Hindus - Why do you worship so many deities when vedas forbid to do so?
2010-03-15 07:17:01 UTC
Vedas do not talk of Ram or Krishna but still you consider them as reincarnation of God. Vedas also condemn idol worship but still you do so? Why don't you read your scriptures?
25 answers:
2010-03-17 07:40:30 UTC
Hindus in fact Considered,

Prophets = Autaar,

Helpers of prophets = Bhagwan,

Angles = Shakties,

Destorted religions are always like that.
2014-12-13 15:33:26 UTC
An ignorant question fielded by an ignorant mohammendan answered by another ignorant and foolish mohammedan. Only one dog will buy another dog's story and it is proven here. Go and read and you will understand about God. Vedas are an ocean and if you want to know enquire submissively to learn and not have some preconceived concoction that is pretty much fake filth dumped by ur mosque mullahs and then take a cheap shot when you dont even know who Krishna or Ram are. Vedas are head and shoulders above any scripture in the world. It is a cannon of small book full of contradictions with subsidiaries like Hadiths which r imbibed with terror,looting,murder and abuse of women can never be compared to Bhagavad Gita the song of GOD. So GOD IS KRISNA. Go read !
2010-03-16 03:29:33 UTC
At least study the history of religions. Then criticize. Hinduism is not a religion . It is a group of religions.There are vedic religion saivism vahnavism sakteya . They come under two broad streams Vedic stream and Tantric stream. In veda there is no idol worship. But there are many deities like Indra and agni. Tantra is the idol worship. Many Tantra are veda bahya means out of veda ie not following vedic ideals. Some tantra are vedavirudha. ie against Veda. These all religions come under Hinduism.Veda does not prohibit idol worship. It does not mention about Idolatry. From this we can assume that there were no Idolatry at that time.

In these thwo streams Tantra is existing today. not the veda religion. There is no one worshipping Indra and Agni except some sects like Arya samaj. Majority of Hindus follow Tantric worship. Even Brahmana has to come this stream . So the vaishnavas or worshippers of vishnu emerge.

Islam is areligion of innocent peopel But it is nowadays a religion of Fools.

Now some words about Vedas. It is not a text written by a man. It emerged in thousands of years. So there are many thoughts . Some says that If you say god is this this is not god. This is because god is abstract. It means if you worship god as Allah. Allah is not god. For god is not confined to Allah. This comes under the philosophical section.Philosophical section is not against the worshipping section. It is the explanation of worshipping section. It is rectifying the student
2016-05-31 05:18:32 UTC
Who says that vedas are against the idol worships ? Even the sages performed the yagnas and had idols of the gods for worships. Humans cannot worship without the image of the god.Our imagination is not strong as a highly levelled spiritual or religious persons. So a common persons need the idol of gods/goddess to look and feel that they are seeing god through the idols. Idols are not just a stone or a marbles etc. They are first done rituals by the priests in the temple in the case of new idols. Pranprathistha is the right word. Idols is the medium between the gods/goddess and the devotees. We look at the gods/godesses and feel that they are too looking at us. This is a link for the communication between them. If there are no idols then what to see at ? Hindu gods/goddesses have different forms as per their performance done by them. Their clothes,vehicals like mouse,eagle etc,weapons etc are the important part. Hindus not just look at idols but look at the gods/goddess at particular. Goddesses are dressed in a sarees for decency. We respect goddess and we hold them as a motherly imagine. So look at logical point of view.
Mystic-ravi s
2010-03-16 06:02:34 UTC
Because they respond. Everyone wants their own benefit. If a particular section of people are allowed by God to drink Tap water & particular section of people are banned & instructed to drink directly from river just because river is big then with that angle we can see that people drinking from tap are more blessed. Big is always not that one wants. If there is a small sugar half the size of an ant & if an elephant & ant both are invited by God to eat that sugar just imagine what the ant would get - lots of enjoyment while eating that sugar whereas if the elephant tries to eat that sugar what it will get is mere soil in its trunk. God has given every unique creature including human being his bliss in his way. No one can be condemned. Choice is the only gateway for diversions. Strength & force is the way of ill people. God might forgive such people but will not be able to give a place in their heart to such people. Hence whatever that is - is OK hence it exists otherwise what can stand against the will of Almighty God. Respect every human being because not various Gods are responsible for their creations. Behind every reason the deepest reason hidden is GOD. So its Gods will hence this happens. You try to drive a vehicle through mountain. You cannot move straight. If you do this you will fall flat from that big mountain. Hence different people have different locations not geographical but psychological and also spiritual that way only certain ways match those circumstances. Moving straight on a line is true but only if one is located on plane grass fields. In mountains , rivers, air this law stands false. Hence variance of difference exists & that should be accepted as will of God rather than getting irritated over it.
साम्प्रदायिक हिन्दू
2010-03-15 07:36:34 UTC
Not all hindus do idol worship or consider Ram or Krishna as reincarnation of God.

Though it is correct that most hindus don't read Vedas but your suggestion seems malicious.

Why don't you also start following Vedas? They are for whole mankind and not only for hindus.

Your absurd prophet was a bane to humanity. Really, you people urgently need to follow the path of Vedas,even more than the hindus.
2010-03-15 08:02:52 UTC
You should better read our scriptures before giving half baked opinions. The Sanatan Dharma( Hinduism is a misnomer actually) is the oldest and the most agile of all belief systems. Unlike the semitic religions it is not regimented , static and fossilised. It is dynamic, accommodating diverse views. The period when Vedas were conceived, there were gods too like Indra, Surya and Varuna etc, which were mostly natural forces. But they were not conceived in the form of idols.As different thoughts blossomed over time, different gods were conceived for convenience to suit the temperaments of different persons.That is the beauty of this faith. And for your information, Vedas did not say anything about idols as that was not the practice at that time. You should do your homework before embarking on such a perilous journey as asking questions about which you don't even have the most basic idea. As for Rama and Krishna, who came much later, are considered incarnations of God for their examplary qualities they displayed. Don't Christians confer sainthood on persons they rever? We have conferred Godhood on persons like Rama and Krishna. There are many such persons who have been considered Gods. So Hindus worship them. Nothing wrong. Like Christians who have their various saints whom they worship, Muslims also rever many of their saints. It is human nature to respect and rever people they find worthy of it. Hope you are satisfied. But I am not sure. If you are not an Indian, perhaps you will not be able to understand such subtle concepts.
2010-03-15 13:17:11 UTC
Vedas do not talk about Ram or Krishna because they are older than most of the gods (Gods with small 'g') or the incarnations. Vedas do not condemn anything not even idol worship.

Let me explain idol worship. My mother calls me by name 'A', but my given name is 'B'. My friends call me 'C' but my wife calls me as 'D' with love. But at the end, 'A', 'B', 'C' and 'D' are the only one person. Hinduism says that God is there with you in every aspect of your life. Whatever you do, think or about to do, he is present there and everywhere. Each manifestation of the God has been idolized to just remind you that no matter what you do or where you are, He is there with you.

Now do you have any confusion?
Radhakrishna( prrkrishna)
2010-03-15 08:46:25 UTC

WHICH VEDAS you read?

What did you understand?

Do you know any thing about SRI Rama and Sri Krishna?

Without knowing the fundamentals, without having even a drop of knowledge about the OCEAN LIKE KNOWLEDGE IN VEDAS you pose as if you know some thing?

Better read your Scriptures and follow them and leave other who ever they are to their Faith.

You are not a saviour .

Save yourself first.

Do not worry about Hindus.They know how to pray and what to pray and they need no one`s advise.


Dear friend Jai Hoooooo ,

Hats off to your intelligence.

Do not pick up a sentence in the middle of episodes , where it has been being advised positively.You have to read,& read completely , then only you can understand what idol worship in Hinduism is?

We have 18 Puraanaas and 18 Upa puraanaas

The Rigvedam completely sees all the Five elements as God Incarnates.

It is hard for Muslims and westerners to understand Hinduism and the Idol worship.

Do not become another Zakir Nayak, who selectively pick some paras in the middle and intrepret.



From that stage they gradually grow step by step , to go to a level where they require NO EXTERNAL MATERIALS TO WORSHIP THE GOD,NIRVIKAARA.,SITTING SIMPLY SITTING EYES CLOSED.

You can not understand .

To understand Vedas , friend,INTERNET is Useless.You may know some meaniings (that may not apt ) .A sidhaGuru , who knew the Vedaangaas Can only interpret Vedas.They mean externally some thing when the Treasure is Hidden secretly in them.

Try to read a GOOD COMMENTARY BY EMINENT HINDU SWAMIES. SRI Sankaracharya or SRI Chandraraswati like gods on earth.
I am that I am!
2010-03-15 07:31:43 UTC
There are many things in Hinduism. If we wants enlightenment then we are advised to follow the supreme existence (source of the creation and also the creator) *The God* who present in everything. If our thought is based on materialism then we don't want to be the monotheist, we can worship to saints or to other deities.

Hindus believe that God is existing everywhere and in every being. So worshiping to many deity doesn't matter. Finally we all going to be vanished and taken into the supreme being.
2010-03-16 04:47:38 UTC
Vedas condemn idol worship but not the Sri Murti (Deity) worship in the temples. There is vast difference between them....
2010-03-15 10:15:45 UTC
Vedas do not forbid the worship of many deities , In fact the hymns of Rig veda are themselves proof that They worship many gods like Agni , Vayu , Asvin, Indira , Varuna etc .How is it that you speak of the vedas forbidding the worship of many deities? . I think that you have misread vedas or have not seen any text of them. .Please read them under the guidance of some knowledgeable guru.

In Bhagavad -Gita also Krishna specifically says that whatever form of deity you worship, it all goes to him only. It is permissive and not prohibitory. God is not a single person .The deities are only avatars of God that appear for specific mission. .Assumption to knowledge of matters that are beyond the comprehension of one will be embarrassing . Let not your misunderstanding and misinformation misguide the people in this forum.
2010-03-15 13:35:17 UTC
Exactly friend.

Vedas states this "There is Only one Brahman or Creator God. He is in the heart of all creation. He is to be worshipped as NARA-AYANA alone, meaning the abode/dweller of all souls".

If you accept the message of Vedas, Shouldn't you consider worshipping 'Narayana' also from now on?
Lakhota Butterfly
2010-03-15 13:08:30 UTC
now this is interesting - muslim quotes hindu scriptures .. and with what im guessing is barely a smattering at best of sanskrit goes on to tell millions of people just where they have been going wrong for the last 5000 years...

this despite the fact that islam has only been going for 1500 ..

thats ok right ..???

but if i as a non muslim DARE to quote verses of the koran where it clearly speaks of killing infedels and jews and okaying jihad etc .. id be condemmed as a racist islamaphobic jew and my question would be deleted !!!!!!!!!!!!

why dont YOU READ THE VEDAS ... and then quote from them... dont go on what your narrow minded religion tells you in madrassas...

ive read the gita and much of the vedas... so im just dying for you to quote some lines that back up this silly rant ... its called PROOF ...

this is a silly narrow minded judgemental rant typical of so many muslims who can barely read and understand their own scriptures - let alone something as complex as the vedas ...
2014-08-17 02:49:36 UTC
The famous verse which is generally used by this anti-devotional people is to prove that Vedas doesn't talk about worship of any deity is " na tasya pratimA asti, yasya nAma mahat yasha:"(He, whose glory knows no bounds, has no images-VAjasanEyi Samhita of Shukla Yajur Veda). This is fortified by another quote, which specifically denies the Supreme Being a body-" na tasya kAryam karaNam cha vidyatE".

But they don't know that In arriving at the true purport of Veda vAkyAs, the aid of upabrahmanas (clarificatory and supportive texts) like ItihAsAs ( Srimad Ramayana and Sri Mahabharata) and PurANAs (like the Sri Vishnu PuranaBhagavatm), is indispensable. No scriptural text can be taken in isolation and its meaning arrived at on that basis. The Veda Purusha himself is reported to be afraid of those who misinterpret the Shruti based merely on superficial study ("bibhEti alpa shrutAt Veda: mAm ayam pratarishyati iti")

The interpretation this atheists place upon the text " na tasya pratimA asti" belongs to the aforesaid category, and is without an appreciation of the true meaning of the word "pratimA". They take it to mean "image" and arrive at the erroneous conclusion that the Lord has no images, and hence deny sanctity to the numerous images of the Lord in various temples, making us all fools worshipping mere stones. Our Acharyas, on the other hand, favour the other meaning of the word, viz., "equal". This leaves us with the more acceptable version, which reads, "He has no equals". In English too, when we say "He is the spitting image of GOpAla", we mean that he is equal in all respects, especially looks, to GOpAla. This interpretation is also more appropriate to the context, considering what follows-"yasya nAma mahat yasha:". The whole sentence would now mean, "He, whose glory knows no bounds, has no equals", which makes eminent sense. And the meaning of "equal" ascribed to the term "pratimA" is quite a popular use.

The Rigveda Samhita (eighth ashtaka, eighth adhyAya, 13th sarga, 3rd khanda) too provides more proof, if further proof were needed, by referring to the wooden image of the Lord which floats in the ocean, unsculpted by human hands, to which the devotee is exhorted to pay obeisance-

"adO yat dAru plavatE sindhO: pArE apourusham

tat Arabhasva durhaNO tEna gaccha parastaram".

Two itihasas Mahabharata and Ramayana also gives reference to deity worship. Now if someone says itihasas are not part of Vedas let me slap in his face by quoting this from upanishad.In the ChāndogyaUpaniṣad (7.1.4), the Purāṇas and Mahābhārata, generally known as histories, are mentioned as the fifthVeda.

when we find Sri Rama worshipping in the temple of Sriman Narayana as a prelude to His Coronation. The night prior to the great event, Sri Raghava, along with Sri Mythily, visits the temple of Sriman Narayana within the palace precincts and, after a purifying bath and with a balanced mind, worships the Lord to His heart's content, offering Him food and partaking of the same as bhagavat prasAdam. Here are the worthy words of Sri Valmiki-

GatE purOhitE Rama: snAtO niyata mAnasa:

saha patnyA VisAlAkshyA NArAyaNam upAgamat.

Pragrihya shirasA pAtreem havishO vidhivat tadA

MahatE daivatAya Ajyam juhAva jvalitE analE."

It is crystal clear from the aforesaid that during Sri Rama's times, there were temples to the Lord, that ritualistic worship was indeed in vogue and the Lord was offered food, which was partaken of by the devotee later as "prasAdam".

Similarly, in Sri Mahabharata too, the BhIshma Parva contains slokas, which comment with wonderment on the occasional strange behaviour of the Lord's images in His temples. It appears that the divine vigrahAs used to shake, roar with laughter, spit blood and fall down by themselves-

"DEvatA pratimAschaiva kampantE hasanti cha

vamanti rudhiram cha asyai: svidyanti prapatanti cha"

hope this will help.
shreyas d
2010-03-15 07:20:40 UTC
An honest study of Vedas is the answer.

Ekum sat vipra bahuda vadanti.

The truth is only one, but the knowers call it by different names.

Such and many verses u may find in Vedas.

To conclude the question is absurd.
2010-03-15 10:48:25 UTC
I think things like Prayer-Worship should be very personal, I mean we shouldn't say this Why Hindus do this or Muslims do this or about anybody, we all have our different faiths and we should stick to it without hurting anyone else.

And I am Sorry for the Asker. Whatever your religion is having faith in that is good but don't stuck your nose in others.

@ bongop

Corrections :

"Like Christians who have their various saints whom they worship"

Christians do not worship Saints, Yes we respect them very much but its not like worship at all.
Pro bono publico
2010-03-15 11:05:04 UTC
Well Well Some one deleted my answer.... STILL i'll repeat-

Atleast we Hindu's don't kill innocent people in the name of jihaad.

As for Idol worship- an Idol is considered to be a representation of GOD, just like Mecca n Medina "represents" Allah, and the crucified Jesus represents the Almighty.

Its all abt belief, even u wld have kissed the photograph of ur parents or spouse or children or any loved one, even though a photograph is just a piece of paper still u preserve it affectionately coz it "represents" n makes u remember ur loved one. Similarily an Idol represents our GOD so that its easier for us to have a spiritual connection with HIM.
Jai Shri Krishna
2010-03-15 21:15:08 UTC
look Idol worship you are talking of is about demigods .....

there are demigods all around us ...they watch us ...we worship them for protection from all directions ...they are called ashtadipalikas ....

but they are all part and parcel of one GOD .....bhagwan VISHNU ...from whose navel BHRAMA..the creator sprang ...and SHIV the destroyer ....

RAM and KRISHNA were avataars of SHRI VISHNU himself in a way by worshipping RAM and KRISHNA we are worshipping VISHNU wise any prayer offered to any demigod will also ultimately reach HIM ....

yes the VEDAS do speak of the formless ...but the VISHNUPURAN says that VISHNU has got 3 forms PRADHANA ,PURUSHA ,KALA

PURUSHA is the original male being ,KALA is time which is separated from HIM during universal dissolution ....

see why do we make idols and worship them?

good question the BHAGWAD GITA ...SHRI KRISHNA shows arjuna HIS VISWAROOPA ...which has no beginning ,middle or end .....This form consists of all devtas ,rudras (GODS of destruction ) maruts ,everything ...."its was as if 1000 suns rose at the same time "...this is what is said in the GITA ...such a feirce form ....

and to percieve the 4 arm humble form and the 2 arm form of SHRI VISHNU is exceedingly difficult for any human in this age ....

why a humble form?

because we can offer love to HIM cannot be devoted unless you love GOD ....

so we make idols of HIM in his 4 arm humble form and worship HIM with all our hearts ....

in the early days of the styayug it was easy to percieve GOD because dharma was everywhere ...then came treta yug where vice was introduced lesser devotion ....less GOD preception ...then came dwaparyug ..even lesser devotion ...and now the present yug kaliyug ...least dharm,least devotion you tell me friend how hard it would be to percieve GOD hard it would be to offer love to HIM?..thats why ....some of the vedic practices are very difficult to follow these days ..because of adharm...thats why KRISHNA'S BHAGWAD GITA is introduced so that people who live in this era of kali also get a chance of liberation

2010-03-15 21:08:56 UTC
Chengis Khan to Sonia gandhi invade Bharat to destroy all scriptures; so, how can Hindoos read Vedas and Scriptures?
Mathuraiyar Mannan
2010-03-15 20:45:07 UTC
Mind your own business. A melacha cannot advice the Hindus.
Human Well Wisher
2010-03-16 01:41:06 UTC
Can you ask your neighbour not to cook fish ?

Because you you do not like fish !
2014-02-23 11:54:31 UTC

Best answer
2010-03-15 07:18:08 UTC
They aren't actually gods. They are like demigods, angels.
Micky GG
2010-03-15 08:41:35 UTC
Sure you are now near to Islam, My dear[Shi..........]

Very good you larened Arabic wrighting

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.