The prophecies of Daniel 12:12 actually begun in the 4th Seal (aka) Age.
However, the prophecy given to Daniel concerning the Christ, begans in Daniel 8:14.
The days given two thousand and three hundred is actually written 200300.
The days given the thousand two hundred and ninty is written 100,290.
The days given the thousand three hundred five and thirty is written 1,003,530.
200300 days was the day Jesus was glorified and ascended to heaven.
100290 days was the day that the 49th generation of the 5th Seal had been completed on earth.
1,003,530 days is the year of Judgment.
200300 days is April 20, 33 AD, 12:01 Monday morning.
100290 days is July, 278 AD
1,003,530 is July, 2787 AD
Based upon ONLY the words spoken by JESUS. (no one else, at all)