Catholics: Is Mary divine?
2013-05-23 15:59:51 UTC
Do you consider Mary mother of Jesus to be divine and a deity--do you worship her? If so, do you also consider her parents to be divine? I have never heard this, so if not, how can two 'mortals' create a God?!

I'm not attacking your religion but I have had this question for about a week now and I'd really like to know the answer if there is one.

Thank you :)
24 answers:
2013-05-23 16:01:35 UTC
No, Mary is not divine. Mary is human just like us. No we do not worship her. We honor her.
2013-05-23 20:48:45 UTC
1. No, Mary is human, not divine. No Catholic believes hat Mary is divine.

2. No, Catholics do not worship Mary. We like her and we honor her faith in Christ, but we don't worship her.

3. No, Catholics do not believe that Mary's parents are divine, either.

4. Obviously, two mortals cannot a god. Nobody can create God. God is eternal, no beginning and no end. When Jesus was conceived in Mary, God became Incarnate, but that's not the same thing as how a normal human baby is conceived. Mary was conceived in the usual way, and so were her parents.
2016-12-16 10:33:07 UTC
Is Mary Divine
2013-05-23 16:47:38 UTC
"Is Mary divine?"


"Do you consider Mary mother of Jesus to be divine and a deity--do you worship her?"

No, worship of anyone or anything but God is forbidden in the Catholic Church.

"If so, do you also consider her parents to be divine?"


Where did you come up with these nonsensical questions?

God bless!

In Christ

Fr. Joseph
2013-05-23 16:08:53 UTC
Catholics believe in the Trinity; that is Father, Son and Holy Ghost. This is the one God in three divine Persons. Mary is a creature of God, like you and I are. Catholics consider her the mother of God because she gave birth to the God/man Jesus. Catholics do not worship her.
2013-05-23 16:58:07 UTC
No Mary is not divine, She is the mother of Jesus chosen by God to be the mother of His Son. She has to be special to have carried the Son of God for 9 months don't you think? She was present at every important moment at our Lords life. Jesus gave Her to us on the cross as our mother. Mary or Her parents are not divine, God had a plan for Her from the moment of Her conception to be the mother of His Son. Mary had to be born free from sin because someone with sin could never carry Jesus, She had to be free from sin. As Catholics we honor and love Her but worship and adore God.
2013-05-23 16:13:09 UTC
Mary is not divine. She was a created person, like all the rest of us, but there is one important difference to her: she carried the living God, in the form of Jesus, into this world. Being chosen for this means that she was graced by God from the beginning of her existence and therefore was not under the curse of original sin. In other words, she never did sin. Does this mean that she did not need Christ? No. It means that the act of being the Mother of Christ availed her of His salvation. So, all veneration or honor given to Mary is also given to Christ, Who is the reason for her nature.

In pre-Christian times the Moon was called the "Queen of Heaven" and worshiped by some people. Today, we call Mary the Queen of Heaven, and, in a way, she is like the moon. Whereas the moon sheds light on the earth at night, is is not the moon's own light. It merely reflects the light from a greater source, the Sun. In the same way, Mary reflects her glory from a greater source, the Son.
2013-05-23 16:10:10 UTC
No. Rather Catholics believe that only God is Divine which is why in the doctrine of the Holy Trinity the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are Divine Persons.

Catholics believe that the Blessed Virgin Mary is the Mother of God (Theotokos), she is not the mother of the Divine nature of Jesus but she is the mother of the Divine Person Jesus who is God. She is the mother of the human nature of Jesus in which she is the same flesh and blood as Jesus. When Jesus assumed His human nature it became part of Himself which is why the Divine nature and human nature of Jesus is undivided. The Blessed Virgin Mary conceived of a Divine Person, carried in her womb a Divine Person, gave birth to a Divine Person, and raised a Divine Person which is why she is called the Mother of God because she is the Mother of the Divine Person Jesus.
2013-05-23 16:06:57 UTC

Mary was the physical mother of Jesus and needed salvation as much as anyone else.


@ Eire7: er, I think you are unaware of a basic biological fact. You say Mary had to be sinless to carry the Son of God. Not true. The fetus is kept in a placental "bag" inside the mother. Not one drop of the mothers blood comes into contact with the fetus.

The only contact is thru the umbilical cord that provides sustenance to enable the fetus to grow and links the mothers nervous system to the fetus until birth.

The only SINLESS person that has EVER lived on Earth was Jesus who was uncorrupted by the womb and never had any sin, original or otherwise, defile His precious blood.

Mary was blessed among ALL women to be the mother of the Saviour of the world. But she was never divine. She was a sinner in need of a Saviour and Christ's blood was shed for her as much as it was for everyone else...
Dear Dogma
2013-05-23 16:04:36 UTC
It is against the rules of Catholicism to consider Mary a deity.

You should check out the Catechism on-line... it clearly condemns idolatry, which is the worship as God of anyone or thing other than God. No Catholic worships Mary as God, but for some strange reason plenty of Protestants think they do.

Mary is creature, not creator.

Mary is icon, not idol.
2013-05-23 16:02:13 UTC
Catholics do not consider Mary divine or a deity.

They believe she was touched by the divine-- God chose her. She is the mother of Jesus.

Catholics don't worship Mary, they do venerate her and other Saints as well.
2013-05-23 21:18:55 UTC
I am not catholic but since the Nicene creed, Jesus Christ the Son and God the Father are the same person. However, we need a mediator between us and deity. Christ was the great mediator but after they redefined him they needed one and hence Mary filled that role. Mary is a chosen vessel of the lord but she is not diety
ROMVLVS F.-United Year of Faith
2013-05-23 17:09:00 UTC
Hello there! :)

In Catholicism, Mary is not divine. We do not worship the Blessed Mother, we only worship the Holy Trinity. We do not consider Mary to be a goddess. But, she is the greatest saint in the Church. Her parents (Sts. Anne and Joachim) are also saints. I hope this clears things up. If you have any questions, please email me.

God bless,

2013-05-23 16:10:57 UTC
No, she is human.

Some early heretics actually claimed that Jesus was not God at birth, but became adopted by God later. To support their argument they pointed out that God could not be born of a sinful human.

They were heretics and the incarnation became the way all (almost all) Christians see things. Note that they claimed that scripture supported their point of view as did the side that prevailed.

All prayer is not worship. Some is just talking and some is asking for favors and some is asking for help.
Ár Daonlathas
2013-05-23 17:34:16 UTC
Jesus was her first born and only Son.

It's simple Jesus is without sin? Yes. He created Himself from the flesh of His Mother? Yes. All of mankind is born into sin? Yes.

Now consider that the Bible was originally written in Greek not in Latin. In Greek it clearly says that Mary is full of Grace, even before receiving the Holy Spirit. Being born with original sin means you are born without His Grace, that is why mankind was separated from God in the first place. So we believe that Christ applied His Grace to His Mother before she was ever born into this world. And do you know how He done that is because sense Christ is God He existed outside of time even before the creation of the world. The reason why we are no longer under the dominion of original sin is because Christ restored His Grace to mankind through His sacrifice upon the cross and through His Resurrection.

What do you think would happen if the Holy Spirit descended upon Mary if she was not pure? The same thing which would happen if you touched the Arc of the Covenant.

So with reason if Jesus was from His Mother and born without the stain of sin, His Mother would also have to be born without the stain of sin. Because her flesh is His flesh .God was Mary's First. She stayed faithful to Him.

Protestants have trouble with the idea of a woman who stays faithful:- it is beyond their experience.
2013-05-23 18:17:18 UTC

You are not ridiculing. You are trying to learn. For this, you have my respect. I have a BA in Philosophy with a minor in Religious Studies from a Florida University. I strongly encourage your search of wisdom. Greek for the love of wisdom, Philosophy.

Mary, just like you and I, contained an immortal soul, a touch of the divine. She was no more divine than any other human being. What she was, was "Full of Grace". She rejected sin. For this, God choose her to be the mother of his only begotten son.

Jesus' Father was God's Holy Spirit. From there he received his divinity. He was one in being with the father. God created God. Mary created a man. So, Jesus was both all God and All Man.

Mary was wonderful in her obedience of God. By giving birth to Jesus, the King of Kings, Mary, according to Hebrew Law, became his queen. Just as Bathsheba was Salomon's queen. This does not make her divine, but it does make her special to Jesus. There are cases in 1st Kings where Bathsheba makes requests of Solomon. In the same way, Mary asks Jesus to help her friends at Cana. Jesus does not want to perform his first miracle yet, because it is the first step towards Calvary, but she knows that he cannot deny him. Her last words in the entire Bible are telling, "Do whatever he tells you". Words to live by.

One of the hardest things for Protestants to understand is that Catholics speak to Mary. If I speak to you, I am not worshiping you. My late wife, whom I loved very much, died of cancer some years ago. I still speak to her. I am not worshiping her. Mary, is Jesus' Queen. I ask her to ask her son to help me. I am not worshiping her. We call this communication prayer. I pray to Mary. I ask her to pray for me. This is not worship. Speaking to someone who is in heaven is called prayer. Protestants hear that we pray to anyone but God and call it worship. I am "speaking" to you right now. This is not worship.

Mary's parents were mortals like any other except that they rejected sin as well. Ann and Joachim were holy people, not divine, but holy like Mother Teresa or John Paul II. Ann is famous for helping women finding husbands. My wife asked her niece and nephew to ask Saint Ann to help her. I met her within a month and we were married six months to the day after we met. You may draw your own conclusions on that one.

If you wish to learn more about us "Mackerel snapping Catholics (Steven King) " I recommend that you attend classes at a local church or university. I also recommend reading the early church fathers. My favorites are Saint Augustine and Saint Gerome. Regardless, I can only conclude that your search for wisdom is a good thing.

Good Luck and God Bless
2013-05-23 16:02:54 UTC
No. Catholicism does not consider Mary to be divine/a deity.
2013-05-23 16:37:36 UTC
revered respected loved and adored.... yes. worshiped NOPE :) worship is for God/Jesus/Holy Spirit alone.

two mortals didn't create God.... God created God and Mary said YES. if you love Christ you can't help but love His mom. at least.... i can't imagine loving someone more deeply than myself and not being truly grateful and loving who brought Him into the world, nursed Him, taught Him, educated Him..... helped created the man He became.
2013-05-23 16:05:10 UTC
Catholics consider her a human who was chosen as the vessel to carry Christ. They honor but do not worship her.
nomad 13
2013-05-23 16:09:14 UTC
No. Mary wa not divine; she was simply God's chosen vessel to give birth to a human Jesus. The Gospels even has Christ telling Mary that she is just like everyone else, aside from being his earthly mother. So, she deserves reverence, perhaps, but not worship. Go, read your new Testament scriptures again, you apostate heretical Pope-worshipping CATHOLICS! -nomad 13-
steven m
2013-05-23 16:19:03 UTC

This thought was the subject of a religious war within the various parts of the Christian Church in the past

and most likely lead to deaths for the religious crime of Heresy , because some groups had a different view from those with the biggest sharpest swords
2013-05-23 16:02:42 UTC
No, Mary is not divine. Any worship of her is in acknowledgment of the fact that she carried Jesus and nothing more.

Mary was visited by an angel who told her she would give birth to the son of god. It's called the Immaculate Conception since she never had sex until after Jesus was born. Think of it as "POOF" your pregnant.
2013-05-23 16:06:14 UTC
They revere her to be more than she was, a fallible human being. They pray to her. Who are they praying to, if not a god? There are no saints, and nobody is holy or perfect (without sin), except Jesus Christ Himself. Mary was only a virgin chosen to given birth to the physical body of Christ.
2013-05-23 16:00:23 UTC
I don't know. But Mary was certainly tight!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.