Atheists: if you were in charge of your country, like a dictator, would you enact laws to scale back religion?
2008-10-08 04:47:42 UTC
If so, what kind of laws? Would you get all extreme and authoritarian and demolish churches and ban public displays of religion? Or would you take a more passive approach and encourage education and scientific research?
28 answers:
2008-10-08 21:38:30 UTC
Of course not. I'd demonstratively support religions like Christianity and Islam, or at least one of them (to avoid conflicts), for if I am a dictator, I want to control my people, and those religions are very nice instruments of control.
2008-10-08 12:39:34 UTC
Dictatorships are a concept stemming from religion, one leader is a bad thing, history has taught us that, it continues to teach us that. However, if it were to happen i wouldn't do anything. You know that Hitler tried to ban churches right? bad bad bad. You can't do that to the people you're trying to lead. If there is no violence, no hatred, no corruption then why should i ban churches? encouraging education and scientific research is something that all countries do, no matter how devoutly religious they are. That is because spiritual people can't deny that science has advanced and helped civilisation more than religion ever will. However, i wouldn't encourage education and research to get rid of religion, i would do it because it is necessary for the progression of humans. People can believe in whatever they want so long as they don't hurt people.

I would, however, get rid of pathetic laws that stem from religious ignorance. Stupid laws like marriage, there is nothing sacred about marriage, more than half don't work and i would change the wording of it to make it less stupid.
2008-10-08 11:57:32 UTC
I'd take the approach used by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk as he formed the republic of Turkey. Madrasas were bulldozed and replaced with real public schools. I would do the same to all dim-bulb Christian academies in the states, which have outlived their segregationist purpose. The religious schools that teach proper science and history would remain. He allowed mosques to remain and lied in speeches how "Islam is the proper religion for Turkey" though he was an atheist.

Ataturk based this on the 1905 French Secularism law, freeing the people from church influence.
2008-10-08 12:17:02 UTC
No, I would not ban any religion, but I would make all religious practices subject to the law (No whining about ritual butchering, circumcision or institutionalized sexism). And no special favors to religious charities, either. Churches would pay tax over the money they take. TV preachers that fail to live up to their claims would be sent to jail.

And especially no religious elements in any governmental activity.

I would support education regardless.

Private religion and normal religious communities will be completely free, however.
2008-10-08 11:52:26 UTC

I believe everyone has a right to believe in what they believe in. No matter how stupid it may be.

If I was a dictator, as much as I wouldn't like to be, I'd probably not touch the subject of religion. Education and scientific research aren't only for atheists, you know? Every country encourages them. But yes, I would.
2008-10-11 15:41:04 UTC
First off, I would never take a job that would put me in the position of being a "dictator".

However, if I were in charge of this great country of ours, I would enforce the first amendment of the Constitution. I would see that NO religion was established, and I would make sure that nobody's (lawful) free expression of religion was restricted.

That means, no government financing of purely religious activities, (funding for proseletyzing as a "social service" would go) no government sponsored prayers in public schools (but students of ALL religions would be free to voluntarily & non-disruptively pray during non-instructional time), and ALL students would be free to wear religious jewelry, the Wiccan student would have just as much right to wear a pentagram as a Christian student would have the right to wear a cross)

Also, the people in the military who denied Wiccan soldiers who died for their country the right to have a Pentagram marker on their gravestone would be in civil court for violating the civil rights of our military personell. Also former Rep Bob Barr would be in civil court for abusing his power in an attempt to curtail the religious civil rights of Wiccans in the military. His job is to uphold the constitution, and he abused his power to undermine it.
2008-10-08 12:21:39 UTC
First of all I'm not an atheist but even if i was i would not try to abolish the religious body cos it will make ur activities or rather your government more complex to rule. This is because many a people are indulging in righteous deeds not really because of the customary penalty but for the fear of the Hereafter

Hence, by abolishing religious body, you have pace ways and Advantage for people to indulge in all sorts of corrupt practices.
2008-10-08 12:05:54 UTC
I know what you're getting at, but unfortunately if that happened we would be as bad as them, everyone has the right to believe in what they like, the difference between us & them is that we don't get all crazy about our believes & try & shovel crap down peoples throats! we respect others choices & don't get involved & all emotional about people not believing & living their lives the exact same way that we do!

although I believe that religion is the root of all that has ever gone wrong in this world from the beginning of time, I would still rise above them & not take away their rights to believe what they want, if we did we would be Just as much hypocrites as they are!
Iggy rocks
2008-10-08 11:57:18 UTC
Religion is not too bad here in Australia....if I was an American President I woudl just make sure that Religion and State was seperate! And not in woudl be a personal thing and no tax free anything for any religions! they make so much money and I would make sure they gave a certain percentage to charity and not just religious charities either
2008-10-08 11:58:29 UTC
I wouldn't get rid of religion but if someone was acting like another religion was "wrong" or bad like those Christians did when those Wiccans at that army base where trying to practice there rituals, then that would be treated as a hate crime.
Vinni and beer
2008-10-08 12:09:35 UTC
religion suits some people, some people need the kind of hope that comes from believing in Odin, Mithras, Allah or Jesus.

they need to think that after death the are going to valhalla, or heaven or some happy place.

some psychotic people need the fear of hell after death to keep them in order in life.

so, I would encourage education, education, education, and make sure that for every indoctrication there is some balanced factual information.

for example, i would make sure that every mormon pamphlet is printed with a detailed, accurate life history of Joseph smith jnr. on the back.

and surely no religion could object to factual truth being given out with their literature, could they?
2008-10-08 12:01:33 UTC
I'd ban the teaching of religion in schools. 95% of the schools in my country are run by the Catholic church and religion is part of the curriculum. I'd leave it up to parents and whatever religious authority is involved to teach children about religion.
2008-10-08 12:17:51 UTC
I would stop religious lessons in public schools (I'm not in America; it happens here). Probably do something about ringing of church bells at 5am too, no matter whose saint has his feast on that day.

Besides that, laws such as those dealing with marriage/divorce, abortion etc. would be unaffected by religion.
2008-10-08 12:03:10 UTC
Not really, I'd do more for the economy though.

Although there will be a definite separation of church and state along with unbiased secularized laws.
2008-10-08 11:58:11 UTC
if i was a dictator i would probably encourage religion. I would maybe even institute a state religion.

Particularly one which discouraged dissent and independent thought and instead favored blind faith in authority.

Then i would call anyone who did not follow the religion or opposed my reign 'Unpatriotic" and encourage their exclusion from society.

That way i'd stay in power.

Hmm, sound familiar?
2008-10-08 12:11:38 UTC
I would not ban anything. I would simply remove the tax exempt status of religious organizations and order an immediate tax investigation of all groups claiming that status.
2008-10-08 11:57:36 UTC
Legalise gay marriage and make laws against discrimination that means that no-one would be able to preach hatred

I don't care if you are religious - I do not see why hate-speech should be OK

edit: I'd stop religion influencing so much or having so much immunity
battleship potemkin AM
2008-10-08 11:53:04 UTC
No, I wouldn't scale back religion, but I would take away their tax exempt status.

I would definitely support education and scientific research.
2008-10-08 12:06:55 UTC
No, live and let live. As long as I have the right to criticise and make fun of what I believe to be ridiculous and absurd, I'm quite happy.
2008-10-08 11:51:36 UTC
I would not abolish religion because that would be like communism really, it is the individuals right to believe wat they want but i would make it illegal to teach creationism as fact over evolution. I would definitely encourage education and scientific research. And legalise gay marriage
2008-10-08 11:54:05 UTC
i would encourage science and education and i will have evolution taught in schools and have religion taught as a matter of opinion not truth.

seems fair :)
ʌ_ʍ ʍ
2008-10-08 11:56:14 UTC
that would be pretty harsh... it's like removing crutches from people who need it.

religion on the other hand is like making people believe that they need crutches.

as another answerer said, i'll take the tax exempt status. and not allow cild brainwashing.
2008-10-08 11:52:56 UTC
I wouldn't give the church any funding.

And I wouldn't allow anyone under 18 to participate in religious practices
2008-10-08 12:12:05 UTC
No, I believe people should believe or disbelieve what they want...

i would really separate church and state and not give any church or faith school funding, but that's probably about it.
Mark W
2008-10-08 11:55:13 UTC
Like communism?
2008-10-08 11:59:29 UTC
I would truly separate church and state

Support quality education


By dictating, you push people away
2008-10-08 16:42:21 UTC
2008-10-08 11:58:05 UTC
Thanks Desiree: You have just proven my point about how Atheists hate religious freedom and wish to impose a secular totalitarianism.

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