Seventh-day Adventists, and myself, believe the Bible supports these facts:
● Pre-incarnate Jesus Christ has always been fully God;
● Pre-incarnate Jesus Christ has always been the Son of God;
● Pre-incarnate Jesus Christ is also Michael the Archangel;
● Pre-incarnate Jesus Christ is not an angel;
● Pre-incarnate Jesus Christ is not a created being;
● God the Son, Jesus Christ, is the Commander in Chief of the Heavenly Angelic Hosts.
Dan. 10:20 Then said he, Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee? and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia: and when I am gone forth, lo, the prince of Greece shall come.
Dan. 10:21 But I will show thee that which is noted in the Scripture of truth: and there is none that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael your prince.
Here Gabriel (Dan 9:21) is speaking to Daniel and the angel states that Michael (the Archangel) is Daniel's Prince! No angel would be considered a prince of humanity. Also, someone said they object to Dan 10:13 on the basis that Michael is referred to as "one" of the chief princes. What is the problem with that? We know that our Godhead is Three Persons in One. Therefore, of course! He is *One* of the Chief Princes! You really ought to check out, as I did, that phrase ("one of the chief princes") in the original language. Amazing!
God bless.
EDIT: Warrior-Bride / ABIDE:
>> So to say or imply like Dave did that Jesus is an Angel...
Don't refer to what other people say if you don't understand plain English (in this case) and are going to twist it to your own misunderstanding. What part of, "We do not believe that this makes Him an angel nor is He any sort of a created being," do you not understand?
>> ... and in any way less than God Himself is to be cultic and
>> heretic.
Again, what part of "Pre-incarnate Jesus Christ has always been fully God" and "Pre-incarnate Jesus Christ has always been the Son of God" do you not understand? Oh, well, man (woman, in this case) is easily blinded by the devil. I forgive you for violating God's Ninth and Sixth Commandments.
God bless.
EDIT: Abide:
>> You have yet to answer me whether Jesus is Michael. I'm
>> still waiting for this YES or NO response.
Well, so sorry to understand that you not only don't understand what I've plainly posted but that you also can't read what I've plainly posted. Proof of this? The answer you're insisting upon is right there in what I posted from the very beginning. I've reformatted it into bullet points so that, maybe, you can get the point better.
God bless.
EDIT: To the liar:
>> Early SDA denied His deity saying He's the archangel.
Those are your words -- not theirs. Why you insist on telling these lies, I don't know. But I guess such lies make you comfortable. Nobody can reasonably discuss Truth with someone (like you) whom is fixated on their own erroneous preconceived notions.
>> Their Commentary vol 5 p 1129 cites Ellen "The man
>> Christ Jesus was not the Lord God Almighty"
I see your lies extend to quoting things out of context -- and, worst of all, you even chose to cut off the end of the sentence because you knew it would deny the lie you were trying to tell. Here is the full sentence:
"The man Christ Jesus was not the Lord God Almighty, yet Christ and the Father are one."
The context is that Jesus Christ was not God the Father. The phrase "the LORD God Almighty" refers to God the Father. This statement was in contradiction to those whom try to say that Jesus was the fleshly manifestation of God Himself (i.e., those whom don't believe in the Three-in-One God -- a.k.a., the Godhead).
God bless.