Can Christians be racist?
2017-01-15 20:59:19 UTC
Are atheists more likely to be racist?
339 answers:
2017-01-18 15:54:38 UTC
Can Christians be racist?....It can be if ...only if this christian do not know what is going around their life..for life is so complex ,some can think and some don't... but Love change them all, for love is is about care or you do not care... you do not care means no love at all.

some will tell you story like this and you can care of it, if you like:

Atheists tend to be more accepting of the fact that each person is equal, regardless of race or sex. It's the Bible that claims women are inferior to men and slavery is supported inside the scriptures. If it weren't for religion, we'd be far ahead of where we currently are. Religious people (mainly Christians) think they have a monopoly on everything; just because they have a book that was authored by a bunch of Iron Age peasants. They certainly believe they have a monopoly on marriage; they think they can decide who can and cannot get married, even though every civilization has had marriage, long before Christianity was even a thing. So if anything Christians are racist, sexist, and homophobic bigots. Not all, but the majority are exactly all that.
2017-01-18 19:15:17 UTC
Anyone can be a racist. However, the results from many studies and surveys shows that there is a strong correlation between the strength that someone identifies as a Christian and racism, and that the more religious an individual is, the more racist they tend to be, and visa versa. Researchers postulate that the strong need for 'group identity' common among Christians also leads to racism.

Some Christians might argue that no 'true' Christian could be a racist, however, there are many, many Christians who are racist and who would argue that their view of Christianity is the more correct view. For an example of this, look at the religious writings in the lead up to the American Civil War, you will see there as many articles written claim slavery was supported by the Bible as there were arguing for abolition.
2017-01-20 22:47:06 UTC
Christians can be racist, so can atheists. Just like muslims, sikhs and Jews etc can be. However, you can't group them all together. Remember that every follower of a religion or atheist is their own person. Anyone can be racist no matter what gender, religion, sexuality, age, race etc they are. Just because someone worships a God or someone doesn't, doesn't make them anymore likely to be racist. Just think of everyone as an individual rather than grouped into religions as there are many murderers for example from every religion, but you don't ask if christians can be murderers do you? Sorry if this comes across as mean, it isn't intentional. Hope this helps :)
2017-01-15 22:28:02 UTC
Atheists tend to be more accepting of the fact that each person is equal, regardless of race or sex. It's the Bible that claims women are inferior to men and slavery is supported inside the scriptures. If it weren't for religion, we'd be far ahead of where we currently are. Religious people (mainly Christians) think they have a monopoly on everything; just because they have a book that was authored by a bunch of Iron Age peasants. They certainly believe they have a monopoly on marriage; they think they can decide who can and cannot get married, even though every civilization has had marriage, long before Christianity was even a thing. So if anything Christians are racist, sexist, and homophobic bigots. Not all, but the majority are exactly all that.
2017-01-17 10:44:50 UTC
People who really are Genuine Christians will not be racist because they will believe that God made us all and loves ALL who follow His teaching. The idea that some races are worth more than others is an evil teaching. I have been shocked at the hateful racist comments that I read on Yahoo Answers - mainly from people in the USA. I feel that the term 'Christian' does not mean the same in USA as it does in UK. I think that most of you just mean 'a person who goes to church'. If so, bear in mind that Satan goes to church every Sunday. It's his favourite place.

Atheists are already his so he doesn't need to make any effort where they are concerned.
2017-01-20 20:05:26 UTC
It's a two way street. Both Christians and atheists can be racist, but atheists aren't more likely to be. If I were racist I wouldn't have followed through with my duty as a lifeguard when I helped a black kid who was struggling in the water. I wouldn't have given a homeless black man some money so he could feed himself. But I did do these things, because I am a compassionate person and far from racist. Religion or no religion doesn't determine what kind of person you are.
2017-01-20 00:51:32 UTC
“THERE will always be a war somewhere. That’s the sad truth about mankind.” This pessimistic view recently appeared in a letter from a reader in the magazine Newsweek. As long as records have been kept, mankind has been embroiled in one war after another, and conflicts became more and more destructive as men developed more efficient ways of killing one another.

The 20th century had been no exception (Now 21st). It witnessed the bloodiest wars ever, but it has also witnessed something new. Fifty years ago the United States ushered in the nuclear age by dropping two atom bombs on Japan. In the five decades since then, the nations have built up massive stockpiles of nuclear weapons that could destroy humanity many times over. Will the existence of nuclear weaponry finally scare men off from waging war? The facts speak for themselves. Since 1945 many millions have died in wars—although as yet no more nuclear bombs have been dropped.

Why is the human race so warlike? The Encyclopedia Americana mentions some aspects of human society that historically have led to war. They include religious intolerance, >racism<, cultural differences, differing ideologies (such as Communism and capitalism), nationalism and the doctrine of national sovereignty, economic conditions, and a popular acceptance of militarism. When you read that list, do you see anything that is likely to change in the near future? Will the nations be less determined to preserve their sovereignty? Will men become less racist? Will religious fundamentalists be less fanatical? This is very unlikely.

Is there no hope at all, then, that some day things will be better and there will be lasting peace? Yes, there is hope. Despite the turmoil of this world, it is possible even today to find peace. Millions have done so. Their hope is in God's >Kingdom< (Matthew 6:9, 10) “You must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified.  Let your >Kingdom< come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on >earth<. (Daniel 2:44) “In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a >kingdom< that will never be destroyed. And this >kingdom< will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever, (Revelation 21:5) And the One seated on the throne said: “Look! I am making all things new.” Also he says: “Write, for these words are faithful and true.”
Tasha W
2017-01-22 21:26:58 UTC
racism does not discriminate by religion or race. Any one of any race or religion can be racist. I can only answer this question with my opinion from what I have seen and been through. To be honest I dated a Mexican who was racist. I dated a porta Rican who was racist. They both were Catholic. I have an uncle by marriage that is very much so racist. I have heard from some of my mother's friends that were racist and they were Christian. Some of them were Baptist and other were some other kind of Christian. Racism annoys me because I am a mutt. I didn't chose my ancestors. I did not chose my parents. I am just here.
2017-01-16 10:36:00 UTC
If someone is a racist, then they can not really call themselves a christian, as much as they would like to be. A christian tries to be an imitator of God. Now tell me, from your studies of the scriptures, do you think God favors one race over another? Look up Acts 10:34&35. God attaches no significance at all to a person's skin color or facial features. He values something of far greater importance - our figurative heart, or the person we are inside. Also look up 1 Samuel 16:7. He is not partial, and those that are christians and love God shouldn't be partial either. He does care if we are racists or have racists tendencies in us. It's not just about getting "points taken off or something", you're talking about your life and your future.
2017-01-16 14:26:26 UTC
Why should anyone be racist and some of the most souls you will ever meet have many races in them and why is my hair so curly? I would not call me Curly Sue but I wonder often how different my life would of been if my Dad had been in a position to raise me alone and I am so glad I had such a loving father and without him I think I would of been lost. I was Daddy's little Princess and he was so sweet I never wanted to hurt his feelings. I hope wherever he is he knows I love him and he was the most wonderful Dad in the world in my mind. He raised me to not be racist or judge others. Please do not judge Christians because some of them are very sweet. I am Catholic by the way.

Your religious beliefs should never reflect racism & if they do maybe it is because of where you were raised. I was never raised by my Dad to be racist but my Mum was a piece of work when it came to judging others & it has taken me a long time in my mind at least to see that all of humanity are from different cultures & have different beliefs based on the races born into or locations all around the world.

Also another factor to consider is what is going on politically at the time from a historical and situational problematic perspective which is always Nebulous to define because of the actions of those who should be ruling in a more benevolent manner. I am not pleased that some are being profiled and all should be more tolerant of the differences of others all around the world.
2017-01-15 21:45:16 UTC
Can Christians be racist ? Are Atheist more likely to be racist ?

any human being can be racist ...

. so the ASSOCIATION one might be inferring is

THEISM and particularly Christian theism may be synonymous or have an association with Racism or that Atheism is synonymous or associated with Racism ....

.. Actually one deals with accepting IDEAS of gods

and the other not accepting IDEAS of Gods ,

now non religious Atheist do not have a DOCTRINE . or a Creed of BELIEFS , so its very individual thought process

THEIST and particular Christians do have a Doctrine Creek and a Book they follow called the bible ... now if you review history Some Christians in some areas have had an association with groups and WRITING LAWS that are Racist promoting segregation and racist behaviot ,

I can state this with Confidence and FACT because when segregation laws were written the Congress and senate did not have any declared Atheist in office and many stated actually wrote Laws to BAN Atheist from holding any public office , actually several states ( 7 ) still have such laws on the books , Arkansas Mississippi NC SC Tennessee and Texas

, one might take a note to the associated regions of the country

. so to make any association and Facts we would need a voting record of how atheist would vote to determine if as a group they are less likely to be racist....or a Poll

But they are individual as are Christian , now " if " their group promotes it its up to each Individual to Question that evaluate it if they support it and ask if that is something they as a individual agrees with and possible ask the GROUP if it is something they support accept and WHY ..evaluation is important when your in a group and questioning ...

...I can say some religions have as a RULE DO NOT question , accept what we say and stamp it with the word "GOD"

when i purchased a home in a southern state many years ago it was for sale by owner , so i asked the owner directly WHY He answered honest and said that it was in a owners association and they did not want anyone of COLOR to move in , I later found out the other 10 home owners were also Evangelical BAPTIST , ( I have been an Atheist for over 30 years ) . that group of 10 were others may not be

. one would have to admit many in South promoted slavery and used the Bible for their argument and the major religion in the country was christian so the civil war was not just

brother against brother , but christian against christian , there are 34,000 denominations of Christianity i know many others from denominations even in my family who are not

Quakers were very active pro freedom and abolitionist, and many atheist were once theist and possibly Christians , But I can say many atheist do QUESTIONING ,that is why many became atheist
2017-01-22 17:00:24 UTC
Yes, they most definitely can be racist, have you ever been to America?

It is obviously much better than it was in the past, but we still have the stereotype of Southerners who are exceptionally religious and a bit intolerant of those who have different skin tones. This goes back to before the Civil War when the plantation owners used bible verses in order to defend their rights to own slaves. Even today we still have the KKK and neo-Nazis, members of the Christian right who believe their group in inherently superior to all others. And it's not just white Christians who espouse racially biased ideals, racism exists in pretty much all cultures unfortunately.

No, atheists are not more likely to be racist. I don't have any data to support my position, and I doubt any would even exist, but in my opinion I would assume they are slightly less likely to be racist. The reason for this is that many modern atheists are Secular Humanists who hold egalitarian views, in my experience atheists are more likely to assert that we are all Homo sapiens rather than trying to highlight why arbitrary phenotypic differences make some people inherently better than others. Plus atheists don't have any doctrine or dogma, there is no scripture that can be used to justify racist beliefs. Of course being that I have no proof and it really doesn't impact my life either way, I'm willing to accept that the percentage of atheists who happen to be racists is probably rather similar to that of any other demographic. Just a sad little minority population who is all too vocal about their ideologies and given far too much press coverage.
2017-01-18 05:26:30 UTC
This completely depends on your definition of "Christians." If by "Christian" you mean someone who believe in God, then yes, that's possible, because merely believing in the existence of God does not make someone a Christian - it merely makes them a monotheist.

A true Christian is someone whose sins have been forgiven by the Lord Jesus Christ, and whose life has been turned over to Him in believing that God raised Him from the dead - as per Romans 10:9. A true Christian cannot be a racist because it is impossible for the light of God to exist in someone who hates another person - as per 1 John 2:9-11.

So, to answer your question, yes, fake Christians can be racist (and there a lot of fake Christians in this world), some true Christians used to be racist, but true Christians can't be racist after their salvation.
2017-01-18 19:37:23 UTC
LOL. If I were to equate any religious group with racist people, it would be Christians. I have lived in Texas and Oklahoma my whole life and literally everyone I have ever known ( other than a few people in college) has been a Christian and most of them have been racist. My family is very religious and are very racist. They are mostly racist against black people, hispanic people and middle eastern people. It makes me sick and I will be moving north as soon as I graduate.
2017-01-17 01:04:53 UTC
Many degrees and shades of racist exist.

Christians come from many different backgrounds and begin to be Christians under a variety of circumstances.

Part of being a Christian is a process called "putting on the new personality".The continuous process of putting on a new or making your personality more Christ like.

So depending on various factors such as where the person started from, what other and how many things they're working on changing to be more Christ like, some many still may be dealing with racism. It doesn't mean they aren't or can't be Christian if they are still working on some matters.

Racism is insidious and some people come from prejudice backgrounds for them it's difficult to see some of their own ideas as racist.

That however's different than a person who actively practices racism with no desire to change. Such people aren't putting on a new Christ like personality. Reason would tell us a person who rebels against a given position doesn't also embrace it.
2017-01-18 03:10:54 UTC
not entirely what this question is supposed to mean if you mean are there racist Christians and can it be possible for a Christian to be racist the answer should obviously be yes anyone can be racist no matter the religion or race but if you are asking if Christians are supposed to be racist according to Christianity the answer is no
Space Wasp
2017-01-22 18:06:07 UTC
Yes, Christians can be racist.

No, atheists are not more likely to be racist.

Anyone can be racist, and there is no real difference based on religious belief, or lack of it.
Daniel Budd
2017-01-17 17:05:00 UTC
If someone is a racist, they shouldn't call themselves a Christian. I know that there are some who profess to be Christian, but are racist. It is deceiving. You cannot be a Christian and a racist. The Bible says that if you say you love God, but hate your brother, then you are a liar. It's not just talking about siblings. It's talking about everybody.

I know that some people think that love means acceptance. But they are wrong. I don't hate someone who is gay, but I most certainly am opposed to their lifestyle. And I feel the same way about vegans.

When it comes to race, it's not even an issue with me. If someone respects me, it's easy to respect them in return. If someone disrespects me, we are going to have some problems. Color (of skin) doesn't matter.
Tia Marie
2017-01-19 03:12:26 UTC
Anyone can be racist, depending on how they were raised. It doesn't matter which religion or lack thereof they belong to. Also, I happen to be a Christian and I believe that everyone is equal; and I try to be nice to all types of people, and most of the Christians I know think the same way. I think it's only the crazy radicals who believe in the stuff people are describing on this site, not the normal Christians like myself, my friends and my family.
2017-01-17 17:03:28 UTC
Christians can be racist - they shouldn't be but everyone is different.

Are Atheists more likely to be racist? I don't really think so. It tends to be a personal decision anyone can make so it's hard to know who is and who isn't racist unless one has a conversation with that person. Then it usually comes out.
John DB
2017-01-17 19:49:38 UTC
Short answer is No. A true chrisitian is a person that follows the lifestyle and teachings of jesus christ. Jesus on several occasions spoke on matters that make it clear that racisim is not acceptable for a true christian. For instance:

(Matthew 23:8) . . .But you, do not you be called Rabbi, for one is your Teacher, and all of you are brothers. . .

In the context of the verse above, Jesus was not speaking specifically about racism, however the principal he mentioned surely has a bearing. Christians should treat each others as brothers.

(John 13:34, 35) . . .I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are my disciples—if you have love among yourselves.”

The verse above is a little more self explanatory. An identifying characteristic of true chrisitians is love. Racisim is the very opposite of love, and is one of the main problems in human society today.

Other verses in the bible by the inspired writers also make this matter abundantly clear. Verses such as:

(Acts 10:34, 35) . . .At this Peter began to speak, and he said: “Now I truly understand that God is not partial, 35 but in every nation the man who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.
2017-01-20 18:57:42 UTC
Any human being can be racist, no matter what creed or lack thereof. There are many racist atheists, just as I know personally some racist Christians. Both are humans.
2017-01-17 21:25:23 UTC
Most Christians are not racists because they believe in Ten Commandments which applies to everyone.

Most atheists however are racists because they believe the human race is better than God to the point that they ignore God's even existence.
2017-01-22 17:08:34 UTC
Yes a Christian CAN be racist, but that would be contradictory to the commandment "love thy neighbour as thyself." wouldn't it? If someone were truly Christian, they would not have such ignorant and prejudice beliefs. Every race has morally right and wrong people. And, I think every person identifying as Christian should call to memory the verse, "for ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." That statement is inclusive toward EVERY Man, Woman and Child, regardless of what skin color, family or associations one might have. For a Christian to hold racist beliefs and feelings is to go against the very teachings of their God. Otherwise, this would imply that God has a racist bias towards men which is ridiculous. Any Christian who is racist will face punishment for this prejudice. "He that is angry with his brother without cause shall be in danger of the judgment." Matthew 5:21-22
2017-01-16 18:24:48 UTC
Yes. Not all Christians, not even close, but many.

I'd assume that most atheists a not, but I'm sure there are some, human nature being what it is.

Also, something to take into account, most racist people really don't think that they are
2017-01-22 22:45:21 UTC
Christians have been racists for centuries and often purport that the Bible supports racism -- the story of Ham, for a notable example.

The best book I've read about Christian racism was a historical novel by James A. Michener called "The Covenant." It's set in South Africa (1650's through 1950's) and details the religious racism of the Boors (Dutch colonials) who skillfully twisted scripture to justify stealing the land of the indigenous black South Africans.

Of course, American Christians from the deep South were also infamous for their racism. I still have childhood memories of a family trip through Mississippi and of the "Whites Only" drinking fountains, restaurants, and restrooms and remember being shocked that civilized Christians would ever do such a thing. (I was still very young and inexperienced.)

My point is that Christianity has been repeatedly utilized, in various times and places to promote the most egregious and blatant forms of racism. As I matured, white Christian racism (even in California) helped propel me toward atheism.
2017-01-22 13:37:50 UTC
Anyone can be racist.

It doesnt matter if they are white black asain christian jewish muslim etc. Dont judge off of skin or religion. What really matters is theyre actions. I know many people of different races and religions and there is not 1 race/religion that is more racist than the others. One of my best friends is an atheist and is the kindest person I know. What I'm trying to say is it doesbt matter pn your race gender or religion anyone can be racist.
2017-01-21 01:38:32 UTC
Any person from any group can be racist. So yes atheists can be racists like Christians can be. Even though it's wrong and the Christian religion teaches it's wrong.
2017-01-23 01:03:53 UTC
ANYONE can be racist. Whether they follow a Religion or not is IRRELEVANT to this fact. Like death, Racism doesn't discriminate between the religious and the non religious.

Many Religious people "claim" their reasons for being against people of colour marrying "white" people are religious, but they're full of sh*t and are just being racist pricks.

And Atheists can be Racist, and use many other excuses to try and excuse their behaviour
2017-01-17 18:09:44 UTC
I genuinely think that your religion or lack thereof affects your level of racism in any way. I will say that I know of more Christian racists than atheist racists, but that's anecdotal evidence and doesn't count. Anyone can be an idiot, no matter their religion.
2017-01-21 19:59:30 UTC
I have always wondered this question. Thanks for asking. I have always thought that some atheists may feel like they have no moral obligation not to be racist, having no cognisance of a divine figure which they need to be morally accountable to, however some Christians may have a judgemental streak which may cause them to put labels on people they don't understand, as well as misinterpreting scriptures as justifying prejudice. So I think it depends on the individual really. However as far as belief system goes, I think the creation story of Adam and Eve promotes more love, understanding, comradery and goodwill among different ethnicities than the theory of evolution which sometimes seems to attempt to make us appear more different than we are.
2017-01-16 09:49:39 UTC
Unfortunately, the vast majority of would-be Christians are only nominal Christians, or carnal Christians, to put it another way. Meaning they are themselves truly unconverted, but think they are converted. These are the worst Christians to encounter over anything. They are just as bad as anyone outside the church. So yes, they can be racist. The KKK thinks of itself as Christian, as does the Mormon church, but the majority of Christianity would disagree with them on that, because they are both racist. And Roman Catholics have traditionally been anti Semitic, as well, hating the Jews.
2017-01-16 14:27:41 UTC
Take a look at the christian 'holy' book, it's totally racist How about the KKK and witch hunters, the spanish inquisition and all the other racist and sexist bodies that still exist. You cannot be a christian and not be racist no matter what the guy at church tells you.
jon pike
2017-01-16 19:46:01 UTC
Can Christians be racist? Of course they can. You might as well ask if Christians can sin. Racism is an expression of fear. Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior is sinful. You don't have to be of any particular religion, race, or nationality to commit sin.
2017-01-20 00:39:27 UTC
I'm thinking that Christians are some of the biggest racists ever. Have you forgotten the Crusades, which were a series of wars brought about by Christians in order to gain control of the Holy Land from what Christians considered its "heathen" inhabitants?. Or the persecution and killing of Jewish people during the Middle Ages and beyond?

All done "in the name of Christ".
2017-01-15 23:34:10 UTC
Yeah Christians can be racist.
Grinning Football plinny younger
2017-01-19 12:13:08 UTC
Of course Christians can be racist, and atheists, are just as likely to be racist - not more likely!
2017-01-18 08:08:16 UTC
I used to be bullied for being Jewish, all the girl's that bullied me are Christians, my own family on my dad's side some are racist towards Blacks, and Jews, they told me it was due to the time's and where they were living, and the fact they were Baptist. My Grandmother changed as both of her children married Jewish people, and I far back as I can remember my Grandmother would welcome my Black friends from my school with open arms. It's amazing how people can change, I never met my Grandfather he died a long time before I was born, but my dad made it sound like he changed like my Grandmother.
2017-01-21 17:21:14 UTC
No a Christian can not be racist.. I mean they can say they are Christian but does not mean they are. Cause God has a set of standards. And if you don't live within those standards then you are not a true Christian. And this goes with everything that is outside his standards. So yes people can stand for everything and say they are Christian. But if they stand for everything then they stand for nothing ..
Peter K
2017-01-17 07:44:37 UTC
A racist Christian should be a contradiction in terms.

Every member of right wing racist groups in the UK that I know

are non believers.
2017-01-17 03:37:50 UTC
Racism is a sin. Jesus said do not sin. God's grace does cover forgiveness of all sins like adultery and racism, but Christians should not sin - read Romans 6:1. So asking if Christians can be racist is like asking if they can steal or commit adultery.
2017-01-19 20:58:36 UTC
Anyone can be a racist, the criteria for racism is loaded against you if the country you were born into accepts the doctrine of multiculturalism and political correctness and there are significant victim groups in that society. Howver, if you are deemed one of those victim groups living in a host culture of distinct religion or racial origin you cannot be racist by definition even though you would be racist in the respect of preserving the ideals of your race and religion against outsiders. Racism is endemic in all cultures and society at large, it's a throwback to our ancient ancestral heritage, a protective instinct hardwired genetically in all of us, a gift from our ancient tribal origins.
2017-01-19 23:29:26 UTC
Racists are welcome to become Christians. All people are. The barriers to becoming atheist are trivial in at least one sense. I don t doubt racists overcome them.

There is a sense that atheism or secularism is progress whereas religion is reactionary. This false reasoning may convince some that racists, reactionaries, would be less common among atheists. So much for reason, eh.
Fly G
2017-01-17 05:38:09 UTC
Jesus and racism are like oil and water.

Christian can be racist. But Jesus taught nothing supporting His followers to be racist.

So by being truly racist, they are getting things wrong.

Prejudice, judgement, unfairness, and unlove all go against Jesus' teaching and the Spirit of God.
2017-01-22 23:02:48 UTC
No, because being racist is a sin for all Christians
Kevin Queen
2017-01-16 20:21:52 UTC
anyone can be racist it doesn't matter about skin colour, religion or the country that someone came from everyone and anyone can be racist plus how much people would you know is racist think about it know one will admit it but people can be racist it is like saying can a woman be sexiest to a man and the answer is yes because everyone and anyone can be sexiest or racist you just don't know
2017-01-16 15:32:48 UTC
Most Christians are racist. Look at the facts. There are many Christian churches and congregations where the majority belong to one ethnic group. During the struggle in the USA for equal rights for black people many dioceses of the Episcopal Church in the USA opposed equal rights for black people. That is men who claimed to be Christians wanting to deny equal human rights to fellow human beings. A lot of white Christians see other people, especially overseas as savage heathens who need to be Christianised and civilised.

On the whole atheists are generally more accepting of all individuals and treating each one as a human being regardless of her or his ethnicity, origin, nationality, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc.

From the perspective of science there is no foundation to race. It is a socio-politico-cultural construct, which is primarily used in a negative way.
Alice S
2017-01-22 20:09:32 UTC
Hmmm. As I recall the KKK is full of God fearing Americans. Go figure. How about antisemitism. You know. Those nasty Jews nailed up Jesus and therefore deserve to be persecuted? Atheists wouldn't give a monkeys for some middle eastern numpty getting nailed up. Christians have used it as a reason to hate Jews for millennia. Lets see. The Vatican signed off on making Africans slaves because of the myth that they were all cannibals and therefore deserved their fate.

Sorry, but you theists, especially Christians, have a bit of a track record for intolerance.

2017-01-20 15:54:36 UTC
Can Christians not be racist?
2017-01-17 16:55:09 UTC
Yes. Christians can be racist. It's the frame of mind of how some people view certain things. For example, Westro Baptist Church. They protest against LGBT. The Bible says to "love your neighbor." So is discriminating a group of people loving your neighbor? Typically, "racism" in the church comes from how the preacher feels. If people are told something isn't right, they tend to believe that.
2017-01-15 22:44:26 UTC
Most of the Christians I know are racist.
2017-01-17 17:28:24 UTC
Anyone can be a racist whether an atheist or Christian. It happens because we are human beings.
james o
2017-01-16 04:03:31 UTC
What kind of a question is that? Have you never heard of the KKK???? That is a profoundly racist organization, and it is also entirely Christian.

Scratch the surface and practically everyone is racist.

The person who uses the term may miss the racism in himself, but it is usually there if one knows how deep to dig.
2017-01-17 13:10:37 UTC
No Christians cannot ever be racists.

This had been made clear by St Paul when the apostles met to discuss whether to accept all the gentiles that wanted to be Christians or not. St Paul had then declared that anyone who wanted to be Christian should be accepted 'whether they were circumcised or not'.
Fort Erudite
2017-01-21 22:47:01 UTC
Anyone is capable of being a racist. However, a Christian is someone who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ and therefore should not be racist.
2017-01-17 15:45:06 UTC
A True Christian Can't Be Racist... Because God Accepts All Races of Mankind...

"At this Peter began to speak, and he said: “Now I truly understand that God is not partial, 35 but in every nation the man who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him" (Acts 10:34,35. Bible).
2017-01-18 06:20:16 UTC
Why not?

Christian or not, there is racism in all humanity. And anyone who says they are not racist, they are pretending to beleive it themselves, but truthfully people react base on the race of the person, rather than what's inside their hearts.

Never judge a book by its cover.
2017-01-19 12:59:35 UTC
Christianity has been used to morally justify racism throughout history, so yes Christians can most definitely be racists.
2017-01-18 03:27:23 UTC
I dont believe a true christian can be racist. Pregidous yes.
2017-01-17 08:32:37 UTC
Most of those that I know are racist.

So I would say Yes.

Some of them even think the Jesus was white, rather than Middle Eastern in looks.
2017-01-16 20:34:29 UTC
First of all, a true Christian can not be racist if he or she is then they need to study the Bible God loves and is willing to save all Acts 10:15 we are all God's creation and His love goe's out to all who will turn to Him
2017-01-17 13:42:07 UTC
Christians are human.. just because we are christian does not mean we cannot sin.. we still have brokenness. Yet God tells us to love one another. there is no description of who we should love more or less in the bible.. anyone who follows Jesus, should be an imitator of Jesus, but we may fail at many Ye Christians "can" be racist... but we are called not to be.
2017-01-18 04:21:47 UTC
As an atheist I would believe that all life including humans were the result of evolution. Evolution dictates that the fittest shall survive and the weakest shall die out to ensure the gene pool of the species is not weakened further. This is the law of nature. The law of the jungle. Therefore, it is essential for the survival of the human race that the strongest race survive and the weakest be eliminated. All those atheists who claim they are less racists are basically ******* hypocrites and actually still carry the baggage of outdated religious morality that we must love everyone.
Arminta Daniels
2017-01-19 14:12:49 UTC
Because of imperfection, yes they can be racist. The bible even records racism among God's people. For instance, when God disowned the nation of Israel and he opened up the opportunity for the Gentiles to be his people, the Jews were constantly reminded that God is not impartial and they had to treat one another fairly and with love (Acts 10:34,35). Sometimes racism can be deep rooted from generation to generation, even before knowing the true God. However, in the future we can be sure that racism will no longer exist. Revelation 7:9 says, that all tribes, nations and peoples will serve God in unity. In order for something to be unified, racism would not exist.
2017-01-17 21:44:01 UTC
No it is not possible for Christians to be racist.
Ashley Sanders
2017-01-21 15:29:08 UTC
The Bible says in Acts 17:26 that all nations came from one man. Acts 10:34 also says "God is not partial."

The world we live in today is very devisive and we are constantly bonmbarded with predjudice and stereotypes. Pride is also very prevalent and most people assert they are better than others because of pride. True Christians strive to live in harmony with the Bible, so a true Christian constantly makes the effort to be impartial and not practice racism.
2017-01-19 06:03:22 UTC
I've known plenty of both- I've never known any atheists who were racists, but many racists who called themselves christians. I don't believe genuine Christians would be racist. After all, Jesus said love thy neighbor- he didn't say burn crosses on their lawns.
2017-01-16 14:24:26 UTC
Any religion or faith can be racist.

However a true Christian should never be racist.

We are all children of God.
Zulcan The Great.
2017-01-16 21:05:04 UTC
Christians are not perfect human beings. They have faults too. However, if someone who claims to be a Christian and makes racist remarks then they are hypocrites.
2017-01-16 21:44:52 UTC
Can Christians be racist?

#1 there is only one race that God created.#2 Jesus foretold that there would be racism in the last days in Matthew 24.In that chapter he is telling his disciples what the signs of the times would be for his return. At 1 point he says..." Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom...."

The word nation in the Greek translated-is ethnos where we get the word ethnicity from. Jesus is saying in the last days "race" will rise up against "race" or ethnicity against ethnicity.

Make no mistake about it.People that follow that type of teaching are simply using the Bible to fulfill their own fleshly desires & condone their hatred for other people. It appeals to their flesh or fleshly nature. Gal. 5 states- hatred is an act of the sinful nature & those who practice it will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Matthew 24

Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold,but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.
2017-01-17 14:49:56 UTC
I know some Christians who are strong racists, e.g. Aunt Audrey. That seems to be contrary to some of their beliefs, but Christians can be quite hypocritical.
2017-01-16 14:45:02 UTC
All religions r giving some discriminating information except the budddhism and jainism. Bible is discriminating in many ways so christians can be racist. Its our duty to select the only good messages from the holy book of any religion
2017-01-17 01:54:49 UTC
Christians are more likely to be racist. For an instance my boyfriend is mixed and some members of my family already dislike him because he is half black. Ironically though Jesus was middle eastern.
2017-01-21 11:54:34 UTC
Yes. Racism is best understood as an example of sin, and of course we're all sinners. It's easy to be self-righteous about racism and accuse others of it while not addressing one's own racism. This is spoken of in Matthew 7:5, which talks about not being able to remove the mote in another's eye if there's a beam in one's own. Also, it's quite like original sin in that whereas God can help us reduce our racism it will always be there even if we pretend it isn't. However, like all sin it must be defeated, and will with the help of our Lord.
2017-01-16 15:35:32 UTC
Not according to the Bible:

Acts 10:34, 35

34 At this Peter began to speak, and he said: “Now I truly understand that God is not partial,+ 35 but in every nation the man who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.

One FALSE Christians are racist.
2017-01-18 02:14:20 UTC
Yes they can. There are racist sects/denominations of Christians. I don't know too much about Christian belief, but if the well known bits are true like 'Love thy neighbours' then they shouldn't be or shouldn't call themselves Chistians
2017-01-17 05:24:38 UTC
Racism is learned from the people around us as we grow. Some christians are hateful racists, some athiests are the most peaceful people around. In the end though, actions matter more than your thoughts and tendencies
2017-01-16 08:44:52 UTC
No. Christians cannot be racist. People who call themselves Christians certainly can be though.
2017-01-16 19:10:09 UTC
The word Christian means to be Christ-like. Admittedly, not all who claim to be Christian are resolved to follow Christ’s example. Hatred can be conquered by those who practice true Christianity. Hence, there is no room for racism. In other words, the banishing of hatred requires the creation of a society in which people learn to love by helping one another, a society where people forget all the animosity caused by prejudice, nationalism, racism, and tribalism.
2017-01-16 02:15:05 UTC
Atheists would tend to be less racist than christians,since the Bible approves of slavery and atheists don't believe in that
2017-01-16 22:33:23 UTC
Can a Christian be racist? There are many things in the Bible that are a litmus test to show if you have genuine faith in Christ or not. I think 1 John 4:7 and 8 qualify and provide the answer for you.

7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. 8 He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.

He who does NOT LOVE does NOT KNOW GOD. The Bible cannot be any clearer than that
2017-01-16 13:12:54 UTC
No they would not be considered true Christians. Acts 10:34, 35

34 At this Peter began to speak, and he said: “Now I truly understand that God is not partial, 35 but in every nation the man who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.
2017-01-17 00:57:33 UTC
I am just fed up with the "them and us" mentality. Many people regardless of religious beliefs are racist but just as many are not. We are all human and if so called Christians really believe in G the they should understand that apparently we were all created equal.
can we talk?
2017-01-18 17:18:45 UTC
Anyone can hold just about any positions until knowledge or truth is presented nce truth What does god say to this Chirstian? Love your neighbor as yourself let the love of God be shed aboard in our heart that we may from that position treat others,now do we always act accordingly, not me perhaps others are n=better than I I'm still working it out god is still ,thank the Lord, at work in my life and hasn't given up so with His help I'll begin to walk as Jesus walked and my character will one day be as his was when he walked the earth.We are supposed be in this world as he was/is being hands ,feet and body. The Bible says My people perish for a lack of knowledge once that requirement ,love for one's neighbor, is revealed to a person whom is called by his name then we're resp to try to implement that into our daily lives or yield to it
2017-01-17 06:42:45 UTC
Here's a hint: Flaming crosses.

Hell yeah, Christians most definitely can be racist. Do the words "Ku Klux Klan" mean anything to you? And no, atheists are not more likely to be racists.
2017-01-17 12:29:41 UTC
98% of racists are Christians.
2017-01-18 09:49:41 UTC
The statement is it in the form of a question, or is it a statement on Christianity? Christians cannot possibly be racist, as Christians view mankind as one race, the human race. Christ gave his life as a ransom for Adam, he is therefore the "adopted" father of all redeemable mankind!
2017-01-18 18:12:53 UTC
Yes. Christians are not perfect, just forgiven. And some are undoubtedly racist.
2017-01-16 18:08:39 UTC
They're some of the most racist people I've ever met. Racist, bigotted, rude, one-sided people that hate transgender people, hate other races, hate gay people. They're basically all mini-Hitlers, who hate everyone that isn't them - white, inbred, straight as a stick, and probably fck in the basic missionary position.
2017-01-19 18:36:00 UTC
God commands us to love God and to love others. So you can't be a true racist and a true Christian at the same time. In contrast, you can unknowingly be one, that's when God's Grace comes in, God sends His holy spirit to convict us when we are unknowingly sinning. Hate is just as equally bad as any other sin so the Holy spirit will teach us how to love others like Jesus.
2017-01-17 00:52:47 UTC
Can a Christian be a racist?Not if they know God!1 John 4:7,8- Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God,for God is love.

So if somebody does not have love in their heart and feeling hatred for others then they do not know God and if they do not know God how can they be a Christian?If anything they are a carnal Christian in need of repentance and God's grace.

Proverbs 8:13 says-The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil.Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate.

1 John 1:9 says-If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If you are a carnal Christian full of hatred you should repent and ask God to forgive you and he will heal you.Why?

Galatians 5 says- just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
2017-01-18 03:45:14 UTC
Sure they can speak and say they are Christian but they would be going against what the Bible teaches. It's a sad sad time we are living in when some in the body of Christ, which is supposed to be promoting God's love, are promoting hate
2017-01-21 13:36:41 UTC
White Christmas
2017-01-19 23:03:59 UTC
No, that is impossible. Most black people are Christians So the answer is no cuz blacks can't be racist therefore Christians can't be racist.
2017-01-17 12:53:35 UTC
A true Christian, who has God's approval, cannot be racist. The Bible lets us know that God is not partial, therefore, we should not be either. Acts 10:34
2017-01-17 11:01:15 UTC
Sure, they can be but a more important question is "Should Christians be racist"? The answer to this question is a resounding NO!!!.

Christians are (or should be) growing to be more and more like Jesus who was love impersonated. As we become more and more like Him we will see, more and more, all people as Jesus sees them and our desire will be to treat all people as brothers and sisters. There are many groups who call themselves "Christian" such as the KKK but they are as much Christian as a mouse is an elephant.
2017-01-20 19:57:18 UTC
Yes. People of all religion and race can be racist
2017-01-17 07:12:46 UTC
Somone can push one racist to have another person be a racist to that other person in trade like you treat me that way I treat you that way, RIGHT!

I see this happen most of the time.
Gaia’s Garden
2017-01-18 04:33:53 UTC
Many Christians believe that being black is "the mark of Cain", when black people were the first humans. That sounds pretty racist to me. All Christians believe God changed His mind and took the blessings promised to Israel and gave them to the followers of Jesus. That's just free invention. Anytime there is an "us vs. them" situation, you set yourself up for racism.
2017-01-17 12:09:49 UTC
A christian can commit a racist act (one time) without being racist. Once the christian practices (pattern) racism, he is a racist and is no longer a Christian. A christian can commit an act of homicide (one time) without being a murderer. Once the christian practices (pattern) homicide, he is a murderer and is no longer a Christian.
2017-01-18 16:35:14 UTC
most christians are not racists 'cause they believe in ten commandments which applies to everyone...

most atheists however are racists 'cause they believe the human race is better than god to the point that they ignore god's even existence...
2017-01-18 10:22:34 UTC
2017-01-20 12:16:42 UTC
2017-01-20 03:02:07 UTC
Boanergese, Sons of Thunder! Mark 3:17
2017-01-16 14:23:21 UTC
When confronted by prejudice, we will not be burdened by feelings of inferiority, thinking that we are somehow less valuable than people of a different race or another cultural background. Instead, we will develop a healthy sense of self-respect. Why? Because our Father, Jehovah God, “is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.”—Acts 10:34, 35.

This realization will also prevent us from allowing prejudice to warp our attitude toward others. We will appreciate that there is no legitimate basis for feeling superior to people of another race, since God “made out of one man every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth.”

(Acts 17:26  And he made out of one man every nation of men to dwell on the entire surface of the earth)

Certainly, knowing that we were created and that our Creator cares for us lays the foundation for gaining real peace of mind. But more is needed if we are to maintain inner peace.
Brigalow Bloke
2017-01-17 13:50:50 UTC
Christians in the US south east campaigned against integration on religious grounds in the 1960s. Of course some will say that those people were not "real Christians" but they believed that they were.
Sandra K
2017-01-20 19:59:56 UTC
Yes, I've seen some Christians who are the worst racists of all. many of them are hypocrite who don't try to follow Bible rules but just pretend to do that.
2017-01-21 20:17:45 UTC
Europeans adopted Christianity after Rome fell...But Christianity spread to Americas after year 1492 fast,so answer is....rather no !

Asians and Africans can fear foreigners as well ! And many Asians and Africans are Muslim and Tribal Religions !
2017-01-19 20:43:56 UTC
What forbids Christians to be racists when they can easily turn into atheists and agnostics?
2017-01-18 16:20:50 UTC
I remember a time when the Roman Catholic church wanted to destroy people who didn't want to convert to christianity. Is that racist enough
2017-01-16 20:05:50 UTC
Yes, christians are racist. Not all of them of course, but it is part of the culture.

Atheists tend to be more tolerant of other people (race, ethnicity, religion, etc.). Not all of course.
2017-01-15 21:08:46 UTC
Atheists are more likely to be freethinkers therefore more likely to not be racist; no one tells them what to believe. I know more than a few racist Christians.
2017-01-17 14:58:39 UTC
Absolutely no way can a christian be racist.
Coop 366
2017-01-18 02:18:16 UTC
Since we are the Body of Christ, no! There are people who claim to be Christians but are not part of the Body of Christ. The Body of Christ is the true followers of Jesus Christ whose members are not all in one Church but are the Believers. Racism is part of the races of man, anyone of any races can be a racist.
2017-01-17 08:56:58 UTC
I think lots of so-called Christians are racist. Note the Conservative Republican Party & their reign of the Old South...Obviously they all aren't, but I know some who are
Rising Dove
2017-01-17 05:51:26 UTC
Galatians 3:28

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

1 Timothy 2:4

who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

1 John 2:2

and he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.
2017-01-15 21:21:08 UTC

Acts 10:34, 35

At this Peter began to speak, and he said: “Now I truly understand that God is not partial, but in every nation the man who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.

Matthew 5:48

You must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
chacha tudou
2017-01-22 12:05:43 UTC
Anyone can racist
2017-01-19 20:00:56 UTC

Read about Manifest Destiny (the "document" white Americans use when they want to pretend they are superior). It is nothing other than racism.

In fact, they could teach lessons to Hitler and his Arianism, about how to use racism as a global control mechanism.

And this document has been used by WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants in the USA) for over a century, to justify [to themselves -- because intelligent people elsewhere don't believe them] putting dictators in charge of other countries.

However, it is not completely the Christians' fault.

The whole Bible was written by a people who wanted to justify their war-mongering behavior and their desire to turn their women into slaves. "My God is better than your God... even if we agree it is the same God."

Therefore, it is reasonable to say that Christians inherited their racism as a property of the Judaeo-Christian family of religions (includes Judaism and Islam).


Always remember that Jesus (a Palestinian by race) would always be "profiled" as an enemy in the USA.
2017-01-19 19:48:09 UTC
i am neither an atheist nor a christian although i believe in god and i love jesus... by far most people i meet and am friends with are either atheist or agnostic... on these boards are the only christian voices i have ever heard... i have never met a christian, but i'm only 80 so there's still time...
2017-01-22 21:07:57 UTC
That's impossible
2017-01-21 21:51:52 UTC
Yes, they can be racist. Has nothing to with religion. Racism is to discriminate someone based on their race or ethnicity.
2017-01-18 05:46:28 UTC

Racism is basically "this/your race is trash", so anyone, even Christians, can be racist.

Perhaps it could be that atheists are less likely (in explicit racism), as they are somewhat less superstitious or fearful.
2017-01-18 01:52:32 UTC
Yes, they can be quite self-indulgent and ignore many Bible rules while claiming to be devout. Atheists are more intelligent in general and less likely to be racist.
2017-01-15 21:09:50 UTC
Of course. In my experience (coming from the Midwest), the religious tend to be more unaccepting of certain races than those without a religion. It's by no means a vast majority of Christians, but more than atheists.

But that's just been my experience.
2017-01-22 11:18:13 UTC
Nobody should be talking its, but there are christians who are racist. I sadly know a few and they are very selfish people.
2017-01-16 13:52:45 UTC
Somebody didn't really read the Bible. If we can still be racist after reading that then it is clear that we still have a long way to go yet.
2017-01-19 21:54:05 UTC
Yes. I'm a Christian and I HATE Englishman. With some exceptions.
2017-01-19 22:02:37 UTC
Not if they are true Christians but if they are just people who attend church then they might be racist.
2017-01-16 19:57:42 UTC
christians as a whole group tend to have more conservative viewpoints than atheists. some of which in certain circles is in fact racist, not so much in atheist circles, if at all.
2017-01-23 00:51:49 UTC
Racism has no religion, it's a personal thing.. so anybody can be racist
2017-01-19 16:55:05 UTC
Unfortunately, YES. They shouldn't be, but they can be. Jesus lived and taught in a society where there were people of ALL COLORS and ethnicity. He did not show favoritism in that regards. Saint Paul did say in Galatians 6:10..."Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." Paul uses the term "especially" which means, "mainly or particularly". That is because he is speaking of fellow believers, not based on their race or nationality or skin color.
2017-01-22 23:19:48 UTC
Not if you are a REAL Christian, you can't be. The fake ones in the south CAN though.

Billy Graham was on TV when I was a boy, and he came straight out and said "racism & bigotry"

is a mortal sin. I believe it was on the dick Cavett show. I'll see if i can find the clip.
2017-01-20 18:47:10 UTC
Of course they can! How do you think most wars start?

Religious belief does not dictate you are right as opposed to those who disagree with you.

If you are Christian and disagree with a Muslim then you are no better then a white man who attacks a black man.
2017-01-17 20:42:37 UTC
If one professes to be christian then they would imitating Christ and his father. It was said of God at Acts 10:34,35 that he is not partial (favor one person or thing over another. ) being racist that would not be true.
Joseph McJosephton
2017-01-16 18:18:22 UTC
Jack Covie
2017-01-21 04:30:34 UTC
In an "apples" to "apples" comparison an atheist is 20 times less likely to commit a crime resulting in incarceration than a Christian. Statistically if you go into a prison only one in 2000 of the prisoners will identify as an atheist. 78% of the prison population is Christian / Catholic. 0.2% is atheist.

Considering that many of those incarcerated committed hate crimes it is logical to assume that the above comparison and data would still hold true for racism.

Welcome to the world of demonstrable evidence.
2017-01-19 22:06:24 UTC
Well they are more likely to be racist more so than non-believers. I think.
2017-01-17 21:25:08 UTC
Mir Quasem
2017-01-20 03:50:42 UTC
Any one can be a racist.
2017-01-17 04:23:21 UTC
Mot of them are. Of the 10,000 sects I can't think of any not based on elitism. same goes for Jews, Muslims and most other cults. Their entire fantasy is founded on the false assumption that they are superior. Research however has proven atheists to be more intelligent and well rounded of character etc.
2017-01-17 12:09:16 UTC
No, Jesus said that one of the identifying marks of s Christian is the Love that is shown. Remember Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well? Jesus certainly was not racist, as the Jews and Samaritans did not mix, but he preached to her and offered her the "waters of life"
2017-01-17 14:49:16 UTC
Any one can be a racists, it has nothing to to with ones religious or lack there of,
2017-01-16 23:43:24 UTC
Christians can have different political views but if you put Christ first than will love your neighbor and fruit will grow.

Can Christians say dumb things yes, can Christians do dumb things yes but a Christian who has the Holy Spirit will eventual come to his/her senses and repent
Free Advice
2017-01-22 08:49:28 UTC
All humans are racist
2017-01-17 02:04:06 UTC
In my expeience, christians have demonstrated themselves to be more socially ignorant, and therefore more racist.
2017-01-20 19:42:27 UTC
Anyone can "CLAIM" to be Christian but to be racist is directly contradicting the very fundamental basis of what Christianity is.
2017-01-19 08:55:50 UTC
There's no such thing as a racist Christian.
2017-01-17 11:46:54 UTC
Are you not aware of the Ku Klux Klan, a Christian terrorist organization that is racist against black people?
2017-01-17 23:16:12 UTC
Everyone can be racist? Religious or not. What sort of question is that?😩
2017-01-15 21:01:11 UTC
Many Christians are racist, particularly a lot of the fundamentalists. Atheists tend to be better educated than the fundamentalists and better educated people tend to be less racist so atheists, in general, are less racist.
2017-01-21 16:51:05 UTC
There is no ethnic hatred among true Christians, because the bible says, “He that does not love has not come to know God, because God is love. If anyone makes the statement: ‘I love God,’ and yet is hating his brother, he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot be loving God, whom he has not seen.” (1 John 4:8, 20) This statement identifies the root cause of ethnic intolerance. People practice it—whether they claim to be religious or not—because they have not come to know or to love God. The Bible also reveals that Jehovah is the Father of all men. It says: “There is actually to us one God the Father, out of whom all things are.” (1 Corinthians 8:6) Further, it says: “He made out of one man every nation of men.” (Acts 17:26) Thus, all men are, in effect, brothers.
2017-01-22 03:43:13 UTC
Anyone can be a racist.
2017-01-22 14:32:13 UTC
A TRUE Christian WON'T be racist.
The White Rabbit
2017-01-15 21:07:12 UTC
Let's see. Aryan Nation, Christian Identity, KKK.,etc.
2017-01-16 10:46:05 UTC
People who consider themselves Christian certainly can be racist.

True Christianity prohibits racism; that is fundamental. "Love your neighbor as yourself" is one of the two greatest commandments in Christianity, and that prohibits racism.
2017-01-16 22:01:23 UTC
All humans can be - and are to a degree - racists. Zero to do with religion or none.
2017-01-19 15:31:44 UTC
2017-01-18 12:40:33 UTC
People of any religion or of none can be racist, as witness the slavery of black Africans in "Christian" parts of the Americas.
2017-01-21 02:10:33 UTC
Anyone can be racist
2017-01-16 21:24:35 UTC
yes because Christians notice that Christianity doesn't "stick" as well to non whites. maybe bad soil. a Christian will look for a good Christian for his son to marry or daughter to marry a good man. with same cultural values as well and third world is still steeped in demonism in its practices. its just common sense. Christian formerly hindus have demons they say... still... they have work to do...
2017-01-17 07:27:01 UTC
k w
2017-01-19 21:41:06 UTC
Well, accroding to the scumbags, God is a this is just a continuation of cries from satan against God to turn the people against their Father ! Satan is paper thin, I see right thru him, and he is a crybaby/accuser, who has not won the war between good and evil
2017-01-16 15:22:15 UTC
True Christians have real love among themselves.(John 13:34,35) They do not think that they are better than people of other races or scin color. Neither are they taught to hate people from other countries. (Acts 10:34,35)

So they do not share in wars.
2017-01-16 14:15:36 UTC
numerous christians are racist, particularly a lot of the fundamentalists... atheists tend to be better educated than the fundamentalists and better educated people tend to be less butteryso atheists, in general, are less racist...
2017-01-19 22:40:34 UTC
One can become a racist if he/she is not emerged in He that sits high and watches low.
2017-01-21 19:59:03 UTC
Anyone can be racist or anti-racist
Linda R
2017-01-18 19:55:08 UTC
ANY followed religion can be racist. Just look at those who follow Islam; their Quran tells them to kill the infidel.
2017-01-18 15:16:53 UTC
Anyone can be racist
2017-01-17 00:43:04 UTC
Of course they can be racist... Can't fix stupid so that goes for theists and atheists alike
2017-01-18 16:17:52 UTC
Humans can be racist.

So, yes.
2017-01-16 16:51:14 UTC
what kind of a question is that? have you never heard of the kkk???? that is a profoundly butteryorganization, and it is also entirely christian...

scratch the surface and practically everyone is racist...

the person who uses the term may miss the racism in himself, but it is usually there if one knows how deep to dig...
2017-01-22 22:12:44 UTC
Of course every culture major religion and even race have been slave owners and slavesee at one point in time? Everyone has been the ancestors of slaves it just depends on how far back you wanna go..... there is even slaves today in Saudi Arabia and sudan
2017-01-17 23:25:22 UTC
what is a racist . .when Obama did not get his way he accused people of being racist eventhough he was half-white, half-black.
2017-01-15 21:03:37 UTC
I am Atheist, and would never put down anyone's beliefs. I AM NOT A RACIST.
2017-01-20 22:16:52 UTC
ANYONE can be a racist - it just takes ignorance and narrow mindedness and a corrupted mentality
2017-01-21 00:39:28 UTC
Yes, racism was created by Christians.
2017-01-18 20:21:33 UTC
Of course, Christians can commit all the same sins that anyone else can, they just don't feel guilty about it after talking to themselves.
2017-01-17 13:49:45 UTC
False Christians can be. Real Christians are not.
2017-01-22 15:00:32 UTC
Of course they can - not to say it's a good thing - but a person of any background can hold prejudices that extend beyond their religious and spiritual beliefs.
2017-01-21 16:04:41 UTC
Yes, most christians are. Most cristians are also sexist. Look a the bible they believe in. You will get the answers you are looking for. Christianity is a joke.
2017-01-22 19:49:29 UTC
Yes. It's got nothing to do with belief, and everything about it is how you were raised, how early on did you recognize the differences, values of society, and learning from the environment (family),
2017-01-16 09:15:55 UTC
Religion tends to hold more general racists and nutters :)
Orla C
2017-01-16 14:17:45 UTC
Many are. The KKK claims to take its 'doctrine' of racist discrimination from none other than the Bible.
2017-01-19 17:42:30 UTC
I mean yes, half of the pure christians are actually just rude and immature, believe me, I've met a lot of them.
2017-01-21 22:48:17 UTC
That's ridiculous. Of course not apart from jesse jackson al sharpton et al
2017-01-22 16:50:41 UTC
2017-01-19 20:40:45 UTC
No but they'll accused of being a racist if they are white esp. males who uphold the moral standards of the Bible. They'll also be accused of homophobia and accused of being a Nazi.
2017-01-17 11:05:54 UTC
Racism is a Negative Thought Process fueled by the Devil, and has nothing to do with being religious or non religious .
2017-01-15 21:03:22 UTC
Many of the Christians in the bible belt are racist.
2017-01-17 02:53:06 UTC
of course they can, and they are rewarded for it. there are many black-churches which strictly enforce "colored-only" membership. they might say to you: "look around you, who doesn't belong here"?

it is hardly surprising that gay people are harassed by the black-american christian community.

they offer only a "false-integration" in exchange for the integration into the rest of society which they receive.

i guess, they are "sticking it to the man", because anyone trying immigration into the black-community might find a great deal of social-isolation, abuse, and hatred, even being attacked for being "in their community".

if you really care about the peace of the country, you will find a complete integration is what is needed.

racism is not healthy for children, or adults.
Jan C
2017-01-15 22:50:49 UTC
Certainly so. Many Christians are as bad as anyone. That does not make it right.
2017-01-15 22:48:22 UTC
some are and some are not.

people of all ethnicities can be hate mongers because of race, but racism should not be thought of a hate crime. I know there are Mexicans and blacks alike that are not ashamed of the color of their skin. but the shouldn't hate white people at all. and white people ! only the Klan is following the false delusional teachings of a purity of race. we can all be sanctified, pious, and holy in the name of Jesus Christ, if we believe in being transformed and the remission of sins.
2017-01-18 06:47:48 UTC
People turn to Christ because of their defects in their humanity. The more they turn to this mysterious One, He then is able to apply His own inner essence to restore health to their soul. These call upon His name out of desperation, to be rescued from their self to express His goodness again and again.
2017-01-20 03:19:15 UTC
Anybody can be racist. Its not rocket science
2017-01-16 16:20:42 UTC
Anyone can be racist.
2017-04-21 16:36:59 UTC
numerous degrees and shades of butteryexist...

christians come from numerous different backgrounds and begin to be christians under a variety of circumstances...

part of being a christian is a process called "putting on the new personality"...the continuous process of putting on a new or making your personality more christ like...

so depending on various factors such as where the person started from, what other and how numerous things they're working on changing to be more christ like, some numerous still may be dealing with racism... it doesn't mean they aren't or for the life of me cannot be christian if they are still working on some matters...

racism is insidious and some people come from prejudice backgrounds for them it's difficult to see some of their own ideas as racist...

that however's different than a person who actively practices racism with no desire to change... such people aren't putting on a new christ like personality... reason would tell us a person who rebels against a given position doesn't also embrace it...
2017-04-04 18:40:06 UTC
numerous degrees and shades of butteryexist...

christians come from numerous different backgrounds and begin to be christians under a variety of circumstances...

part of being a christian is a process called "putting on the new personality"...the continuous process of putting on a new or making your personality more christ like...

so depending on various factors such as where the person started from, what other and how numerous things they're working on changing to be more christ like, some numerous still may be dealing with racism... it doesn't mean they aren't or for the life of me cannot be christian if they are still working on some matters...

racism is insidious and some people come from prejudice backgrounds for them it's difficult to see some of their own ideas as racist...

that however's different than a person who actively practices racism with no desire to change... such people aren't putting on a new christ like personality... reason would tell us a person who rebels against a given position doesn't also embrace it...
2017-02-25 10:26:45 UTC
numerous degrees and shades of butteryexist...

christians come from numerous different backgrounds and begin to be christians under a variety of circumstances...

part of being a christian is a process called "putting on the new personality"...the continuous process of putting on a new or making your personality more christ like...

so depending on various factors such as where the person started from, what other and how numerous things they're working on changing to be more christ like, some numerous still may be dealing with racism... it doesn't mean they aren't or for the life of me cannot be christian if they are still working on some matters...

racism is insidious and some people come from prejudice backgrounds for them it's difficult to see some of their own ideas as racist...

that however's different than a person who actively practices racism with no desire to change... such people aren't putting on a new christ like personality... reason would tell us a person who rebels against a given position doesn't also embrace it...
2017-01-25 05:51:30 UTC
if someone is a racist, then they can not really call themselves a christian, as much as they would like to be... a christian tries to be an imitator of god... now tell me, from your studies of the scriptures, do you think god favors one race over another? look up acts 10:34&35... god attaches no significance at all to a person's skin color or facial features... he values something of far awesomeer importance - our figurative heart, or the person we are inside... also look up 1 samuel 16:7... he is not partial, and those that are christians and love god shouldn't be partial either... he does care if we are racists or have racists tendencies in us... it's not just about getting "points taken off or something", you're talking about your life and your future...
2017-01-24 01:16:22 UTC
2017-01-23 17:00:21 UTC
Yes anyone can be racist. It's basically nationalism turned violent. Nationalism contains this thing called the non-aggression principal. So these retards are just mislead and anti-people when they act like that.

A key part of nationalism, no matter what country or race you are from. Is the fact you are a host, hosting people. And also responsible for the guests that aren't invited. And a good host treats guests well. All though in some places like America, the guests joined the uninvited guests in a protest. That's when we need to get the guns out and say, please leave our property while you have the chance.

Some people just skip the proper steps and go straight to violence.
2017-01-23 14:28:55 UTC
some but not all.
2017-01-23 12:27:30 UTC
From where did the various races come?

Gen. 5:1, 2; 1:28: “In the day of God’s creating Adam he made him in the likeness of God. Male and female he created them. After that he blessed them and called their name Man [or, Mankind] in the day of their being created.” “God blessed them and God said to them: ‘Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth.’” (Thus all mankind are descendants of that first human pair, Adam and Eve.)

Acts 17:26: “[God] made out of one man [Adam] every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth.”

(So, regardless of what races make up a nation, they all are offspring of Adam.)

Gen. 9:18, 19: “Noah’s sons who came out of the ark were Shem and Ham and Japheth. . . . These three were Noah’s sons, and from these was all the earth’s population spread abroad.”

(After God destroyed the ungodly world by means of a global flood in Noah’s day, the earth’s new population, including all the races known today, developed from the offspring of Noah’s three sons and their wives.)
2017-01-23 11:57:19 UTC
2017-01-23 07:08:32 UTC
Christians are fake
2017-01-23 06:59:25 UTC
Please read my whole answer, but here is the core point:

An individual learns both ethical behavior (as in the golden rule) and unethical behavior (as in racial bias) BY EXAMPLE (preferably from birth through maturity) and BY BEING LOVED AND CARED FOR (preferably from from birth through maturity), much more than by being schooled in a particular religion, ideology, or by being merely told by others how they should behave.

"Can someone sincerely and earnestly attempting to follow the Golden Rule [the central ethical principle of Jesus, Paul, and Christianity], ever treat members of their own race differently than they treat members of another race?"

This question has two answers:

1) Yes -- to the extent that he or she is human and not perfect -- he or she may very well sometimes demonstrate racial bias. Assuming such bias is rare, he or she does not, in my opinion, deserve to labelled a racist.

2) No -- to the extent that they remain sincerely and earnestly committed to the golden rule -- they simply will not demonstrate racial bias at all.

In either of the above cases, the label of "racist" would not be justified.

Now -- on to the second part of your question:

"Are atheists more likely to be racist?"

This question can only be answered in three ways, all of which lead to interesting conclusions.

1) . Atheists are less likely to demonstrate racial bias than are Christians. No racism-problem with atheism if this were the case.

2) . Atheists and Christians are equally likely to demonstrate racial bias. No racism-problem with atheism if this were the case.

3) . Atheists are more likely to demonstrate racial bias. Now, here is where it gets interesting, because EVEN IF TRUE (in my opinion it is FALSE), it would NOT NECESSARILY FOLLOW that their atheism is the CAUSE of their racial bias. In my experience, an individual learns both ethical behavior (as in the golden rule) and unethical behavior primarily BY EXAMPLE (usually from the EXAMPLE of their parents, teachers, friends, etc).

In conclusion, think deeply about these two questions:

Does a person HAVE to be a Christian to behave ethically, and to set a good ethical example?

Does a parent HAVE to be a Christian to love and care for their children?
2017-01-23 05:00:46 UTC
2017-01-21 22:12:35 UTC
Anyone can be
2017-01-18 05:31:25 UTC
aren't most of them? LMAO
2017-03-04 14:10:30 UTC
lol... if i were to equate any religious group with butterypeople, it would be christians... i have lived in texas and oklahoma my whole life and literally everyone i have ever known ( other than a few people in college) has been a christian and most of them have been racist... my family is very religious and are very racist... they are mostly butteryagainst black people, hispanic people and middle eastern people... it makes me sick and i shall be moving north as soon as i graduate...
2017-01-31 22:43:45 UTC
lol... if i were to equate any religious group with butterypeople, it would be christians... i have lived in texas and oklahoma my whole life and literally everyone i have ever known ( other than a few people in college) has been a christian and most of them have been racist... my family is very religious and are very racist... they are mostly butteryagainst black people, hispanic people and middle eastern people... it makes me sick and i shall be moving north as soon as i graduate...
2017-01-28 05:24:54 UTC
numerous degrees and shades of butteryexist...

christians come from numerous different backgrounds and begin to be christians under a variety of circumstances...

part of being a christian is a process called "putting on the new personality"...the continuous process of putting on a new or making your personality more christ like...

so depending on various factors such as where the person started from, what other and how numerous things they're working on changing to be more christ like, some numerous still may be dealing with racism... it doesn't mean they aren't or for the life of me cannot be christian if they are still working on some matters...

racism is insidious and some people come from prejudice backgrounds for them it's difficult to see some of their own ideas as racist...

that however's different than a person who actively practices racism with no desire to change... such people aren't putting on a new christ like personality... reason would tell us a person who rebels against a given position doesn't also embrace it...
2017-01-25 02:32:51 UTC
well, why should anyone be butteryand some of the most souls you shall ever meet have numerous races in them and why is my hair so curly? i would not call me curly sue but i wonder often how different my life would of been if my dad had been in a position to raise me alone and i am so glad i had such a loving father and without him i think i would of been lost... i was daddy's little princess and he was so sweet i never wanted to hurt his feelings... i hope wherever he is he knows i love him and he was the most wonderful dad in the world in my mind... he raised me to not be butteryor judge others... pleease do not judge christians 'cause some of them are very sweet... i am catholic by the way...

your religious beliefs should never reflect racism & if they do maybe it is 'cause of where you were raised... i was never raised by my dad to be butterybut my mum was a piece of work when it came to judging others & it has taken me a long time in my mind at least to see that all of humanity are from different cultures & have different beliefs based on the races born into or locations all around the world...

also another factor to consider is what is going on politically at the time from a historical and situational problematic perspective which is always nebulous to define 'cause of the actions of those who should be ruling in a more benevolent manner... i am not pleeased that some are being profiled and all should be more tolerant of the differences of others all around the world...
2017-01-24 00:11:09 UTC
Not for long.
2017-01-23 19:18:30 UTC
A true Christian is not racist. God said to love him above all and to love your neighbor as you love yourself. We all sin, we are all equal.
2017-01-23 15:26:39 UTC
all of em are
A Second Witness
2017-01-23 14:05:56 UTC
Most Christians are more likely to be bigoted against other religions and sects, than racist. Bigotry comes in numerous sects itself, such as racist, nationalistic, and religionistic, with subsects such as Anti-Christian, Anti-Catholic, Anti-Protestant, Anti-Jewish, Anti-JW, Anti-Mormon, etc..

Atheists aren't unusually prone to Bigotry, but Antitheists are, as the inferiority of religious people is a core tenet of their belief system.
2017-01-23 05:41:06 UTC
Yes, christians can be racist and so can atheists. But, I think, more so with christians because they are more narrow minded. They appear to be less loving of others. And you have to be less intelligent to believe in that fiction. Hey, everyone has a right to believe whatever they want.
2017-01-20 14:11:53 UTC
Some people that call themselves Christian or anything else, can be whatever including racist and infact there are many of them, But by default this means that they are Not true Christian! Jesus Christ did Not as some say teach blanket tolerance of everything, He taught intolerance of Evil and absolute tolerance of people just Not all of their ways! I love people but I am warmed by some of them that do what is right, but not those in rebellion against God.
2017-01-15 21:01:08 UTC
You will find far more non-believers that are racist. You can't be a true believer in our almighty God and harbor hatred for an entire group of people. Good luck even finding a racist Christian.
2017-01-17 13:41:28 UTC
Here in the south, we talked down on blacks everyday and poked fun at them and made them stay to themselves. Then we went to church to praise god for his enlightenment and asked for his mercy. Damn right we were raciest! And to a much lesser degree, we still are!! Why do you think the bible says he turned his back on us?
Steve Amato
2017-01-19 11:04:21 UTC
Ga 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

Sound racist to you?
2017-01-17 20:14:26 UTC
Yes, of course. Christians are sinners, too.
2017-01-16 23:52:51 UTC
Trevor Mardy
2017-01-22 19:07:03 UTC
2017-01-18 16:02:42 UTC
anyone can be racist there is racism in any religion, race, or culture
2017-01-16 08:19:48 UTC
yes and Many are sad to say they dont read the Bible where Jesus says we Must Love each other

But remember Islam is NOT a race
Bobby Jim
2017-01-15 22:38:12 UTC
There is plenty of evidence that Racism appears in every race, and in every creed. It is based in heresy among the religious, and bigotry among atheists.
2017-01-20 01:09:35 UTC
Yes, just look at the KKK (but to be fair, anyone can be racist).
2017-01-18 14:37:05 UTC
Yes they can. Of course they can. You think they're angels or something? Wrong. They aren't.
2017-01-20 06:00:26 UTC
Christians are superior people
2017-01-17 12:25:31 UTC
I want to be very clear here anyone can be rasict any race skin color or religion so everyone get that in their thick heads
2017-01-18 03:36:47 UTC
No such thing. Theres only Catholic Christian. Nothing else. If your church is calling itself christian its not, its a cult based very loosely on the teachings of Jesus, which are the teachings of the Catholic church AND NOTHING ELSE.
2017-01-21 18:13:37 UTC
2017-01-17 02:51:52 UTC
Is racism a sin? Yes it probably is. Do Christians sin? Yes they do.
2017-01-16 09:33:26 UTC
everyone is a racist!

we are all of a different race...

and we all know our race is no better or worse than any other race!

god created all the races on the sixth day; and it was good!

"in god we trust"!

god loves those who love him!

repent and love god almighty through jesus christ our savior!
2017-01-17 10:17:46 UTC
They are the most racist.
2017-01-23 03:31:40 UTC
Yes they're exactly like everyone else. Bad and ignorant people go to church too.
2017-01-18 18:40:32 UTC
how cant christians be racist if jesus was a muslim?
2017-01-15 21:09:29 UTC
The KKK were Christians so I'm gonna say yes
2017-01-18 21:26:02 UTC
Anyone can be, but it IS sinful and we are to love one another, so it's the person's choice.
2017-01-19 06:39:41 UTC
The answer is that for some people they can not. These were the abolitionists. Others, their world begins and ends with whiteness.
Tad Dubious
2017-01-18 13:52:13 UTC
Yes, but not GOOD Christians.

No, they are not.
2017-01-21 22:57:54 UTC
Well, there is a multitude of groups of people that call themselves Christian that practices Racism, Like the KKK or Neo-Nazi are doing................. But according to the Holy Bible, They are not even close to following the words of God or Jesus the Christ.....................
Benoni "Light"
2017-01-15 21:02:22 UTC
No. In Numbers 12, Miriam speaks out against Moses' marriage to an Ethiopian Woman. How does God respond? He strikes her with Leprosy and she becomes white as snow. God hates racism. There were prohibitions on marrying foreigners.... WHO WORSHIPED OTHER GODS.
Ernest S
2017-01-15 21:38:41 UTC
Tell me is it racist to support the England football team?

...or just stupid?
2017-01-21 13:55:32 UTC
anyone can be racist if they put their mind to it
2017-01-15 21:09:03 UTC
Christians can, and many are. True followers of Jesus cannot.
2017-01-22 19:01:19 UTC
They have always been racist. Slave keepers recited the Bible daily.
2017-01-19 00:04:35 UTC
2017-01-15 21:01:12 UTC
christians historically tend to be more racists then most groups
2017-01-15 21:37:51 UTC
The basis of christianity is racism, it says not to be yoked with one who is not like you.
2017-01-19 19:44:50 UTC
Just look at US southern history
2017-01-15 21:03:20 UTC
2017-01-16 07:12:22 UTC
To the best of my knowledge, belief and experience, Government has not imposed any such restrictions on them.
2017-01-21 09:50:36 UTC
have you heard of the Ku Klux Klan. They aren't atheist
2017-01-17 22:18:38 UTC
what is a racist?
2017-01-17 18:55:48 UTC
Yes they can, as can atheists. As for if they are more or less likely, I suspect it's more or less the same
2017-01-23 03:40:03 UTC
Of course. Dingus.
2017-01-17 09:40:40 UTC

Just as Atheists can be anonymous cowards. Or stupid. Or pointless.
2017-01-22 16:21:04 UTC
Yes, most of them are-they voted in trumplethinskin the president snowflake!
2017-01-20 03:15:44 UTC
anyone can be racist my dude
2017-01-16 11:06:06 UTC
Most definitely
2017-01-16 05:03:33 UTC
I have met many that are and many that are not , some goes for every other religion and non religion
2017-01-20 19:03:41 UTC
2017-01-21 03:41:07 UTC
Yes and no
2017-01-21 20:55:22 UTC
2017-01-16 21:21:08 UTC
anyone can be racist.
2017-01-20 03:37:58 UTC
Julie M
2017-01-18 04:57:53 UTC
Yes, though they shouldn't
2017-01-16 17:12:23 UTC
2017-01-17 09:37:38 UTC
Anyone with bad morals or wrong belief can be
2017-01-20 06:36:50 UTC
Depends on the specific case
2017-01-18 21:09:36 UTC
Yes, I've met many who are.
2017-01-17 07:25:16 UTC
No. There is no verse in scripture that promotes racism.
2017-01-17 17:47:58 UTC
Yes, and just as likely.
2017-01-22 20:25:50 UTC
Yes indeed.
2017-01-15 23:59:54 UTC
2017-01-21 01:53:34 UTC
Not if they follow the Law of love.
2017-01-16 06:11:45 UTC
I only I I on only

know a, a fe fewwwwwwwwww

they are no racingely. todays.
2017-01-22 14:36:09 UTC
Of course yea.
luis l
2017-01-19 06:49:59 UTC

2017-01-20 02:10:24 UTC
Read the "Good Samaritan" where we are taught to love our neighbors, including you.
2017-01-16 15:40:19 UTC
2017-01-18 00:42:39 UTC
Xtians are more judgy, which is ironic if you get what I mean
2017-01-18 05:35:03 UTC
Yes, why not? They never lived up to their Bible anyway.
2017-01-22 00:27:05 UTC
I mean the church leaders were partly (or mostly ) responsible for slavery
2017-01-18 04:34:14 UTC
There is racism even within the races.
2017-01-19 02:41:55 UTC
Werent KKK members Christian?
2017-01-15 21:37:13 UTC
No, as Paul said, "There is no east or west in Christ". We are all one in Him.
2017-01-20 09:19:05 UTC
Very very much so examine what they did to the Romani and the Jew and try to show me differently.......
2017-01-17 06:37:36 UTC
yes. anybody can be racist, you me, god ? yeah !
2017-01-17 23:28:17 UTC
2017-01-22 13:59:20 UTC
Yes, anyone can
2017-01-20 03:02:10 UTC
Of course they can be. Now they shouldnt be
2017-01-15 21:02:31 UTC
Uhh... KKK ring a bell??... Multiple Trump supporters ring a bell??
2017-01-19 23:04:05 UTC
Alot of them are already.
2017-01-17 01:23:39 UTC
Yes they can.
2017-01-19 12:50:48 UTC
No one should be...
2017-01-19 11:40:01 UTC
2017-01-16 12:54:25 UTC
They shouldn't be.... but they probably are.
2017-01-19 03:58:39 UTC
Most black people in the U.S.A. are Christian.
2017-01-20 08:01:06 UTC
yes they can
2017-01-18 19:17:23 UTC
I take it youve never heard of the kkk?
2017-01-16 22:30:06 UTC
2017-01-16 14:57:26 UTC
bible has versus which say very negetive thing about blacks
2017-01-19 16:31:38 UTC
it all depends on personality
2017-01-20 00:27:02 UTC
Where slave owners, not Christian.
2017-01-15 23:48:13 UTC
Sadly they can
Black Sabbath
2017-01-16 07:15:12 UTC
KKK christians are
2017-01-16 19:27:17 UTC
Anyone can
2017-01-16 07:51:40 UTC
KKK is an example
You Asked
2017-01-20 16:49:54 UTC
ha ha ha ha ha you got to be kidding me?
2017-01-22 14:50:04 UTC
2017-01-22 10:51:53 UTC
2017-01-21 15:01:31 UTC
2017-01-20 04:41:53 UTC
unbreakable kitten
2017-01-18 22:52:28 UTC
jason w
2017-01-16 16:38:24 UTC
No they cant
2017-01-19 03:23:14 UTC
2017-01-17 02:28:13 UTC
not the real ones
2017-01-15 21:03:57 UTC
remind me again what symbol do the KKK wear?? whos there god??
Happy Hiram
2017-01-18 03:33:43 UTC
The question is can they not be?
2017-01-17 01:41:23 UTC
I guess they can.
2017-01-16 01:48:23 UTC
They can be.
2017-01-19 10:44:20 UTC
2017-01-22 18:28:42 UTC
2017-01-19 04:46:16 UTC
2017-01-16 16:43:35 UTC
2017-01-16 21:38:07 UTC
I guess..
2017-01-15 21:00:39 UTC
2017-01-20 15:33:20 UTC
2017-01-17 16:15:32 UTC
2017-01-16 09:56:09 UTC
2017-01-16 11:01:52 UTC
look at america. the answer is obviously no, duh, racism is a illusion
2017-01-15 21:02:50 UTC
not me..
2017-01-16 18:28:54 UTC
2017-01-16 20:21:39 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.