Easy, all human's are like little children arguing when it comes to knowing about the universe and it's creation, we don't even fully understand more than 5% of what's out there to discover.
Logic suggests faith is a requirement for learning and understanding anything new. Before it is 100% fact, we use theories, those theories fill in the gaps of a giant puzzle with missing pieces. By knowing most of the puzzle (which we still don't really), those assumptions become logical possible conclusions, yet there might be more than one option. So probability is used to pick the best and most logical option. So extremely stupid / thick people rules out the possible answers, having missing pieces, while a bit stupid / thick people tend to explore it deeper...
Even science doesn't have all the answers, therefore every single human also follows theories based upon it. Any theory has assumptions and therefore faith required. Atheism just doesn't seem to be able to see this irony that they too have faith...
Given the incredible complexity of a single-celled organism and its DNA, the likelihood that life on Earth was randomly created in an organic soup is the equivalent of discovering a computer on Mars and proclaiming it was randomly assembled in the methane sea. As crazy as that sounds, that's logically an actual higher probability of occurrence. It's still a strong faith, but an uncomplete answer as there's still a force behind putting it together (energy/mass is a requirement to even move it into place and hold it). Seem to be a lot stupid / thick to just leave it at that answer?
Therefore, a Creator of this universe is a requirement for current logic, if not another invisible entity is still required for mass/energy. It's just a matter of whether or not you believe it comes from total chaos or intelligences. What seems more logical due to patterns/rules/etc?
What we know is since creation particles have never increased or decreased (something doesn't appear out of nowhere or disappear without a trace), instead all particles are recycled. Everything living/static, etc, can be broken down into building blocks - atoms. Not one single drop of water has ever been wasted, it always goes around and around. We might understand how this occurs on earth, but look outside of that scope into the universe, it's the same. However, the universe is expanding, therefore it's decaying and has a set lifespan (time) applied to it. If it's expanding, then we can follow it back to a point, a possible beginning...
Galaxy Seeds. Scientists believe that, if the Big Bang is true (first, there was nothing, then, BANG, something came into being), then temperature “ripples” should exist in space, and it would be these ripples that enabled matter to collect into galaxies. To discover whether these ripples exist, the Cosmic Background Explorer – COBE – was launched in 1989 to find them, with the findings being released in 1992. What COBE found was perfect/precise ripples that, sure enough, enable galaxies to form.
The big bang theory was actually originally modeled by a Christian, before a university created into what we now know it as (atheist theory). He based his work off Albert Eistein's theory of relative. Who in turned said he added a static variable because he didnt believe it was correct which he later considered the biggest mistake in his life. Eistein later himself even said to his class why it's more logical to believe in a creator of the universe. While he wasn't religious, he considered Atheists as blindsided.
Athiesm is now left with a faith they believing in, created by the very people that they mock and an intelligent person that even said they where possibly wrong and illogical to rule it out (doh). The Big Bang Theory has a logical holes in it, which Atheists fulled up and proved by believing in something also invisible known as Dark Matter/Energy in 2012 (perfect, it makes sense again, an invisible entity which controls the universe).
Basically, dark matter cannot be seen -- scientists can only estimate where it is based on gravitational effects on what they can see. Yet they believe in makes up at least 86% of the universe?
Therefore both have faith in something invisible which happens to work the same way. Mass/Form/Gravity/Shape needs to be controlled by something we can't see. In other words, everything is held together perfectly from atom building blocks and just so happens to stay that way.
So while they didn't prove God exists, they proved an invisible entity (something that works basically in the same way as God) must exist for the logic of this universe to make sense.
It narrows down to as simple as Random Chao (with a probability of less that 1 in 15 billion years to just create a single protein cell - which still doesn't have life) or Intelligences. Who's more ironic?