Bilbo, I see you are still spouting your nonsense. You should stop getting your nonsense from lying creationist web sites and books.
You want transitional fossils, how about these?:
And this series in particular.
Because they are found in a large number of strata, and the strata were laid down with the lowest being the oldest and the uppermost being the latest, the fossils must also be dated accordingly and the sequence of fossils within the strata also therefore follow the sequence oldest to youngest.
And please note that the sequences of strata were developed by CREATIONIST geologists long before Darwin came up with his theory, so they could not have been influenced by evolutionary theory.
The oldest strata are found to contain only very simple life forms, and as one progresses through the strata more advanced life forms appear in a specific order that conforms to evolutionary theory.
The fact is that evolutionary theory would be falsified if any of the 5,000 present-day species of mammals, including human, were found in the fossil strata where they should not be found (for example, in the same strata with dinosaur fossils). No such finds have been made. And no fossils of present-day birds have been found in strata of the dinosaur era. Apparent fossils of precursors of a few limited types of present-day bird species have been found in late Cretaceous strata, such as parrots and certain sea birds. But there are no trace of fossils of any of the remainder of the other 10,000 present-day species of birds. Moreover, going back further there are only earlier, more primitive types of bird fossils to be found.
If the creationist view is true, why do we not find one single elephant, horse, cow, tiger, kangaroo, wolf, bear, gorilla, deer, or HUMAN fossil, or anything like any other modern-type mammal in ANY geologic strata ANYWHERE in the world in strata in which dinosaur fossils are found? The only mammal fossils to be found in such strata are those of relatively small species that are unique for that time frame. And going back to earlier strata you do not even find dinosaur and mammal fossils, but rather only early reptiles and amphibians.
And where are the fossils of trout, cod, salmon, sharks, bass, etc., to be found in Cambrian strata? Fish do not appear until the late Cambrian, and they are only primitive types, not the teleost fish we are familiar with.
And the same could be said for any other appearance of a later species in geological strata that was formed before that species could have evolved. But, according to the creationist flood "model" all species should be found together in the same strata.
So the creationists totally ignore the stratigraphical context of the fossils. The fossils are found in numerous different types of strata, including non-alluvial, and the fossils have a distinct order in the complexity and types of fossils through the strata. If the biblical flood were true there would be a mix of fossils with no particular order.
Because all of the evidence is for evolution, the purveyors of creationism in their web sites and books resort to lies and deceit in their attempts to disprove evolution, and ignorant lay creationists and IDiots just lap up those lies and repeat them.
And we have other creationists spouting nonsense and showing they don't know squat about evolution.
@jojojubi: "evolution is about change"
No, it isn't. It is about adaptation as a result of differential selection of mutations that weigh on the survivability of the organism. And species evolve to fit into a particular ecological niche, and that niche may remain even though the environment might change. If a species is well adapted to a particular niche, it is not going to evolve out of that niche just to satisfy your erroneous ideas about evolution, particularly if doing so will result in its not being adapted to leaving that niche.
Furthermore, even though a species may be a "living fossil" it invariably is not the same as its predecessors of millions of years ago. A creationist favorite is the coelacanth. Coelacanths originally consisted of a great many species that lived in a wide variety of marine environments for several hundred million years. Because some of those environments consisted of shallow areas that were susceptible to periodic sedimentation, coelacanths are frequently found as fossils. There are only two species of living coelacanths and these two species are not found in the fossil record.
As for your explanation of the fossil record, it is based on ignorance about its actual nature. See my explanation above.
How do YOU explain the ACTUAL distribution of types of animals in the fossil record and the fact that they are NOT all mixed together as they would be if the flood actually occurred.
And don't refer to the creationist explanation of animals running to the hills or differential layering according to weight. Those explanations are nothing but BS and have no basis in what is actually found.
Furthermore, the fact is that the biblical flood is a myth, and so is the Bible's description of the descendants of Noah.
The fact is that the peoples who were supposed to have all killed in the flood WEREN'T.
For example, the history of ancient Egypt is well known from their writings and archaeological findings.
"The history of Ancient Egypt spans the period from the early predynastic settlements of the northern Nile Valley to the Roman conquest in 30 BC. The Pharaonic Period is dated from around 3200 BC, when Lower and Upper Egypt became a unified state, until the country fell under Greek rule in 332 BC."
"Between 5500 and 3100 BC, during Egypt's Predynastic Period, small settlements flourished along the Nile, whose delta empties into the Mediterranean Sea. By 3300 BC, just before the first Egyptian dynasty, Egypt was divided into two kingdoms, known as Upper Egypt, Ta Shemau, to the south, and Lower Egypt, Ta Mehu, to the north.[7] The dividing line was drawn roughly in the area of modern Cairo."
"The Old Kingdom is most commonly regarded as spanning the period of time when Egypt was ruled by the Third Dynasty through to the Sixth Dynasty (2686 BC – 2134 BC). The royal capital of Egypt during the Old Kingdom was located at Memphis, where Djoser established his court. The Old Kingdom is perhaps best known, however, for the large number of pyramids, which were constructed at this time as pharaonic burial places. For this reason, the Old Kingdom is frequently referred to as "the Age of the Pyramids." The first notable pharaoh of the Old Kingdom was Djoser (2630–2611 BC) of the Third Dynasty, who ordered the construction of a pyramid (the Step Pyramid) in Memphis' necropolis, Saqqara."
"The Fifth Dynasty began with Userkhaf (starting c. 2495 BC) and was marked by the growing importance of the cult of sun god Ra."
"During the sixth dynasty (2345–2181 BC), the power of pharaohs gradually weakened in favor of powerful nomarchs (regional governors). These no longer belonged to the royal family and their charge became hereditary, thus creating local dynasties largely independent from the central authority of the pharaoh. Internal disorders set in during the incredibly long reign of Pepi II (2278–2184 BC) towards the end of the dynasty."
"By 2160 BC a new line of pharaohs (the Ninth and Tenth Dynasties) consolidated Lower Egypt from their capital in Herakleopolis Magna. A rival line (the Eleventh Dynasty) based at Thebes reunited Upper Egypt and a clash between the two rival dynasties was inevitable. Around 2055 BC the Theban forces defeated the Heracleopolitan Pharaohs, reunited the Two Lands. The reign of its first pharaoh, Mentuhotep II marks the beginning of the Middle Kingdom."
And it continues for long after that.
According to Answers in Genesis:
"Calculated BC date for the Flood: 2348"
So, why weren't the ancient Egyptians drowned in the mythical biblical flood and the pyramids filled with water and mud?
The ancient Israelites constructed their myths on the basis of their superstitions and the myths and stories of the peoples around them. They got the story of the flood from the mythical epic of Gilgamesh during their Captivity in Mesopotamia, and they modified it to fit their belief in their own god. They also interpreted the vague histories they heard of other peoples, such as the Egyptians, to make them fit into their creation myths to create the "history" of the world as they conceived it.
Of course, since they had no real knowledge of the long-past history of the peoples around them, the myths they constructed frequently conflict with reality.