What makes you so sure your religion is the truth?
2010-09-12 21:50:12 UTC
Every major religion in the world (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc...) will have members in the faith give convincing reasons for making their religion the ultimate truth. They will cite their scriptures, archeology, history, and personal experiences to tell you their faith is the one truth and everything else is wrong. What makes you so sure your religion is true. Have you considered that it may all be wrong?
Sixteen answers:
2010-09-12 22:00:08 UTC
Because I actually have received the gift of the Holy Spirit - God Himself, come to indwell a man of flesh like myself, and I have actually experienced being born again according to the promise of Jesus Christ; and I have actually experienced the promises of God in my life many, many times.

Some people have doctrine - mere words; but I have God. It comes only through faith in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God come down from heaven, crucified for sinners, raised from the dead, and a alive forever, and ever living to help all who call upon Him in faith and humility.

"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power."

I Corinthians 4:20

My experience (subjective truth) agrees with the Word of God (objective truth).....

"We accept man's testimony, but God's testimony is greater because it is the testimony of God, which he has given about his Son. Anyone who believes in the Son of God has this testimony in his heart. Anyone who does not believe God has made him out to be a liar, because he has not believed the testimony God has given about his Son. And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.

I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life."

I John 5:9-13

And there are many more who can testify the same, if they care to.

So what is your confidence?
2010-09-13 01:14:58 UTC
1Peter 3:15 But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect

My faith in Jesus Christ was hard come by and it is anything but "blind faith". I resisted believing in anything because so many people have claims which are not validated by their lives. However I did want to know the truth about existence and the purpose of the world, the universe and mankind, if indeed there was one.

There is insufficient space to explain the process of reasoning I went through but i eventually came to the conclusion that if there was a God who was interested in his creation then he would have revealed himself to someone, somewhere, sometime. I then investigated all the main faiths and the only ones who made this claim were Judaism, Christianity and Islam, in that order.

I found that Christianity is based upon the same revelations as Judaism although the specifically Christian New Testament claims to reveal the promised Messiah that the Jews had been waiting for but had rejected. Islam is entirely based upon the testimony of one man, Mohammed, who claimed to have been visited by the angel Gabriel and had his book, the Koran, dictated to him. He said that he accepted the bible of the Jews and the Christians but that they had corrupted the written word given to them.

The clinching argument in my estimation was that the New Testament claimed that Jesus had risen from the dead and that he was the firstborn from the dead. This claim was then used to validate his claim that he was the son of the living God, and that he had come from heaven to reveal the plan of God to mankind which included immortality for those who believed in him. The claim itself was backed up by more than five hundred witnesses and the testimony of his apostles who had spent three and a half years in his company.

Well, at this point, being convinced of the truth of this testimony, my main concern was how could I join the party. So I sent for some literature and learned that I had to repent of being a sinner, not a problem. Then I had to accept that Jesus' death on the cross paid the price for my sins. I didn't see how this was possible but accepted that it belonged to a symbolic conceptual structure that I was unfamiliar with so I went along with that. I prayed the sinners' prayer as directed by the literature I had received and felt absolutely nothing.

By this time I was becoming frustrated. I had done everything asked for and still had no evidence that I was accepted into the company of those who believe in Jesus and his work to deliver mankind from the prison of death and decay. It is one thing to believe in Jesus and quite another to believe that you personally are saved. So I prayed again and asked God how I could know for sure that I was saved, given that I did believe the evidence he had provided. My mind at that moment was a ferment of doubt and desperation, like a troubled sea, when suddenly out of my belly came a deep voice that said "I give you my word". My mind immediately was calmed and I felt a tremendous peace wash over me. My only reaction was Wow!

Since then, January 1977, Jesus, as Another Comforter, the Holy Spirit, has worked in me to make me conformed to His image which is His character and nature. This will then qualify me to partake in His manifestation in His sons, the ones who will complete the work of God in the earth in the coming age. I can now say with confidence, "Do not fear, nor be afraid; Have I not told you from that time, and declared it ? You are My witnesses. Is there a God besides Me? Indeed there is no other Rock; I know not one .’" (Isaiah 44:8)
2010-09-12 22:01:03 UTC
I agree with you. I'm a pagan. But I believe that people should believe or not believe in whatever makes them happy. I don't think one human or in that case one religion should be the judge of peoples happiness and lifestyle. For example. I had sex before marriage. In fact I don't believe in marriage. But I do believe this :Sex is natural.. if "God" is real I personally dont believe he will send me to hell for having sex. I do lots of good in the world. I hate religious talk. Especially when Christians get involved. No offenst to those who aren't the way that I feel but most Christians are ignorant and close minded. If you are a Christian and you believe in what I believe then I'm sorry. Otherwise, It's a free country and that is my opinion.
2010-09-12 21:59:05 UTC
I believe in Jesus Christ because He is real and has radically changed my life. No one but God has the power to change a heart and that's proof enough that He is real. I was depressed, angry,selfish, full of lust,prideful, you name it. But when I turned from my sins and came into relationship with Jesus everything changed in my life. I had joy, was no longer depressed, began having supernatural power to know things about people I didn't know so I could encourage them, and love and joy filled my heart. Also there is more archeological EVIDENCE for Christianity than any other religion.
2010-09-12 22:35:07 UTC
Good question! I can give you the answer in three words:

Because. It. Works.

If being a Christian didn't produce real, verifiable empirical results, I would not waste years of my life following the teachings of Jesus. But from my point of view—which is as objective as I can make it—the results, effects, ramifications and manifestations of my particular faith all testify to the accuracy of the testimonies of scripture.

Christian doctrine says that as a believer, I am supposed to have the ability to change the things about myself that are hateful and obnoxious, and to eradicate the "old nature" inherited from my ancestors, and put on the "new nature" of Jesus by faith and obedience to the scriptures so I can live a life that's free from the constraints of sin. And my religion works exactly like it's supposed to: it enables me to do just that.

Christian doctrine says that God answers prayer (which sometimes means waiting till God determines the perfect time to do it, rather than getting everything the instant I ask for it), and that works exactly like it should. Christian doctrine says God puts a new heart and a new spirit inside us, gives us peace that is beyond human reason, and puts love in our hearts for our fellow creatures: and that has worked exactly right, too.

Christian doctrine declares that the holy scriptures are "spirit and life" and that they provide wisdom, discretion, understanding, and help our faith to increase if we commit them to memory and hide them in our hearts by meditating on them; and that works for me too. Everything promised to believers in the Bible, and every piece of evidence the Bible offers by which a person can prove and confirm the operation of God's Holy Spirit in his or her life, are all true and accurate according to my experience. The truth is supposed to work, isn't it?

If your personal experience doesn't prove to you that something works, you sure aren't going to accept any less significant form of evidence, are you? Experience is a great teacher. And once you perceive by experience that what you believe to be the truth is in fact the truth...then what? You have to respect the authority of the person who is the author of that truth, and accept the entire body of his work.

So when Jesus says "I am the way, the truth, and the life" and then insists that there is no other way a person can have access to God but by him, I take his word for it. I hold it to be absolutely true because everything else he said—which I have effectively proved, over time, to my own satisfaction by my own personal experiences—has worked exactly as he said it would. That's the reason why I'm sure my religion is true to the exclusion of all others.

Have I considered that it may all be wrong? That would be kind of ludicrous. If something works for me just like it's supposed to, why should I reject it on grounds that there are lots of counterfeits floating around? Besides, my religion is not a set of rules, or rituals, or constant striving to attain a state of divinity. My religion consists of having personal fellowship with the Father of mankind, and with his appointed savior and son, Jesus Christ.
2010-09-12 21:52:45 UTC
Jews specifically maintain that their religion isn't the only valid path. Hinduism and Buddhism are the same way, as is Zoroastrianism; and the Baha'i Faith; and Wicca and most other branches of Neopaganism.
No We Cant
2010-09-12 21:53:04 UTC
From my research, the more famous people i see like Clacious Clay the boxer, Malcom X, Princess Diana, Jermain Jackson, Michael Jackson, Cat Stevens, Zidance makes me realise im on the right side

I know my religion is right because i have studied alot of religions, i speak to many reverts who have embraced Islam, they tell me stuff i dont my mum's friend who has become muslim after visiting saudia arabia, she did her research and is now happy, the ones who were born in a religion become lazy , the ones who thirst for knowledge will get more results
2010-09-12 22:11:41 UTC
Of course they are all wrong for there can only be one true church. The church of Jesus Christ of latter day Saint. Called after our lord and savor Jesus Christ. For God says what belong to him is called after his name . And Jesus Christ is the head of his church who lead it by a true prophet of God. As in days of old. All other churches practice Priest craft having know authority to preach or even build up churches unto God. For many there be deceived by the workings of the devil, and there baptism is VOID meaning as thou they were never baptized . For with out proper authority there can be no baptism performed. For may who will pass from this life to the next will be very disappointed. Learning the truth that they were deceive by priest practicing priest craft having know authority from God. For all things shell be reveled to all of gods children concerning the world that we live on. Be not deceived by the workings of the devil seek ye for your own salvation. Pray and ask in faith that ye may know what church belongs to our lord Jesus Christ. If ye do it with real intent the lord will manifest the truth unto you. For many will not pray to seek for the truth, why for they are filled with pride thinking that they know with out asking God. For they are they that will have know place in Gods kingdom, For Gods kingdom is a place of order and not confusion. For only the obedient, they who keep the commandments will have place in Gods kingdom.
Light and Truth
2010-09-12 21:57:00 UTC
We have the same church that existed in the meridian of time, apostles, prophets, seventies, continuing revelations, temples, miracles, healing, Priesthood, etc.

God has restored his church and talks to men again. Has given power and authority to perform the needed ordinances once again.
2010-09-12 22:02:56 UTC
Judaism: logical and salvation is pure.

Christianity: Nonsense and salvation is rubbish.

Islam: Very logical and Salvation is pure.

Hinduism: nonsense but Salvation is pure.

Buddhaism: not logical but Salvation is pure.

Atheism: Everything is very logical.
2010-09-12 22:14:26 UTC
The bible divides people up into those who seek truth and those who do not. God says to Jeremiah, 'you will find me when you seek me with all of you heart and mind'. 'Seek and you will find', Jesus says. In order to find truth one has to seek it. The one who has sought God and found is reasonable and happy. He is reasonable because he seeks and happy because he has found. The one who is seeking God but has not yet found is not yet happy because he has not found, but he is reasonable because he seeks. And, he is guaranteed to eventually be happy because all who seek God will eventually find Him. And, the one who does not seek God is not happy because he has not found the truth and he is not reasonable because he does not seek. And he will never be happy because if you don't seek then you don't find.
2010-09-12 21:56:07 UTC
I believe that there are countless "true" paths. Whatever suits the individual best is what's true for them.
2010-09-12 22:03:59 UTC
on top of that, what makes you so sure that your particular denomination of christianity is the truth?
2010-09-12 21:56:28 UTC
Because they believe it with all their hearts, not their brains.
2010-09-12 21:56:05 UTC
Gods were ancient astronauts whom had come to our planet thousands of years ago and genetically engineered our species which is why we have genetic disorders which humans die from every day and some are not even born because the cells sense an error in chromosome amounts and kill it off, , They did not use us as slaves (As said in the sumerian writings "We abolished slavery long ago, We use tools as slaves not beings" they used us as helpers and taught us to take care of our selves and worship them in favor of them granting earth intelligent life. These beings were known as the annunaki, "Those who from heaven to earth came " They are known in the bible as angels, They are highly advanced race of beings from as written in the sumerian writings are from Planet "nibiru", Nibiru stands for the planet of the crossing, which correlates with the biblical cross. The ancient greeks called it marduk, And nasa calls it planet x, they call it planet x because just as in algebraic expressions the hidden number is always represented by a letter. in this case the hidden number (X) is the mass, as in the mass of the planet, which is unknown.

As a hybrid, Adam could not procreate the events echoed in the biblical tale of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden record the second genetic manipulation by Enki that added the extra chromosomal genes needed for sexual procreation, Enki was a leader of the annunaki, he play's as the "God" In the bible or "lord".The sumerians knew him as lord enki. The highest power of the Annunaki.The biblical tales of Creation, of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, the Deluge, the Tower of Babel, were based on texts written down Millenniums earlier in Mesopotamia Iraq, especially by the Sumerians who invented writing in general. And they, in turn, clearly stated that they obtained their knowledge of past events-many from a time before civilizations began,even before Mankind came to be-from the writings of the Anunnaki

"Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came"- the "Gods"
2010-09-12 21:52:44 UTC
because it goes along with what god says

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.