Do Christians reject Zeus and his son, Hercules because they hate him, and just want to sin?
2017-02-02 22:10:18 UTC
Do Christians reject Zeus and his son, Hercules because they hate him, and just want to sin?
100 answers:
2017-02-06 21:49:52 UTC
2017-02-05 16:13:17 UTC
WTF are you on about.
2017-02-04 15:22:05 UTC
My redemption was bought by God in Christ, my sin covered by His blood ...

His Spirit - the Spirit of Truth - guides my understanding of doctrine, and

exposes the folly of false gods, religious fables and the doctrines of devils.
2017-02-04 12:49:08 UTC
I'm a Christian. Here is a good verse. The start of the apostle Paul's speech at the Areopagus in Athens. Acts 17:23-24 (NIV) For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: to an unknown god. So you are ignorant of the very thing you worship--and this is what I am going to proclaim to you. "The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands.
2017-02-04 06:41:46 UTC
They are worried about Christianity's decline and it's fall.
2017-02-03 21:42:04 UTC
My god can beat up your god ...
2017-02-03 21:01:45 UTC
Not at all.We reject him because Zeus,and Hercules are false gods.
2017-02-03 15:24:34 UTC
No. Because we do not believe in him that is all.
2017-02-02 23:21:53 UTC
No because Paul said Zeus was a fake.

“Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious.”

‭‭Acts‬ ‭17:22‬ ‭KJV‬‬
2017-02-02 22:26:15 UTC
What did Hercules claim to be other than he was?

What did Jesus claim to be?

Do Christians accept Greek Mythology....? Prolly Not...

but 300 was a good movie...funny how they won the battle....but lost the war...

those Persians still marching.....immortals.....

the God of the the new challenge...


2017-02-08 20:43:09 UTC
No as children we all was taught that they was just mythological creatures !
2017-02-07 04:40:00 UTC
ZEUS & his boy, they wuz drinking men both, and along with everyone else. He even had a special assistant BACHHUS to deal with grape issues. Jesus thought of them as fictional characters.
2017-02-06 08:35:45 UTC
Zeus gets more sex than even the horniest evangelist!
2017-02-05 04:43:17 UTC
We reject all false God's including dear old Zeus. There is only one true God and that is the God of the Bible. Father Son and Holy Spirit. Salvation is found in no other name but the name of Jesus
2017-02-04 22:28:58 UTC
No. Like one of the others said, Zeus and Hercules are false gods. Worshipping false gods is called idolatry. And idolatry will keep you out of Heaven. Those who are guilty of idolatry and refuse to repent are going to end up in Hell. I'm only saying this because it's true.
2017-02-04 18:55:17 UTC
2017-02-04 16:29:33 UTC
2017-02-04 14:55:39 UTC
True Christians worship only Jehovah . He gave s life.

Jehovah says that we must worship only him. He will not share his glory with anyone else. Images have no power to help us. - Psalm 115:4-8; Isaiah 42:8.
2017-02-04 03:27:45 UTC
No. Your point is you don't believe in God so you don't hate Him, huh?
Anthony B
2017-02-04 03:16:13 UTC
At the same time as Zeus and Hercules were being worshiped by the Greeks and Spartans, the God of Abraham was being worshiped by the Jews.

The difference is.

Zeus hasn't been around much, he sort of vanished after the Christian church came to Greece....

Kinda makes you think doesn't it.....

I mean if Zeus IS then you'd think he would stick up for his territory...but he didn't.

Jesus just kind of took the over, and He is directly descended from Abraham too, not to mention....well you know.
2017-02-04 01:19:39 UTC
Yes, even today we have documentaries of the great god Zeus' might and how he with the help of the heroic Percy Jackson managed to stop the Titans and Gaia!
2017-02-03 21:35:09 UTC
Sofa King Good
2017-02-03 18:36:28 UTC
Why hate a fictional character
2017-02-03 18:18:01 UTC
Yes, they hate Zeus their creator, they deserve eternal punishment.
2017-02-03 17:29:13 UTC
Being a Christian who studies and researches my Bible, I have found Zeus and Hercules mentioned, not by name but in generalities. Genesis 6 mentions the "sons of God" who are the fallen angels who decided to follow Lucifer in rebellion to God that they might dethrone him. 200 of them came to earth, first touching down on Mt. Herman north of Israel and swore a pact to father children from the wives of men (rape creating hybrid or super-humans). Of the 200 "Anunnaki" who swore the pact was Zeus. The hybrid offspring, or men of renown, was Hercules. All the other gods of the Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, Sumerians, etc. were based on this early, factual scenario. The book of Enoch has much to say about these beings, including the fact that they were by design immortals, but God turned their hearts against one another to help control their numbers (many of these hybrids were reported to slay their own fathers). The flood of Noah was primarily designed to rid the human gene pool of these hybrid genes, which were carried as recessive in almost all humans. The fate of the fallen angels was God imprisoned them here on earth for 4,900 years (70 Biblical generations). They were paroled in 1901 (read about their release in Psalms 2: 2 & 3) to carry out the prophecy found in Daniel, 12: 4; "In the latter days men shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be multiplied." These beings are responsible for our increased knowledge of the 20th century.

What this has to do with Christians supposedly desiring to sin I don't understand.
Elsie Treize
2017-02-03 16:15:21 UTC
No. Christians do not believe that Zeus and all the other polytheistic gods are real. They don't hate what they perceive as non-existent.
2017-02-03 16:11:25 UTC
ahahhaa checkmate christians
2017-02-03 15:49:31 UTC
To mock God is no light thing.

To mock God is to disrespect, dishonor, or ignore Him. It is a serious offense committed by those who have no fear of God or who deny His existence. The most easily recognized form of mockery is disrespect typified by verbal insults or other acts of disdain. It is associated with ridicule, scoffing, and defiance. Mockery is a dishonoring attitude that shows low estimation, contempt, or even open hostility.

In the Bible mockery is a behavior and attitude shown by the fool (Psalm 74:22), the wicked (Psalm 1:1), the enemy (Psalm 74:10), the hater of knowledge (Proverbs 1:22; 13:1), the proud (Psalm 119:51; Isaiah 37:17), and the unteachable (Proverbs 15:12). A mocker goes beyond mere lack of judgment to making a conscious decision for evil. Mockers are without a spirit of obedience, teachability, discernment, wisdom, worship, or faith.
2017-02-03 15:35:41 UTC
Christianity is a mental disorder.
2017-02-03 00:10:52 UTC
The funny thing is that pagan gods are real, while the Christian God is a Jew on a stick.
2017-02-05 10:12:52 UTC
I am redeemed by Christ and the bible teahe that there is only one true God and we should not have other Gods
2017-02-05 03:17:37 UTC
The Viking Gods are real.
2017-02-04 23:49:53 UTC
They reject the believe that Zeus and his son are real. The same way I reject the Christian God on the bases that the being doesn't exist.
2017-02-04 12:58:50 UTC
I imagine most Christians cannot spell those words - did you use a dictionary? Hope this helps.
2017-02-04 10:58:15 UTC
What about all the films he's made then? he must be real.
Malcolm B
2017-02-04 05:38:00 UTC
my God is above other gods
Mir Quasem
2017-02-04 03:52:23 UTC
Chapters are different.
2017-02-04 01:38:48 UTC
2017-02-04 01:19:06 UTC
More atheistard trolling.

There will be no atheists on Judgment Day. Now everyone knows - so no excuses.
2017-02-04 00:19:19 UTC
No, this is because Paul just said Zeus is fake.
2017-02-03 20:25:16 UTC
Oh, it gets worse!

The Christ will heal SOME of the people, SOME of the time, depending on his mood swings,and on

how SINCERELY the people who seek the Healing are able to pray.

Meanwhile, the God known as Poseidon moves the tides, EVERY ocean, EVERY day, whether people pray to Him to do so, or do NOT pray to him at all.

And the Christians, while DENYING the very EXISTENCE of the God known as Poseidon, WILL NOT offer to

anchor themselves to the sea floor at LOW tide, and TRUST their Christ to protect them, as Poseidon uses His

divine POWER to bring in the HIGH tide.
2017-02-03 19:35:18 UTC
Child's play
2017-02-03 19:25:12 UTC
Such irony. how the fundies accuse people of hating something just cause they disagree. Now a funny one would be to ask them if those who do not obey Allah and not accept Mohammed as their profit will suffer in Islamic Hell. Or if those who dont follow the Dharmic Path are perpetually gonna be reborn a worm. Or if they dont obey Zeus, they will go into a fiery underworld.
2017-02-03 18:33:42 UTC
I do it worship Hercules and his demon father Zeus, these are abominations and bastardizations of the true king of the gods and his son, Odin and Thor! Praise be unto them, gods of thunder and wisdom!!!
2017-02-03 18:25:43 UTC
Zeus is a false God
2017-02-03 16:54:39 UTC
I think that must be true. It is just as true as saying atheists reject God and Jesus because they hate them and want to sin. I much prefer to read about Zeus and Heracles than about God and Jesus.
2017-02-03 16:25:32 UTC
Do Christians REJECT ( maybe even DENY ) Zeus and his Son , Hercules ( very similar to SAMSON ) because they HATE him and WANT to SIN ? ...

psychologically speaking its difficult to do an actual human assessment , one must rely on actually only the DOCTRINE and writings or evaluation because it is a concrete and Individuals and 34,000 denominations inject variables ...

. I would say more of an association of Dr Frankenstein and his Creation AKA "the ADAM of your LABORS ".... The psychological theme was That the CREATOR Created but the Created became more powerful than the Creator

,so the only solution was for the CREATOR to try and destroy the Created

, But because the Created was stronger it destroyed the Creator ( Dr Frankenstein )

in that scenario the Created aka "Adam of your Labors " states destroying his Creator (Dr Frankenstein ) Quote "BROUGHT him NO PEACE "

so the Final solution for the Created ( Adam of your labors ) was SUICIDE had nothing to do with hate or SIN ... that was later promoted by the writer PAUL
2017-02-03 16:02:27 UTC
No, they reject him because a pilgrimage to Olympus every year is just too much to ask.
2017-02-03 15:02:49 UTC
2017-02-02 22:28:05 UTC
They have been deceived by Disney and believe Zeus and His son Hercules to be cartoon characters. They have lost their way.
2017-02-05 05:59:10 UTC
ya as a christmas i can confirm. i hate juice. he is bad SHOCKINGLY BAD zing zung
2017-02-05 02:42:32 UTC
Ofcourse we reject them as they are false pagan gods. Eyes but they do not see. Ears but they do not hear. A mouth but they cannot speak. We serve the one true Living God.

However I think this is just a sarcastic question and I think you know the answer to that. Don't you.
2017-02-05 01:28:33 UTC
Silly, Billy, we don't believe in myths. Do try to grow up.
2017-02-04 23:09:28 UTC
2017-02-04 20:59:55 UTC
2017-02-04 15:51:34 UTC
i heard zeus was a fudgepacker
2017-02-04 12:23:37 UTC
2017-02-04 12:12:01 UTC
Hercules is a juicer
2017-02-04 09:31:36 UTC
No, heretic, they reject Thor because they're too afraid to be vikings.
Chantal G
2017-02-04 04:56:46 UTC
Christians reject Zeus and his son, Hercules, because they don't appreciate good, cheesy television! And apparently they don't appreciate hunky men, either! :D
2017-02-04 01:09:51 UTC
Both are mythological characters.
2017-02-03 23:28:51 UTC
Pagans became Christian because they saw Christ with their own eyes.

“Let me set about making the matter clear. There is one broad fact about the relations of Christianity and Paganism which is so simple that many will smile at it, but which is so important that all moderns forget it. The primary fact about Christianity and Paganism is that one came after the other. Mr. Lowes Dickinson speaks of them as if they were parallel ideals—even speaks as if Paganism were the newer of the two, and the more fitted for a new age. He suggests that the Pagan ideal will be the ultimate good of man; but if that is so, we must at least ask with more curiosity than he allows for, why it was that man actually found his ultimate good on earth under the stars, and threw it away again.” - GK Chesterton, “Heretics.” (1908)

“Christians were invited to set up the image of Jesus side by side with the image of Jupiter, of Mithras, of Osiris, of Atys, or of Ammon. It was the refusal of the Christians that was the turning-point of history.” - GK Chesterton, “The Everlasting Man.” (1925)
Wellll... hello then!
2017-02-03 22:24:35 UTC
Christians in the light?Because they know God personally,and know God has nothing to do with the devil no matter what idol the devil appears as!
2017-02-03 19:04:35 UTC
This is the educamated atheshit?
Someone who cares
2017-02-03 15:53:27 UTC
Christians accept Christ. Get it?
2017-02-03 15:27:50 UTC
You are confusing religion and mythology...........(ok: religions are composed of a bit of myth-ology).
2017-02-03 12:43:48 UTC
They think they're fictional. You see, when it comes to deities or demi-deities, among other creatures, they think the real ones are fake and the fake ones are real.
2017-02-03 12:22:31 UTC
Christians cannot prove that Zeus does not exist.

There is equal proof for Zeus and his son, Hercules as there is for God and his son Jesus.
2017-02-03 01:08:58 UTC
Zeus and Herc are fairy tails. Mythology. Silly stories. Not real.
Jim V
2017-02-02 23:46:55 UTC

I reject Zeus as a viable god concept because Zeus does not have the necessary attributes of God.

(In the mythology)

Zeus is not the necessary entity. The uncaused first cause of all else.

Zeus is just another caused being.

Caused beings cannot be God, the best they can be is idols ... and besides being a 'god-of-the-gaps' that is the most we can think of Zeus.
2017-04-02 11:42:31 UTC
no... your point is you don't believe in god so you don't hate him, huh?
2017-02-08 11:30:49 UTC
Yes. Christians are a sinful people that love sinning.
2017-02-07 21:09:07 UTC
It is not that. It's not part of their belief system. Every country has their own belief systems. Budhist believe in the earth and Buddha. Muslims believe in Mohammed. Christians believe in Jesus Christ. The Greeks and Romans believe in Zues. You get the idea. You simply cannot say they hate Zues because they don't believe in him. They are just about Jesus Christ. Jusy like your about Zues. I am pretty sure you do not hate Jesus Christ. Your just not used to that mentality of their belief systems. They feel the same about your beliefs. To you, it's just a story of Christ. To them, it's greek mythology for yours. Their all good stories. What really matters when it comes down to it, is the goodness in people. Your beliefs make you a good person and their beliefs make them good persons. That is something i admire about most religious belief systems, that everyone is following a moral sense of heart over head and ego or atleast trying to and that is good enough for me.
2017-02-05 20:32:12 UTC

^sorry if it sounds needy
2017-02-05 05:49:50 UTC
Not true. Zeus and his son have their realm.

As recognized by the Federal Department

of Corrections as OLD NORSE.
2017-02-05 04:16:51 UTC
He is fake.
Squidward Dab
2017-02-05 01:09:23 UTC
No, I reject them because they are "not real"
2017-02-04 20:49:06 UTC
Zeus is considered a god in ancient Greek mythology. You chose a bad analogy.
2017-02-04 15:54:04 UTC
Which variety of Christians? Real ones that Obey all of Gods Commands or Christians in name only whom often disregard much of the Commandments? But to answer in general, all of the Greek named gods were Fallen Angels and some of their Nephilim offspring, and were huge for the most part, even called Giants, hundreds of skeletal remains of which have been historically photographed and logged, but over the hundreds of years have been removed from bulk media and general availability, because it would ruin Satan's plans for deceiving the human race! these so named gods are those ejected by the Holy Angels from the Heavens whom were Rejected by God Almighty.
H. Carrielynn
2017-02-04 14:49:15 UTC
you do know that satan is behind all forms of idolatry right? this includes Zeus and Hercules?
2017-02-04 04:28:50 UTC
All you mention are myth.........why would we reject myth......
2017-02-04 00:51:01 UTC
God explain in the Bible how he feel about man's idol god's<< [And I feel just like God do about them] >> (Isaiah 42:8) I am Jehovah. That is my name; I give my glory to no one else, Nor my praise to graven images. Clearly, there are many gods. Some, are named in the Bible. Yet, people who saw Jehovah’s power long ago exclaimed: “Jehovah is the true God! (1 Kings 18:39) Another god, however, also has power. The Bible says: “The god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not.”—2 Corinthians 4:4, King James Version. The night before his death, Jesus three times warned his disciples about this god, calling him “the ruler of this world.” Jesus said this powerful ruler, or god, “will be cast out.” (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11)

He is none other than the rebel angel, Satan the Devil. The Bible explains that when Satan tempted Jesus, Satan showed him “all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, and he said to him: ‘All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me.’” (Matthew 4:8, 9) This offer would not have been a temptation at all if Satan had been offering Jesus what Satan did not possess.The apostle John declared: “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.”—1 John 5:19. Jesus promised: “The ruler of this world will be cast out.” (John 12:31) In fact, this world, or system of things, along with its ruler, will be removed, as foretold by the apostle John when he stated: “The world is passing away.” However, John added: “He that does the will of God remains forever.” (1 John 2:17)

The True God of the Bible states (reference idol god's) at (Psalm 115:1-8) O Jehovah, not to us, But to your name give glory Because of your loyal love and your faithfulness.  Why should the nations say: “Where is their God?”  Our God is in the heavens; He does whatever he pleases. Their idols are silver and gold, The work of human hands.   A mouth they have, but they cannot speak; Eyes, but they cannot see;  Ears they have, but they cannot hear; A nose, but they cannot smell;   Hands they have, but they cannot feel; Feet, but they cannot walk; They make no sound with their throat.   The people who make them will become just like them, As will all those who trust in them.
2017-02-03 23:44:36 UTC
Zeus had numerous sexual affairs outside his own marriage to Hera, and abducted many of his lovers (including a young shepherd boy named Ganymede). He cut open his own father Cronus. He married his own sister. Zeus was not even the creator of the world according to Greek mythology, his father was Cronus, his grandfather was Uranus, and his grandmother (and also great-grandmother) was Gaia.

So if someone wanted to sin, I imagine the worship of Zeus would give one far more licence than Christianity.
2017-02-03 18:57:53 UTC
2017-02-03 17:17:32 UTC
FYI, Zeus was Satan and his Son Apollo, the AC. The bible alludes to this as it states Pergamon was the alter of Satan. That place just happened to be the alter of Zeus. The Devil has had many names, as have other divine beings. Both have been described as serpents.
2017-02-03 16:24:55 UTC
2017-02-03 02:47:41 UTC
2017-02-02 22:27:50 UTC
no because they should know that none of those were real. just like their god.
2017-02-02 22:13:21 UTC
No, it's because we accept Jesus and God's free gift of salvation.

We've mentioned that before.
2017-02-02 22:13:20 UTC
christians reject Zeus because there is no legitimate evidence that Zeus is real.

Oh... wait...
2017-02-05 05:15:24 UTC
2017-02-05 04:51:05 UTC
Do Christians reject Zeus and his son, Hercules because they hate him, and just want to sin?

#1 Jesus is the way the truth and the life and all other gods are just idols of men

Acts 4:12

12 Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

#2 you are mocking God and his people

Galatians 6:7

Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.

Psalm 1:1-6

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,nor stands in the way of sinners,nor sits in the seat of scoffers;but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season,and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does,he prospers. The wicked are not so,but are like chaff that the wind drives away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous;
2017-02-04 15:00:48 UTC
sjws are losers
2017-02-04 04:47:09 UTC
A true christian is supposed to be dead to sin while in baptism, being put to death the sins if the flesh in similitude to the resurrection
2017-02-04 02:17:11 UTC
christians love to sin more than they love zeus...
2017-02-04 01:50:12 UTC
Jesus is more powerful than Zeus and Hercules combined. Even in the Old Testament God had more patience and mercy than Zeus. Yeah, there was a lot of violence, but it was after the people wouldn't change or due to sin.
2017-02-03 22:53:26 UTC
Zeus used to have it off with humans. Dirty deity
2017-02-03 22:12:44 UTC
I believe in the great Gods and Goddesses of Olympus, they are the true Gods! Take down the false modern gods! Bring back the glory of the great Gods and Goddesses of Olympus.

I am a follower of the God Poseidon.
2017-02-03 21:28:22 UTC
Stop mocking God. Don't come crying to me, when he curses your family down 4 generations and your in Hell. You NEVER MOCK GOD! CHRIST OR MESSIAH OR HOLY SPIRIT!

We rejected them because 1. They were not real, just to get money and make people believe in lies, cons, and demons and sins. 2. It hurt people. 3. People got sick of fighting demons all the time because of it. The cartoon was cute, but beyond that and the Kevin Sorbo show, nothing good really came of that myth. As for Jesus Christ and God, they are real, there are even playlists about evidences for God, in history, archaeologically, spiritually, and signs in nature right now of his Lord Jesus Christ's soon return.
2017-02-03 15:42:06 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.