Since the angels were apparently all created simultaneously ( Heb 2:22, Rev 5:11 ) and Jesus Christ was their?
Nina, BaC
2008-02-04 19:10:39 UTC
Creator, how come anyone can come to a conclusion Jesus is an archangel Michael?

Col 1:16 tells us that Jesus Christ created the entire company of angels. Their first sight was their Creator, Jesus Christ ( John 1:3, Heb 1:2,10, Isaiah 44:24 )
32 answers:
2008-02-05 17:22:01 UTC
Other than ignoring in their rebellion and unbelief the obvious from Holy Scripture, such as from the many passages that you have listed Nina, as well as many others here who "get it", of which passages by the way do actually speak loud and crystal clear to all of us (in 2 Peter 1:16-21, the Apostle Peter speaks of this inscripturated and Holy Spirit inspired witness from the Bible as being even more certain, and therefore speaks even louder to us, than the Father's resounding voice and vision from glory that he heard and saw at the Transfiguration!), there is another major reason why I believe there's such resistance and defiance here from receiving in humility God's inscripturated Word on the matter about the identity of His Son in His fullness, which will then have the power to save one's very soul. The problem is not at all its audibility, nor its perspicuity, in a spiritual sense, but rather its sadly our foolish consent to spiritual blindness and deafness, since we want to have at least some say and credit in what is otherwise strictly the glorious work of redemption by God our Savior! (Talk about even an attempting to rob God in His most glorious moments!)

It is really all about our unwillingness (the human entity called the flesh by the Apostle Paul) to recognize that there is absolutely nothing that we can do to earn, even in the form of a cooperative effort on our part, God's favor and our salvation. It is no coincidence here that the very people who contest the idea that the archangel Michael is a totally separate being than God's Son, and our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, or that He is just not plain and simple God our Creator, those being the Russellites, the Seventh Day Adventists, and the Muslims, also have taken issue with what grace, unmerited favor from God, fully entails. (Now, I'm going to give Dave a little slack here because there's a spiritually healthy movement in the SDA since the early 20th century that has caught on in contemporary times to most of the denomination, and has owned up to a much more proper understanding of what God's grace entails, but unfortunately did not also do the same with their errant Christological views (such as this one), as well as their eschatological ones.)

Yes, they employ various tactics such as "Bible passage boosting" by citing out of context their favorite Bible verses, "interpretation jockeying" (using favorite prooftexts from one book and/or context to explain others from a whole different book and/or context) in order to make it "fit" with their apriori assumptions, "encryptic exercises", as if the Bible was some sort of secret code literature to which they must read into their manmade theological system to unlock its allegedly true meaning (see 2 Peter 2:1;3:16b).

So, in conclusion, even though I believe Abide and Wally, among others, point out well these errors (btw, in the OT passages cited, such as Genesis 18 and Joshua 5, it was a "man" or they were "men", not an angel or angels, according to the Hebrew) which are mainly promoted by Russellites, Seventh Day Adventists, and Muslims, this issue is not really about Bible intelligence. Nor is it even really ultimately about Bible knowledge and education (although this is certainly a prerequisite and factor, see Romans 10:14). Rather, I'd say it mainly has to do with both our human unwillingness to give up the glory that only God rightfully deserves, concerning our own ill-gotten and disreputable self-righteousnesses, and as a result of that, our inability to fathom the sublime and glorious truth that God only saves us (Ephesians 2:8-9), through the God-man Christ Jesus (John 1:1,14,18; 1 Timothy 2:5), and not we ourselves in any way. And, that to do this, God our Father, was in Christ, God the Son, (not the archangel Michael, nor "Isa"), reconciling us to Himself (2 Corinthians 5:18-21), through God the Holy Spirit, Who indwells in all believers (1 Corinthians 6:19) and Who was given to us as a down payment (a deposit) of our inheritance with Him for eternity (Ephesians 1:13b-14). This last Biblical concept reveals the glorious truth from Holy Scripture about the economic nature of redemption, and how it was and is essential that our God be Triune in nature in order to accomplish our redemption.
2008-02-04 19:36:57 UTC
I read your question with great interest, as I am not aware of any *incontrovertible* proof of the things you mention, and it has always seemed to me, considering the scriptural descriptions of Jesus, of angels, and of the archangel Michael in particular, that Jesus could not have been Michael.

I read your references (those that suggested Jesus created all angels and the Jesus was their "first sight".

There is no Heb 2:22, and I also checked 22:2 (none), 12:2, 2:12 and 2:2.

Rev 5:11 does not mention the creation of the angels.

So, I can find no reason to believe that all the angels were created simultaneously, and I can only infer that Jesus was the first thing that they saw after their creation. Making such an inference is of little value in a discussion about these matters with someone who takes the opposing view.

Although the verses mentioned in the 2nd paragraph certainly make it clear that Jesus came before all other things (other than the Father), and that all other things (including angels) were made through him, it does *not* refute the belief that Jesus was the first angel, or the belief that he has appeared as an angel in the past. The second belief is quite common among some fundamentalist sects.

Thus, despite my hopes, these verses are no proof of our belief that Jesus was not the archangel Michael.

Thinkpad User
2008-02-05 15:31:58 UTC
Jesus may be angel-like, He may be The Angel of the Lord, but is He limited as an angel? How can a creator who created all things including angels possibly be restricted as an angel? This is not even remotely possible. He had two natures while on this world, He was given many titles and honors. He is the Only Begotten Son of God, where is His limit? Jesus has no limits, Michael is strictly limited as an angel and he had only one title. There are not many references for the name Michael in the Bible. Anyone who can't see this logic must shut their mouths, open their eyes and see the truth.


Michael's Hebrew name translates as "Who is Like God?", always in a form of a question, not a statement.


For those who are confused as the ones in Jesus' time, Matthew 16:13-19...

13 Now when Jesus came into the parts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, "Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am ?"

14 They said, "Some say John the Baptizer, some, Elijah, and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets."

15 He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?"

16 Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."

17 Jesus answered him, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven.

18 I also tell you, that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my assembly, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.

19 I will give to you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you will bind on earth will be bound in heaven; and whatever you will loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."

For SDA followers, please take note, God is not an archangel, an archangel cannot be God. God is not a creature like Michael, so Jesus cannot be Michael and be God at the same time.

An archangel is an angel, if you will see this...

An archenemy is Satan, is Satan not still your enemy?

An archfiend is also Satan, is Satan not still a fiend?

An archbishop is still a bishop.

An archdeacon is still a deacon.

An archduke is still a duke.

An archduchess is still a duchess.

A chief angel is still merely an angel, a creature who was created. An angel cannot be God. :-)
2008-02-05 16:13:56 UTC
I know you meant hebrews 12:22 and these scriptures do support he made the angels. It seems to me this is a controversal matter that God does have an answer for in the scriptures. Some of us look at it from the stand of what is an angel? A messenger and star in heaven that does the work God sent him to do. The other part of this is what does Micheal mean? Translation is "one who is as God". Then finally the word arc angel means cheif of angels and Jesus is called the Lord of saboath, armies. Now in John 1:1-4, Jesus was with God and was God... created all things with God and being God. This is why it is accepted by some who believe this while others hold to another theory.
2008-02-09 21:58:11 UTC
Jesus is not and never was an angel.

Hebrews 2:9,16

But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham.

Verse 16 plainly says He did not become an angel which indicates that verse 9 means He was already higher than angels.

Hebrews 3:1-6

Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus; Who was faithful to him that appointed him, as also Moses was faithful in all his house. For this man was counted worthy of more glory than Moses, inasmuch as he who hath builded the house hath more honour than the house. For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God. And Moses verily was faithful in all his house, as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after; But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.

Jesus is God, come to save His people.
2008-02-05 01:19:39 UTC
Dave C ,

Makes a good argument but there are some holes in those scenarios. Jesus has appeared as an Angel as in Gen18: Also in the pillar of the cloud that protected the Jews during their wilderness march,BUT, I am not convinced that Michael is Jesus because in Daniel, Gabriel refers to Michael as ONE of the chief princes. Jesus is more likely the Angel in Joshua5:13-15 because He is CAPTAIN of the LORDS HOST and He does accept worship. But it doesn't say that he is Michael. Also in Jude Michael is not Jesus because Jesus speaks with the authority of God the Father were as Michael had to acknowledge Satan's rank. And we don't know if Michael was taking Moses to Paradise, that's an assumption. Jesus said that "angels" took Lazarus to paradise so there are some quick conclusions being jumped to. Also in Rev., the voice of the archangel is not Jesus voice. It is an angel announcing Jesus entrance. If you notice this angel does it with a horn like when a king is being announced. So I am still skeptical about Michael being Jesus.
2008-02-05 12:04:50 UTC
They believe that because they are being lied to by satan and his demons. That lie that Jesus is just an angel is of the devil who is the father of lies(John 8:44). Joseph Smith got that idea directly from demons(the angel moroni). Charles Taze Russell(the founder of Jehovah's Witnesses) got it indirectly from satan. The bible clearly teaches that Jesus Christ was God. He said that Himself many times. Some people may not believe the Bible and that's OK. But don't try to say that Jesus didn't claim to be God. Anyone who says that could look up at the sky on a clear and sunny day and not see the sun. That doctrine did not start at the Nicean Council in 325 AD. Anyone who says that needs to stop getting their history from hollywood(the Da Vinci Code, which was total fiction and all the scholars agree on that). The doctrine of the Deity of Christ was taught by the early church fathers and it is in the New Testament so many times that only someone who is willfully blind could miss it. If a person chooses of his own free will to be blind to the truth, satam has a lot of lies he will throw at him.
2008-02-06 17:49:51 UTC
I have no idea. The Son of God is superior to the angels. The entire first chapter of Hebrews is devoted to this theme.

"Let all God’s angels worship him" (Hebrews 1:6).

That is how the Watchtower’s own New World Translation read for some 20 years until, in 1970, the Society changed it to read "do obeisance to him" instead of "worship him"—part of their consistent campaign to eliminate from their Bible all references to the deity of Christ.
2008-02-06 08:17:02 UTC
To answer this question in part go to Colossians 1:17 it clearly states that Jesus existance was from the begining,the first born from the dead v.18 go back to v.17 He existed before all things,and in him all things hold together.This what colossians should have told you.He didn`t create anything ,your farther and mine The a almighty GOD created the Heavens AND the Earth.Now you speak of two seperate thongs here,let`s not contradict ourselves.o.k. Yes Jesus is the first thing the angels see as well as there GOD.Now I need for you to explain to me where you got your train of thought for this particular verse[Heb.2:22 ,Rev.5:11].You have different types of angels who serve our creator.Observe the footnotes in your Bible under Angels.I am reading from The New Jerusalem Bible.Angels represent GOD,of Yahweh,as mediators,as messengers,as guardians,as courtiers to God,a interpreters,Keep in mind that Jesus is the Head of everthing that exist;He is the Head of creation,of all that exist naturally,vv.15-17.He is the Head of the new creation and of all that exist super-naturally through the redemption.vv18-20.Jesus is the image of God.Let`s turn to in our Bible in the book of Hebrews 12:22 in which the dude says you were referring,the appendix states:The approach to God,4;16,10:22,no longer occurs,v.18 in an awe-inspiring theophany as on Sinai,but, v.22 in a city built by God,for which the OT saints yearned.11:10,16,the heavenly city,4:14,Rv 21:1a.With the angels are assembled round the triumphant Mediator all Lk.10:20 :jm 1:18 whom he has sancitfied and perfected.Heb 10:14 ;11:40i ;12:14.[Perfected in the state of meaning to improve,refine,brought to a state of perfection.
2008-02-06 20:14:33 UTC
Semantics...what does the word Archangel mean? That could be the root to what you are not understanding. What does the name Michael means? Names in the Bible mean more than they seem to in our society.

Christ is also called Lord Sabaoth...some people think that it is a misspelling of Sabbath. However, Sabaoth means a host or Lord Sabaoth means Lord of Hosts...
2008-02-04 22:07:49 UTC
        Seventh-day Adventists, and myself, believe the Bible supports these facts:

● Pre-incarnate Jesus Christ has always been fully God;

● Pre-incarnate Jesus Christ has always been the Son of God;

● Pre-incarnate Jesus Christ is also Michael the Archangel;

● Pre-incarnate Jesus Christ is not an angel;

● Pre-incarnate Jesus Christ is not a created being;

● God the Son, Jesus Christ, is the Commander in Chief of the Heavenly Angelic Hosts.

Dan. 10:20 Then said he, Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee? and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia: and when I am gone forth, lo, the prince of Greece shall come.

Dan. 10:21 But I will show thee that which is noted in the Scripture of truth: and there is none that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael your prince.

        Here Gabriel (Dan 9:21) is speaking to Daniel and the angel states that Michael (the Archangel) is Daniel's Prince! No angel would be considered a prince of humanity. Also, someone said they object to Dan 10:13 on the basis that Michael is referred to as "one" of the chief princes. What is the problem with that? We know that our Godhead is Three Persons in One. Therefore, of course! He is *One* of the Chief Princes! You really ought to check out, as I did, that phrase ("one of the chief princes") in the original language. Amazing!

God bless.

EDIT: Warrior-Bride / ABIDE:

>> So to say or imply like Dave did that Jesus is an Angel...

        Don't refer to what other people say if you don't understand plain English (in this case) and are going to twist it to your own misunderstanding. What part of, "We do not believe that this makes Him an angel nor is He any sort of a created being," do you not understand?

>> ... and in any way less than God Himself is to be cultic and

>> heretic.

        Again, what part of "Pre-incarnate Jesus Christ has always been fully God" and "Pre-incarnate Jesus Christ has always been the Son of God" do you not understand? Oh, well, man (woman, in this case) is easily blinded by the devil. I forgive you for violating God's Ninth and Sixth Commandments.

God bless.

EDIT: Abide:

>> You have yet to answer me whether Jesus is Michael. I'm

>> still waiting for this YES or NO response.

        Well, so sorry to understand that you not only don't understand what I've plainly posted but that you also can't read what I've plainly posted. Proof of this? The answer you're insisting upon is right there in what I posted from the very beginning. I've reformatted it into bullet points so that, maybe, you can get the point better.

God bless.

EDIT: To the liar:

>> Early SDA denied His deity saying He's the archangel.

        Those are your words -- not theirs. Why you insist on telling these lies, I don't know. But I guess such lies make you comfortable. Nobody can reasonably discuss Truth with someone (like you) whom is fixated on their own erroneous preconceived notions.

>> Their Commentary vol 5 p 1129 cites Ellen "The man

>> Christ Jesus was not the Lord God Almighty"

        I see your lies extend to quoting things out of context -- and, worst of all, you even chose to cut off the end of the sentence because you knew it would deny the lie you were trying to tell. Here is the full sentence:

"The man Christ Jesus was not the Lord God Almighty, yet Christ and the Father are one."

        The context is that Jesus Christ was not God the Father. The phrase "the LORD God Almighty" refers to God the Father. This statement was in contradiction to those whom try to say that Jesus was the fleshly manifestation of God Himself (i.e., those whom don't believe in the Three-in-One God -- a.k.a., the Godhead).

God bless.
2008-02-06 12:01:21 UTC
All of the angels were created through Christ, who is God...
2008-02-04 21:16:34 UTC
The Old Testament Hebrew and the New Testament Greek translate the word angel as “ambassador, messenger, deputy, and ministers.”

They are created beings and superior to man, but they are not as the artist paints them, having wings, and the like. No doubt they have bodies, but not like our bodies. If our eyes were not blinded by the fall of man, we might be able to see them. Eve saw Satan as an angel of light. Angels are not eternal beings. While they will live forever, yet they have not lived forever, because they are created beings. They were created like man, but not as human beings. A Christian does not become an angel when he dies, but, in Christ, he is greater than angels can ever be. “By him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him” (Col. 1:16). See also Nehemiah 9:6; Genesis 18:8; Luke 24:37.

They are always subject to God. Even the Devil is in this category. There is nothing he can do, but by the will of God. “[Jesus Christ] is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him” (I Peter 3:22). See also Hebrews 1:4-8, 13, 14.

“I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor heighth, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom. 8:38, 39). See also Colossians 1:16; Ephesians 6:12.

They Are Deathless. They will never die, or cease to exist. They do not grow old. “They which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage: neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection” (Luke 20:35, 36).
2008-02-04 20:23:31 UTC
They (not mentioning any names) believe that God made Jesus and then Jesus made everything, and that Jesus is Michael.

Read the first Chapter of Hebrews, and you will see how "The Angels Worship him" which proves he is god because "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" shown that if worshiping another god is bad, and the father says "Worship Jesus!" Then Jesus is God along with the father.
2008-02-05 05:20:25 UTC
Do not be deceived, Jesus was never a angel in heaven,It even states in the bible that god refers to the angels and ask which one did he ever call son, you can not pre exist yourself. Jesus had to born down the line of David, a angel could not be born down the line of David, it states it no where in the bible in tracing Jesus ancestry back to a angel, it has been trace back to Adam.
Ballerina Butterfly Queen
2008-02-05 15:05:29 UTC
To me this is an easy question...Logically discussed in bible study one night...

Jesus created the angels....He also created the world and us...Father God is the Glory, the Source and focal point of our Triune God....Jesus the Creator, and the Holy Spirit living in us is our Friend, Teacher, Conscience, and Convictor...

Jesus became Michael the Archangel and Lord of the Angels, just as He came to Earth to live as human among us as our Messiah, to die and bear our sins, to then defeat death and the devil and arise victorious our Lord and Savior...

Jesus being the deeply loving Lord that He is becomes one with His creations....

Hope this helps, Love and God Bless!


Jesus is Lord! Hallelujah!
Cloverfield Monster
2008-02-04 19:24:46 UTC
Jesus wasn't the archanel Michael. I was watching what historians are discovering about the Bible. In the Bible, not the printed version, it was edited out by Constantine, in Enoch, angels were raping and killing humans. Kind of wierd that God didn't foresee this quagmire. And those are the two big questions asked by christians, that not even the christians can figure out. Also, back when Constantine was emperor, they decided to end wars that were fought over whether Jesus was God's son or if he was actually God. Guess which one won. Constantine decided that Jesus was God. So, if that is what you were taught, then it is probably because of this.
Broken Alabaster Flask
2008-02-05 06:47:15 UTC
We know fully well from the Word in Hebrews 1:5 that God at NO POINT said to an angel that he was His son.

" For to which of the angels has He ever said, " You are My Son, this day have I begotten You?" And again, " I will be a Father to Him and He will be a Son to Me?"

Did the Father EVER say this to an angel. The answer would be NO.

So to say or imply like Dave did that Jesus is an Angel and in any way less than God Himself is to be cultic and heretic.

Its in this vein that the JW's and SDA's are similar.

John 1:1-3 is very clear and is not to be played with..

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the WORD WAS GOD.

ALL THINGS( including angels) came into being through Him and apart from Him NOT ONE THING came into being which has come into being.

In HIM was LIFE and the Life was the LIGHT OF MEN.

Does God have other sons apart from Jesus.


Through Christ's death on the Cross, dying as the Grain of Wheat, He released the LIFE of the Father to us.. making us who believe into Him the many sons.

SO much so that we see in Romans 8 that the Spirit HIMSELF witness with our spirits that we are children of God.

Hallellujah for this!

Angels are here to minister to us. To guard us. They are servants of God. We will judge angels as believers. Can you see this!

So to Dave and all our JW friends here, we need to be careful what we say about God. Its not an easy thing to be antichrist in our thinking and deny the deity of Christ. This is a very serious matter in the eyes of God.

As far as Michael in Daniel 12 that dave pointed out..This fighting Angel "stood" for Israel. This is his function in God's kingdom. Dave said that Michael interceded and that this makes Him Jesus Who intercedes..Let me point out that as believers we too intercede and supplicate and petition for the sake of the Lord's purpose and will on the earth.

This does not give Michael the warrior angel or Gabriel, the messenger angel the standing of a begotten son of God. A Son has the LIFE of the Father. These angels do not know what it is to be regenerated as we are.

Michael is probably appalled that you would see him as Jesus. May the Lord truly have mercy upon many of us who think this way.

Sister Nina... ty for all the effort that you put out here to clear up many matters concerning the Lord's divinity and His position as God here on the forum.

May the Lord keep strengthening you as you fight for His name and testimony.

Your sister



Dave. So you bring it here to the forum. You make your " Private " forgiveness " Public"

Anyone reading your post will see the mixture in your speaking. On one side of your mouth you call Christ God and Creator and on the other side of your mouth you say that He is Michael. You make references to Joshua chapter 15 where the name Michael cannot even be seen but rather this chapter speaks of the Lord standing before Joshua as a " Man" and the Captain of Jehovah's army. You refer to Michael resurrecting Moses and this in Jude 1:9 and this is not so. Michael was disputing with satan about the body of Moses, yet even Michael did not speak a reviling word against satan but said" the Lord rebuke you" Lucifer's rank was even higher than that of Michael.. can you not see this matter?. Then you go on to say that Jesus too is the resurrection and the Life. Your comparisons and linking of Michael and the Lord is so obvious, a third grader could see it.

Do not rebuke me for standing for the word and for the Lord Dave. I told you already I am not here to be diplomatic. If I see error and feel lead by the Lord to address it I will. If this offends you and from what I see, it did then I am sorry that my delivery of my point was offensive to you. But I will not mince words. You have yet to answer me whether Jesus is Michael. I'm still waiting for this YES or NO response.


I got the answer myself Dave


I googled it

"Most Christians are amazed to learn that SDA teaches that Jesus is Michael the Archangel, but Ellen White said He was Michael, so if they changed this, they'd need to reject her as 'the spirit of prophecy' and they'd not be the remnant church! So now they hold He's both God the Son, and Michael.

It makes a great difference who Jesus really is for 2 Cor 11:4 says, there'll be those who teach another Jesus, preach a different gospel and have another spirit. These marks identify cults, who invariably attack the Doctrine of Christ. Early SDA denied His deity saying He's the archangel. Their Commentary vol 5 p 1129 cites Ellen "The man Christ Jesus was not the Lord God Almighty"
2008-02-04 19:18:48 UTC
How can certain religions believe that when we die we will get our own planet? Or that only 100,000 (or some number like that) saints will get into heaven? Or that we are really alien souls trapped in these bodies because of the "evil galactic lord zenu(sp?)"? And then there are some that believe we are reborn as another entity in another life, and some that believe there are spirits in trees and grass and rocks etc. Point being, hundreds of religions, millions of believers, everyone has their own twist. Doesn't matter how much proof you throw at them. Best to just stick to what you believe and know to be true than to struggle over other peoples misconceptions. You obviously know your verses, so trust them.
2008-02-04 19:15:47 UTC
Jesus, God and the Hold Spirt are one they are not angels who could think that jesus is an angel he is the son of God and always was so if your saying Jesus is a angel thats like sayign God is a angel God is not a angel he is God.
mohamed amin
2008-02-05 01:54:20 UTC
the god is the creator, god created Michael and all angles, god created Jesus Christ as Jesus said [ King James ]-[ Mt:11:25 ]-[ At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. ]

[ King James ]-[ Acts:17:24 ]-[ God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; ]

he created Jesus as the bible said [ King James ]-[ Col:1:15 ]-[ Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: ]

the god created everything he only true god

[ King James ]-[ Jn:17:3 ]-[ And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. ]
2008-02-04 19:14:58 UTC
Christ is not michael. Christ is the Messenger of the Covenant. Christ is the manifestation of God. angels aren't manifest.
2008-02-04 19:25:18 UTC
There is no Hebrews 2:22...

You must mean Hebrews 12:22....

lol, I get thumbs down for pointing out the truth...

anyway, sweetheart, according to your theology, if God can be BOTH Father and Son, then anything is possible, including he being also Michael the archangel, or Ronald McDonald....anything is possible with God, right?
2008-02-05 05:50:58 UTC
just because He created them all doesnt mean simutaneouly but Jesus is not Micheal
2008-02-05 04:47:13 UTC
paula r
2008-02-04 19:14:23 UTC
People can take the Bible out of context incredibly.
Regina T
2008-02-04 19:35:11 UTC
WE are the angels that were created by GOD not Jesus. God and Jesus are not the same person. They are separate individuals. Michael helped in the creation of the world and then became Adam (as in Adam and Eve) when he received his body on Earth.
Elias Black
2008-02-04 19:27:50 UTC
go back to christian school.....i am a atheist and i am pretty sure the bible say that jesus is the son of are making a fool of yourself....didn't god come before jesus?....and god was the creator.....this must be a first.....a atheist educating a christian on there religion
Gardener for God(dmd)
2008-02-04 19:14:06 UTC
They don't fully read, they pick and nick pick scriptures to make it say what they want it to say.
2008-02-04 19:20:16 UTC
Please withdraw this question. It speaks of your utter ignorance and it also encourages other fools to comment on the Scriptures when they are totally groping in spiritual darkness.

Jesus HIMSELF said - The Father is greater than I. He said he is God's son. HELLOOOOO - Son??? Jesus is NOT God!!!!!!!!
Sick Puppy
2008-02-05 03:14:07 UTC
For some odd reason, I don't buy it.
2008-02-05 03:15:33 UTC
the bible wasn't meant to be taken literally. it was written by man, therefore written in a format so that man could understand it and relate to it. because it is the word of man, and not god, we can't take it to be perfect.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.