Why can't the atheist see that they're puppets being used by Satan?
2015-09-20 04:34:30 UTC
Do atheists really enjoy being Satan's puppet on a string?
46 answers:
2015-09-20 04:52:31 UTC
Why can't the atheist see that they're puppets being used by Satan?

Do atheists really enjoy being Satan's puppet on a string?

~~~Why can't the delusional believers see that they are living in their vain imagination?

Do the delusional believers enjoy living in sin?
2015-09-20 07:45:16 UTC
Picture this, all the worlds religions are inside a huge swimming pool but each belief system has huddled into different sections and if anyone swims into the void between different groups they all start calling to the swimmer and threatening that they are going to drown and die. Atheists have swam away from the groups and made it to the stairs. On the bottom rung they are afraid of the idea of getting out of the pool because it is unknown what is out there. On the second rung they are beginning to see that everyone in the pool is in the same pool but they might be correct. On the next rung it becomes pretty clear that no gawd claim has been verified and they consider getting back in the pool for the last time. Finally they exit the pool and see that there is a whole new wonderful world to experience outside the pool and we want our friends and family to come see it too so the others in the pool claim that we are demons or something to scare the others in an attempt to keep them inside the pool. This example is very close to reality and losing my faith has been awesome and very eye opening. My only regret is that it took so long for me to gather the courage. Hope this helps.
2015-09-20 05:59:15 UTC
Why can't atheist see they are puppets being used by Satan ? Interesting those are religions projections Can you see CONCEPTS I cant but I understand the difference between concept and REALITY

Do theist realize their described religions makes them gods mouse in a maze?

both gods and Satan are IMAGINED CONCEPTS I cut my PUPPET strings with the God 33 years ago the Satan is also the imagined invention of the religion gods FOE to make god look good Mr contrast reminds me of comic books

the difference god with his super cape on never seems to do any REAL action actually we only have stories about him doing things 3500 years ago

Hum wonder what happened Oh thats right all those claims of Modern day miracles funny those miracles only seem to come from a few individuals never proven you would think with 2.2 billion believers the god would do something spectacular for all those believes oh that is right that conceptual after life but first to get there you have to run my MAZE

BEWARE of others to interpret REALITY on your behalf
2015-09-20 04:38:54 UTC
Why can't Christians and Muslims see that 'Satan' is a fictional character?
2015-09-20 05:35:06 UTC
Like all gods, Satan is a humanly created invention produced by primitive man - like all gods, it does not actually exist and never has.

The main use of Satan these days is to prey upon people's ignorance of the above facts and frighten them - when usually they have no reason to be afraid.
2015-09-20 05:39:12 UTC
It's hard to see something when you just don't see or understand it. But when you do it can be quite a shock. I can see the strings affixed to some people in this section, it makes me sad. I was very glad God came into my life to take me out of the phase of atheism.
2015-09-21 08:28:25 UTC
We don't believe in satan either. If god is a human supposition to justify ourselves, then also satan is the supposition that provides the "punishment" if we do not follow god. One requires the other, so if we choose to suggest one does not exist, then clearly the other cannot exist.

Being decent to other people is simple common sense. Treating other people badly is simply not common sense. You don't need to complicate or justify these things by personifying them as mythical figures.
2015-09-20 05:12:07 UTC
First of all satan doesn't influence my thinking, behavior or viewpoints, satan is to me a non-existing entity which has no capacity to manipulate or misguide anyone. Furthermore, satan doesn't have me on a string either do satan have me deceived.
2015-09-20 05:11:42 UTC
I am sorry you suffer these delusions. You might want to give some thought as to why you believe this nonsense as it is clearly not making you happy.

There is no satan. He was made up by religion.

Religion was made up by man.

Atheists can and do still live a good and moral life.

It requires no gods to do so.

Go in peace and please QUESTION what you have been conditioned into. Maybe you will find it is 100% perfect. You have to decide.
2015-09-20 04:37:19 UTC opposed to God's or Allah's puppets? We do not believe in any of your magical beings.
2015-09-20 05:10:47 UTC
Don't you think that's sort of arrogant, assuming that everyone who does not think EXACTLY like you must automatically be serving these dark, evil powers..?

Personally, I look at people's actions. I look at their personalities, their words, their deeds, and who they really are. You can easily tell what animates people that way! It only takes a tiny bit of empathy, is all. And in my opinion, if someone is a good, caring, loving person, who treats their fellow human beings, (and also other creatures), with kindness, that obviously means they are serving the forces of light, and NOT the forces of darkness! Which I would think automatically excludes them from being "puppets used by Satan", yes..?

You can be a creature of the light, or of God, or of Love, or whatever word you want to use for how you personally experience the highest thing there is, without necessarily seeing it within a spiritual or religious framework! If you do the light's bidding, you are a child of the light! Even if you might not be conscious of what it is, and you just instinctually do what's good, and what's loving, because that's what feels right to you.. I know most atheists would say you can be good without God. And in a sense, I agree. I agree that you can easily be good without BELIEVING in a god of any kind! But... I think ultimately, all goodness is derived from the same place! And that ultimately, all people that are sincerely kind and loving, are in touch with that higher thing! Just that they call it by different names, and perceive it in different ways, and some people feel no need to call it anything in specific.. Because I guess, to them, Love just IS, and that's enough! :)

I know lots of amazingly kind and wonderful atheists, in my own life. Like for instance, I would dare you to meet my dad, and then come away from it thinking he's a puppet used by Satan! My dad has never believed in a god of any kind. He was raised irreligious, and has been an agnostic atheist for pretty much his entire life, I think. But he has always been an incredibly kind, and open, and loving, and accepting person! He is very wise, and reflected, and a great listener! He's the sort of person who will apologize, at his own initiative, whenever he feels like he has wronged someone. He's the sort of person who can change his mind, and reconsider his previously held position, whenever new information comes in. He is humble, and thoughtful, and sensitive, and caring. He always sincerely wants the best for other people, and tries to make them feel happy and at ease, whenever they're around him. He was always a great parent! Not a perfect one, but he still always did the best he could, even when things started spinning out of control, and getting pretty damn hard! (Like they very much did during my teens, for reasons I don't really feel like getting into right now...) As for the God thing: he has never been on any sort of anti-theistic vendetta. He is very accepting of people who do believe! He just so happens not to believe, himself. But he's very happy that I've found my current sense of spirituality, because he too can tell what an overwhelmingly positive difference it has made in my life! So he very much approves of it, even if he cannot personally relate to it.

There you go. If that sounds at all Satanic to you, methinks you seriously need some kind of brain implant, or maybe five... Because I mean REALLY?! :-S As a matter of fact, I think there are lots of Christians who are nowhere NEAR as spiritually developed as certain atheists! Who help perpetuate darkness and hatred, instead of love and light, and as it says in the Bible, by their fruits you shall know them... Although of course there are also a number of light-filled Christians, and darkness-filled atheists! But.. you should really try to see people for who they are and what they do, on an individual level! Instead of generalizing, and focusing on labels and status, instead of recognizing what's really moving in people's hearts! Isn't what you're doing, and being unable to see that, basically the very definition of what it means to be a Pharisee?
2015-09-22 00:49:44 UTC
Because then we'd be theists.

Why can't theists see that it would also mean that their God is not as powerful as Satan?
2015-09-20 06:12:00 UTC
As opposed to a thankfully fictional god who kills on mad whims. Even the book of Job shows he'll mess up loyal followers' lives on bets
Alice S
2015-09-20 14:52:11 UTC
Now go and look up the word atheist in any dictionary. No go and stand in the corner for half an hour and think about what you have done.

Now, if you will excuse me I have better things to do - notably sacrificing a goat to the dark lord.

2015-09-20 11:38:54 UTC
I know, it's amazing that he tells me to be a kind compassionate person. I mean you wouldn't think that of the devil, unless, maybe he doesn't exist and doesn't control me?
2015-09-20 20:10:04 UTC
If this is truly bothering you than Atheist are not the problem. YOU need to grow more depth with God and submerse yourself in his knowledge and love and gifts. When you have spent all your available time and effort loving and serving God you will find no satisfaction and confusion in dealing with non believers. You will and should be surrounding yourself only with Christians and Believers. What are you told to do when you have expended all your time and effort on a sinner, nonbeliever or agnostic and they deny God...Correct. Dust of your shoes and leave their presence.
2015-09-20 17:48:48 UTC
Why don't fundamental Christians see that Satan teaches them their hate? God loves all his children.
2015-09-20 05:02:49 UTC
Because they can't see something that only exists in your mind.
2015-09-22 01:17:09 UTC
Simple: Unlike you, they're not deluded
Brigalow Bloke
2015-09-20 05:02:36 UTC
That's nice dear. Now run along back under your bridge.
five toed sloth
2015-09-20 04:37:56 UTC
I wonder if one day that, you'll say that you care? If you say you love me madly, I'll gladly, be there... like a puppet on a string!
2015-09-20 04:47:04 UTC
Why don't you show us the evidence?
2015-09-20 13:57:03 UTC
the proof of christianity lies in the lives of the people.

when the minds of the people are pure, then the country is pure.

when the minds of the people are evil, then the country is evil.

in over two-thousand years, not a single country practicing christianity has come to peace. quite the contrary, christians have actually had 47-wars in the past 1000-years of western christian civilization.

the only protection they have had is killing more of their enemies than their enemies have of them.

a true religion would have brought peace.

a sentence from victor hugo in one of his books, says that: i have my life and even though my neighbor has his life, it is what god has given him. america has too much christian sentiment to NOT try to build peace for the country.

it does not seem to be their agenda; since,

it is different when the government and religion force the christian religion on others. it is different than the true spirit of humanistic wisdom and mercy in true faith and true religion. the real spirit is missing.
2015-09-20 05:05:58 UTC
I misplaced my mobile phone today and it's on silent.. I know, I know.. if I wanted to keep it I should have put a ring on it.
2015-09-21 09:11:07 UTC
I ' believe' someone, or something is pulling your strings.
VeggieTart -- Let's Go Caps!
2015-09-20 05:00:24 UTC
As opposed to Christians being puppets controlled by their own biases, hate, and prejudice that they claim is their religion?
military supporter
2015-09-20 08:20:19 UTC
Why is it impossible for the severe deluded thumpies realize they are being used by the religions they are involved in? Is it lack of intelligence? Is it lack of common sense? is it lack of education? Is it insanity? Or are they all just mindless gullible fools? (all of the above is the correct answer)
2015-09-20 20:52:43 UTC
Nice straw man argument, mmm now I don't think this anymore because you said it
2015-09-20 04:47:30 UTC
Are the strings Satan uses, logic, reason, facts and honesty, by any chance?

Because those are the things you people tell me to discard...
2015-09-21 05:03:11 UTC
So heeding your rational mind is listening to Satan. Anyway what proof there is that Satan even exists.
2015-09-20 04:38:27 UTC
If Satan is the one responsible for us being smarter than you, less gullible, more mentally flexible and far less po-faced, then all I can say is Hail Satan!
2015-09-20 17:11:12 UTC
No, he has no influence on them because they don't believe he exists.
2015-09-20 04:36:49 UTC
Being atheists, we don't buy Satan, either.
Rolando C I
2015-09-20 08:11:34 UTC
Because of what 2 Corinthians 4:4 says. "The god of this system is blinding the eyes of the unbelievers."
2015-09-20 21:24:02 UTC

Atheism is for grownups. You aren't expected to understand.
2015-09-20 04:38:05 UTC
atheists don't believe in God . Hence they don't believe in tne devil
2015-09-20 04:44:07 UTC
Why can't theists see that fairy tales are just that?
Lt Kije
2015-09-21 08:13:01 UTC
We do not believe in "Satan" or any of the other rubbish that foolish people like yourself believe in. Try to learn LOGIC, it will help you enormously.
2015-09-21 07:39:34 UTC
you're an idiot if you think Satan is real...
2015-09-20 09:05:07 UTC
Atheists are just people mad at God. sooner or later theyll change there mind. Luckily for them God loves them regardless
2015-09-20 04:36:00 UTC
IF I cant perceive that Im a puppet how would it be logical to ask me whether I enjoy it

2015-09-20 04:48:40 UTC
Why cant theists see they are zombies used by a god.
2015-09-20 04:55:23 UTC
2015-09-20 11:34:19 UTC
They see nothing but themselves
2015-09-20 05:15:30 UTC
You kids and your fantasies sure do make me grin ;)

2015-09-20 06:09:22 UTC
Your fantasy, not reality.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.