Is this the real third secret of Fatima?
2007-11-12 18:06:48 UTC
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Was integrally revealed the third secret of Fatima?
Which is the correct interpretation of the fragment of the secret revealed?
The answers are included in the letter we sent to the Cardinals of all the Church and in the messages that Jesus and Our Lady gave us.
Mr Cardinal,
we address Y.E. with love and respect, aware of doing an important and delicate service, requested from on High: to let you know the truth about the third secret of Fatima.
What we state is contained in the supernatural messages already printed and published on our web site: and in the conversations between God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit and Our Lady on one side, and the bishop Claudio Gatti and the visionary Marisa Rossi on the other side. Recently the Visionary, to whom the third secret has been revealed since a long time by the Mother of the Eucharist, communicated it to the Bishop, obeying an order of God.
We don't know the third part of the secret revealed on July 13, 1917 in Cova d'Iria-Fatima to the three little shepherds, but we know that it was not integrally spread and made known to the public opinion. Its most important and upsetting content was not revealed and if the competent Ecclesiastical Authority keeps on hiding it, it will be made known, in the moment established by God, by the persons to whom it was entrusted a long time ago.
Moreover the interpretation, given first by the Secretary of State on May 13, 2000 and then by the Prefect and the Secretary of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith on the following June 26, is wrong. As the fragment of the third part of the secret made known is a symbolic revelation, it needs an illuminated interpretation to be understood in details.
Who better than God, author of the secret, and Our Lady, who entrusted it to the three little shepherds, can give the exact interpretation?
God and Our Lady during conversations with the Bishop and the Visionary made the exact interpretation known. It is the following.
The Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand symbolizes the divine justice. God can't tolerate anymore the seriousness of the innumerable sins and sacrileges that men keep on committing and He is going to inflict a series of salutary chastisements to the sinning mankind. Our Lady through her powerful intercession holds the divine arm which is going to fall to mankind and God makes us know that the only way to suspend and attenuate the chastisements is penance.
Then the visionaries saw "a Bishop dressed in white and they had the impression that it was the Holy Father", but they did not specify which Holy Father was.
It is legitimate wondering: who is the bishop wearing the white papal dress? The Heaven gave the explanation: he is the one who received the episcopal ordination by God and not by men.
The visionaries saw "other bishops, priests, men and women religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross". These are the shepherds and faithful who live the mission of suffering by accomplishing important tasks received by the Lord for the good of the Church.
The vision continues: "the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins".
This is the Church. The Lord assured us that the Church will never collapse, but we know from History that satan and the men his allies keep on tormenting, persecuting and ravaging it. Today the Church, due to the infidelity of the shepherds and due to the faithful, is experiencing the most devastating crisis of its History that will be overcome only by God's intervention.
"(The Holy Father) prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way".
As sin is the death of the soul, the corpses are the members of the Church, shepherds and faithful, who live in a state of sin.
"(The Holy Father) on his knees at the foot of the big Cross was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other bishops, priests, men and women religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions".
The soldiers don't represent "the war waged by atheist systems against the Church and Christians", but a much sadder and more painful reality. They are the members of the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy who along the centuries keep on persecuting, condemning and killing morally and/or physically the apostles, the prophets, the saints and the charismatics aroused and sent by the Lord to accomplish missions in his Church.
The murder of the Holy Father on the top of the mountain, prostrated on his knees at the foot of the big Cross, has an exclusively symbolic meaning and a highly moral value.
This murder symbolizes the fierce persecution and the unjust condemnations that the Bishop dressed in white will suffer on behalf of the great and little men of the Church who will try, without succeeding, to prevent him from fulfilling the mission received by God: to let the Eucharist triumph all over the world and to let the Church revive.
The vision of "two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the martyrs" confirms the doctrine of the Church that from Tertullian to John Paul II taught that: "the blood of martyrs is seed of new Christians" and that "the Church keeps on reviving through the blood of its children".
The great Paul VI affirmed that "the smoke of satan entered into God's temple" and we add that it is wrapping up shepherds and faithful in poisonous spirals.
We love the Church and for it we continuously offer to God our prayers and sufferings.
Mr Cardinal, do want to bless and consider us in the Lord children and fond and deferential brothers.

Adult and young people of the Movimento Impegno e Testimonianza - Madre dell'Eucaristia
Rome, 6th January 2007
Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord
This letter was sent to thirty-four cardinals, three bishops and seven priests, whose names were indicated by Our Lady.
To our Bishop's question: "How was the letter accepted?" the Mother of the Eucharist gave an articulated and detailed answer.
Most of the addressees read the letter with attention, understood that the truth is contained in it and considered the interpretation of the revealed fragment of the secret, exhaustive and satisfactory.
These cardinals, bishops and priests acknowledged that "the humble and simple priest, ordained bishop by God, is a very great gift given by the Lord to his Church", but unfortunately the fear of the highest Ecclesiastical Authorities prevented them from taking sides publicly in favour of H.E. Mons. Claudio Gatti. Anyway they made many photocopies of the letter and spread them among brothers in the priesthood, friends, superiors, co-workers and inferiors.
Among them, some accepted the letter with respect, others contested it in front of the interlocutor, but when they were alone in their room they admitted that "None has the courage of doing what this bishop ordained by God has done and is doing".
This letter is arousing great interest and is putting in a critical position both the good clergymen and the dishonest ones.
As a matter of fact, about all those who read it, acknowledged our Bishop's honesty, sincerity and loyalty and appreciated his great trust in God.
Supported by God's grace, by the love to the Eucharist, by the devotion to Our Lady and by prayer we have to get ready to see the intensification of subsequent fights among cardinals, bishops and priests.
Rome, 28th January 1999 - h. 5:00 p.m.
Our Lady - Why wasn't the secret of Fatima yet revealed? Many popes went by, but why didn't anyone reveal the secret of Fatima? Revealing the secret of Fatima means to do God's will. Certainly a simple priest or a visionary or any other creature can't reveal the secret of Fatima, only the Holy Father should do it. The Mother also helps and speaks to the Holy Father. He doesn't want to reveal the third secret of Fatima because he doesn't want to worry the creatures, but this isn't right. In a message I told you that this message is the continuation of Fatima's message: the Church will be divided into two parts and there will be cardinals against cardinals, bishops against bishops, priests against priests. When I bring God's message I know very well what I say.
Rome, 12th May 2000 - h. 6:40 p.m.
Our Lady - Today, after much time, I ask you to pray for the Holy Father. He doesn't want to reveal the third secret of Fatima, he leaves this task to his successor. Pray for this intention.
Rome, 13th May 2000 - h. 5:40 p.m.
Our Lady - The secret of Fatima was not revealed. Each one of you in his heart knows what to think and say. Crying because this secret was not revealed is useless. On the contrary I invite you to pray so that the one who has to do God's will, he may do it, but time goes by. The men of the Church said that the third secret of Fatima is not catastrophic. Well, if it is not catastrophic, my dear children, I don't know how to define it.
Rome, 25th June 2000 - h. 10:45 a.m.
Jesus - Now I ask you a particular prayer for your sister, because if tomorrow they reveal the third secret of Fatima in a non exact way, she will have to go to the responsible persons and, believe me, it is not easy.
Rome, 26th June 2000 - h. 6:30 p.m.
Jesus - On a day not so far away you will understand how Jesus and his and your Mother were right. The priests don't convert themselves and keep on doing and ruining the Church, which is not theirs, it is mine. The Church belongs to God and to those who love. Someone of you would like to know a bit more about the secret, but it is not yet the moment. Secrets are secrets. The men of the Church made a ballast of words and lies with the third secret of Fatima. They humiliated the simple man and the intelligent man, who loves.
Rome, 27th June 2000 - h. 6:40 p.m.
Jesus - Still pray for this secret that was not integrally revealed.
Rome, 22nd February 2001 - h. 5:05 p.m.
Our Lady - The message of Fatima was not revealed in its integrity, the most important points have been omitted. Nobody dared to say the secret, not even the popes. Quite a few popes had the secret in their hands and they didn't reveal it. The secret doesn't consist of what they wanted us to know. Many years have gone by and they keep on faking the whole thing.
Rome, 23rd September 2001 - h. 10:40 a.m.
Our Lady - Let us go back to the secret of Fatima and think about it. How many years have you been waiting to know the secret of Fatima? If it was not so bad why have they kept it hidden and would not reveal it? It is not the secret what they disclosed. If it was not so bad, there would be no reason to hide it.
Rome, 28th October 2001 - h. 10:40 a.m.
Our Lady - My dear children, I speak again about 1999. When it seemed that your triumph was getting near, I started to speak about the great trial of God and you did not understand for it seemed impossible and you said: "If God promised, God will keep". Of course, God will keep, but first it had to take place the great trial that arrived; you know how it took place. Do you remember when the men of the Church spoke about the secret of Fatima and I immediately said in a message that nothing was true of what they had said? Also in that circumstance they tried to play with God in a negative way. Now slowly everybody is realizing that this secret was not revealed. Instead priests and great clergymen keep on playing with the secret of Fatima, involving the poor sister Lucy, who is old by now and ascribing to her false affirmations: "I understood wrongly. I was wrong"; the poor sister Lucy says this in order to defend the great clergymen, the great men. Do you remember when cardinal Ratzinger, monsignor Bertone and monsignor Fisichella spoke about the secret of Fatima? Many of you thought: "But if it was not catastrophic, why has it been hidden for so many years?". Where is the truth? Only the Pope and those who read sister Lucy's original letter know it. Who knows a secret, he can't reveal it with much thoughtlessly, as do many priests who affirm they know the secret of Fatima. What do they know? The secret must be kept, until God decides to reveal it. You sister keeps many secrets that we entrusted to her and she keeps silent, since she was a child she has known some secrets and she has never spoken about them with anybody, because God gives her strength and support not to reveal them.
Rome, 3rd November 2001 - h. 6:40 p.m.
Our Lady - Why wasn't the third secret of Fatima revealed? The great and little men of the Church said lies and still keep on saying lies. The secret of Fatima was not revealed. Sister Lucy's letter is not true; that poor woman never said what they make her say. She can't say: "I was wrong. I understood wrongly", it is as if your sister said: "It is not true that I see Our Lady", to get rid of all worries and sufferings. They make that poor old and sick nun say all that they want, because she is in closure and she must obey. Do you remember when I said: obedience yes, blackmail no?
Rome, 9th February 2003 - h. 10:30 a.m.
Our Lady - They still keep on saying many lies on the secret of Fatima. They consider you, my dear children, as if you were some poor creatures who understand nothing. If the secret of Fatima was beautiful why didn't the popes reveal it? Why did this Pope twist around in every way and did not reveal it? He had Sodano talk, he had Ratzinger, Bertone and Fisichella read and comment the secret, but that was not the secret. If the secret, as they say, was not so bad, why didn't they reveal it in the remote 1960 and even before? This way of dealing of theirs is totally wrong; the triumph, however, will come: for several reasons it is late, but it will come and then they will recite the "mea culpa" and will ask to be forgiven, but it will be too late.
Rome, 13th February 2003 - h. 8:30 p.m.
Our Lady - The one who shouted against mafia, why doesn't he shout against the masons? There is war also between the great men of the Church. To keep people calm and tranquil, they don't reveal the third secret of Fatima and they know very well in what it consists. They don't mind about this, because they just want to keep the power. In the meantime some souls suffer the martyrdom for peace in the world; God the Father keeps all this into account. God is ready, but He can't, He can't do what you ask, if the great men of the Church don't do God's will and the great men of the State don't convert themselves.
Rome, 16th February 2003 - h. 10:30 a.m.
Our Lady - I followed word by word what the Bishop said and everything is true. The secret of Fatima was not revealed, it was not the one the powerful men of the Church spoke about. What saddens me and makes me suffer is that the people are treated as if they did not understand and comprehend. The powerful men of the Church are allowed to say what they want and oblige sister Lucia to say what they want, getting obedience with blackmail. The secret was not what they declared. At the right moment I will reveal it to my two children. Why has this secret been guarded for years and years? They first forced a gravely silence on the third secret of Fatima and then suddenly they pulled it out. Neither the second secret has been revealed. They are manipulating the third secret as they wish and as it suits them. Who are you? The men of the Church consider you without intelligence. If the secret had been beautiful, the popes would have revealed it; instead they went on for decades silently. They thought that men were senseless. Has God created us senseless? No, men might have little education, but are not without intelligence. Even the most unprepared man on Earth understands that the secret is not what they revealed. Pray, pray, because these men of the Church keep on cheating all those people running to listen what they say. My dear children, I thank you once more for your prayers. I thank those people suffering for the renaissance of the Holy Church. Let us hope that everything will happen after they will have revealed what the secret of Fatima really is; it is very important.
Rome, 11th May 2003 - h. 10:30 a.m.
Our Lady - Yesterday I told you there are cardinals, bishops and priests who are solidly behind our Bishop. This solidarity is spreading in all directions. As a matter of fact, besides writing to him, they also talk with others about him; some of them listen, others reject. On the other hand, what was the secret of Fatima saying? There will be bishops against bishops and cardinals against cardinals; so many times I repeated it to you. Even what God has done in the thaumaturgical place is a source of argument among clerics. You are not to be interested in this, but you have to pray, so that the Holy Spirit may descend on these people and they may understand thoroughly where the truth is.
Rome, 26th October 2003 - h. 11:00 a.m.
Our Lady - The same day when the Holy Father appointed the new cardinals, all the princes of the Church started to argue among them on the one who was going to be the new Pope, on the one who was going to be higher than the other. So the struggle has deepened among bishops and cardinals and the message of Fatima still today continues to be true. The secret of Fatima is not the one they revealed, not at all! If it had been the one, they would have spoken about it a long time before; behind all this putting off and non-disclosure of the secret there are the great men of the Church.
Rome, 11th February 2005 - h. 8:30 p.m.
Our Lady - Remember, little Marisa, that even if they are not in order you always have to respect the men of the Church. You have to love the Holy Father: you know how he is treated. Someone tells him something and some other something else; his collaborators quarrel among them and come to no conclusion. God knows when and how to call the Pope. There will be very hard and difficult times, there will be fights among the men of the Church; this was foretold in the distant 1917 and has been repeated many times by me in this thaumaturgical place. They will not say this, the Fatima secret has not been revealed.
Rome, 22nd May 2005 - h. 10:30 a.m.
Our Lady - The situation of the Church continues to be worse and worse; the men of the Church are continuously talking and it is difficult to believe all that they say. When will the truth about the secret of Fatima come out? Should God Himself speak to make the truth come out? They speak about the secret of Fatima, but they don't say the truth. It seems that they don't trust in you, little men, and they take you for fool. They take advantage of you because you are not in high positions, you are not high graduated persons, you are not great celebrities. I often heard these textual words: "Are they taking us for stupid? If the secret wasn't bad, if it wasn't worrying, why didn't the past popes reveal it? My dear children, men can be simple, humble, but they are not stupid, sometimes they are even cleverer than the ones who have done high studies. Scientists and theologians studied the secret of Fatima, but no one understood that if it was beautiful, it had to be revealed to bring joy to people. I invite you to pray for the truth to come out.
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Eight answers:
2007-11-12 18:33:01 UTC
Well take this notion in to consideration Sister Lucy has past into eternity and the key to peace (consecration of Russia) has not been fulfilled at the request of the BVM.

The last two remedies for world peace given by the BVM was the devotion to the immaculate heart and the rosary.

Sister Lucy's death can only mean one thing [using logic], God has found the world unworthy of any more warnings...

As for the third secret,lets do what we can to hold on to the true catholic faith and leave the rest to the mercy of God...

God bless,

2014-09-23 08:50:43 UTC
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2015-09-18 13:38:23 UTC
The letter from given to Fatima was for the whole world to see...why has the church not shown us the original....and not an interpretation??? This is highly suspicious and undermines our ability to understand the real truth.
2016-10-16 11:42:53 UTC
The apparitions of Mary, i think are real, yet, demons can tackle ANY shape, and because maximum of worship Mary, i think they "use her" to misinform. NOONE! no longer even angels might ask you to wish to all of us yet God the daddy, Son, and Holy Spirit. have been the youngsters mendacity? No, i think they observed what they observed, yet have been deceived.
2007-11-12 18:33:02 UTC
Just myopinion of courseMaybe God operates on a need to know baises.
Tim 47
2007-11-12 18:10:53 UTC
Well since the real message of the first two 'secrets' are recognized by the majority of people as false and irrelevant, I would think that would follow right on through to the third 'secret'.

Just my opinion of course, no offense intended.
2007-11-12 18:13:55 UTC
The secret is we should worship God not a God substitute like Mary and we should not make Mary into a Jesus substitute as if she is more merciful than He. Lest we miss out on the real Gospel of the cross and trust in a fake one.
God is love.
2007-11-12 18:10:24 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.