Shinkirou Hasukage
2006-09-04 10:01:21 UTC
An Excerpt from the "Tibetan Book of the Dead":
We can begin with he realm of hell, which is the most intense. First there is a build-up of energies, of emotions, to a crescendo, so that at some stage we find it very confusing whether he energies are controlling us or we are controlling them. Then suddenly we lose track of this whole race, and our mind is put into blank state which is the luminosity. From that blank state an intense temptation to fight begins to develop, and that paranoia also brings terror. Originally the paranoia and terror were supposed to fight against something, but one is not quite certain whom exactly one is fighting; and when the whole thing has developed, the terror begins to turn against oneself. When one tries to strike out, instead of striking the projection one is striking inward.