Why are people so hateful against the truth?
Only evangelists go to heaven
2007-01-31 14:29:09 UTC
The bible is an accurate historical document, it is gods word. Why are there still people that follow Atheism, muslimism,islamitism, paganism, buddhisism, an other religion that reject Christ,Jesus is the only true way to heaven. Did you know all non christians will go to hell? Are the truth rejectors just being rebellious, or are they just stupid. PLEASE, stop following satans false religions and accept Christ, stop being rebellious and reject Satan.
42 answers:
Dave P
2007-01-31 14:32:41 UTC
I don't hate the bible, I laugh at it.

Actually, I am perfectly willing to admit that there are parts of the bible that seem to be accurate. There are also parts that seem to be ridiculous. I am sorry if you can't see the difference.

The Greeks felt that the Iliad and the Odyssey were accurate historical documents and were inspired by the gods. We have even found evidence that Troy existed and that other parts of the Iliad and the Odyssey are true.

That doesn't mean that the Trojan War was started when Eris, Goddess of Discord gave Paris a golden apple any more than the true parts of the bible mean that humanity started when god made Adam and Eve and they ate an apple. (Although it might be a good idea to shift your fruit choices towards the citrus family.)

It's silly to believe that Achilles was invulnerable to arrows except in his heel. It's silly to believe that Samson was a superman whose power was drained when his hair was cut. The Cyclops no more existed than the Nephilim did.

If you want to focus your life on what will happen after you die, be my guest. Just don't expect rational people to follow you. We believe in death after life, not life after death. I intend to make the most of the time that I have here.

Go in peace to love and serve the truth.

P.S. If you want to know why Christians scare Atheists, note the use of the term criminal in the additional detail. That is a legal term and I fear it reflects the deep desires of some Christians to go back to a time when Atheism was illegal.

Let me also say that I have, in the past, accepted Jesus. I was ordained as an Elder in the Presbyterian Church and, as far as I know, I am still an ordained Elder. I just don't believe that the little cups of grape juice or cubes of Wonder Bread do anything.
2007-02-01 08:22:15 UTC
Ok, the answer to the first part of your question is really simple. You ask why people follow other religions besides yours. Well, ask yourself this question. What is the reason why you personally do not follow any of these other religions. Whatever that reason is, this is also the same reason that people of other faiths have for not following yours. People believe that their religion is the one true way, and their belief is just as strong and unshakeable as yours. You know how strong your own faith is, right, and I'm sure that you couldn't fathom ever being able to change that. Well, neither can people of other religions. If you can be honest with yourself about your reasons for rejecting the multitude of other gods that people worship, then you already know the reasons why others reject yours. Also, imagine how you feel when someone tells you that your beliefs are wrong. It makes you feel horrible, right? That's exactly how they feel when you say that they're wrong. In their mind, just like in yours, their beliefs are the absolute truth. Do you understand?

Now, atheists are a different matter, since they have no belief in any religion or god. Atheists use the same method for determining truth that many of us of all faiths use for various things in daily life. For example, buying a car. This is something that most people of driving age have some experience with. Say you're looking at a used car and the person selling it tells you that it's in great shape, and runs smooth. How do you determine if this is the truth? Most people would test drive it, kick the tires, look under the hood, maybe even have their mechanic look it over. Based on that testing and observation, you could determine it the salesman's statement is truth or not. Most people of all faiths use this same method of observation and testing for various things in their lives, but people that adhere to a religion usually exempt their own beliefs from this process. While they may examine most other things with a critical eye, their religious beliefs are spared this scrutiny.

The difference between theists and atheists is that atheists do not exempt any religious beliefs from critical examination. They read scripture, from the bible or any other religious text, and based on what they know about the world around them decide if it is plausible. Then they look for any evidence that may support the claims that are made. Evidence may include historical writings that are not associated with the holy books involved, archeological evidence from the time period in which the texts in question were written (for example, evidence of a global flood or the hebrew exodus) and even any Information about the authors of the religious text, or the method used to write it (for example, the christian bible was compiled by committee). After weighing any information they have gathered, they attempt to conclude if the holy book they have read contains truth.

Unfortunately, due to the supernatural aspect of most dieties, credible evidence in favor of their existance is lacking. Without such evidence, many have no compelling reason to believe, but are always willing to examine new evidence and revisit their conclusions in the event that new evidence is presented.
2007-01-31 15:01:40 UTC
The truth is subjective. The bible is a historical document, but its accuarcy is debatable. Remember the telephone picture dozens of clerics doing nothing but writing from the wee hours of the morning til late at night. Mistakes were made, to believe otherwise is ridiculous. Besides, mankind is falliable, therefore anything created by mankind is falliable. Doesnt matter where the inspiration came from. Unless of course, you wish to assert that the bible was written directly by the hand of some paternal figure sitting on a cloud up somewhere in the sky. Last I heard it was written by mere men and women, mortals capable of error, rewritten by other mortals...who are still falliable and then printed by still yet more mortals who are once again....falliable. Are you seeing a trend yet??

'Sides, I'd rather be the best person I can be and follow my own path. If I'm wrong and there is some big bad paternal figure sitting up on high decides that just because I didnt attend church, give them my hard earned money, and bow down before him, though I lived a better life than most christians, and chooses to send me to hell, I'd rather go there than spend eternity in a hypocritical heaven.
Laela (Layla)
2007-01-31 19:09:44 UTC
Don't worry about it so much and just think to each his own and just agree to disagree. I'm Muslim and I am not about to pull my hair out because people to believe the way I do and nor am I going to cry over it. I suggest you do the same. We have different views of the bible, yet I don't hate it.

To each their own I always say and by the way everyone believes that their religion is the truth. Yet the wise do not push it.

You see I did the Christian stint and when you're up at the alter questioning a Being as great as God about his having sons; it's time to get out. Years later I embraced Islam, That question I just mentioned came years after I became a Baptist. I quit going to the Baptist church, changed to Pentecostal and that same old question kept nagging me so I quite going to church altogether, lived a life of dancing, sex all of that jargon, till I became as you know a Muslim. I had a lot of very good and knowledgable Christian friends and if I told them, they wouln't've been able to help me I had to do that on my own.
2007-01-31 15:52:34 UTC
Spell Check is your friend. ;-)

First of all, no your bible is not an accurate historical document. Far from it! The only thing historical about it is that it is a piece of Middle Eastern mythology.

Why are people not Christians? Other then the fact many do not believe your God exists or is the real one, a major factor is people like you who honestly believe that threats of hell, fire, and damnation will convert people.

I for one, do not want to go to your Heaven, for to me it would be worse then your Gehenna. The name "Hel" is actually something you stole from the Norse, and no I wouldn't be afraid of going there. For those who have lead good lives, Hel is very pleasant.

I am neither rebellious or stupid. Christianity just isn't the religion for me. Really now, you give your Satan far too much power when you create him to the existence of all other religions. I reject both your Christ and your Satan.
2007-01-31 14:47:11 UTC
The Bible is a historical document, this is true. As to its accuracy, this is highly arguable. The Bible, that is the Pentateuch was committed to paper on average 1,000 years after the event and before then was handed orally from one generation to another. Parts of the New Testament were written about 400 years after the event. Before the invention of the printing press both were copied again and again and, it is highly possible and even possible that changes, albeit unwanted ones have crept in. To say that the Bible is the word of God is a gross approximation. It is the narration of fair-minded persons on happenings related to God but, what they say does not mean it is God's direct word. The same applies to the New Testament, it is the written version of witnesses' accounts, some of them many generations later, of what Jesus is to have said. That is one of the reasons why the events narrated vary from one author to another. That does not change the fact that these books are sacred to Christianity.
2007-01-31 14:55:36 UTC
I don't know if you have seen any of my answers on here. I am one of the Christian's that try hard to answer questions of those that have been rejecting God with both Love and logic.. your statement that "The bible is an accurate historical document" is wrong! The Bible is not a Book of History, but is a Book of faith. Are there historic truths found there ... OF COURSE. But the Bible has huge gaps in the story of man. Those missing times were not considered important to our faith by our Lord and therefore were skipped. I have no idea how much time God didn't reveal to the prophets. It's not important!!! He left us with faith strengthening prophecy, and the lesson for life were His purpose for our existence is reveled. He told of of His love for us and proved it with the death of Christ on the cross. He showed us through the resurrection that He has provided hope for us beyond the grave. Lets rejoice and be glad and invite others to reach out to Him and except the gift of life that God offers. No threats just a positive affirmation of His goodness and love for all of us... Jim
2007-01-31 14:49:48 UTC
The reason that the people are hateful against the truth is because they are so used to doing the things that they are involved in, and they are content that they don't want to change. Their deeds are dark, and Jesus is the light, and they don't want their deeds to be shown in the light.
2007-01-31 14:43:00 UTC
"The bible is an accurate historical document, it is gods word. "

Bzzt. You've already drifted away from the truth into fantasyland.

The rest of your comments are already undermined. Sorry. Here's a suggestion - if you're going to draw attention to the topic of "truth", don't start off by making false claims.
2007-01-31 14:44:36 UTC
Wow are you the most ignorant person i have ever seen on here. Not only are you sucked into a religion full of hyprocracy but you are at the same time calling everybody else stupid. I hope when you die you realize that your "heaven" is nothing more than a 6 ft hole in the ground. And the "angels" are actually earth worms and magots tearing your flesh apart bit by bit until all that remains is you skeletal remains. tell me Captain Sunshine wheres your God then?????
2007-01-31 14:52:46 UTC
Not hateful, many have not heard what Jesus had to say, and they need time to understand and accept. You believe because you were exposed to it, probably at a young age. I doubt that a Indian in India has had the same exposure as you. And they do not necessarily believe in hell like you do, so it does not affect them. And in the end, there will be believers and non-believers, you cannot help that. After all it is a choice, particularly in christhianity. And Satan, well trust me, he really does not participate, but leaves it all to us to make our choices.
Echo of Creation
2007-01-31 14:41:48 UTC
You have it backwards perhaps.

Maybe religious texts are not true, and it is the religious believers who do the hating. This could explain a lot of wars, crusades, witch hunts, inquisitions, unjust laws, etc. Hatred might also explain why so many Christians spend so much time telling everyones else they will be tortured in Hell for eternity if they exercise their free will to not believe like you do.

BTW, only 144,000 Jewish virgin men will get into Heaven according to Revelations. Sorry, Christians..
2007-01-31 14:41:16 UTC
You really don't want to hear this but, I don't believe in heaven, or hell, or your God. That kinda makes your truth irrelevant to me personally. However much you tell me Jesus died for me personally on the cross to save me this wont change the truth deep in my heart and soul. I am very sorry that I bother you and leave you so worried I don't want to but I cant change the fundamentals of my belief. For me I cant reject or accept Satan as he doesn't exist it is the same with Jesus Christ as son of god (I do believe he existed as a man).

I am however very happy you are so committed and passionate in your truth. This may be hard for you to understand but I do believe that for you this is the truth and that it is yours to hold believe and truly revel in. Keep reading your bible keep praying and keep growing spiritually, just keep out of my personal faith too and you wont have so much heartache.
2007-01-31 14:40:17 UTC
Since there are documents that pre-date the Bible that also claim to be Divinely inspired, why is YOUR book "the right one"?

I'm not hateful against "the truth" - I'm annoyed by people who think that their religion or mythology is "the only right one" and try to force others to believe the same thing that they do.

"Did you know all non christians will go to hell?" No, I KNOW that Christians BELIEVE that all non-Christians will go to hell. As for me, I'd rather spend an eternity in hell than worship a "benevolent, loving God" who would create such a place and send people there.

Believe what you want, and let others do the same.
2007-01-31 14:38:31 UTC
Define truth in a rational way. The bible is not an accurate historical document. It is however a historical document. Did you know that your promoting violence through your dogmatic ideology? In a logical sense, who is really rejecting the truth? People who criticize and debate are considered intellectuals, not stupid. Satan does not exist and you shouldnt assume your religion is correct to the point where you hate everyone non-Christian.
Tom :: Athier than Thou
2007-01-31 15:10:19 UTC
I'm not following a false religion. I'm atheist, hence no religion. And the bible is about as historically accurate as Batman
2007-01-31 14:40:36 UTC
The Bible warns that the world will turn to this state. And you're right...they will go to Hell eternally. It is sad. However, you can only do so much!!! After that, the most that you can do is pray. Lots of folks here need prayer. You merely mention His holy name and they go nuts. I believe there are only a few that sincerely believe that there is no God. The others are in denial... We all know our maker and have an inner desire to serve Him. Their "guilty conscience" mixed with the free help of Satan himself makes them lash out. You just continue taking the right road. If they don't serve Him now, they will desire to later. The Bible says EVERY knee shall bow. Hallelujah!!! What a day that will be!!!!
2007-01-31 14:33:57 UTC
Jesus was a liar and a fraud.

Read the FAQ.

Jesus failed:

To rebuild the Third Temple

To end man's ability to sin

To end all war and violence

To inscribe the Torah on every human's heart

To bring all Jews back to Israel

Jesus broke rules against:

Substitutionary atonement

Sacrifice outside the temple

Human sacrifice

Working on the Shabbat

Jesus falsely taught about:

The nature of the Law

The nature of Shabbat

The nature of the Eternal Covenant

The nature of atonement

The nature of sin

The nature of the afterlife

The nature of the Messiah

Jesus blasphemed:

In calling the Eternal Covenant fulfilled

In stating that there was a New Covenant.

In calling himself 'Son of God', a title reserved for annointed Kings of Israel

In teaching of a second coming, which is not scriptural (in fact, the scriptures are clear that HaMosiach will fulfill ALL the prophecies in ONE lifetime, no resurrections or second comings)

*IF* Jesus actually did ANY of the miracles ascribed to him, they were done by Satan, not God.
2007-01-31 14:37:08 UTC
You can sin against Jesus and be forgiven but if you sin against the holy spirit you will burn in hell. You are not God. God did not come down and make you A deputy. Your judgment of others is you playing God. Read the Bible Read James. You are the one in trouble. Keep pointing your fingers at others and you will Burn too. In fact your in Hell right now right here. You can not accept the world as God has made it and exactly how God wants it too be at this moment. This puts you at odds with the world around you and places you in hell.

What a sorry place to be. Ill pray for you.
2007-01-31 14:35:32 UTC
The truth is that which one believes.

You believe that the Bible is true. Many people do not.

Don't take it personally.
2007-01-31 14:45:01 UTC
According to you, even you are going there because you are not teaching God's word in full truth, you are teaching falsehood.
2007-01-31 14:35:07 UTC
i am saved!!!

The only thing in that question you stated about Christianity was that if you don't believe it you're going to hell!! Not, what "God" can do for you, or the good things that come out of it.

Next time you try and preach your religion, how bout picking something a bit nicer about Christianity apart from believe or burn.............if that's possible
2007-01-31 14:38:55 UTC
FYI: I don't even believe in satan so how coud i worship him? I do however believe in jesus, but that he was just a normal man. no superhuman strengths or powers. just normal. and the bible isn't truth. it was written by a man who said it was from god. if i wrote a book today and said it was from god everyone would laugh. so why is it that just because it is an ancient book, that it has many believing it is the "truth". it's a book. and just that. i'm sorry to burst your bubble.
2007-01-31 14:42:00 UTC
Please get in touch with the wire services and get the news out that the Bible is an accurate historical document. Some how the major newspapers missed that story.
2007-01-31 14:35:00 UTC
If they aren't ignorant, there is no purpose for a christian. We live to convert, that is our #1 mission. If every non-believers converted easy as you wanted, what's the point of life on earth? Why not go to heaven right away instead of wasting time on earth trying to convert people who wants to?
2007-01-31 14:38:07 UTC
We have no idea if Christans, Muslums, Hindus, or Buddhist are correct. So shut up! I say all the religions are wrong. It's because of people like you religious war starts.
2007-01-31 14:36:39 UTC
Stop being an idiot. The bible is no more fact than Tir Na Nog. Its not a historical document. You need to do your research from unbiased resources instead of relying on the lies your preachers teach you. because everything you just said is a load of crap.
Mandolyn Monkey Munch
2007-01-31 14:34:42 UTC
Because the truth stings. But it is still the truth, and people need to set aside their pride and become humble in the sight of God in order to receive the truth.
Love Shepherd
2007-01-31 14:34:50 UTC
Goofy fake. Try being the WSID?R next. Or pretending to be an athiest or ask a real question.
2007-01-31 14:33:32 UTC
If God exists, and he is going to send every non-Christin to eternal hell for the simple reason they didn't believe a poorly-written book with questionable ethics, then that God is an a$$hole.
2007-01-31 14:34:32 UTC
If the bible is god's word, why so many contradictions?
2007-01-31 14:36:42 UTC
Just accept people dont believe what you do.
2007-01-31 14:34:09 UTC
This is the biggest load of rubbish I have read tonight. You are deluding yourself.
2007-01-31 14:35:09 UTC
lol. why are you so hateful towards zues, do you not know that people who refuse him will go to hades?

why do you refuse the flying spaghetti monster? do you not know that people who refuse him will be forever tortured?

why do you not believe in the almight pink unicorn? he created everything? he puts people in a fiery abyss for not believing in him.
2007-01-31 14:33:15 UTC
Uh-huh. Troll.
2007-01-31 14:36:16 UTC
the bible is not an accurate historical document

and did you know that everyone else has their own truth as equally as valid as your own ?

please stop being ridiculous
2007-01-31 14:33:07 UTC
Why are people so hateful against the truth?

They do not want to change. (Lifestyles, mostly)
Phoenix, Wise Guru
2007-01-31 14:34:25 UTC
You. You are the reason.
2007-01-31 14:33:30 UTC
it makes them uncomfortable
2007-01-31 14:34:02 UTC

im a Christian
Chef Bob
2007-01-31 14:33:16 UTC
because the Truth scares them to death.
2007-01-31 14:35:04 UTC
they are blind to it and cant see it ... to them its just foolishness.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.