The Bible writers created 2 distinct holidays, Passover and Easter.
Passover is Jewish while Easter is Christian.
Jesus instituted the Christian Easter Celebration totally different from Passover! It doesn’t have any connection with it except that it is celebrated at about the same time.
The Jewish PASSOVER is about God killing ALL the innocent firstborn children of Egyptian parents.
Exodus 12:12
For I* (*God the Father) will PASS THROUGH*
the land of Egypt this night, and WILL SMITE all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the Gods of Egypt*
(*God and Saint Paul admit the existence of MANY OTHER GODS -1Cor8:5! It would be very silly of God to SMITE ALL the Gods of Egypt, if they don’t exist!)
I will execute judgment: I am the LORD!
God slaughtered all the innocent first born children not celebrating the Jewish “PASSOVER” event.
The 2,000,000+ Jews were supposed to be DESTITUTE SLAVES IN EGYPT, but every singly Jewish family was celebrating the “PASSOVER FEAST” roasting a lamb for dinner.
The Jews were SLAVES in Egypt, but they owned over 500,000 sheep, large extensions of grassing fields to feed their sheep, and all the trimming needed for the Passover meal.
While at the same time, their Egyptian MASTERS were wailing not only the death of their firstborn children, but also the TOTAL DESTRUCTION, SEVERAL TIMES OVER OF ALL OF THEIR LIVESTOCK.
The Jews are successful Bible writers from way back! Regardless of all the absurd stories in the Bible, religious people are willing to kill, and die to defend, or at least to bleed at a rate of 10% of their income for life.
As soon as Israel invaded God’s Promised Land that was “Flowing with Milk and Honey,” they began to starve to death to the point that God forced them to eat their own children for dinner (Jer19:9, Lam4:10)!
Christians are stuck with this primitive gruesome God! Fortunately they came up with the Trinity idea that allows them to pick a “sweeter” member of the ELOHIM family as the least of the 3 evils.
The Christian EASTER celebration is the nailing of God the Son Jesus Christ to a Holy Roman Cross! Christianity is full of slaughtering!
The first Christian Easter celebration was instituted by Jesus and a group of “MEN ONLY” who rejected all family ties to follow him.
The original JEWISH PASSOVER is celebrated in a family setting where the kid in the house is asking daddy at dinner, “why is this night so different from all the other nights?” And daddy would tell everybody at the table the “Exodus” story.
There are some “spiritual” similarities. Both celebrations have to do with an “exodus” of some sort.
Mark 10:28-30
Peter said to him, "We have left everything to follow you!"*
(*Israel also left the good land of Egypt)
(*no bull crap now!)
Jesus replied, "no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields--and with them, persecutions and in the age to come, eternal life*
(*Jesus forgot to mention that in the meantime Christians need to be up to date paying their tithes and offerings to the Church Treasury -Acts 5:1-11)
Any JW knows that Jesus instituted the ritual of the Holy Communion in violation of a clear commandment of God about not drinking any blood –Gen 9:4
John 6:53
Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you*
(*this time is really no bull crap!)
Except ye eat the FLESH of the Son of man, and drink his BLOOD, ye have no life in you*
(*Jesus is addressing a vampire oriented population of future Christians)
The Bible writers made it so that breaking any Law of God is OK as long as it is done to favor the newly forming Christian faith!
God makes the rules as the Bible stories are being developed. In those days the “Word of God” was as close to any Priest or Preacher as a pen and a piece of paper to the Bible writer!