Please help me...?
2007-07-13 12:18:08 UTC
I want to switch my religion. I don't want to be Catholic. My parents go to a Catholic church, so I can't really go to any other church. Can you please help me? For a little while, I was Atheist. But today, I changed. I've realized the God IS there when I need him. He really is. DO NOT tell me to become Atheist. Don't tell me how you are a proud atheist and I should go back to that, because I don't want to. Please help me. Are there any websites to help me? Any teen christian sites? I don't want to be Catholic, either. I'm not comfortable with it. Any help would be fine.
57 answers:
2007-07-13 12:19:58 UTC
As an Atheist I can only tell you that you need to make that choice yourself.
2007-07-13 12:31:21 UTC
There are many different Catholic churches, and you will find that each one has its own focus. You may find that another Catholic church is more to your liking. You should at least try some different catholic churches before giving up all together. But really, any kind of legit christian church is OK. I mean, it has to be the same Jesus right and the scriptures are the same. The histories and traditions are a little different, but don't give up on christianity though. That is important. Don't go like Unitarian or something. I mean don't be to vague about it. Go for something that takes a stand. Jesus was a real person, and was the son of God. That's a pretty big stand.
2007-07-13 12:29:36 UTC
This may sound silly but there is a site: On this site is something called the belief-o-matic that you can get into through the menu at the top of the page. It asks you some questions and depending on the answer it shows which religions seems to appeal to you the most. Perhaps if you do it it can give you a start into which religions you might want to look into.

All I can suggest is be open-minded. Don't just assume something isn't for you, read about it and get to know the beliefs of the religion. When you find the right one you will know. It will just feel right. I was a Catholic for over 20 years and now I'm a Pagan and have never felt more comfortable and happy in my beliefs. This is how it should feel.

Good luck.

2007-07-13 12:46:28 UTC
So let's see, you can't go to any other church other than Catholic, but you want to switch religions. How exactly is that going to work? Will you only switch in your head, but still go to Catholic church services? If so, why do you need our help? Find a religion you approve of, whether it's Judaism, Islam, some Christian sect, Hinduism, Buddhism etc, read up on it, and start considering yourself a follower of THAT religion.

You say 'God is there when I need him', but you didn't say WHICH God it was, or how you even KNOW which god it might have been.

Trust me, no atheist who really is an atheist is going to tell you to 'become atheist'. Atheism isn't like that. If you believe in a god or gods, you're not atheist and cannot be as long as you believe that way. Don't worry about that.

Have you considered Unitarian? Very open-minded, very accepting of others, very accessible. Give them a look-see.
2007-07-13 12:45:50 UTC
Wow, difficult question. Without knowing your age and circumstances, I can't give you a simple answer...but I'll try to give you something that might help you.

First, if your parents still provide for all (most) of your support (especially if you live at home), you need to honor them by obeying their rules UNLESS those rules go against God. Attending a Catholic church isn't against God so if they insist that you attend "with the family", you should do so. When you are on your own, you can make the decision to stop attending. My own father left the Catholic church when he married my mother (she was So. Baptist and wouldn't become Catholic so they could marry in the church). However, whenever his parents visited us or when we visited them, we always attended mass with them out of respect!

Having said that, if you aren't comfortable with the Catholic church or, more importantly, if you don't think it is able to help you develop the relationship with God that you want to have, you should certainly pursue other ways to find what you need.

I have a suggestion for you that might be just the ticket. My church launched an Internet campus on Easter weekend. Two of the previous messages (sermons) are available online. Go to and click the link for "view our videos". If it doesn't start playing automatically, click the link on the right for "Lifeguards Part 1..." to see the first message in the current series. It is an awesome message and so is the second one...more videos including the Easter service (the best Easter message I've ever heard) should be available over the next few weeks.

On Saturday evenings (7 PM central time) and on Sunday mornings (11 AM central time) you can attend services with other people from across the country and the world (we've had visitors from Hawaii, Virginia, Florida, Bahrain, Belarus, and France!). We meet in the lobby chat room before and after to chat about the service...some of us even chat during the service! The "live" services also have elements you don't get from the archived videos...the service starts with worship music and the online pastor prays and shares other information at the end of the sermon. We even have weekly small group meetings online (called lifegroups)...I co-lead one on Monday evenings.

I attend the Saturday night handle is "KarenL" if you want to stop by and chat sometime! Go to for more information about the online campus of Real Life Fellowship!
2007-07-13 12:27:54 UTC
i am christian, but i'm not about to say "hey, be christian!" haha... but i DO think that

1) ur quest in seeking what is Right and Good for you is a GREAT tool for you, whether or not u choose Christianity or go back to Catholicism. God created us the way we are, so that we will Seek what is out there, what made us, etc etc. questoning ur religion (i've done that many times) doesn't mean u are "not a good catholic/christian"

2) in order to figure out, u need to do some research. study. find some new churches around ur area, better yet, go with Friends around u that attend different types of services. find a place where u feel Comfortable, Happy, and most importantly, u feel that ur mind is Open and Challenged and u are learning something that makes u feel Good about urself and what u are doing. that happened to me.. i stopped going to chruch all thru college, and i went to a few churches here and there w/ a friend. but i finally asked a friend specifically what church he goes to and if i could check it out, and i now have a "home" church. it's the tiniest thing, w/ only like 7 - 10 members, and i LOVE it. i've grown much more there than in my whole childhood to h.s. in church.

good luck~ the quest is what will lead u to the right path :) continue seeking and learning what is Good, Positive, Healthy, Helpful, and Good and u will find it
2007-07-13 12:29:56 UTC
I'm not an atheist nor am I Christian,Jew, Muslim or any other traditional religion. You need to make that choice on what denomination you are comfortable with. The only way to do it is You have to do it. Go to different churches and talk to the ministers. They will e happy to explain how their church works. After you go to a few and have thei info, make your choice.

Try Yahoo Groups. In the search put in Christa in teen groups. A good place to start. The ministers can also help you with that.

Be careful of fundamentalist fanatics. They give all religion a bad name. As you get older and wiser you will find that a person that wants to share their religious beliefs with you rarely if ever wants you to share yours.
Amoeba Man
2007-07-13 12:26:10 UTC
It's going to be tough as a teen. I was raised a Catholic and changed to an atheist (probably more agnostic), to zen buddhist, then God finally caught up with me...

You probably need to get a hold of a Bible (the Catholic one would be fine) and start reading. For the time being, I believe you should attend mass with your parents (if they go), and as you pray you will be led.

Hopefully, some other answers will have the web sites needed for a "teen christian site".
2007-07-13 12:25:30 UTC
I'm in a similar situation. My mom is Catholic (kind of, she like to switch churches a lot). Anyways, she's Christian, and I'm looking into more Eastern religions, like Islam and Sikhism. I've found that is pretty helpful, but since I'm almost 18 and out of the house, I've decided to put off my conversion. It's also some more time to think and decide if this is really what I believe. As for explaining to my mom why I'm reading the Qur'an over and over again, I say I'm interested in the philosophy of it, rather than the religion itself.

P.S. what religions are you looking into? that can make quite a difference depending on the parent.
Sapere Aude
2007-07-13 12:24:29 UTC
Why are you uncomfortable with being Catholic? Have you been taught anything about the Catholic faith, other than church mass and through your parents? Have you attended any formal classes or teaching?

Why don't you talk to your priest, maybe there is a teen support group at your church. I am not sure what education you have received about Catholicism, but before searching elsewhere, you should be sure you understand your own faith, by studying with others like yourself.

If after fully understanding, or at least getting some answers you still wish to pursue another faith, then you can do that to.

Parents do not always understand their own faith, as well, and sometimes you have to go straight to the church to get the real answers.

It is possible that what you don't like about the church, may not even be part of the church teachings.
Daniel K
2007-07-13 13:40:17 UTC
The bible is the only way to know what God wants of you--otherwise you are taking some mans word as the truth. Trust no one--no one with your eternal soul other than God. The church that is talked about in the bible still exists. Study the word and don't take people's explanations for what they believe and practice as different interpretations of the Bible. The Bible is not open to interpretation--it says what it says and man can either obey or not. The Catholic church believes that the church has the final say in religious and spiritual matters, but their actions and inactions prove otherwise--along with the Bible itself stating that it is the truth. If the truth is the truth and does not change, then all but one church is in error. The church that obeys, believes and practices what the New Testament says is the right and only church. Shop for churches if you want, but remember not to look for what you want, but for the truth. Bible answers are needed, not doctrine or popular belief. Email me if you desire further help.
2007-07-13 12:27:12 UTC
You can believe in God and not be part of any religion. You can find your own way to God. I too am an ex catholic. There were many things about the religion that were very difficult for me and took me farther from God than anything. Maybe look into taking a world religions class at you community college or center or online and see if anything calls to you. God will lead you to him on the path you are supposed to be on. Don't worry, it will take some time. It does for most of us. You will find your way.
2007-07-13 12:24:58 UTC
First of all, I may be Catholic myself, but I agree the most important thing when it comes to a religion is being comfortable and secure in it. I don't know if you were exposed to overly conservative Catholicism, which has turned away many of my friends, but either way, I can understand your need to find a new religion. If you want to look at Protestant faiths that are similar to Catholicism, I'd suggest the Lutheran Church. But if you'd like to start fresh, there is one site online that I found particularly interesting that may help you find the right one:

Good luck, and God bless.
Tim T
2007-07-13 12:28:17 UTC
you do need to make the choice yourself. how close to 18 are you? once you are 18 you can go anywhere you like. until then I challenge you to ask God to reveal Himself to you even within the catholic church. I know of many who were once catholic and then left. I can understand why you would feel uncomfortable. not sure of any websites that are specifically teen but you might want to try (I think I have that right) they have articles and such plus they can set you up with a mentor.
2007-07-13 12:26:13 UTC
Maybe you can ask your parent to go to some other services with you. Just be honest and tell that that you want to "take a look around" Tell them that you wonder what other people are thinking. They should respect you for that. You wont be able to hide you desires for ever and you might as well be honest up front. You may be surprised with there reaction. I am an Atheist and if my child came to me and wanted to learn about religion and wanted to go to church I would support that and even join them in a meeting or two if they wanted me to.
Ironic Destiny
2007-07-13 12:26:09 UTC
Sure, there are lots of teen christian websites. You're using the computer aren't you? Search around on google some. You don't have to go to church to be a christian. You just have to display the qualities of a christian. Though you should find believers to talk to and grow in. You might just talk to your parents about your beliefs and tell them the whole honest truth. If they care, they'll understand.
2007-07-14 03:09:04 UTC
The doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church is really not the doctrines of Christ. They actually have doctrines which are directly AGAINST the doctrines of Christ like what is written in Matthew 23:9

"And call no man your father on the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. "

The catholic leaders are being called 'fathers' by their members. Directly disobeying the commandments of Christ.

Now, you're looking for a true church. Then, the true church is the Church of God International.

The website is this->

and also,
2007-07-13 12:22:41 UTC
firstly, i'm so glad you're thinking for yourself. It's so encouraging when people don't just follow blindly. well done and all :)

if you want a chat with some "informed randoms" who'll talk things over with you, and are Christians but pretty open minded ones, try

it's like an online church thing (Sounds odd i know, but give it a go) and they're pretty impartial for the most part. Have a little online chat with a few of them for some more advice, it's probably a less hostile online environment than on here. hope they can help you decide whatever you eventually decide.
2007-07-13 12:23:51 UTC
Until you are 18, I don't know how much control you can have over this if your parents want you to stay Catholic. You're also very young--I personally think you were on the right track with atheism, but you can always come back to that when you get a bit more mature. Meanwhile, why not stop in at a local church of another denomination? I'm sure they'd be happy to speak with you and answer your questions. Perhaps you could attend a service and see what you think, if your parents don't freak out about it.
2007-07-13 12:32:36 UTC
You don't have to be Catholic to believe in God or Jesus. I want to encourage you to continue with your faith in Christ--Jesus really is the way to God. :o) Have you considered the orthodox church, protestant churches, or non-denominational "Christian fellowships?" Which church you choose depends on who you are. Do you feel closer to the Lord when you are very reverent, and quiet, like a sense of closeness to God's holiness? Or, do you get more inspired by joyful singing, and perhaps even dancing? Are you more focused on prayer, or do you feel that you are closest to God when serving others? By answering these questions about yourself, you can better narrow down which group of believers you would best fit in with. Have you heard any other believers talk, and thought, "Yes! That is it! God is speaking to me through this person!" If so, try to find out what kind of church those people go to: it may be the place for you!

I wish I could refer you to a place for discipleship, but since most discipling is done in person, it depends on where you live. I think you should honor your parents by attending church with them, if you live in their house, even if you don't feel that God has called you to be Catholic. What you can do to explore other parts of the Christian church is to attend other services on other nights, for example on Sunday or Wednesday night.

I did find one site that seems to be oriented toward youth. I hope this helps you:

I'll be praying for you. Jesus is the truth; please don't let go of that. I wish we could talk about it more.
2007-07-13 12:22:51 UTC
Sugar, it is good that you don't want to be a Catholic. The Pope and the Church is beginning to wander off into left field and are losing contact with the Church (people).

Your mom and day might be upset about your choice but they will get over it and who knows....perhaps they are becoming uncomfortable with the Catholic Church. Ask them about it. Pops
2007-07-13 12:38:42 UTC
i am 13 and i am a Cristian my mom doesn't go to church and nether dose my dad i have had so many blessing because of that you can go with your friends or if a family member goes to a Cristian church go there.I'm telling you go to a Christian church you will come in there with hunger for god and you will be full but still wont some more if the church dose not fit you then try another Cristian church.i will pray for you
2007-07-13 12:29:19 UTC
Don't label yourself Christian or otherwise, there is a HUGE difference between spiritual awareness and religion. Spirituality is an individual belief system and when shared and labeled becomes a "religion". Religion is a set of beliefs, spirituality is a way of life dependent upon blind faith and available knowledge. Check into spirituality sites versus religious sites and see what's out there for what you have found to be true for yourself. There is no ONE way to believe nor is there only one religion that is best suited for all people. Ummmmm....sorta what we founded the United States of America on.....freedom to choose our religion based on our needs not the ways and means of others.....
2007-07-13 12:25:40 UTC
i think you should do some research on different religions and see what suits you the best

now do you not want to be catholic or do you not want to be christian? you could explore different areas of christianity, like the methodist church. or if you dont want to be christian at all, research religions like judaism and buddhism

by the way i admire you for being able to say that youre not happy with catholicism just because your parents are. i commend you for loooking for what makes YOU happy
2007-07-13 12:22:36 UTC
Are your folks the kind of parents that you can go talk to without them blowing up? If not just go talk to them and let them know how you feel. It won't be easy i'm not trying to say it will. You will be a nervous wreck but if they are kind people that you can converse with then I say just go talk to them tell them you want to talk to them about something you feel very strongly about. If they aren't, then maybe the way to go is honestly go talk to the father at the Catholic church you attend, tell him how you feel make sure you let him know it's nothing he's done it's just the direction you feel your being led in, and ask him to speak to your parents with you. I pray God keeps your situation calm and I know He's with you. Just pray about it and trust in the Lord.
2007-07-13 12:22:28 UTC
I'm Catholic and I respect your opinion if you want to switch to a different religion wait until you get to be 18yr's and then you could switch to whatever religion you want to, as longest it makes you feel comfortable and makes you feel more closely to the hands of God.
Love Chuck!!! wannabe a Norris
2007-07-13 17:47:17 UTC
Come here and find the truth: and

You can email me at anytime!!! I used to be Catholic until the age of 17 1/2 and I converted to LDS 4 months ago at the age of 18 and it has been great! You'll love it ^_^
2007-07-13 12:23:23 UTC
I applaud you for searching and trying to find your way to GOD. There are many sites out there. Just google in religions and see!As we mature and grow our value sysytem never seems to be perfectly aligined with our parents. I think it is right to attend church with your family as along as you are under thier care, but once on your own folow whereever GOD leads you. P.S. I am a catholic, ocds
2007-07-13 12:33:17 UTC
Do you only believe in God, or are you a believer in Jesus Christ as well? You cannot get to heaven without following Jesus.

If you're sure about this, then I would advise you talk to your parents about your decision. You can go to church with them and still have your own beliefs. You went when you were athiest, didn't you?
2007-07-13 12:21:42 UTC
Christian Top Sites - Christian website directory, links for churches, personal, ... 13-19 Christian Teen
Kia Extreem
2007-07-13 12:24:02 UTC
As I view religion as a path, the question really is, "Where do you want to go?"

If you ask yourself why you want to change, it's easier to know what you want to change into.

However, I don't recommend getting your religious education from the Internet.

All in all, go with GOD. This way, if you believe, it's really hard to go wrong.
2007-07-14 20:24:27 UTC

Maybe you should try loooking into the religion of Islam. Ur probably like heck no cuz of the way media protrays it, but if you truly turn to Islam, by God, you will find peace and comfort in your life
2007-07-13 12:25:03 UTC
Just start looking into different churches in your area until you find a nice fit. Go to church with one of your friends if you feel uncomfortable going alone.
Rai A
2007-07-14 05:45:08 UTC
I considered myself a Christian for several years from about 15 plus. I read the bible & all. I just didn't like what the formalised faiths did with JC's message.

It was not until I was about 23 did I decided to finally to reject the faith.

lil mamma
2007-07-13 12:29:29 UTC
OK so after i read this i went and looked for something i could send you this is all i got !! its a good web sit and it has different religions in there! i know how you feel about wanting to be a different religion i have 2 religions so yea just read the stuff on this web sit it helps!
2007-07-13 12:24:51 UTC
As you feel God is always there for you then surely he will help you to find the right path that you will be comfortble with.

As I understand from your question that you are a teen ager, so it would take a time to find what you really want. Don't rush things. Just keep asking and seeking for the right faith and you will find it.

2007-07-13 12:21:01 UTC
I am picking up what you are putting down. It just seemes that us Catholics are so hypocritical, and so greedy and so political, I just can't stand it anymore and I am an adult. It seemes to me though that in all orginized religions there is somthing I just don't get. Sop I tell ya what I am gonna do. I am just going to take what I need and leave the rest. Ya see, my God and my Jesus dosen't advocate or take sides in any type of war or violence, My God dosen't point fingers and says who is wrong or right, my God dosen't judge by race or religion, He dosen't even care what name you call him by, Just as long as you know that He is He. My God also understands everyons needs and accepts all lifestyles, He dosen't have a don't ask don't tell policy. My God, never asked me for a penney, just to help where and when I can. He told me to be good to my neighbor, my parents and to pray for those who wrong me. He forgives me when I screw up, he dosen't send a tornado or hurricane my way. Now, I like to pray with other people at times so I still go to church somtimes, and I think it is good for my kids to see me do this so they will at least get the basics. And hopfully, their souls and spirits will become enlightened and when that happens, I beleive they, like I will be able to see things the way they are. I also like to receive somtimes, depending upon the priest. Hey, If I am wrong than so be it. But, I think I am doing just fine. Sure, I can do better, some days I do, some days I fall, but my God understands this and accepts me and loves me just How I am... Good Luck my friend and fellow beleiver. Who knows, maybe we could start our own little church.???
2007-07-13 12:35:32 UTC
Don't you believe what you already believe? Do you need to put a label on it?

You know what you don't want.

Essentially, you're searching for a group of people, which will support you in the way you believe in God. You put yourself at our mercy to tell you what to do. Look how many answers we have for you.

With Love.
Holiday Magic
2007-07-13 12:24:19 UTC
There's a site called Beliefnet--which has a variety of religions. They have prayers and inspirations for all. You might want to check it out--but then, you'd still need to decide which religion is right for you. Or, not--you can read what they all have to say.
John C
2007-07-13 12:30:59 UTC
what if while you are catholic you set the best example that you can? providing that in your congregation you are not being hurt or abused, show the faith you believe by your example. Until you are able to change to whatever faith you believe suits you at that time.
2007-07-13 12:22:29 UTC
You can worship the god you believe in in your own way. I believe there are 'free churches' where you can do this, ask around, look it up on the net
2007-07-13 12:38:30 UTC
Check out "Ron Luce" & "Acquire The Fire 2007" on the internet.

Awesome for teens and young adults.
2007-07-13 12:27:57 UTC
Join the reformation. Try a Lutheran Church.
2007-07-13 12:20:42 UTC
I think you need to do some reading and attend a couple of different services.....your parents will freak even more than they did with the atheist thing
2007-07-13 12:31:51 UTC
Go there for good information on a LOT of different religions:
2007-07-13 12:46:34 UTC

In the Old Testament the Jewish Tabernacle was the work of God - not man. It was God who drew up its plan, giving its exact dimensions, stipulating the materials to be used in its construction, describing its sacred furnishings and vessels for the service, and the vestments and ornaments for the priests who would minister therein. He gave it a suitable constitution, appointed its rulers, and defined the extent of their power. (See Book of Exodus, chapters 25 through 31, entire Book of Leviticus; Book of Numbers, chapters 1, 3 through 8, and 17 and 18.) 50, since the Tabernacle of the Old Law (which was but a shadow, a figure, of the Church to come) was the work of God, surely the Church of the New Testament (the substance, the reality) must likewise be the work of God.

It is easily shown that it was Christ Himself, not His followers, not even His Apostles, who established the Church: Christ declared His intention of founding a Church, by the institution of a living authority, when He said to Simon Peter: "And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it." (Matt. 16:18). Now, if Christ intends personally to build His Church, it is not to be the work of man. Christ Himself will therefore give it all the necessary elements of a true social body, and, consequently, a ruling authority. And, that there might be no room for doubt, He added: "I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." (Matt. 16:19). This authority was actually established and the Church founded, when Our Lord after His resurrection said to Peter: "When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, 'Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?' He said to him, 'Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.' He said to him, 'Feed my lambs.' He then said to him a second time, 'Simon, son of John, do you love me?' He said to him, 'Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.' He said to him, 'Tend my sheep.' He said to him the third time, 'Simon, son of John, do you love me?' Peter was distressed that he had said to him a third time, 'Do you love me?' and he said to him, 'Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.' (Jesus) said to him, 'Feed my sheep.'" (John 21:15,17). Many also feel this was Christ's way of healing Peter after Peter had denied him three times. He allowed him to affirm himself three times. During His mortal life Christ Himself was the visible head of the infant Church, but after His Resurrection the office of visibly feeding the flock was to be discharged by another, to whom Christ gave the necessary authority and office. And as the followers of the Law of Moses under the Old Testament formed one compact body, so too were the followers of Christ to be One Body: 'One Lord, one faith, one baptism" (Ephesians 4:5). From the moment when first the Church, after the descent of the Holy Ghost, appeared before the world, we find a compact, fully organized society, with the apostles at its head. "Those who accepted his (Peter's) message were baptized, and about three thousand persons were added that day. They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers." (Acts 2:41-42).

It was by the preaching of the apostles, it is true, that the faithful were gained for the Church; but it was not the apostles who devised the plan of this body, made baptism the condition of membership, appointed the first supreme head, and invested him with authority. It was Christ Himself who did all this, and by so doing founded the Church. A "church of the future" is, therefore, no less absurd than a Christian religion of the future, for the founder of the Christian religion was at the same time the immediate founder of the Church. Being outside the Church was considered by the early Church Fathers as being a non-Christian. 'He is no Christian," says St. Cyprian (died 258), "who is not within the Church of Christ" (Ep. ad Antonian, 55, n.24).
2007-07-13 12:22:25 UTC
Lutheranism is a good way to step down from Catholicism. It's sort of like Catholicism LiteĀ®
2007-07-13 12:21:45 UTC
Try researching other religions or another sect of Christianity.
2007-07-13 12:26:29 UTC
Read your Bible, pray, and try these sites. Also included some verses for you. Good luck. Have a great day!
2007-07-13 12:23:22 UTC
be whatever you want to be.

i was in the exact same situation youre in.

do you what you feel comfortable with.

no 1 christian religion is the "right" one
2007-07-16 19:03:35 UTC
when i waz stuck in the same prob i waz told just to pray to god maybe u should
2007-07-13 12:23:06 UTC
You can go to and get some answers

but to really get answers go to God
2007-07-13 12:23:28 UTC
just open our door when the door bell is ringing!!

trust me if you really pray to god he'll sent some1 ur way!
Hoptoad City
2007-07-13 12:21:06 UTC
Why do you have to label yourself. Just be a christain and pray and worship on your own terms. Churches are just businesses. Plus athiests are just misguided.
2007-07-13 12:24:44 UTC
Look into Agnosticism.
2007-07-13 12:22:32 UTC
In answer to your plea for help, start here
2007-07-13 12:22:26 UTC
where's your proof any church is true?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.