anony Mouse
2008-10-18 13:14:37 UTC
While I am an atheist, scripture clearly supports universal healthcare. Jesus believed taxes were right. And he believed taking care of the sick and weak was right.

I feel that any truly moral OR logical person would conclude that universal healthcare is a human and/or divine right.

Even economically, it makes sense, because a healthier population is less criminal and more productive. We are the only industrialized country without universal healthcare, and we pay 30% MORE for 24% LESS coverage, in other words, and medical lobbyists are the thieves!

The idea that universal healthcare will make America a communist country is beyond ludicrous. All our other public services have been socialized for decades or even two centuries,
2008-10-18 13:21:36 UTC
Actually, many rich people haven't worked a day in their lives, and just inherited the money from relatives.

And actually, there are many people who work their asses off every day, but since their job is so bad they still can't afford health care. It's not their fault, they just weren't fortunate enough to get an education.

So who deserves the money, the rich spoiled asshole who never does anything, or the poor and severely overworked person?

You misunderstand what pro-choice means. It is not pro ABORTION, it is pro having the CHOICE of an abortion, for in emergencies. Nobody actually supports abortion, because it is killing, but sometimes killing is a necessary evil (such as in the case of a rape victim, etc).

And no, socialism only holds up our fundamental value of EQUAL OPPORTUNITY. Everybody is equal, so everybody should be allowed the basic principles of life, such as their health, food, and water. Other 'extras' such as a house etc must be worked for.
2008-10-18 13:34:27 UTC

Most Actual Health care services are currently non-profit and it is expensive because there are enormous costs associated with health care such as Insurance, facilities, medicine and equipment.

The development of health care technology is primarily for-profit. This includes pharmaceutical companies and companies like Medtronics which produces electronic and mechanical devices for health care.

All of the health care technology has to be approved by the FDA. It has to undergo significant research, development and testing before it can be approved for use.

To get the money for the research, development and testing health care technology companies have to attract people to invest in their ideas.

Investors typically expect a return on their investment. People who put money into IRA's, 401K's, bank accounts, mutual funds, expect to earn interest.

Without earning interest there is no reason to invest. Without investment there is no money to research, develop and test health care technology.

Without health care technology there is no medicine and there are no medical devices, no X-ray machines, no cat scans, no MRI, no pace makers.

This is why most medical technology advancements occur in capitalist economies which support capitalist medicine.

There can be a balance between the socialized medicine and capitalist or for-profit technology development, however, we must be very careful not to destroy the medical technology development industry.

Medicine was stagnant for thousands of years because there was no money to support development. Only monarchs and warlords had enough money to support development and typically these rulers paid "doctors", not engineers.

The industrial revolution developed primarily because a middle class of tradespeople who could invest developed.

As the middle class developed people began to have money which they used to invest in medical technology. People like Louis Pasture were able to fund their research and develop technology.

As we eliminate the reason for investment, we eliminate investment and return to the same kind of technology stagnation caused by relying on the bureaucrats employed by past rulers to decide what technology is worth investing in and what isn't that the word endured for thousands of years.

There can be a balance between the socialization of health care and the money required for research and development of new technologies.

If history has taught us anything it is that when we depend on bureaucracies to invest in new technology the world stagnates.
2008-10-18 13:21:59 UTC
Nonsense. You're ranting.

Many of Jesus' teachings would be branded Socialism by today's conservatives.

In a country as wealthy as the United States WAS before Bush squandered tax payers' money on an immoral war, it's nothing less than shameful NOT to have universal health care.
2008-10-18 13:24:37 UTC
The U.S.A. has a poor health and child mortality rate that lags far behind all other western countries with socialised health care, even Cuba has better health record than the U.S.. It depends what you want from society, do you want a reservoir of poor health that will lead to endemic diseases breeding in those unable to afford treatment, eventually affecting those who can afford it. Do you want an unequal society where the devil takes the hind most. It's got very little to do with communism and everything to do with compassion. If the rich resent paying for the well-being of those who help create their wealth then they don't deserve to belong to that society.
2008-10-18 13:22:04 UTC
I agree that redistribution of wealth is wrong. Public health care does not work. Anything run by the Government excepting the military is poorly administrated. But the helping of your fellow man is a good thing so I would not say that public health care is immoral. But confiscatory taxes and redistribution of wealth is evil and immoral. I agree with your assessment of Obama , no true Christian could ever vote for abortion. I live near the border of Canada , it is true that they come here for health care so they do not have to wait in line. Obama is a socialist and talks out both sides of his mouth. I think half the people voting for him do not realize who he really is and the other half know and don't care because they want something for nothing. He says he will give a tax break to 95% of Americans. This in itself is a lie because over 40% of Americans pay ZERO taxes so Obama is in reality giving them a check or paying them not to pay taxes. In the end he will raise taxes on anyone who pays taxes. Obama is a communist.
2008-10-18 13:17:44 UTC
America does NOT have the best health care system in the world. Cuba even though it is a communist country has a far superior health care system to America. The health system in Europe is also better.

You can be a christian and be pro-choice too by the way.

2008-10-18 13:30:49 UTC
You are sooooooooooo wrong,we have no health care in the U.S.Many of us work 2 jobs to pay the rent and food.
2008-10-18 13:30:08 UTC
barrack obama supports choice, not abortion and second off, dont sit there and try to talk like you wouldnt take free healthcare. wait til u cant afford it anymore. smarten up
2008-10-18 13:17:27 UTC
I take it you have not traveled much and seen that other countries (shock horror, countries other than your beloved america) actually do quite well without being communist socialist whatever.

This rant proves nothing other than your own lunacy.
2008-10-18 13:44:40 UTC
hahahahha, clearly soemone either JUST watched michael moors movie or you HAVNT seen it

well friend, the rest of us have, poor you, we feel sorry for you, we really do, pity is all you have here
2008-10-18 13:14:36 UTC
as much as i know the healthcare system is better in most of the european countries and oh my god!!! they actually are socialized.

you will face problems when you have a socialized health care system, but the advantages are greater than the disadvantages.
2008-10-18 13:16:19 UTC
What pamphlet did you read all that out of. Very little of it is true. I for one won't be voting for Obama because he doesn't support socialized health care.
Blue girl in a red state
2008-10-18 13:15:17 UTC
You are aware that the richer you are, the less taxes that you pay? So in actuality, the money would be "stolen" from the poor to pay for their own health care.

But hey, keep up the mindless ranting. It gives us all a giggle.
Iason Ouabache
2008-10-18 13:16:27 UTC
You're right. Helping the poor is very obviously the immoral thing to do.
2008-10-18 13:14:05 UTC
I feel sad to see sick people suffer because they don't have money.
2008-10-18 13:12:28 UTC
I don't even know where to start.

There is not one single fact in that tirade.

Oh, wait, there's one - "America is not communist Russia."
2008-10-18 13:14:32 UTC
get a loife
2008-10-18 13:15:57 UTC
Becoming "socialized" in things is one step closer to communism. I wonder how many miss that fact.

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