Do you Christians REALLY believe that people co-existed with dinosaurs & that Earth is only 6000 years old?
2008-02-18 06:59:28 UTC
It just cannot be. Don't give any freakin' Bile-bull quotes - use your own brains on this one. Our planet is only 6000 years old?? Adam and Eve were frolicking with each other, a serpent AND dinosaurs in the Gadda da Vida? If you believe ANY of this bs, then even this atheist is praying for your demented souls!
38 answers:
2008-02-18 07:03:23 UTC
Yes.There is a sect within Christianity that believes the Flintstones is a documentary.They are known as young Earth creationists aka believers in intelligent design.
2008-02-18 09:43:07 UTC
Yes, there are many stories from man that show dinosaurs living with people. They are not called dinosaurs because that term was not invented yet but there are many stories of dragons in the chinese culture. There are Ica stones which show people fighting with what are now called dinosaurs. I can plainly see a brontosarus, T-Rex, and a triceratops in these stones. How did this ancient civilization know what these things looked like? Then there is the dinosaur bone found that still had blood in it. Kind of hard to have blood survive for billions of years. How do you answer this? To bad these ancient civilizations didnt know they werent suppose to believe in dinosaurs, but they were just drawing and telling of what they seen in there every day life. No one told them they needed to keep it a secrect so generations to come could be told a lie and believe it.
2008-02-18 07:23:14 UTC
As far as the man tracks at Glen Rose go, please, let's dispense with that garbage.

For many years claims were made by strict creationists that human footprints or "giant man tracks" occur alongside fossilized dinosaur tracks in the limestone beds of the Paluxy River, near Glen Rose Texas. If true, such a finding would dramatically contradict the conventional geologic timetable, which holds that humans did not appear on earth until over 60 million years after the dinosaurs became extinct. However, the "man track" claims have not stood up to close scientific scrutiny, and in recent years have been abandoned even by most creationists. The supposed human tracks have involved a variety of phenomena, including forms of elongate, metatarsal dinosaur tracks, erosional features, indistinct markings of uncertain origin, and a smaller number of doctored and carved specimens (most of the latter occurring on loose blocks of rock). A few individuals continue to promote the Paluxy "man tracks" or alleged human tracks in pre-Tertiary rocks from other localities, but such claims are not considered credible by either mainstream scientists or major creationist groups.
2008-02-18 07:25:56 UTC
If you are an atheist, to whom do you pray?

Isn't it foolishness to pray to a being you believe doesn't exist?

Even in your objection and statement of concern you didn't use vocabulary which escapes the terminology of religion and belief.

Have you ever heard of genetic engineering? Some of us suspect that some of the creatures of mythology actually existed in the past, "created" by ancient man's restructuring of genetic material.

Perhaps man not only co-existed with dinosaurs, but actually genetically engineered some of them.

So called scientific dating processes rely on unprovable theory. Assumptions are made about the constancy of decay rates, erosion, and etc.

How long did the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River (USA) take to form? As was shown after the eruption of Mt. St. Helens, that would depend on whether the canyon was carved before or after the sediments compressed into rock.

I still believe the chronology of the Bible is closer to reality than the long time frame of speculative science.

So, what do you mean by "pray for"?
2008-02-18 07:44:03 UTC

Now for my 2 ¢ !

Logically if a tree falls in the forest but there is now one there to hear it does it make any sound ?

What ? I can't hear you !

Well okay so there was no tree that fell over in the forest.

That being the case then if the earth evolved during 4½ billion years without the witness of man then it did not really happen, and the dinosaurs are pure imagination.

So now what about if there was one man there ?

I'd bet if there was he didn't give a shi-t so what's the difference ?
2008-02-18 07:15:50 UTC
I dont. But many do.

As for evolution: It doesnt work. Neither does Creationism. As of right now, there are no satisfactory evidence that either side is true (But evolution has much more and is probably closer to the truth, so i am in full favor of its teaching in schools and general acceptance. If anything, Evolution si a Placeholder, something to keep scientists happy till someone finds something better). Plenty of evidence the earth is older than 6000, and the "Bile-Bull" as you put it says really nothing to give us that impression. And the whole Ina gadda Da Vidda thing is allegorical and exccelently displays the classical archtypes found throughout history.

So in short, no, I dont. Happy?
2016-05-29 23:14:49 UTC
The Catholic church is the largest Christian denomination and they do not. The Anglican church does not. Nor do most other Christian denominations. The evidence that the Earth and the universe are billions of years old is overwhelming. "Truth cannot conflict with truth." Pope Leo XIII "Yom" ( in Hebrew) can mean day but also means "period of time". "Evening" and "Morning" can also mean, the "ending" of and the "beginning" of. Ancient Hebrew had only 8700 words, so many words had multiple meanings. Creation occurred in God’s time, not ours. Since there is ample evidence that the universe and the Earth are billions of years old, and truth cannot conflict with truth, the alternate meanings of those same words, that do not cause a conflict with Genesis, must be the truth. A "literal" view of Genesis is found among some Baptists and other "fundaMENTAList" factions that are not mainstream. Also, most of them live in the South (where education is poor) and it seems to be largely a U.S. problem -- not worldwide. However, since they have selected a particular meaning for "yom" that runs contrary to the preponderance of physical evidence, they hold our faith up to unnecessary ridicule. Therefore, YEC's and "creationists" are doing more to harm Christianity than science or atheists could ever hope to.
2008-02-18 07:16:09 UTC
yes of course they do

they can't believe anything else because it will challenge their fixed beliefs and its too scary for them.

It doesn't matter how many holes or arguments you find against the bile-bull they will never change.

The ark must of been bigger than the biggest ships in existence today to house every animal...

Why was jesus praying when he his supposed to be god?

theres hundreds of questions that they will twist and turn to keep their beliefs....

They will ague with hard science saying dinosaurs never existed although massive bones have been dug up they still never existed they border on being insane....

It annoys me sometimes but what the hell..if they get comfort from it so what...

Its just when they go extreme it gets dangerous..
2008-02-18 07:19:12 UTC
Ok then who are the atheist praying to? The Bible does say the earth is only 6000 years old. But it does not say dinosaurs ever existed. You underestimate the power of Satan to deceive mankind. He created dinosaur bones to give man a hands on reason to disbelieve in the Bible. Think of it. Man has been digging root cellars and basements and all sorts of dynamite holes since time began yet they only found dinosaur bones about 2 hundred years ago and now they finding them in their backyards?

I suppose you think Adam found a 10 foot feemer and said wow wouldn't Fido like this? Don't be deceived by Satan or mans belief in Satan's devises. There's no way dinosaurs actually existed. The earth is not millions of years old. The Bible says in the beginning (6000 yrs ago) the earth was void and without form. How can a dinosaur live on something that is void and without form. Therefore they didn't live. Ask God in a prayer and await his answer.
2008-02-18 07:48:12 UTC
Yes, I really believe it. Do you believe that Paleo-Native Americans were frolicking with each other when mammoths were roaming Michigan?

I take it that you wish to change our mind, by your comment, "use your own brains on this one". Did using your brain lead you to call us demented souls, poor little peeps, taken in by lunacy and rants (not that you would ever be accused of ranting!)?
2008-02-18 07:06:44 UTC
No I do not believe they co-existed or that the earth is only 6,000 years old. I do believe the Genesis account of creation.

The Bible account in the first chapter of Genesis simply states the general order of creation. It allows for possibly thousands of millions of years for the formation of the earth and many millenniums in six creative eras, or “days,” to prepare the earth for human habitation.

Some dinosaurs (and pterosaurs) may indeed have been created in the fifth era listed in Genesis, when the Bible says that God made “flying creatures” and “great sea monsters.” Perhaps other types of dinosaurs were created in the sixth epoch. The vast array of dinosaurs with their huge appetites would have been appropriate considering the abundant vegetation that evidently existed in their time.—Genesis 1:20-24.

When the dinosaurs had fulfilled their purpose, God ended their life. But the Bible is silent on how he did that or when. We can be sure that dinosaurs were created by Jehovah for a purpose, even if we do not fully understand that purpose at this time. They were no mistake, no product of evolution. That they suddenly appear in the fossil record unconnected to any fossil ancestors, and also disappear without leaving connecting fossil links, is evidence against the view that such animals gradually evolved over millions of years of time. Thus, the fossil record does not support the evolution theory. Instead, it harmonizes with the Bible’s view of creative acts of God.

The fossil record of the dinosaurs supports not evolution but creation.
2008-02-18 07:30:24 UTC
Well im Christian and you have a colorful way of putting it. I have to agree with you the earth is NOT 6000 years old that is what is wrong with man and his religion. oh brother will people belive anything they here
2008-02-18 08:03:23 UTC
You shouldn't really concern yourself with what we believe. Instead, trashing the Bible as you do, you should spend your energy learning about Jesus, and pray for your own soul.
The_Cricket: Thinking Pink!
2008-02-18 07:04:42 UTC
No. Don't assume. Some Christians believe that. Others, like me, take a less than literal approach to the creation account in Genesis.

And it's just disrespectful, unnecessary, and immature, to call the BIBLE names like "bile-bull."
2008-02-18 07:04:54 UTC
Some people do, but the Bible isn't specific on either thing so why worry about it. Personally, I don't care how old the earth is. It has no effect on my belief.

The Bible is not a science textbook.
2008-02-18 07:22:07 UTC
Where does the bible claim that there were dinosaurs in the garden of Eden?
2008-02-18 07:14:15 UTC
So what proof do you provide for the "it cannot be" - if I may ask?

And dont tell me evolution. You have no proof that man was not alive when the dinosaurs were around. How do you know when the dinosaurs were alive?
2008-02-18 07:03:01 UTC
Mormons did, but are in the process of changing the church teachings to be a little more in line with what science has proven.

This will be under the guise of what we term 'continuing revelation from our modern prophet'.
Get er Done !
2008-02-18 07:05:13 UTC
While the word "dinosaur" is a relatively new word, there seems to be evidence in many places around the world that men and these creatures have co-existed. In the Bible, when God is responding to Job, in Job 40 and 41, we see two creatures described, the 'behemoth' and the 'leviathan.' Both are described as extremely large animals and seem reminiscent of descriptions of a dinosaur and a giant sea creature. Although Bible notes in many modern translations suggest these animals might be a hippo, a crocodile, an elephant, or other known animals, the Biblical descriptions defy those identifications.

The Bible and Pterosaurs: Archaeological and Linguistic Studies of Jurassic Animals that Lived Recently

The Chinese histories and legends abound with dinosaurs. But they are not called "dinosaurs." They are called "dragons." The dragon is one of the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac. What is interesting is that all the other eleven are commonly known animals and there is no hint of 'mythology' involved with their identities. It seems as if the dragon was just a commonly known at one time. The pictures are often fantastical, but so are their stylized pictures of horses and other animals. I checked the web for accessible information on this. I was able to find a few things that were not having to do with video games, sculptures, movies, items for sale, and such. The following links may be of interest. There are more. If you have access to books, you might want to check the epic of Beowulf, in which he battles a monster. If you have access to a good book on the history of art, you may be able to see some dragons and sea monsters painted on ancient Roman pottery. The legends abound all over the world. They do not seem to be connected to each other, but each telling of its own place. We have the story of St. George and the Dragon; there is the reference regarding Alexander the Great of his army disturbing some giant monster in a cave on their way to India. The American Indian thunderbird may very well be one of the ancient flying reptiles. An excellent essay by Lourella Rouster is "The Footprints of Dragons," at

A couple of pages which chronicle a bit the possible existence of monsters in Europe are dragon myths from Austria page includes two paintings of dragons from the seventeenth century that are quite interesting!

Doug Sharp, whose webpage "Revolution Against Evolution" has Rouster's essay, also carries the following:

The Rhamphorhynchoid Pterosaur -- Scaphognathus crassirostris: A "Living Fossil" Until the 17th Century All in all, then, there is reason to doubt the evolutionist timeline that says dinosaurs -- or the dragons -- died out before man ever arrived. There is simply too much evidence in stone, art, writing, and legend which contradicts that idea.
2008-02-18 07:15:12 UTC
You bet your sweet patootie. And you can keep your "freakin' Bile-bull" sweet cheeks, your crassness must open doors for you left and right!

Uh huh . . .
2008-02-18 07:05:55 UTC
I hope you feel better. Your rant was unimpressive and tired.

I fail to see why you care. If I happen to question carbon dating because it fails to calculate the quantity of carbon in the atmosphere during the lifetime of the creature being fossilized, makes me an open minded individual. While you blindly believe science without actually investigating it for yourself.

I am glad you are able to find a opportunity to persecute those around.
2008-02-18 07:05:28 UTC
Do a web search with the key words "human and dinosaur footprints".

Most of them will be about Glenn Rose Texas were there are hundreds of human and dinosaur footprints together (even supper imposed on each other). Some of the human were wearing moccasins.
2008-02-18 07:09:56 UTC
You're right about that song. Few people know they are referring to the 'garden of Eden'. It's a good rip.
John A
2008-02-18 07:07:08 UTC
2008-02-18 07:07:56 UTC
i dont really know and care even less as long as i know what i am doing is right by following in Jesus footsteps it doesnt really matter
2008-02-18 07:03:49 UTC
The Bible does NOT say the earth is only 6,000 years old.
2008-02-18 07:04:00 UTC
First of all, please don't insult my holy text by calling it bile-bull.

Second of all, no I do not really believe the Earth is only 6000 years old. Only a very small minority of Christians believe that.

But what do you care anyway?
2008-02-18 07:16:20 UTC
why not?

Do you evolutionists REALLY believe that people NOT co-existed with dinosaurs & that Earth is NOT only 6000 years old?

It just cannot be

use your brain.
2008-02-18 07:04:39 UTC
I personally don't believe there were dinosaurs and as for the age of the earth, work it out for yourself BUT you'll have to start at Genesis which means reading the Bible, to find out. I worked it out to 12,000 years old.
2008-02-18 07:02:34 UTC
Lady Astarte
2008-02-18 07:06:00 UTC
Well of course! And because humans are the superior beings, we killed off all of the monsterous creatures with sticks and stones and claimed the earth our own.

(I hope the people who gave me the thumbs down were noting my sarcasam)
Patrick H
2008-02-18 07:04:36 UTC
Ok, since you are sort of new here, I will say it. For the one 100th time, no, most of us dont believe it. I hope that helps doofus.
2008-02-18 07:04:48 UTC
its been proven by science that humans didnt exsist with the dinasours.

Sounds like you need GOD in your life or anger management
Sick Puppy
2008-02-18 07:04:41 UTC
Dinosaurs died out six million years ago. There was no mankind then.
Autumn Faerie
2008-02-18 07:04:04 UTC
Amen! Yes, people co-existed with the dinosaurs.

As to the earth being specifically and accurately 6000 years old, no I think not. It could be around that, though. But it is definitely not billions, and billions of years old. That I can say for certain and with all firmness.
2008-02-18 07:03:54 UTC
Yet you ask, so in the back of your mind you also believe.
2008-02-18 07:03:47 UTC
the bible teaches about also teaches that the earth is over 6000 yrs old

it also teached that Adam was the first human and was created 6000 yrs ago (approx)
2008-02-18 07:02:54 UTC
I do. Evolutionism is a religion, and I don't find it persuasive.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.