if Darwin said?..?
2008-06-09 21:52:52 UTC
If Charles Darwin (the creator of evolution)
said before he died "burn all of my books about evolution my theries were lies i have come to know God",
than why do people still think evolution is true?
is it 'cause they WANT it to be true?

by the way I tried my best at my spelling because I've learned from the past that most of you guys are very picky about that : )
God bless...
if you don't want to be blessed thats fine I'm not forcing
and its OK if you don't have problems with my spelling I'm not exactly saying it was you : )

34 answers:
tuyet n
2008-06-09 21:56:07 UTC
He didn't say that and even if you weren't lying it wouldn't matter. The science is sound.

The funny thing is that you're just one of many people who are possibly the best evidence for evolution. Because if there were actually some huge flaw in the science, why would all of the critics have to lie?


"OK YES Darwin SO said that."

Sorry but you're either intentionally spreading disinformation or unintentionally spreading misinformation. Either way you're lying.

Does lying make your belief seem more valid to you?
Kent S
2008-06-09 22:12:22 UTC
How would I know Darwin didn't say that, is because he didn't say that. You and people like you tend to believe anything that supports your beliefs. You somehow don't believe in evolution but you do believe that Darwin denounced his own theories on his death bed. Do you see your hypocrisies? You only believe Darwin denounced his theory on his death bed because it makes you feel better about believing in some god.

Things that make you feel better are almost always bad for you. Also evolution did happen, it still happens and will always happen until the end of time itself. You want proof of evolution without giving you 10 pages worth of information okay. You've heard about certain kinds of viruses that are becoming immune to vaccines that would have killed them just a few years ago right, well that is evolution. The virus has changed/evolved to survive and fight back.
Bobby Bo
2008-06-10 08:32:46 UTC
Its true, Darwin was a very religious man and regretted the fact that his discoveries drove a wedge between science and religion. Most "Darwinists" are fools for thinking otherwise. Had he known they would be key in the 20th century philosophies of the Nazis he would feel even worse. However, there is no real discrepancy between evolution and religion at all, and a solid understanding of genetics and biology would reveal the presence of very deliberate design.

After learning the intricacies of bio chemistry, biology, genetics, and doing gen engineering myself, I believed in BOTH God and evolution all the more. Both seem undeniable. Life is far to complex to not believe in a higher being, and there is too much interrelation between species (physical and genetic) to deny evolution. All the argument is based on literal interpretation of the first few pages of Genesis. Remember, this book was written by Moses. If God told Moses man came from apes (which Moses probably never saw being in the desert most of his life) the Jews would have stopped and gone back to Egypt. The creation story in the bible is much like that of the Sumerian religions of Abraham. We don’t follow most of Moses other books, like Leviticus, so why do so many Christians base so much of what they believe on the first few pages of Genesis?

Try and read/learn with an open mind, look at facts that can be proven first, and take the dogma of ALL with a grain of salt. The church has far more to gain from you ($$) than evolution does.
Captain Sarcastic
2008-06-09 22:00:53 UTC
The whole Darwin "conversion" is a myth, and springs from the unverified account of a single woman with an agenda of her own.

It is also a pointless question, in any case, because even if he DID recant what he had come up with, it was a fait accompli and valid work, regardless of whether he later disowned it or not. If Einstein had disowned much of his theoretical work on his deathbed, it would have no bearing on the validity of the work itself. This is science, not mythology, although I suppose coming from a religious viewpoint you might have trouble discerning the difference between the two.
2008-06-09 22:04:34 UTC
Darwin did not recant on his deathbed. Even the creationist website Answersingenesis does not believe this lie:

However, even if Darwin or any other scientist did change his or her mind about evolution, the evidence is still here for us to see that it is a fact. Furthermore, after Darwin's death, even more facts and evidence have been collected to support evolution. Darwin was very sure of himself while he was alive. If he knew about modern genetics, DNA, etc., he would be even more confident in his ideas.


P.S. You misspelled 'theries' [theories] but I won't hold it against you. It's bad enough that you base you beliefs on easily disproved lies.

EDIT: I see you are sticking to your story. Here's what creationist Dr. Kent Hovind has to say about the story:

"Later in life Darwin said, “Disbelief crept over me very slowly. I felt no distress.” By the way, he did not repent on his deathbed. His wife started the rumor that he did and that rumor still circulates today. But the best research says he did not repent on his deathbed. He remained loyal to his atheism right up to the end."

Why are you calling creationist Dr. Kent Hovind a liar?
2008-06-09 21:56:58 UTC
Well for one He didn't say that

secondly Darwin wasn't the creator of evolution. Evolution has always been going on. Darwin wasn't even the first person to observe it. He just gained the most popularity.

And thank you for apologizing about your spelling.
2008-06-09 22:33:59 UTC
Because.....we live in the last days..because God said that he would put a bridle in their mouths and lead them to where they would not go,and that He was going to give them a strong delusion so that they would believe a lie.And, didn't Jesus say," I thank Thee Father,that Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes?"And Solomon said in Proverbs:Rebuke a fool and he will hate thee,but instruct a wise man and he will love you.( Or something like that.)

Why do you continue to try to turn the head of these people with arguments of this kind?They think you're an idiot. I don't think that, I think that you are trying to do a good thing,although by human effort and not spiritual.All things are in His hands,including the times,and the believers,whatever they believe in.If they are to become saved at any point, they will be.Otherwise,there is no such thing as predestination.If God tells you,or me to bring them the Word,then He will give us words to speak,and the Holy Spirit will utter them through us.
2008-06-09 22:00:38 UTC
I am a Christian (though one who realises that the evidence for evolution is very convincing and that its validity would have no ill-effects on Christian faith) and I am fairly certain that Darwin said no such thing.

Also, logically, just because he refuted his books does not necessarily invalidate them.

I agree that there does appear to be a moral and philosophical agenda behind some evolution proponents, but evolution in and of itself does not negate the worth of men.
2008-06-09 21:59:35 UTC
That story about Darwin recaning his theory and becoming a Christian before he died is bull. Every major historian rejects it. Check it out on Wikipedia for yourself.

But even if he had, it would have no impact on the validity of his theory.

Edit: From Wikipedia:

The “Lady Hope Story”, published in 1915, claimed that Darwin had reverted back to Christianity on his sickbed. The claims were refuted by Darwin’s children and have been dismissed as false by historians.[131] His daughter, Henrietta, who was at his deathbed, said that he did not convert to Christianity.[132] His last words were, in fact, directed at Emma: “Remember what a good wife you have been.”[133]
2008-06-09 21:56:37 UTC
It's a strong indicator that you're talking to a religious person if they automatically assume that scientists use certain theories because they worship the words of their authors.

Now, of course that 'quote' is complete horsesh**, but even if it was true, Darwin's words don't reverse what we've observed in labs and what detailed development on evolutionary mechanics has allowed us to discover.

If we dug up writings from the end of Newton's life that said that he'd come to know the great potato god in the sky, and it said momentum wasn't conserved, we'd STILL use his conservation of momentum ideas, because we care about what the universe exhibits; we don't worship the words of whoever happened across universal patterns first.

Einstein, Darwin, Newton, and many other great, foundational scientists were dead wrong about a lot of things. Fortunately, science doesn't work like religion; we can use experiment and development to separate the good ideas from the bad, and we don't have to pretend their words dictate the behavior of the universe.
Gawdless Heathen
2008-06-09 21:59:52 UTC
Darwin in no way was the creator of evolution, he simply put forth evolution through natural selection. Evolution was first proposed about 2500 years before Darwin by Anaximander.
2008-06-09 21:57:27 UTC
Haha, you are so cute and thoughtful.

FYI, he didn't say that. Ken Ham, creator of even mentions this. He has a list of what creationists say to debunk evolution that is not correct. I would suggest reading it. He posts it because for creationism to compete on a scientific scale, they need to stop using false premises and logical fallacies. And quite honestly, I don't agree with his view of how life got here. However, he is extremely sincere and sincere about what he says. And because of that, I hold a lot of respect towards him.

Also, science is about the evidence. Not what one believes.

Furthermore, the Theory of Evolution has changed to fit the evidence. It is different than what Darwin conjured up.
Moment of Clarity
2008-06-09 22:01:23 UTC
The answers are out there. Some people choose to close their mind and not accept them. Science and scientific theory merely tries to explain why. It does not care about beliefs. It is not anti or pro religion. It just seeks the answers with complete impartiality. Why is this such a hard pill to swallow for religious people?
Nowhere Man
2008-06-09 21:57:08 UTC
He never said any such thing. He lived most of his life as an agnostic and died as one, as well.

Scientific theories are not true or false based upon one person's beliefs, at any rate. The theories are true or false based on the evidence.

Do I want evolution to be true? Yes! I find the concept absolutely beautiful! Thankfully, the evidence confirms this!
2008-06-09 22:27:42 UTC
you do realise thats a made up story that he said that. i do realise of course that its possible he did. more to the point though, we have debunked quite a bit of darwins theory, so it isnt just his work we rely on for evolution its been studied and shown to be accurate by scienctists after him and even to this day.

note you can bless me all you like i just dont think it will have any effect
2008-06-09 21:59:45 UTC
He said no such thing. It was a Cristian lie from the start:

But it wouldn't matter if he had. He wasn't even the only one to have the idea at the time. A guy named Wallace came up with it independently before Darwin finished writing the book.

Edit: How do I know...I've got a source. Answers In Genesis even says it's a lie:

Now stop embarrassing yourself.
Lizard of Ahaz Recreated
2008-06-09 23:05:22 UTC
Sorry but you have been lied to he never said anything remotely like that .

The Lady Hope Story

A Widespread Falsehood

by Simon Yates

Copyright © 1994-2003

[Answer by Mr. Yates: 1994]

[Reformatted and links added: March 24, 2003]

Other Links:

Darwin's Final Recantation

A creationist site reprints the text of the Lady Hope story.

Did Darwin become a Christian on his deathbed?

Creationist Malcolm Bowden on Lady Hope.

Did Darwin recant?

Answers in Genesis says that the story is probably false.

The Lady Hope Story: True - False

A creationist minister provides a case against the Lady Hope story.

The Lady Hope Story

The Stephen Jay Gould Archive adds some additional information to this account.

John D. Hynes III writes:

I have seen this refuted here before, but I don't remember the details. Could someone please explain, or point me to a faq, the details about the supposed deathbed renunciation of evolution by Darwin. In another newsgroup, someone has posted that Darwin converted to Christianity before he died and wrote that he made a mistake in advocating in evolution.

A few more details on the spread of the story and its subsequent rebuttal, taken from the book The Survival of Charles Darwin: a Biography of a Man and an Idea by Ronald W. Clark, published by Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1985 (p. 199)

Shortly after his death, Lady Hope addressed a gathering of young men and women at the educational establishment founded by the evangelist Dwight Lyman Moody at Northfield, Massachusetts. She had, she maintained, visited Darwin on his deathbed. He had been reading the Epistle to the Hebrews, had asked for the local Sunday school to sing in a summerhouse on the grounds, and had confessed: "How I wish I had not expressed my theory of evolution as I have done." He went on, she said, to say that he would like her to gather a congregation since he "would like to speak to them of Christ Jesus and His salvation, being in a state where he was eagerly savouring the heavenly anticipation of bliss."

With Moody's encouragement, Lady Hope's story was printed in the Boston Watchman Examiner. The story spread, and the claims were republished as late as October 1955 in the Reformation Review and in the Monthly Record of the Free Church of Scotland in February 1957. These attempts to fudge Darwin's story had already been exposed for what they were, first by his daughter Henrietta after they had been revived in 1922. "I was present at his deathbed," she wrote in the Christian for February 23, 1922. "Lady Hope was not present during his last illness, or any illness. I believe he never even saw her, but in any case she had no influence over him in any department of thought or belief. He never recanted any of his scientific views, either then or earlier. We think the story of his conversion was fabricated in the U.S.A. . . . The whole story has no foundation whatever." (Ellipsis is in the book)

Clark's source for Lady Hope's supposed quotations of Darwin is given as Down, the Home of the Darwins: The Story of a House and the People Who Lived There by Sir Hedley Atkins KBE, published by Phillimore for the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1974.

Henrietta's rebuttal is referenced more fully as: Mrs R B Litchfield, "Charles Darwin's Death-Bed: Story of Conversion Denied," The Christian, February 23, 1922, p. 12.

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And to answer your other questions the first amendment is to protect everyone from a psychotic like you who only wants your opinions to count . Your bible should not be allowed in a PUBLIC school except as MYTHOLOGY which it is . You accept the lies of others calling them facts and have no concept of what you speak .
2008-06-09 22:28:27 UTC
Are sophistry and mendacity now the christian way?

Why are you so terrified of evolution?

BAD Christian continually put out false claims about Darwin, Einstein and others!!

Just proves how false Christianity has become!!!
Guess who's going to Hell?
2008-06-09 23:26:58 UTC
He'd have been wrong.

Modern biology would still have discovered evolution. It's an unavoidable conclusion from the evidence. Heck we've seen it happen.
2008-06-09 21:59:06 UTC
He didn't say that....don't know what you are quoting....he said this:

"In my most extreme fluctuations I have never been an atheist in the sense of denying the existence of a God. I think that generally, and more and more so as I grow older - but not always - that an agnostic would be the more correct description of my state of mind"
2008-06-09 21:59:59 UTC
First of all I do not know if that is true, secondly he lived in a time where religion was very influential and just because he was brainwashed does not mean the theory he invented was not true. Even if he himself did not believe it it is true and it has been proven true many times over.
2008-06-09 22:02:48 UTC
well i hate to burst you're bubble but Darwin never recanted of his death bed, furthermore it would be irrelevant if he would have said it was a lie, since all the evidence points toward evolution

edit: how old are you 9?
2008-06-09 21:59:16 UTC
Darwin absolutely did not say that. You should research the topic before you make such an accusation.
2008-06-09 21:58:37 UTC
people will still believe what they have come to know about the way organisms evolve. And Darwin did not lie, he did a bit of science and a lot of thinking. The reason you have the bible is to think for you.

Think for yourself.
2008-06-09 21:57:40 UTC
Darwin never said that. Some religious nut just made the whole thing up, just like rapture and the antichrist
2008-06-09 21:56:04 UTC
He didn't say that. EVEN IF HE DID, IT WOULDN'T FUKCIN MATTER. What evidence points to is what matters.

And Darwin is not the creator of evolution, you single digit iq creationist.
2008-06-09 21:58:46 UTC
Its because of atheist philosophers, when darwin presented his theory to the scientist of his time, they said get out of our lab!! Becuase they knew the ridicolous claims he was making.

But when atheist philosophers like Karl Marx herd about this, they went nuts and spread it all over the world, because it finally gave them some grounds as to show how man came to being.

It still continues today, the fuel for darwinism is arrogance, igronance and stupidity but most common of all, awareness to the fact they are not retarted baboons that fell out of a exploding rock.
2008-06-09 21:57:28 UTC
I think what Darwin on his death bed said was this " STOP POKING ME WITH THE PITCH FORK! LOL just kidding
God Bless This PowerPoint
2008-06-09 22:09:43 UTC
hahahaha you falsely attribute a quote to Darwin and when you are called out, on it your defense is: "How do you know he didn't say it?"


How do you know Jesus didn't say "I like to have a pecker in my mouth?"
j dog
2008-06-09 21:55:58 UTC going to stop you at "the creator of evolution"

already you have lost some credibility...
St. John Bosco
2008-06-09 21:56:41 UTC
Because we have proof, open up a Scientific American magazine sometime.
2008-06-09 21:56:47 UTC
why do people think evolution is not true. its been proven. animals are constantly evolving. why shouldnt humans?
2008-06-09 21:58:41 UTC
Don't say stuff like this, please. You're making the REST of the spiritually-inclined look bad.
2008-06-09 21:56:09 UTC
He didn't create it, he discovered it. And no, those are rumors.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.