what proof do we really have ??? please tell me. no justifications. ANSWER ME!!!!!!!!!!?
2007-12-28 12:34:58 UTC
call me what you will, anything but weak! eternal life hahaha. salvation. he's going to be mad at me, he's going to send me to hell, oh my g**. such nonsense. IGNORANT would mean lack of intelligence. well holy pants, what intelligence have you that proves that your g** does exist? wait, i know, you can feel him, you know he's there. right! like i previously stated, without heaven and hell god has no value. most of my answers were eternal life, afterlife this and eternal happiness. someone even said it's all about happiness in the afterlife, (heaven) that my happiness here n now does'nt matter. this is just a test. you are absolutely right, a test to see whose crazy or not. what seperates god from santa clause? they both teach the same lesson, be good and reap my rewards or else no happy happy for you.sad thing, the kids eventually grow out of it. shame on you goddies. word of advice, just because you believe something does not make it true. UNDERSTAND!!!!
Twelve answers:
2007-12-28 12:41:57 UTC
There is no proof other than religious text that theists will cite. We have no idea as to the origins of the universe or the nature of God and we can't claim to. It's futile to attempt such a thing.
2007-12-28 13:17:47 UTC
You want proof? The problem is you are talking to the wrong people. You have thoughts that come from false teachings or teachings of men. What they think is correct and what is correct is two different things. They are a presumptuous group of people. They assume too many idea's that are not scriptural.

For example : Afterlife? Read Ecclesiastes 9:5, and Psalms 146:4.

For a person to believe that God exist besides seeing the created things that we take for granite he would have to make at least a little effort. The blind faith people you are now talking to, have not done this either.

Your mistake is that you associate the book with the people, and assume that they know something?

Most people have the book but don't open it.

To test the book to see if it has truth you need to start simple.

For example: 3500 years ago all the intellectuals believed in the flat earth theory? Read Isaiah 40:22.

How back then did this man Isaiah know it was round?

The Heaven and Hell thought is also from men not scriptures.

Scripturally speaking man in general has never been promised heavenly life and if you make an effort you will find out that the English word Hell means grave.

To talk to some one and reach any agreement requires an open mind and this is an unknown as far as you and I are concerned. It requires that we both use common sense.

I do understand your feelings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-12-28 12:50:57 UTC
Assuming that there is no heaven or hell, then God still has "value" in this life. As the creator, he is the one who understanding the design and purpose for each person and the world as a whole. So he gave us prayer, which is simply

talking with him to learn his will, so that we can follow that purpose, bringing meaning to our own lives, and change the world for the better.

As for the existence of God, you need look no further then

1) the existence of an orderly universe that demands an Intelligent Creator

2) the universal existence of morality which shows the existence of an Unltimate Arbitor of Right and Wrong

3) the universal longing with each person to know about God and the meaning of life which only he can give

4) the teachings of the Bible which outline a reasonable and consistence understanding of who God is

5) the multitude of witnesses who have experienced him throughout every generation.

6) the fulfilled prophecy within the Bible, some fulfilled within the book itself, and others that cover events over the 2000 years since its completion

7) the miracles that God performs everyday in multitudes of lives all across the world

8) the radical change in the lives of those who have an encounter with God

9) the daily communication, wisdom, guidance and strength that he gives me each day

10) and hundreds of others that if you actually took the time to honestly look, would be visible all over the place.

Just because a person does NOT believe does not make something NOT true either.
Sweet Suzy 777!
2007-12-28 12:48:56 UTC
Romans 1:18-22

18 But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness. 19 They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. 20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.

21 Yes, they knew about God, but they wouldn't worship him as God or even give him thanks.And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. 22 Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools.
2007-12-28 12:46:21 UTC
You said it yourself, somewhere in that incoherent rant: "just because you believe something does not make it true."

Just because you don't believe in God doesn't mean He doesn't exist.

Before anything was even answered, you've chosen to dimiss anything a believer says as fiction and fantasy no matter what is said, making you extremely closed-minded and intolerant. There's not one iota of reason or logic or rationality in your entire rant. It's impossible to talk to people like you, so I won't bother offering you my proof.
2007-12-28 12:50:32 UTC
What I believe follows from this. Do you agree? In facing questions like the one you ask, it is important on the one hand to distinguish between "what has to exist" (sometimes called "necessity"), and what is "in need of an explanation" on the other hand. So, for example, while there is a formula for solving quadratic equations, which every high school student learns in algebra, there is no formula for the general quintic. It follows from this that if god were to exist god might know the solution to any quintic, but god would not be able to write down a general solution. Every quintic has a solution (in fact it has 5 of them and for the same reason that a quadratic has 2). This is a necessary feature of algebra; that is to say, it is necessarily true once one discovers algebra. Does it make sense for someone say, "Well, do you have any evidence for that?" Well, no, there is no "evidence" that a formula for solving the general quintic does not exist. Indeed, it doesn't really make sense in this case to ask for evidence: the assertion that there is no formula for solving the general quintic is still true because it is necessary. This is a product of how one works through the questions arising from thinking algebraically.

There are lots of situations where asking for evidence, asking for an explanation, seems to make good sense. Physics, chemistry, biology, botany and astronomy are good cases in point. It makes sense to ask, for example, "Why does the DNA in my mitochondria come only from my mother and not my father?" There is something very different about this question than the question about algebra, and it seems to be a type where asking for evidence seems warranted. Physicists, too, are bent on providing explanations of this latter sort, and they are careful when they meet questions of the former sort not to confuse the two. So, for example, good physicists will happily assert that everything we see around us is subject to needing an explanation: people, trees, water, the solar system, galaxies, sand, bacteria, states of mind; all stand in reference to this latter sort of questioning: "Why are things this way and not some other way?" This happens in the Astronomy section of Y!A all the time. "Why is the sky blue?" shows up with annoying regularity! So, why is the sky blue and not red? Why are all large solid bodies roughly spherical in shape? Why is the sun yellowish? Why is the solar system stable over long periods of time?

Care needs to be taken when lumping individual items into systems because not every attribute of a planet, say, becomes an attribute of a solar system. It is not always clear how explaining the parts of a system explains the whole system. For example, no good physicist would assert that a wall made of small bricks was, therefore, a small wall; but it would still be a brick wall. A pile of ten-dollar bills on a table isn't an "empty" pile when all of the ten-dollar bills are spent. None of us would assert --except as a joke-- that the world is littered with empty piles of ten-dollar bills. So, it makes sense to ask "How did this pile of ten-dollar bills get here" without the answer being "Well, the pile was always here, it just has ten-dollar bills now, whereas before it was just an empty pile." The pile itself is susceptible to the same sort of questioning that the sky is, that the solar system is, that my DNA is. In a larger context, it makes sense to ask how did the universe as a whole get here without the answer being there is no universe as a whole.

At each step in this process of asking questions we always ask for a set of reasons (sometimes those reasons give evidence and sometime they do not) which give us some explanation for what we see. When do we ever stop asking for an explanation or for evidence? When we cite reasons which are perforce necessary. For example, there is no equation from which one can derive the positions of the planets of our solar system. This is called, in the parlance of mathematicians, the "n-body" problem. If the solar system were composed of exactly two bodies which were themselves perfectly rigid spheres, and if they are reasonably small and at a great distance from each other, then there is such an equation which was derived by Newton. But when the number of bodies is greater than 2 then no such formula exists. There are *numeric* solutions which can be quite good over long spans of time; but no general solution. No physicist searches for one; what's the point? Likewise, absolute zero is what it is. Occasionally on Y!A physics, one sees the question "can something get colder than absolute zero?" Asking that question makes clear that the person asking does not understand what "absolute zero" means, no why it follows from the way one thinks in the process of discovering physics.

So, when one faces all that physicists, biologists, psychologists, chemists, geologists and astronomers have discovered it does indeed make sense to ask, "Is there a reason for all that exists, for the universe as a whole?" One can, of course, choose not to ask this question, one can minimized the question, but those are personal issues of integrity; yet as the discussion shows this question --how did the universe as a whole come to be-- still makes sense to ask.

The answer to that question is what Muslims, Jews, Christians, Taoists, Wiccans, and the like refer to when they use the term "god." As a consequence, there is no "evidence" for god, nor does god need further explanation. Quadratic equations have a general formula for their solution, the n-body problem is not solvable, god is the answer to a particular question and there is no "going beyond" these. There is no good way to answer the question, "Well, can you give me some evidence that every quintic has a solution without an explicit formula?" It follows from a whole way of thinking about algebra that it is so. The same is true for god. As I pointed out, god is the answer to, god follows from, a whole system of questioning.


2007-12-28 12:50:14 UTC
there is no literal proof to everyone that he is alive i agree with you on that

but i am a believer because he gave ME proof

the proof he gave me is to myself but he gives anybody the proof they need

all you need to do is truly believe he is real and he will prove it to you in his own way

but there are people who believe in God but dont worship him

they decide to worship Saten

i have seen this before they poses a demon that is were magic comes from there is such thing but GOD dosnt give it to u

Saten does

i dont want you to feel you are being preached at but you put the question on here so you should have expected this
2007-12-28 12:39:18 UTC
Yes I do. But the after life is not a test case, it is reality. Not that it is all there is of course. Goodness is a trap to see if there is truth, and even if there isn't we have to obey. Whatever we want to do - it makes no difference if you understand or not.
2007-12-28 12:47:21 UTC
I don't think anything someone says is going to be the magic wand you're looking for. Bottom line, you have issues that are beyond the ability of man. So I suggest you take it to God and simply ask Him to show He is real. That easy
2007-12-28 12:40:42 UTC
Your question is rhetorical, and you are wasting your breath I'm afraid. People have debated for a Milena, they will keep doing so. But yes there is no physical evidence to support either argument, that's why we are still arguing about it.
Get A Grip
2007-12-28 12:41:07 UTC
Must have been a sale on computers last week.

Get A Grip
Crystal clear
2007-12-28 12:40:22 UTC
Nope - no proof.

But those who believe in God have the right to do so, just as you have the right not to believe.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.