I just don't know what to do anymore? advice from fellow christians please :(?
2011-02-05 08:45:17 UTC
i feel like my life is just falling apart. i cry, beg and plead with God all the time, just nothing seems to get any better. without going into too much detail, here's what happened today where i just snapped:
i left a pan out i had used in the kitchen and forgot about it. no big deal right? wrong. my mom blew up at me and administered all of these really awful punishments. i can handle punishment ok but i thought she was being unfair so i was being sort of disrespectful. she started screaming at me and threatening to hit me and i broke down and started sobbing. that made it worse because she was saying i have no reason to be crying. but i was just so scared. then my dad came in furious saying that she had no reason to threaten violence. now my parents were in a yelling fight at which point i went to my room and cried in peace...

the terrible part is that this is a normal occurrence in my house. we are a broken family which you think wouldn't be the case since we are all christian. i don't know what to do anymore because i feel like everything in my life is crashing all around me. i have no one to talk to since i don't trust people in my family, my school counselor doesn't actually listen to people's problems and i have no friends to talk to since i moved far away from home.

i feel so sad and alone all the time because though i have tried to make friends, i don't like anybody at my new school. they are all way too dramatic and nobody understands me like my friends back home. its been like this for just over a year and i have reached a breaking point where i never talk or make an effort anymore. its really depressing because i used to be such a happy, social person. in case this makes a difference in your response i am not suicidal nor will i ever be because that would lead to really bad eternal consequences. i just wish sometimes that somehow i would die without doing myself in so that i could go to heaven and leave all my problems behind... but since that is not going to happen i really need some spiritual advice because God just seems so distant. God gives everyone trials and tribulations, but its just so HARD! im tired of having to deal with things and having no help.

i really have no idea what i am asking for, i just needed to get this off my chest and i just need... advice i guess. God bless everyone who actually cared enough to take the time to read this
Thirteen answers:
2011-02-05 09:01:06 UTC
You do have help. Sometimes it seems as though God isn't helping but he is. God would not let anything happen to you if he didn't think you could get through it. And you do have help. You should probably talk to a councilor at your school. Your councilor should know what to do. If you don't want to it's okay. I use to have the same problem you have, my family fighting all the time. I saw the councilor but she didn't help. She told me I just need to stay in school, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't see the councilor because yours might help. I didn't really know that councilor though, I trust my teachers though so I gave a note to my teacher telling her I need to talk to her about something important. She started talking to me and asked me what I needed to talk to her about and she was listening to me except I just said something else, I didn't tell her, but I knew she would have listened. My point is you're not alone, and if you don't want to go to a foster home then try to put up with your family a little more and when you're older and have your own house you won't have to have anything to do with them. And keep faith in God, he will help, and even if things keep getting worse he will help, you have to have faith. Hope I helped.
space monkey
2011-02-05 16:55:16 UTC
I will pray for you- for strength to get through this time!!! I think being a teen is hard enough without a mean mother or father around to make things even worse.

It is SO hard to get through High School, I know. The studies are hard, then you have that awful awful drama rama of the social life going. I can honestly see that sometimes, home schooling would be a lot better! Much more able to let a kid actually concentrate on studies!!

I think you can give your new school a bit more time. Friends are hard to find- first of all, concentrate on doing well in your grades.

Good grades and education are your ticket to FREEDOM away from pyscho families. Your future is what you should focus on right now. Pick a goal and keep it in your face as a beacon to follow..... pursue a passion for a career you would like, a life you want.

SOON you will be able to set out on your own away from that stuff.

All I can say is you CAN get through school. Don't worry right now about the social scene- and it will come all on it's own in time. Talk friendly with anyone who talks friendly to you in school, and soon enough, you will find a friend.

If you are a Christian, and attend services, perhaps the Youth Leader would be someone to talk to.

GOD BLESS and I pray for you.
Kazoo M
2011-02-05 16:59:26 UTC
You need to make every effort to step past this dilemma in life.

Listen clearly, we all have to cross this hurdle ~ every single person growing up has to step past this little dilemma.

Sadly, if we crawl into a shell and/or use medication we will lose the very fabric of life.

Don't allow yourself to look for excuses ~ life is not easy and you will need to cross many hurdles.

Your taking all of this far too serious ~ your young and need to relax a little more.

When your parents tell you to do something, quietly go and do it; why cause conflict?

Whenever possible try to do things in life you really enjoy, take up painting or a musical instrument (no drums).

Above all allow life to unfold as it is planned ~ don't go against the grain.

Additionally, take the time to go to mom and apologize for being immature; she will fully understand.

Finally, always smile because there may come a time when you get older when the latter may be very difficult etc...

God bless'
Kelly L
2011-02-05 17:53:10 UTC
Claiming to be a Christian doesn't make everything better. It has to actually be a lifestyle. Christ said that you'd know his disciples by the love they had among themselves.

Now on to the family issues. First of all, things always seem worse than they are when you're young. There may be things going on that you don't know about. Maybe your parents are dealing with a problem they haven't told you about. Maybe your mom is super stressed out about something. There are so many possible variables that its senseless to try to speculate on them.

What IS important is communication. If you can ask your parents to sit down with you and talk about how you feel and how they feel, what is expected of you, etc., and do so in a CALM, non-argumentative manner (which means YOU have to keep your cool and not be disrespectful), you can probably get a lot accomplished. As a parent myself, I know I would have LOVED it if my sons would have come to me and asked to talk to me about problems we had. Instead, every time I tried to talk to them about what was going on in their lives or why I had to punish them for something they'd done or why they couldn't have something they wanted, it ended in an argument because they weren't willing to actually LISTEN to what I had to say. They wanted me to hear what they had to say, but weren't willing to give me the opportunity to express why it was important to me to do the opposite of what they wanted.

There are so many young people in your same position. When you're young you're running on hormones and there are studies that actually show that your brain is not fully's making connections and disconnections constantly. That means that you're not capable of making good decisions on your own and you're prone to being emotional and unable to control yourself well. PLEASE keep this in mind and know that as you get older things will be more clear and will calm down significantly. It's ALWAYS funny when you look back at what you thought was such a big deal when you were young. It never ends up being anything at all worth all of the craziness that resulted from it.

Please also pray about your situation and ask God to help you relate what you're feeling to your parents in a way that they'll understand...and also to help you be calm as you do it.
2011-02-05 16:54:21 UTC
Life would be easier if we all followed the Bible's principles in the family. Visit the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, they have worked hard to find ways to follow the Bible's principles. This is the way to be genuinely happy and to have a hope for the future.

Ephesians 6:1-4: "“Children, be obedient to YOUR parents in union with [the] Lord, for this is righteous: “Honor your father and [your] mother”; which is the first command with a promise: “That it may go well with you and you may endure a long time on the earth.” And YOU, fathers, do not be irritating YOUR children, but go on bringing them up in the discipline and mental-regulating of Jehovah."

Revelation 21:4 “And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.””

For more information please visit
2011-02-05 17:00:01 UTC
broken and dysfunctional families

are more the dominant statistic than most think

and thats ok

there is so much a soul can learn

from that kind of dysfunction

obviously first thing you learn is how to rely on god alone

and even though it looks dim now

in 20yrs, youre going to look back on your life

good and bad, drama and trauma

and youre going to be grateful for every single experience

hard to believe that now, i know

trust me lil one, i speak from experience

and look how you ended your post

even in the midst of all your heartache right now

you still took the time to ask god to bless those of us who took the time to read it

that shows me the condition of your heart

((dont you see it))

your heart is right there with him

even though youre going through your world seems despairing

your heart takes time out to bless others in the name of god
2011-02-05 16:54:34 UTC
You deserve respect, you deserve to be heard, and you deserve your boundaries. You do not deserve physical, verbal, or emotional abuse. There are counselors at your school and possibly your church, (but, if they are friends with your mother, asking for their help can do more harm than good). The next time your mother behaves irrationally, tell her you want to go to counseling. If she is resistant or becomes more abusive, you can call the authorities or wait until you get to class. Someone needs to step in and help your mother see what she is doing to you..
Lindy Lou
2011-02-05 16:48:31 UTC
It's probably good to just talk. I don't think God interferes much on earth, except just to send out feel better waves. Try and watch some good telly or read or listen to music, or maybe look online for some people who like what you do. And when you make Friends, just try and like them, and they'll like you back. Hope you feel better soon. ((huggs))
2011-02-05 16:52:16 UTC
try writing your feelings down on paper on how you feel

keep it hidden

you should try and be more respectful of your mom and dad

yes it is hard.

keep praying to god to show you how to handle things in your life

be specific on what problems you are having and pray asking god how to handle them

read the bible especially the psalms and the book of proverbs

it contains information on things that happen in life and how to ask god and seek help
2011-02-05 16:58:25 UTC
There will be bad days, and even years.

I feel sad and burned out these days,

but try to sacrifice yourself for the benefit of others.

I've found the book of mormon to be true, as true as word can be.

American civilizations destroyed themselves twice before...
2011-02-05 17:00:47 UTC
Seek out Jehovah's Witnesses in your school. Trust me, they're are more than a few. They can provide you with much good counsel. This is a serious response.
2011-02-05 16:52:12 UTC
We have mountain top experiences, and we have valley experiences. Take a drive in the country, and look around. It always helps me.
2011-02-05 16:51:00 UTC
talk to your closests friends and family

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.