Jehovah's Witnesses, is it really "the best way of life" according to the bible?
Caribbean Man
2016-06-06 08:12:47 UTC
As of recent I've noticed a trend in the JW culture to refer to their version of christianity as "the best way of life". But notice what the bible says about the christian way of life:

"...“We must enter into the Kingdom of God through many tribulations.”" - Acts 14:22

"“Then people will hand you over to tribulation+ and will kill you,+ and you will be hated by all the nations on account of my name." - Matthew 24:9

"If in this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are to be pitied more than anyone." - 1 Corinthians 15:19

If you were saying that true christianity is the only way to eternal life and that makes the trials of the christian way of life worth it, then yes the bible teaches that. But the above verses reveal that christianity is not the best way of life (at present).

If it truly were the best way of life then christians would not be most to be pitied if there is no future eternal reward, because their present christian way of life would be a reward in and of itself. Being hated by the nations and being subject to tribulation and persecution is clearly not the best way of life. And all the present practical benefits that you can point to in being a JW is not unique to your religion and can be had without your religion and without the other trials unique to your religion.

It is clearly not the best way of life and you are lying against the scriptures and minimizing and trivializing the sufferings and trials of those truly living the christian life.
Eleven answers:
2016-06-06 08:27:14 UTC
Perhaps this emphasis on the JW way of life being the best one is being brought out as a counter-balance to the worrying aspect of what JWs are being told they will shortly face? There are a series of JW Organization videos now doing the rounds, where scenarios are depicted for an imminent time of trouble JWs are told will happen, when they will have to hunker down, stick together out of sight, and follow their local elders' instructions.

It is inferred that one of the reasons that the Witnesses might go into hiding is that their "message of judgement" helped trigger the Great Tribulation and caused the population and the governments of the world to rise up against them and hunt them down. JWs seem to have the belief that even democratic, liberal governments will turn specifically on the Watchtower Society because it, and its members, will begin to proclaim "judgement."

To stop JWs becoming hysterical with fear at such a grim prospect, their leaders are likely bolstering the good things they can enjoy being loyal JWs, right now. And, yes, you are right to object to how JWs trivialize the sufferings and trials of those truly living the Christian life. In fact, they totally ignore such suffering! To read their literature, you would think only JWs get any persecution these days! They have never even mentioned the thousands of Christians tortured, raped and killed by ISIS these past 5 years.

EDIT Have just looked at the link giving JW Sergei's story, part of the "Remain Loyal To Jehovah" convention teaching. This old mantra just keeps getting updated. It used to be, "Where else can we go to?" when JWs had doubts about their organization. The idea promoted was that, even though the Org. wasn't perfect, everywhere else was under Satan's control. It was still the best place to be. So with the Sergei video; despite giving up talents, friends, freedom... whatever... being a JW loyal to the Org is still the best way of life.

Yes, this has similarities with the Jonestown mentality; "The world is ganging up against us, we must hide away and brace ourselves for a final assault upon us. Remain loyal, the end is near, brothers!" JWs need to waken up to how their thoughts and emotions are being manipulated by a tiny group of men in America. The next step in that manipulation will be them saying, "This is the best way of death".
2016-06-07 01:37:49 UTC
As a former Jehovah's Witness I uphold the morality and clean-living of the Witnesses. I also admire and respect them for their sincerity and their efforts to tell others about their version of the gospel (even though they preach another, false gospel). However, I despise and deplore the manipulation by the Governing Body in the way they control the members and punish them if they dare to question their leaders.

The 2016 regional conventions are entitled "Remain Loyal to Jehovah" but when you analyse the 8 videos they will have to watch (see the link below), it becomes very clear that the focus is shifting away from "the good news of the kingdom" to a message of judgment. This is going to result in world-wide persecution, they say, and so all loyal Witnesses must obey their leaders and get ready to hit the bunkers and hide from the brutal law-enforcement officers who are going to hunt them down.

Unbelievable? Check out the comments on video number 8. What's scary about those videos is the Jonestown mentality - it's the world against us - we must be prepared to die rather than submit. They think they are submitting to Jehovah God, but the reality is they are being told to submit to the seven men who make up the Governing Body.

Edit: Just read the report about the convention videos on Sergei's Story - see the second link below. The article starts with this introduction:

“The way of the truth is the best way of living.” So begins Kingdom Song 64, “Make the Truth Your Own.” This mantra is one with which Jehovah’s Witnesses are very familiar. In fact, it’s quite common to hear the mantra expanded on in the following way: Even if this wasn’t the Truth, it would still be the best possible way to live.

If you’ve been associated with the Witnesses, you’ve probably heard a statement like this, often in response to doubts or challenges about how valid Witness teachings are. The narrative being presented is that even if Watchtower is wrong, living according to the Governing Body’s commands would still result in the most satisfying life possible. It’s a win-win scenario! But is this statement true? Well, let’s take a look at how Watchtower presents Witness life in a series of videos being played at the 2016 Remain Loyal to Jehovah Regional Convention. The videos follow a character, Sergei, from childhood to most-likely, his death."

The article concludes: "Truth has nothing to hide. Falsehood is terrified of questions."

I don't agree with everything in that article, but I wholeheartedly agree with that conclusion. Read the article for yourself and ask why the Governing Body is trying so hard to browbeat the Witnesses into submission to the organization.
Susanna LIVES
2016-06-06 08:25:57 UTC
Not a JW, but Jesus told us the world will hate us for they hated Him first, nowhere in the Bible does it say it would be ez here on earth to follow Christ, there's the dark forces working and is prevalent in this sin ridden world friend. But as Christians, who know the bigger picture, so to speak, it is totally worth it😂we read how hard it was for the apostles and desciples all throughout the Bible, nothing has changed...and remember what the Great Reformers went through? They praised God and sang while being burned Alive or impaled!!!we shall have the same fate, soon!!!
2016-06-06 09:26:14 UTC
For us, the perfect, self-sacrificing example of the Founder of true Christianity, Jesus, is the best example one could cite.

The tribulations are NOT caused by the true Christian life style, but by virtue of the fact that this world is lying in Satan's power (1 John 5:19).

The early Christians called it 'The Way', but they did not expect 'an easy ride'.

It simply means we try to live a life approved by Jehovah and his Son Jesus, to the best of our human ability (Mat. 24:13), and we enjoy it!

Kind regards, Gunter
2016-06-06 08:22:58 UTC
Life for Jehovah's Witnesses is getting ever more suffocating. With the changing of the rules and the noose tightening around associating with family who even dare to question the tower, coming here and saying how super duper keen it is to be a Witness today is a pitiful waste of breath. Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

That being said, Bassist and I see an outright attack on real christianity brewing. Neither he nor I are christians but we are seeing a public flogging of anything christian, it has given us pause and we are looking at the sorce of this and reconsidering our feelings about it.

I hope I answered your question, man of blue water, sky and adult beverages with rum in them.
2016-06-06 08:34:23 UTC
Isaiah 48:17-18

This is what Jehovah says, your Repurchaser, the Holy One of Israel:

“I, Jehovah, am your God,


The One guiding you IN THE WAY you should walk.

18 If only you would pay attention to my commandments!

Then your peace would become just like a river

And your righteousness like the waves of the sea

Psalm 32:8

8 “I will give you insight and instruct you in the way you should go.

I will give you advice with my eye upon you

Isaiah 30:20, 21

and you will see your Grand Instructor+ with your own eyes. 21 And your own ears will hear a word behind you saying, “This is the way. Walk in it” in case you should go to the right or in case you should go to the left."

Isaiah 49:10

10 They will not go hungry, nor will they thirst,

Nor will scorching heat or the sun beat down on them.

For the One who has mercy on them will lead them,

And he will guide them by the springs of water
2016-06-06 14:11:06 UTC
Absolutely best way of life, everlasting life.

Malachi 2:2 NIV

"If you do not listen, and if you do not set your heart to honor my name," says the LORD Almighty, "I will send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings.

Yes, I have already cursed them, because you have not set your heart to honor me."

You ask so many negative questions pertaining to the JW's, would you be an unhappy apostate?
2016-06-06 09:49:50 UTC
They turn a blind eye to all of the Christians around the world who are suffering and dying for their faith. The JWs think they are being persecuted for their faith because the world is finally seeing them for who and what they are, an evil cult.
2016-06-06 08:30:48 UTC
To Serve Jehovah as His Witnesses is the Best Way of Life :

"He has told you, O man, what is good.

And what is Jehovah requiring of you?

Only to exercise justice, to cherish loyalty,

And to walk in modesty with your God!" (Micah 6:8. Bible).
2016-06-06 08:44:33 UTC
We want to live a clean life a respectable one. No lying, stealing, cheating, etc. all those bad things bring bad consequences. It is a better way of life not doing those things, god hates bad conduct.

This is what the bible says about us.

1 Peter 4:4 Because YOU do not continue running with them in this course to the same low sink of debauchery, they are puzzled and go on speaking abusively of YOU.

Acts 13:45 When the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy and began blasphemously contradicting the things Paul was saying.

We can do nothing better with our life than conform to God’s Word and learn from his Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus taught his followers to worship God with spirit and truth, and he commissioned them to make disciples. (Matt. 28:19, 20; John 4:24) By living in harmony with Jesus’ instructions, we please Jehovah and enjoy His blessing.

Jesus spent untold millenniums working with his Father. (Prov. 8:22, 30) He knew that the best way of life centered on serving God and bearing witness to the truth. (John 18:37) It was clear to Jesus that any other way of life would be selfish and shortsighted. He knew that he would be tested severely and put to death. (Matt. 20:18, 19; Heb. 4:15) As our Exemplar, he taught us how to be integrity keepers.
2016-06-06 19:44:02 UTC
"I'm sure I live a better way of life than JWs do."

Nah. I disagree

"I don't steal, cheat, abuse drugs, etc"

Good for you! I don't steal, cheat or abuse drugs.

"but I also have the freedom to enjoy any kind of entertainment I wish to without being plagued or hindered by superstitious fear of demons"

I dislike slasher flicks. I chose long before I was one one Jehovah's Witnesses not to watch them. I don't like chick flicks either. I do not feel hindered at not watching slasher flicks. I think the chick flick should not be made.

"or a being in the sky watching me and disapproving."

I do not believe he is watching me, taking note of every little thing I have done wrong. I live my life according to Jesus' standards because I want to.

"I have the freedom to pursue higher education without fear of being judged for it by my peers."

So do I. So does every Witness youth. You are saying that we do not.

"I have freedom to accept a life-saving blood transfusion without fear of being shunned for it."

It is not fear of being shunned that people refuse a blood transfusion. Oh, what do you call a blood transfusion that is not life-saving? A death-causing blood transfusion?

"I have freedom to talk to anyone without a controlling organization telling me to shun this person or that person or else face shunning by my own family."

So do I! I choose not to associate with those who believes my way of life should not exist. I would choose not to associate with you because you believe my way of life sucks and should be banned.

"I have the freedom to use my mind to scrutinize and evaluate ideas objectively without a phsychologically manipulative organization telling me to avoid "independent thinking""

We don't. You mislead people to believe this. We teach to keep Bible standards in mind when making decisions of life and that thinking independently from the Bible is the wrong way of life.

"and to dismiss legitimate thoughts that cause me to doubt the veracity of certain ideas."

You trained yourself to dismiss legitimate thoughts and teachings from Jehovah's Witnesses.

"I'm not a victim of such mind-control as you are/will be at your regional convention this year."

From my perspective your mind is being controlled. You just do not know it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.