Why do religous people seem to be a bit stupid / thick?
2013-08-05 11:42:50 UTC
Why do religous people seem to be a bit stupid / thick? I've met a few and they have all been a bit stupid. It's like they can't think for themselves anymore!
21 answers:
2013-08-05 11:44:56 UTC
So you admit a prejudice? You judge an entire group of people based on the observation of "a few"? That's prejudice pure and simple.
2013-08-05 18:49:37 UTC
You stereotypical insolent fool! Uc Hum, sorry for that anyway back to the question, stop stereotyping and judging people because they're religious? You do know back in the old days the only people who could write and read were the Monks!?

The Magna Carta ever heard of it, the King didn't even sign it because he couldn't read. For generations the only people who could read and write were people related to the Church or those who went there and learned however that was a long time ago...

These days does it really matter what someone's choices are in life whether they're white or black religious or atheist. We're all humans and SOME PEOPLE ARE DAM STUPID... Sorry anyway, Gandhi? Siddartha Guatama or Buddha? Christ? Malcom X? Ever heard of those people I'm pretty sure they weren't stupid!
2013-08-05 18:54:47 UTC
If by being stupid / thick you mean that we are not sly /cunning then you are right - that is the way we should be.

Our problem is that some of us are shrewd / academic / vane / etc and are regarded as bright / rich / smart, but they do NOT fit into our church.

Blessed are the meek the introduction to the gospel on the mound which had always been the greetings for people to be converted into Christians.
2013-08-05 18:57:22 UTC
yes its mostly true even though im religious

They act like they are brainwashed..

I hate close minded people.

And i hate when they wont discuss a certain thing or accept defeat.

those kind of people are everywhere, not only religious people

Most of us live in our own imaginery world, that eveything we do is right.

Im personally a muslim but i respect atheism alot.

But right now for me, islam makes more sense than atheism.

Maybe that will change in the future.

If you would like to question some stuff about religion, i can probably answer them with proof and not just quote verses and say this is from god and buddha
2013-08-05 18:55:10 UTC
Like most of the people here, you confused "religious people" with Christians. Learn the difference! Christians are not bright people -- mentally deficient people are the ones drawn to Christianity. No one could successfully argue otherwise. HOWEVER -- by saying, "religious people," you're including all of the ancient ways of the world, religious paths that you know nothing about. The ancient Vedic ("Hindu") tradition is so far beyond and away from Christianity that there's no way it could in any way be compared to it! There are all the mystical traditions of the ancient peoples of the world, the mystical traditions of the Mexicanos/Indios that you know nothing about. Before you people start posting ugly comments against "religious people," educate yourself first as to what religion is because if someone were to ask you to define "religion," you would not be able to do so. Yes, Christians are "stupid" and "thick" as you say. We know that. But "religious people?" No ...
2013-08-05 18:47:31 UTC
Easy, all human's are like little children arguing when it comes to knowing about the universe and it's creation, we don't even fully understand more than 5% of what's out there to discover.

Logic suggests faith is a requirement for learning and understanding anything new. Before it is 100% fact, we use theories, those theories fill in the gaps of a giant puzzle with missing pieces. By knowing most of the puzzle (which we still don't really), those assumptions become logical possible conclusions, yet there might be more than one option. So probability is used to pick the best and most logical option. So extremely stupid / thick people rules out the possible answers, having missing pieces, while a bit stupid / thick people tend to explore it deeper...

Even science doesn't have all the answers, therefore every single human also follows theories based upon it. Any theory has assumptions and therefore faith required. Atheism just doesn't seem to be able to see this irony that they too have faith...

Given the incredible complexity of a single-celled organism and its DNA, the likelihood that life on Earth was randomly created in an organic soup is the equivalent of discovering a computer on Mars and proclaiming it was randomly assembled in the methane sea. As crazy as that sounds, that's logically an actual higher probability of occurrence. It's still a strong faith, but an uncomplete answer as there's still a force behind putting it together (energy/mass is a requirement to even move it into place and hold it). Seem to be a lot stupid / thick to just leave it at that answer?

Therefore, a Creator of this universe is a requirement for current logic, if not another invisible entity is still required for mass/energy. It's just a matter of whether or not you believe it comes from total chaos or intelligences. What seems more logical due to patterns/rules/etc?

What we know is since creation particles have never increased or decreased (something doesn't appear out of nowhere or disappear without a trace), instead all particles are recycled. Everything living/static, etc, can be broken down into building blocks - atoms. Not one single drop of water has ever been wasted, it always goes around and around. We might understand how this occurs on earth, but look outside of that scope into the universe, it's the same. However, the universe is expanding, therefore it's decaying and has a set lifespan (time) applied to it. If it's expanding, then we can follow it back to a point, a possible beginning...

Galaxy Seeds. Scientists believe that, if the Big Bang is true (first, there was nothing, then, BANG, something came into being), then temperature “ripples” should exist in space, and it would be these ripples that enabled matter to collect into galaxies. To discover whether these ripples exist, the Cosmic Background Explorer – COBE – was launched in 1989 to find them, with the findings being released in 1992. What COBE found was perfect/precise ripples that, sure enough, enable galaxies to form.

The big bang theory was actually originally modeled by a Christian, before a university created into what we now know it as (atheist theory). He based his work off Albert Eistein's theory of relative. Who in turned said he added a static variable because he didnt believe it was correct which he later considered the biggest mistake in his life. Eistein later himself even said to his class why it's more logical to believe in a creator of the universe. While he wasn't religious, he considered Atheists as blindsided.

Athiesm is now left with a faith they believing in, created by the very people that they mock and an intelligent person that even said they where possibly wrong and illogical to rule it out (doh). The Big Bang Theory has a logical holes in it, which Atheists fulled up and proved by believing in something also invisible known as Dark Matter/Energy in 2012 (perfect, it makes sense again, an invisible entity which controls the universe).

Basically, dark matter cannot be seen -- scientists can only estimate where it is based on gravitational effects on what they can see. Yet they believe in makes up at least 86% of the universe?

Therefore both have faith in something invisible which happens to work the same way. Mass/Form/Gravity/Shape needs to be controlled by something we can't see. In other words, everything is held together perfectly from atom building blocks and just so happens to stay that way.

So while they didn't prove God exists, they proved an invisible entity (something that works basically in the same way as God) must exist for the logic of this universe to make sense.

It narrows down to as simple as Random Chao (with a probability of less that 1 in 15 billion years to just create a single protein cell - which still doesn't have life) or Intelligences. Who's more ironic?
2013-08-05 19:20:09 UTC
You do know the same can be said for all Gods creations including atheists?

Look, there have been MANY religious people in history that are smart, think for themselves and are famous for being intellectuals!

In Islam we are encouraged to learn about and discover the word around us.

In history MANY muslims are to thank for technological advances:

1. "Muslim astronomers were the first to establish observatories, like the one built at Mugharah by Hulagu, the son of Genghis Khan, in Persia, and they invented instruments such as the quadrant and astrolabe, which led to advances not only in astronomy but in oceanic navigation, contributing to the European age of exploration."

2. "[...] with the help of Muslim navigators and their inventions that Magellan was able to traverse the Cape of Good Hope, and Da Gamma and Columbus had Muslim navigators on board their ships."

3. "The works of Aristotle, Ptolemy, Euclid and others were translated into Arabic. Muslim scholars and scientists then added their own creative ideas, discoveries and inventions, and finally transmitted this new knowledge to Europe, leading directly to the Renaissance."

4. "The Muslims invented the symbol for zero (The word "cipher" comes from Arabic sifr), and they organized the numbers into the decimal system - base 10. Additionally, they invented the symbol to express an unknown quantity, i.e. variables like x.

The first great Muslim mathematician, Al-Khawarizmi, invented the subject of algebra (al-Jabr), which was further developed by others, most notably Umar Khayyam. Al-Khawarizmi's work, in Latin translation, brought the Arabic numerals along with the mathematics to Europe, through Spain. The word "algorithm" is derived from his name."

5. "Al-Razi, known in the West as Rhazes, the famous physician and scientist, (d. 932) was one of the greatest physicians in the world in the Middle Ages. He stressed empirical observation and clinical medicine and was unrivalled as a diagnostician. He also wrote a treatise on hygiene in hospitals. Abul-Qasim Az-Zahrawi was a very famous surgeon in the eleventh century, known in Europe for his work, Concession (Kitab al-Tasrif).

Other significant contributions were made in pharmacology, such as Ibn Sina's Kitab al-Shifa' (Book of Healing), and in public health. Every major city in the Islamic world had a number of excellent hospitals, some of them teaching hospitals, and many of them were specialized for particular diseases, including mental and emotional. The Ottomans were particularly noted for their building of hospitals and for the high level of hygiene practiced in them."

And these are only A FEW of great minds!

Ps: You spelt "religious" wrong =)
2013-08-05 18:50:01 UTC
Often when we judge or philosophize with the words we mindfully construe pertained to dualism, we actually tell others where we are.

Also, what we subconsciously dislike or fear about our selves we often resent or try to change in others – Insecurity. (To judge others by our own standards - To accept them as normal as long as they think and behave like we do)

If we hate it's because we hate our selves, this can be due to being spiritually subverted by the evils of this world - self serving lies, and even family and societal breakdown ECT.

Some blame even blame the selfish gene, however these things are often reciprocal and mirrored.

The ego always looks for a place to lay it's head, today science has become a God which people follow. (Read Luke 9:58)

I think people who pigeon hole them selves as Atheists just watch to many documentaries and wild life programs, and listen to people like Richard Dawkins.

(Due to the insidious nature of plausibility) ~ (I sound as though I know what I'm talking about) - and formatory thinking, people tend to believe peerage)- Buy the dream,

Even Sir Isaac Newton became a Christian.

Man kinds greatest weakness is suggestibility with the propensity to associate and become identified. There's nothing wrong with science, however, today it seems science has become a God – Piece of mind – A place for mankind to lay their head (Which is contrary to Matthew 8:20), the danger being, a foot stool is available for lairs.

People who view/pigeon hole themselves as Atheists, Creationists, Theists, and Agnosticist's ECT, may have allowed the ego to create this personal pigeon hole.

(This is also very similar to being socially tagged, thus identified by ones appearance and the paradigmatic titles of officialdom) I am a white police man, I am a black police man ECT.

(This stems from old colonial divide and rule)

Words like race and ethnic are subjectively derived, contemporary cultural constructs, an adjunct, or what is known in Hinduism as an Upadhi (The concept of adventitious limiting conditions), which can also be used to divide the minds of formatory thinkers. People also allow empirically derived scientific discoveries to circumscribe the mind and beliefs.

And as always lies obfuscate, as even those whom sound plausible can sound veracious.

Subjectivism > the doctrine that all knowledge is limited to experiences by the self, and that transcendent knowledge is impossible (Shuts the door on God)???

Formatory thinking > a term for the mechanical aspect of the lower intellectual center.

Pigeon holing, and thereafter returning mechanically to them as statements of truth.

Black and white statements or strictly agreeing or disagreeing.

Most ignorance is vincible, we don't know because we don't want to know.

Albert Huxley.
alan h
2013-08-05 19:51:37 UTC
e.g. 1? Unable to spell 'religious'?

e.g. 2? Including Professors Alister McGrath, F R Stannard OBE, N C Nevin OBE, John Bryant,

et al? Try a little research
2013-08-05 18:57:25 UTC
You have " met a few" That is a lie. If you're American most people are Christian. You have to slink off online to meet an atheist.
2013-08-05 18:53:46 UTC
It's difficult to communicate on a different or higher level when you're wearing "blinders". Opening one's mind to different views & opinions can be very enlightening and educational. Try it. It may open some new doors.
2013-08-05 18:44:29 UTC
None of us are perfect, some of us are a little less stupid then others.
2013-08-05 18:45:26 UTC
Many religious people are ignorant and prejudiced because of the things that they are taught since birth. Not all of them are this way though.
2013-08-05 18:51:21 UTC
That's what religion does to the human consciousness.

That's why religion was dumb-down humanity
2013-08-05 18:45:29 UTC
yet, your name/picture is based off of a JEW.

plus atheist are know different. this is the religion section yet atheist only come here to insult others. example this question. learn some manners.
2013-08-05 18:44:00 UTC
said the guy rocking the southpark icon

Oh the Irony

2013-08-05 18:44:04 UTC
I bet they know how to spell religious.
Remilia, Your Lord And Savior
2013-08-05 18:43:55 UTC
It's because you're Jewish, Kyle.
2013-08-05 18:44:25 UTC
Same with me.
2013-08-05 18:44:17 UTC
It's because of this,d.aWc
Joe N
2013-08-05 18:44:15 UTC
Could it be because they are?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.