2011-02-05 08:45:17 UTC
i left a pan out i had used in the kitchen and forgot about it. no big deal right? wrong. my mom blew up at me and administered all of these really awful punishments. i can handle punishment ok but i thought she was being unfair so i was being sort of disrespectful. she started screaming at me and threatening to hit me and i broke down and started sobbing. that made it worse because she was saying i have no reason to be crying. but i was just so scared. then my dad came in furious saying that she had no reason to threaten violence. now my parents were in a yelling fight at which point i went to my room and cried in peace...
the terrible part is that this is a normal occurrence in my house. we are a broken family which you think wouldn't be the case since we are all christian. i don't know what to do anymore because i feel like everything in my life is crashing all around me. i have no one to talk to since i don't trust people in my family, my school counselor doesn't actually listen to people's problems and i have no friends to talk to since i moved far away from home.
i feel so sad and alone all the time because though i have tried to make friends, i don't like anybody at my new school. they are all way too dramatic and nobody understands me like my friends back home. its been like this for just over a year and i have reached a breaking point where i never talk or make an effort anymore. its really depressing because i used to be such a happy, social person. in case this makes a difference in your response i am not suicidal nor will i ever be because that would lead to really bad eternal consequences. i just wish sometimes that somehow i would die without doing myself in so that i could go to heaven and leave all my problems behind... but since that is not going to happen i really need some spiritual advice because God just seems so distant. God gives everyone trials and tribulations, but its just so HARD! im tired of having to deal with things and having no help.
i really have no idea what i am asking for, i just needed to get this off my chest and i just need... advice i guess. God bless everyone who actually cared enough to take the time to read this