I am a firm believe in God. Tell me your testimony of a miracle that God has performed in your life.?
2006-07-01 20:22:05 UTC
I am a firm believe in God. Tell me your testimony of a miracle that God has performed in your life.?
23 answers:
Ray W
2006-07-01 20:37:49 UTC
The only miracle God performed in any believer life is what happen to that person when they trust and believe in what the Lord Jesus Christ did on the cross. He died for their sins, He was buried and took their sins away, and He rose again the third day for their justification. After I believed in what the Lord did for me, the Holy Spirit baptized me in His Body which is the church. 1 Corinthians 12: 13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. The Holy Spirit sealed me until the day of redemption. Ephesians 4: 30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. The Holy Spirit circumcised me by cutting away the flesh from my soul. Colossians 2: 11 In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: Now I am the temple of God because the Holy Spirit lives within me. 1 Corinthians 3: 16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
2006-07-01 20:33:17 UTC
I do not believe in God, however my Mother does.

When I was 9 we had a house fire. My mother was across the street at the time, and when returning to the house saw that the front window was completely black. She could hear cans popping in the kitchen and knew that there was a fire somewhere.

Two miraculous things happened to my mother that day which I cannot explain:

1) She was babysitting my 4 year old neighbour at the time. She had already left the house thinking that she would not be long, the child was sleeping, so there was no harm in leaving her there. She had taken a few steps when she decided that it was best to go get her and take her to the neighbours. If she had been left in the house she would have suffered permanent if not fatal injuries.

2) At the time (not now, mind you) the neighbourhood was one which you could leave your doors unlocked. My mother did not even have a key to the lock on our door. When she returned to the house she was unable to open the door. The firemen arrived within 15 minutes and had to use a back door. They found that the front door was locked from the inside (latched). My mother had used the front door to leave the house (as she always did as it was difficult to get around the house from the back). Had she opened that door, the backdraft from the fire would have killed her.

Although I do not believe in God, someone or something interveaned and saved my Mother and my neighbour that day.
2006-07-01 20:35:06 UTC
I received throat cancer from the world trade center and was told that I have 6 months to live. I went through not being able to speak to sleeping all day. My sister grandparents go to church at least 5 times a week.I was prayed on and I felt a warm feeling go through my body and as the people stop praying the two people holding me up fell down and from that day I feel like I never felt before. I now began gaining all the lost weight {95lbs} and I can speak. The only problems I have is that I can't be around dust,or certain things that irritate my throat; unless it closes up and I'm un able to swallow, and I have very bad short term memory. Oh and since I couldn't speak my jaws have limited opening. I thank god for giving me another chance at life. He is a true savior.
2006-07-01 20:33:45 UTC
I am a homemaker and mother of 2. My husband was laid off from his job. We had only $30 for all of the groceries that we needed for a week. I thought, "God can part the Red Sea, but can He shop?"

I went to the store and found some of the most amazing bargains that I have ever seen. I went home with my car full of groceries and $5 change in my pocket! We ate really well that week. A family of 4, in Houston Texas, in 1995. It sure seemed like a miracle to me!
2006-07-01 20:36:11 UTC
Hi! I was trying to think of more dramatic moment, but I can't! It's not always that way. God performs miracles in my life every day. He wakes me up in the morning, watches over me through out the day, and lets me make it home safely every night. These things may not be miracles but they are blessings! I just thank him for all of my blessings; seen and unseen, known and unknown!
2006-07-01 20:47:24 UTC
May God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you jamjin.

To make it brief because it's a great but extraordinary story, I'll give you my testimony in a nutshell.

I grew up in a church, however I never took it seriously. I went through all the routines and did what I was told, never really complaining about it just did what I was told to do. I didn't really care for it, after all my parents MADE me go, I really didn't want to. Well, of coarse as I got older I ran away from God and began to embrace to "prodigal" lifestyle, i.e. partying, drinking, stuff like that. Until I became severally addicted to alcohol. I got to the point to where at the age of 22 I was drinking at least a liter of Whiskey a day! No joke. Eventually, by the time I reached 24 my body was decaying within me. I looked like a walking dead guy. Gray skin, yellow eyes, skin and bones. My doctors refused to help me unless I helped myself, which I know I couldn't because I was so addicted to alcohol, the mere withdrawals would kill me.

One day my aunt asked me if I'd like to go to church with her. I hesitantly agreed. My cousin had just gotten out of a Christian rehab facility for the same problem. Well, at that church that day I got called up to the front of the sanctuary to be prayed for (a miraculous event cause by God) and the pastor, whom i never met before, told me all about my ailments and asked if I believed that Jesus could deliver me. Although I really didn't know, something inside of me made me say yes.

To make a long story short, I got delivered that day in an instant. My gray skin vanished immediately, my eyes turned back to white, and I KNEW that I knew I was healed. That was June 9, 2002 and I haven't touched alcohol or even desired it ever since. No rehab no withdrawals no nothing! Since then I have dedicated my entire life to serve Him. I truly am forever indebted to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

P.S. I do have doctors notes too!
2006-07-01 20:42:28 UTC
well i consider it a mirical that God could love such a person like me! but i will say......when i go before God and just talk to him the miracle that u can feel God there with u or oppertunitiys that are given to u that u have prayed for and u see God work them all out for you when u pray that God will show u somthing very clearly and when he does thats a miracle
2006-07-01 20:25:31 UTC
The miracle to believe in God without subscribing to religious dogma.
2006-07-01 20:30:04 UTC
When I was a child I built a weapon and used it against someone instistively and ony minor injury occured.

When I was a teenager I attempted to put a flare out by pushing it into the ground, it exlpoded but didn't damange my hands.

When I was older I drove way too fast and tried to stop and my car sweaved around another car and stoped dead next to them.

I could go on, but that should be sufficient.
2006-07-01 20:48:18 UTC
I had a stroke in my sleep and Jesus freed me from the hands of Satan.I always say that the voice I heard that morning was the voice of Jesus saying let her go,let her go you have done enough the voice was talking in a demanding tone there was no one in the room but me.The voice was so demanding until it awaken me I was looking around to see if someone was in my bedroom except me but there was no one there but me.I got out of bed not knowing that something was wrong with me attempted to go to the bathroom to do my morning tinkle and feel on the floor and could not get up I called out to my son he came in my room and lifted me up off the floor and put me back on my bed and called for help.I feel that God allowed his son to make Satan turn me a loose because he has not finished with me on earth yet I know that that is one of my miracles and another one was when I gave birth to my son my body closed up without releasing my afterbirth the doctors and nurses were running around very quickly pushing and pulling on my stomach trying to get it to release it but it wouldn't they called in a specialist after my mother prayed over me and he had to take me to or and dig the stuff out of me I know that God allowed Jesus to save me that time to that's why I know that God is real and he is a good God also I still to this day thank him.
2006-07-01 20:28:52 UTC
I was fired from a job,and one hour later I got hired by another company doing the same thing,and making $1.25 more per hour.Many more where that came from God is good!
cirque de lune
2006-07-01 20:27:31 UTC
I'll tell you the story of how my grandparents converted.

My grandpa's sister was born blind. she lived that way for years. one day, a revival was in their town, and some friends talked them into going. the preacher prayed for my great-aunt, and she got the gift of sight on the spot.

ever since then, my family has been big on Christ.
2006-07-01 20:31:10 UTC
God is the Rock of my Salvation, my Deliverer, My Healer! He has set me free from the pit of hell. A mircle that He has done for is set me free from drugs and alchol, and all I did was ask Him to!
2006-07-01 20:27:00 UTC
I have had many near death (not emergency room come back to live deaths) experiences that if God's hand had not protected me I would have been dead or crippled. He even helped me with a bout of suicide.
2016-11-01 05:52:52 UTC
they're indoctrinated from start to have faith interior the relatives faith. except something else impacts them maximum young toddlers settle for the indoctrination and persist with alongside. many human beings lack the potential for serious theory and are vulnerable to fantasy and gullibility. extremely all of us are to a minimum of one degree or yet another. you have been proficient with the readability of theory to question thought. Congratulations! heavily. Skepticism and a thinking concepts are in charge for the progression of civilization. wait and spot with the believers, it variety of feels they are in a place to't help themselves. even though, R&S is a reliable place to get in a sprint ranting. Welcome to certainty. that's a superb place.
2006-07-01 20:26:33 UTC
If your beliefs are all that firm, you should not need testimony from others.
2006-07-01 20:36:23 UTC
My Great grandmother was true dedicated Catholic. She had a son That was mentally challenged, and also had polio. She went to a grave of a priest, and prayed to him. I don't know what she prayed to him about, but when she did her son was cured from polio.
2006-07-01 20:34:17 UTC
had an inch and half cancer growth in my gall bladder. without treatment, God healed me!! Doctors don't believe it either. have the reports in black and white!! Praise God. many other physical healings. many emotional and Spiritual also.
2006-07-01 20:26:27 UTC
he has given me friends that i can trust and given me a family that i can love with all my heart.
Little Wifey
2006-07-01 20:24:49 UTC
I am Alive and Healthy.
sun rays
2006-07-01 20:25:59 UTC
god's child
2006-07-01 20:26:19 UTC
financial, spiritual, strenghtened my marrigae.
2006-07-01 20:32:12 UTC
these are not miracles

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.