May God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you jamjin.
To make it brief because it's a great but extraordinary story, I'll give you my testimony in a nutshell.
I grew up in a church, however I never took it seriously. I went through all the routines and did what I was told, never really complaining about it just did what I was told to do. I didn't really care for it, after all my parents MADE me go, I really didn't want to. Well, of coarse as I got older I ran away from God and began to embrace to "prodigal" lifestyle, i.e. partying, drinking, stuff like that. Until I became severally addicted to alcohol. I got to the point to where at the age of 22 I was drinking at least a liter of Whiskey a day! No joke. Eventually, by the time I reached 24 my body was decaying within me. I looked like a walking dead guy. Gray skin, yellow eyes, skin and bones. My doctors refused to help me unless I helped myself, which I know I couldn't because I was so addicted to alcohol, the mere withdrawals would kill me.
One day my aunt asked me if I'd like to go to church with her. I hesitantly agreed. My cousin had just gotten out of a Christian rehab facility for the same problem. Well, at that church that day I got called up to the front of the sanctuary to be prayed for (a miraculous event cause by God) and the pastor, whom i never met before, told me all about my ailments and asked if I believed that Jesus could deliver me. Although I really didn't know, something inside of me made me say yes.
To make a long story short, I got delivered that day in an instant. My gray skin vanished immediately, my eyes turned back to white, and I KNEW that I knew I was healed. That was June 9, 2002 and I haven't touched alcohol or even desired it ever since. No rehab no withdrawals no nothing! Since then I have dedicated my entire life to serve Him. I truly am forever indebted to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
P.S. I do have doctors notes too!