Can Christians be racist ? Are Atheist more likely to be racist ?
any human being can be racist ...
. so the ASSOCIATION one might be inferring is
THEISM and particularly Christian theism may be synonymous or have an association with Racism or that Atheism is synonymous or associated with Racism ....
.. Actually one deals with accepting IDEAS of gods
and the other not accepting IDEAS of Gods ,
now non religious Atheist do not have a DOCTRINE . or a Creed of BELIEFS , so its very individual thought process
THEIST and particular Christians do have a Doctrine Creek and a Book they follow called the bible ... now if you review history Some Christians in some areas have had an association with groups and WRITING LAWS that are Racist promoting segregation and racist behaviot ,
I can state this with Confidence and FACT because when segregation laws were written the Congress and senate did not have any declared Atheist in office and many stated actually wrote Laws to BAN Atheist from holding any public office , actually several states ( 7 ) still have such laws on the books , Arkansas Mississippi NC SC Tennessee and Texas
, one might take a note to the associated regions of the country
. so to make any association and Facts we would need a voting record of how atheist would vote to determine if as a group they are less likely to be racist....or a Poll
But they are individual as are Christian , now " if " their group promotes it its up to each Individual to Question that evaluate it if they support it and ask if that is something they as a individual agrees with and possible ask the GROUP if it is something they support accept and WHY ..evaluation is important when your in a group and questioning ...
...I can say some religions have as a RULE DO NOT question , accept what we say and stamp it with the word "GOD"
when i purchased a home in a southern state many years ago it was for sale by owner , so i asked the owner directly WHY He answered honest and said that it was in a owners association and they did not want anyone of COLOR to move in , I later found out the other 10 home owners were also Evangelical BAPTIST , ( I have been an Atheist for over 30 years ) . that group of 10 were others may not be
. one would have to admit many in South promoted slavery and used the Bible for their argument and the major religion in the country was christian so the civil war was not just
brother against brother , but christian against christian , there are 34,000 denominations of Christianity i know many others from denominations even in my family who are not
Quakers were very active pro freedom and abolitionist, and many atheist were once theist and possibly Christians , But I can say many atheist do QUESTIONING ,that is why many became atheist