2011-07-01 22:06:22 UTC
pur·pose (pûrps)
1. The object toward which one strives or for which something exists; an aim or a goal: "And ever those, who would enjoyment gain/Must find it in the purpose they pursue" (Sarah Josepha Hale).
2. A result or effect that is intended or desired; an intention. See Synonyms at intention.
3. Determination; resolution: He was a man of purpose.
4. The matter at hand; the point at issue.
tr.v. pur·posed, pur·pos·ing, pur·pos·es
To intend or resolve to perform or accomplish.
on purpose
Intentionally; deliberately.
il·log·i·cal (-lj-kl)
1. Contradicting or disregarding the principles of logic.
2. Without logic; senseless.
sense·less (snsls)
1. Lacking sense or meaning; meaningless.
2. Deficient in sense; foolish or stupid.
3. Insensate; unconscious.
.meaningless [ˈmiːnɪŋlɪs]
futile or empty of meaning
meaninglessly adv
meaninglessness n
If life has a purpose then reason is required
rea·son (rzn)
1. The basis or motive for an action, decision, or conviction. See Usage Notes at because, why.
2. A declaration made to explain or justify action, decision, or conviction: inquired about her reason for leaving.
3. An underlying fact or cause that provides logical sense for a premise or occurrence: There is reason to believe that the accused did not commit this crime.
4. The capacity for logical, rational, and analytic thought; intelligence.
5. Good judgment; sound sense.
6. A normal mental state; sanity: He has lost his reason.
7. Logic A premise, usually the minor premise, of an argument.
In conclusion, if life has NO purpose then the argument for Atheism is illogical and can not be rationalized.
If life has a purpose then you must conclude that purpose has reason and that reason comes from intelligence.
So which is it?