The “free will” idea accommodates some stories in the Jewish OT Bible so the Christian religion can make some sense.
In Judaism, the Jews are God’s chosen people without a free will choice of their own the rest of the World is doomed to Hell!
In Christianity they need to use their “free will” to make up their OWN MIND to embrace a particular brand of the Judeo/Christian religion!
Christians hardly read the Bible to learn that God created this HUMONGOUS UNIVERSE as an accessory to have his “ONLY BEGOTTEN SON JESUS CHRIST” nailed to a Holy Roman Cross.
Any civilized society today would call it, FIRST DEGREE PREMEDITATED MURDER, but Christians willingly condone so they won’t go to Hell!
The Christian Bible presents a very warped concept of crime and punishment
The place for the slaughter of God the Son Jesus Christ is this microscopic speck of dust that we call the Earth, located in our Solar system, in the back alley of the Milky Way galaxy which is one of the most insignificant of more than 50 billion other galaxies some far more spectacular than ours!
Not even the Mafia would stoop so low killing anybody.
1 Peter 1:19-20
But with the precious BLOOD of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot*
(*NOT TRUE! He was beaten to a pulp full of Roman soldiers’ SPIT before shedding BLOOD on any Holy Cross!)
who verily*
Was FOREORDAINED before the foundation of the world*
(*Jesus is “the beginning of the creation of God” -Rev3:14)
Hs spit marinated body sacrifice turned into a “sweet pleasing aroma” up the Holy Nostrils of this weirdo Christian God –Eph5:2)
I Timothy 2:14-5
And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the WOMAN who was deceived and became a sinner…*
(*so God has Jesus Christ MURDERED on a Holy Roman Cross to keep himself from tormenting in a sulfuric Lake of Fire, for ever and ever, for zillions of years religious people who BELIEVE all this crap –Rev14:10-11,Luk12:5)
John 3:18
but he that believeth not is condemned already*
(*and all because of Eve! She was set up!)
God admitted that his original idea of creating Adam to mate neither with Steve nor with Eve, but with animals was inexcusably “NO GOOD” because no matter how hard he tried no animal was found to be a suitable mate for him (Gen 2:18-20).
The Jewish Talmud Yebamoth 63a, explains that Adam had sex with all the animals in the Garden of Eden until he FINALLY had sex with Eve.
The Jews know better than the Christians or the Muslims, because they wrote the original text.
Genesis 2:23
And Adam said, This is NOW*
(*a turning point for Adam. He stopped having sex with animals)
bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman*
(*Adam’s last job in the Garden of Eden was to name tag animals)
Eve was put together as an AFTERTHOUGHT. Adam had all kinds of sex with animals so he was not acting like a nerd when he met Eve!
God prevented anybody from eating out of the TREE OF LIFE, but he was unable to prevent Eve from eating the FRUIT OF KNOWLEDGE.
Eve did not have any “Guardian Angel” or any intelligence about a TALKING SNAKE, aka “that Old Serpent Satan” (Rev 20:2).
God punished Eve by sadistically INCREASING her birthing pains that she NEVER experienced YET, but that God is GREATLY MULTIPLYING anyway!
Most likely, God tightened the size of her vagina after Adam must have ravished her beyond recognition (Gen3:16)!
At the end of all the Bible stories Christians are promised to be married to an animal after all!
The Bible STARTS with the story of Adam looking for a mate among the animals and it ends with CHRISTIANS MARRYING A “LAMB,” which for some perverts can be a real turn on!
The Bible is full of smutty stories!
Still, Christians oppose same sex marriage that is much more civilized than MARRYING, or mating with ANY ANIMAL no matter how Divine it pretends to be!
In the Bible stories, a lamb is just as human as any gay person.
Revelation 19:7
LET US BE GLAD AND REJOICE, and give honour to him: for the MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB*
(*aka God the Son Jesus Christ, not a smart LEADER animal like a ROARING LION aka Satan -1Pet5:8, but a dumb FOLLOWER like a LAMB)