Do Christians have a right to criticize evolutionary theory if they don't actually understand it?
2015-10-19 04:34:56 UTC
Do Christians have a right to criticize evolutionary theory if they don't actually understand it?
159 answers:
2015-10-19 16:47:26 UTC
Yes they can criticize it since, there's unknowns about evolution, yet society discusses the topic like it is a set in stone scientific reality, IT IS NOT. Yet we ask that in the education process that a created view of the origins of the earth have some presence, and you get, NOPE!!! NOPE!!! Can't have any religion in this topic. So first of all myth #1, Christian's don't understand Evolution, there's many Christian's that completely understand it and challenge the theory. Myth #2 Evolution is a proven reality, IT IS NOT. Myth #3 Creative design of the universe, has no place.
2015-10-21 10:35:37 UTC
Do you have a right to criticize Christians when you don't understand the Bible? Of course you do, but it doesn't make you right. Why would you specifically come after Christians? There are many others that don't agree with the theory of evolution, or parts of it. That tells me you've got a funky motive to be asking this question in the first place. But to answer your funktified question, the day a person does not have the "right" to criticize something because it's not what I believe, this world is just going to get that much uglier. Don't ASSUME a person doesn't understand your precious theory just because they oppose it.
2015-10-22 05:47:59 UTC
They have the right to criticise it all they want. Their problem is two-fold. Because they often do not understand it they cannot give a sensible criticism. They often criticism things that are not part of evolutionary theory. For example they might say I have never seen a monkey turning in to a human, which is something that the theory of evolution does not say. They also often criticise it because it is a theory whilst not understanding the definition of the scientific term 'theory'. Their second problem is that they cannot present in favour of their criticism any valid evidence against evolution. They are simply left with being in the position of saying despite all the evidence I continue to refuse to accept evolution.
2015-10-21 09:21:32 UTC
Do Christians Have a "RIGHT" to Criticize Evolutionary Theory If they don't Actually understand it ?

YES they have every "RIGHT" called Free Speech to Criticize what ever they like .

. That is not the issue the issue are they VALID in their assertions or claims against it no
2015-10-19 07:31:23 UTC
Do you have the right to criticize Christianity when you don't actually understand it?

Also, if you will objective look at the criticisms of the evolutionary theory, you may find some valid arguments. This being the case, Christians may actually understand more than you are giving them credit for and in a way that you don't understand it yourself.

Or, is it your contention that your way of understanding is the only possible way? In other words, if we don't agree with you, we are wrong. If so, who made you the authority and ultimate source of truth?
2015-10-21 02:05:43 UTC
Your question: "Do Christians have a right to criticize evolutionary theory if they don't actually understand it?"

I bet you get paid to write the spam above. There are over 7 billion persons in the world, some of whom profess to be members of some Christian faith. There is no authority over who among them has a right to criticize any opinion of biology.

There never will be, except perhaps in your mind.

Some persons and the governments they control believe they have an obligation to regulate what people can say or print or think on a variety of issues. In the United States, that is not the case.

If you are serious--a probability event close to zero--you need to clarify what you regard as the authority handing out rights or restricting rights. I suppose that if you are a paid Yahoo! editor, you also can delete what you like, probably depending on your own compulsion to control other people in any way--no matter how absurd or trivial--that makes you feel more secure in your social schema.

But I have no way of knowing; I have just run into it so frequently that it is a clear possibility. Other cases are simply deranged spammers who also have access to software to hack this site.

Selecting Christians as a target out of so many possible demographics is scapegoating.

There is no reason to believe that Christians in particular are less likely to understand evolutionary biology--whatever that phrase means to you--as are any other demographics.

You are also committing a fallacy, i.e., you are demonstrating unreasoning in a well-known way:

"The fallacy of composition arises when one infers that something is true of the whole from the fact that it is true of some part of the whole (or even of every proper part)."


Some people have no concept of evolutionary biology. Other people do. Just being a Christian does not mean that someone is in the former category.

Take it or leave it:

You would be better off improving your own mind rather than making obscure proposals about controlling the minds and communications of other persons.

If you knew that, you would not have posted your question, for obvious reasons.

You cannot control 7 billion persons. And it does not help you one bit to elicit control freaks on this site. I am sure that the last two statements may be way beyond your ken or interests, or maybe both.

Educate yourself. You will be pleased with the result:

• Where we live:

“Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography” Christopherson, Robert. (Prentice Hall)

• Where we came from:

“Introduction to Physical Anthropology” Jurmain/Kilgore/Trevathan/Ciochon. (Cengage Learning)

• What we have been doing:

“History of the World” Roberts, J.M.; Westad, O.A. (Oxford University Press: 2013)

• Life science:

“Biology” by Raven/Johnson/Losos/Mason/Singer (McGraw-Hill)
2015-10-20 12:52:22 UTC
Not really. And in the same way, atheists have no right to criticize spirituality being that they have no grasp of the subject. Two good examples? Carl Sagan, who was an astronomer, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, and author, had NO understanding whatsoever of spirituality, yet arrogantly made comments about it. Why do so many otherwise intelligent and scientific-minded people do this?? Then there's Stephen Hawking, the theoretical physicist who speaks out against the existence of God. Does he know anything about that issue? No. But because he's a scientist he believe that he must automatically have sufficient knowledge to make such comments about things he knows absolutely nothing about. So it applies both ways. Christians need to stay out of issues they don't know anything about, and physical scientists need to stop assuming that they know everything. They need to stick with what they know and stop making fools of themselves by pretending to know about things that they've never investigated (and never will) ...
2015-10-20 10:10:04 UTC
Do Christians have a right to criticize evolutionary theory if they don't actually understand it?
2015-10-19 04:37:49 UTC
Christians do have a right to criticize evolutionary theory even if they don't actually understand it because what they DO understand is that the fact of evolution completely dismantles their religion.
Lighting the Way to Reality
2015-10-19 06:29:27 UTC
Christians seem to think they DO have a right to criticize evolutionary theory if they don't understand it.

But, of course, Christians who criticize evolutionary theory don't know that they don't understand it.

Take @David@YourService, for example, with his dishonest quote from Darwin and his gross misrepresentation of the fossil record.

"Major premise: “If my theory be true, numberless intermediate varieties, linking most closely all of the species of the same group together must assuredly have existed... Consequently, evidence of their former existence could be found only amongst fossil remains” (“The Origin of Species” by Charles Darwin, Chapter 6, “Difficulties of Theory”)."

Darwin was saying that there must have been numberless intermediate forms living long ago that gave rise to the existing forms. And he was also saying that the only way we could know anything about those numberless forms, since they no longer existed, would be through the fossil record.

Note that he did NOT say there should be numberless intermediate fossil forms. Darwin was quite aware that fossilization is a rare occurrence and that only a relatively small percentage of all the forms that had ever existed could be expected to be found in the fossil record,..


", which are preserved, as we shall in a future chapter attempt to show, in an extremely imperfect and intermittent record."

Furthermore, there is NOTHING in evolutionary theory that states that fossils of all of the intermediate forms that ever existed should be found in the fossil record.

But, @David@YourService thinks he has a right to criticize evolutionary theory by grossly misrepresenting what Darwin said.

"Minor premise: Numberless intermediate varieties have NOT been found amongst fossil remains. Conclusion: Darwin’s theory is NOT true."

Then, after posting that gross and dishonest misrepresentation of the plain English of what Darwin said and then his gross ignorance of evolutionary theory, he has the gall to go on and say: "It's the athee-evos who either don't understand evolutionary theory or can't read plain English."

In any case, even though the fossil record is not complete, there are enough intermediate fossil forms to provide the evidence for evolution--as, for example, those in the image below.

Thus showing that the only thing Christians, or at least creationists, ever prove is that they don't understand evolutionary theory, and their criticisms of it show only their dishonesty and their ignorance.

2015-10-19 18:54:11 UTC
A lot of people criticize topics of which they know very little (perhaps nothing) about the topic involved. The Topic of Evolution is no different than any other topic. Regardless the level of understanding the process of evolution, the lack of knowledge has rarely, if ever, stopped anyone from having an opinion, or an idea about Evolution. And really the topic is hardly that controversial of people actually saw and read the fossil record. The topic is MORE complicated than controversial (that is unless someone wants to just argue a point based of whatever criteria they use for "truth" regardless the origin of what ever "truth" they wish to believe. Some folks embrace the Larmarkian method.. Choices will generally confuse the majority of people regardless the evidence.
2015-10-19 15:10:53 UTC
Christian scum do not understand how evolution works. They do not understand natural selection. They do not understand the evidence, and they have no idea how much evidence there is. Christians are uneducated morons and they are not qualified to say anything about science.

Of course Christian fvcktards talk about science anyway. They think their stupidity is equal to the education and experience of all the world's biologists.

Unfortunately stupid can't be fixed. These Morons-For-Jeebus will waste their entire worthless pathetic lives not know what they are and how they got here.

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."

-- Isaac Asimov
2015-10-19 21:32:57 UTC
You know, you are right. I am a Christian and I don't understand it, but I am glad here is an atheists claiming to understand it. So just answer only three questions:

1) Explain to me how cosmic gases explode and become a body with trillions of cells. A single cell is made of 100 billion atoms and it is as complex as a city. It has a central memory bank, assembly/processing units, and packaging / shipping centers. It has an elaborate communication system with quality control procedures and repair mechanisms and can produce its own army to attack invaders.

2) The giraffe is being labelled as on of the descendants of the brontosaurus. So where are the fossils of the millions of species in-between the brontosaurus and the giraffe? They call it the missing link, but it is more like millions of missing links.

3) So can you explain how a couple of years ago scientist Mary Schweitzer found soft blood tissue belonging to a t-rex that was supposed to have lived 68 million years ago? How can that blood tissue survive and remain red/soft for 68 million years which scientists considered biologically impossible?

Thank you for explaining...
David at Your Service
2015-10-19 05:08:40 UTC
Of course not, but it's really not hard to understand.

Major premise: “If my theory be true, numberless intermediate varieties, linking most closely all of the species of the same group together must assuredly have existed... Consequently, evidence of their former existence could be found only amongst fossil remains” (“The Origin of Species” by Charles Darwin, Chapter 6, “Difficulties of Theory”).

Minor premise: Numberless intermediate varieties have NOT been found amongst fossil remains.

Conclusion: Darwin’s theory is NOT true.

What's so hard about that? It's the athee-evos who either don't understand evolutionary theory or can't read plain English.

= = = = = =

Update for those accusing me of misleading with my partial quote above. Here's the full quote:

Lastly, looking not to any one time, but to all time, if my theory be true, numberless intermediate varieties, linking most closely all the species of the same group together, must assuredly have existed; but the very process of natural selection constantly tends, as has been so often remarked, to exterminate the parent forms and the intermediate links. Consequently evidence of their former existence could be found only amongst fossil remains, which are preserved, as we shall in a future chapter attempt to show, in an extremely imperfect and intermittent record.

The rest of the quote simply says that Darwin believed those fossil remains were preserved, and he would show that in the future, even though he considered the fossil record imperfect and intermittent. How in the world does that negate anything he said earlier in his quote about his claim that numberless intermediates could be found among fossil remains?

The context of the quote was his vain attempt to defend criticism of his theory because no intermediates had been found in the fossil record to support his theory. It wasn't until much later after his book was published that the vaunted first such intermediate, archaeopteryx, was found which he believed was the missing link between reptiles and birds (a claim which was later disproven when older fossilized birds were found).

Logically speaking, as species slowly evolved according to the theory, there should be numberless intermediates in the fossil record if the theory was true. (Give credit to Darwin's intellectual honesty in this area.) Instead what we actually see is stuff staying basically the same.

Even though the quote was partial, it still accurately reflected the gist of the quote that I referred to.
2015-10-19 04:41:39 UTC
Do Christians have a right to criticize evolutionary theory if they don't actually understand it?

Anyone who bases their life around the fictitious ramblings of some Magic-dead-Jew-on-a-stick™ doesn't have the right to criticise ANYTHING!
2015-10-19 04:44:41 UTC
I don't criticize it, I wish people on both sides would respect the other.

Those who believe in evolution require faith in their theory and belief as well.

The basic unit of living things is the cell, and the basic material that makes up a cell is protein. Evolutionists acknowledge that the probability of the right atoms and molecules falling into place to form just one simple protein molecule is about 1 in 10113, or 1 followed by 113 zeros. In other words, it could take 10113 chances for the event to occur once. But any event that has one chance in 1050 is dismissed by mathematicians as never happening.However, far more than one simple protein molecule is needed for life to occur. For a cell to maintain its functions, some 2,000 different proteins are needed. What, then, is theprobability of all of these happening at random? It is estimated that it is 1 in 1040,000, or 1 followed by 40,000 zeros!
2015-10-19 12:36:04 UTC

The basic human right of freedom of speech says that anyone can criticize anything whether they understand it or not.

On a more practical point, anyone who criticizes something that they do not understand, only hurts their own position.

And finally, I hope you are not stereotyping the large majority of Christians in the world who accept evolutionary theory as if they were the small but vocal group that do not.

With love in Christ.
2015-10-21 07:42:32 UTC
What do you mean if they have the rights to criticize evolution...of course. It's everyone's right to say anything, even if it should never be said. Christians criticize everything anyways so evolutionary theorist aren't the only ones that has to deal with it.
Your worst nightmare
2015-10-21 13:05:39 UTC
"Do Christians have a right to criticize evolutionary theory if they don't actually understand it"? Of course they do, exactly the same as atheists criticizing Christ with a slight twist, they know very well who He is.
2015-10-20 00:20:51 UTC
This strikes me as a poorly worded question. Assuming that the Christians in question live in a democratic society, then of course they have the right to criticize something they don t understand (that s what democracy is, in practice). Christians and non-Christians alike have the right to criticize anything they want to criticize, just as you have the right to argue that the other side should shut up already because they don t understand evolutionary theory. Hopefully you will agree with that statement, because the alternative is dangerous.

Having said that, I assume that you re asking, "should" they do so, or "isn t it incredibly annoying" when they do so. It is simply the nature of democracy--and the internet is very much a forum of democracy, which is why totalitarian regimes like China are so intent on controlling and censoring their citizens access to the internet, and why the NSA is going all Big Brother trying to monitor it--that a lot of people make assertions they aren t really qualified to make, because they live in a society in which the rule of law prevents their government from coercing them into silence or conformity, and they are part of a world in which modern technology allows them to express their opinions easily and to large and diverse audiences. This can be annoying, yes, but conversely the people who actually do know what they re talking about can respond and make reasoned arguments for their side. This exchange of perspectives is even beneficial because by debating people with opposing views, you generally come to a better and richer understanding of your own; you also have a deeper understanding of your ideological opponents, which can be useful. Plus, if said Christians truly don t understand evolutionary theory, then that is going to be pretty obvious and so they re going to lose credibility and in the longer term they re going to lose the debate.

In the end it comes down to practicality. While some Christians have found a way to incorporate evolution into their religious beliefs, the majority are going to continue to oppose evolution for the foreseeable future. So there s no point in getting too worked up about it; just accept the situation and argue your side of the debate (or any other debate) as persuasively as you can. Also, we should keep in mind that while Christians oppose evolution at least in part for a priori reasons, atheists support evolution at least in part for a prior reasons, as well. As a species we are all incapable of forming opinions, analyzing evidence, evaluating arguments, etc. without being influenced by our own biases, experiences, and preconceptions. Kant pointed that out centuries ago and it s still just as true. This doesn t mean that one side isn t factually right and the other factually wrong, it just means that no side can lay claim to intellectual purity.
ryan s
2015-10-19 07:57:07 UTC
You didn't elaborate. What's not to understand. Christians may believe the earth is young or old and still go to Heaven. Coming from apes? That's more contentious to me. Coming from fish...that's a whole lot more contentious to me. I'm really not afraid of evolutionary theory. Someone told me getting into Heaven isn't dependent on your disbelief in evolution, so who cares. Go on with science and go on with believing in God.
2015-10-19 05:10:37 UTC
Everyone has a right to voice their opinions, even willfully ignorant opinions, even hateful opinions at that. As a society we do put some limits on when and where people can disseminate particularly vile opinions, but if someone's opinion is demonstrably wrong, the intelligent thing to do is let them have their say and then correct them for the benefit of those who might be influenced by them.

Does this mean we should teach creationism alongside evolution in high-school biology? No, but I think there is room for a more general discussion of the science-denialist phenomenon in sociology, current events etc.
2015-10-19 09:51:51 UTC
I'm a Christian and I criticize evolutionary theory. However, I do so from a scientific perspective and not from a religious one. The bible neither proves nor disproves evolution and no other religion that I know of does so either.
2015-10-19 07:12:40 UTC
Since when is there an IQ test to be able to voice your ignorant opinion?

En mass!

To their idiot lawmakers!

If I were king, there would be a test!

Oh what a 'test', to be allowed to voice an opinion.

Not all countries have a 'right to criticize' and bray like an a,, 'donkey'! *__-

Better yet, a fee will be imposed to be allowed to voice an opinion in public!

It better be a well thought out, educated opinion, for what it will cost.

But, with me king, there will be no poor, so all will have equal access to public space...
Vanda sofia
2015-10-20 13:31:24 UTC
Unless you plan on living in a country with limitations on the first amendment, then yes, Christians have the same rights as everyone else to talk about whatever they want. And besides, what is the scientific point to criticize any religious point? Some religions have actually found a way to come together with science and make sense TOGETHER. The majority of Christians have common sense enough to realize that.
2015-10-21 14:14:12 UTC
Not if they don't understand. To criticize anything you don't understand is ignorance and makes you look silly. Now if they do understand and insist on criticizing, well we just pat them on the head and smile. Oh, I am a Christian by the way.
2015-10-20 08:57:48 UTC
Yes. But we do that all the time with other matters in life as well. For example. We may criticize our parents for telling us something when we have no clue why they are telling us something. The teachers that teach us. We never ask them how much they fully understand about it. So where do they get their information to tell us. All the texts we have online and all. Where do they get their information?

You see?

The ultimate question is this one. Do we even need to know what evolution theory is to just live our lives?


What about creation theory for the Christian?


Because with the evolution theory yes we have life. But why? Why do we have life? Why is this planet earth so special that we live on it?

For Christianity and Judaism we have a singular focus and mission and purpose in life that is fixed on a faith that began from Adam and Eve to the time of Jesus Christ, to our time now, and for those who will have the faith in the future.

Evolution does not give us that.

Christianity and Judaism does.
brother trucker
2015-10-20 23:40:10 UTC
It seems that a lot of atheists on here have no real knowledge of the theories of evolution either. They seem to be still stuck on Darwin while science has moved well beyond this.

They must be criticized of course if we are ever going to move beyond an innacurate theory on this subject. I am surprised that in well over 100 yrs we have not moved further down this road.

Darwin by the way said that if the theory is not shown to be accurate in 100 yrs it should be rejected. Its kind of hard to reject a theory outright though that has some obvious accurate attributes.
2015-10-21 13:24:35 UTC
The theory (idea) of evolution tries to build its foundation 10 feet off the ground over quicksand. If the theory (idea) of evolution were a water bucket, and water were truth, the bucket would be full of holes. Evolution, global warming, and big bang are junk science.

Also, if evolution were true, it would be eternal, ongoing, process. For example, we would see apes (or whatever) evolving into humans (or whatever). Not found!

When you pull the cover off evolution, and you let the light shine on it, it's like a double amputee: neither has a leg to stand on. Or, you could say, "evolution and Swiss Cheese have much in common: both are full of holes."

1 Corinthians 1:20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?

Isaiah 45:18 For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else.

John 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

Colossians 1:16-17

16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

1 John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father (God), the Word (Christ), and the Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit): and these three are one.
2015-10-19 20:08:37 UTC
the premise that they do not understand it is wrong...people have been critiseing Christianity for 2000 years. without understanding it.

Christians have a far superior mind space then any closed minded evolutionist. FACT.

now let's look up on the TOP shelf..there is a "LAW" about Gravity, there is Henry's Law there too even Murphy's LAW is UP there. YET there is NO LAW of evolution...

the evolution THEORY is still down on the THEORY shelf unable to be proven, "what's that??

2015-10-20 02:09:29 UTC
Christians have a right to criticize evolutionary theory because it is a theory and a theory will be nicer to criticized if you do not understand it.

Actually all religions must criticize it to make the world a little bigger.
2015-10-19 10:00:40 UTC
It seems that atheist assume ALL Christians are uneducated & don't understand. What's interesting is that some seem to repeat outdated information. It's important to stay current especially if it's something one believes in.
2015-10-19 13:18:17 UTC
Yes because the "evolutionary theory" is just that - a theory! Christians believe the Biblel is the truth as Jesus himself stated. "Your word is truth" John 17:17. The Bible does NOT teach evolution it teaches creation and that all things were created after their own "kind". Animals were created separate from humans and humans were instructed by God to have the "animals in subjection" so we didn't evolve from them or anything like them, one celled amebas or whatever else evolutionary scientists come up with (which by the way they themselves don't agree on).
2015-10-21 02:49:04 UTC
Do Christians Have a "RIGHT" to Criticize Evolutionary Theory If they don't Actually understand it ?

YES they have every "RIGHT" called Free Speech to Criticize what ever they like .

. That is not the issue the issue are they VALID in their assertions or claims against it no

. None that i have heard I mean you can immediately tell from a persons question if they have Actually READ Evolutionary Theory

Most display their Ignorance and basically take what someone else has given to them an incorrect idea and they merely use it as :MOCKERY"

What I find amusing and actually sad is they do not CARE enough about How they Sound or are Viewed , That feeling that they are correct or right in their thinking or evaluation of it some how is their driving force

no matter How Stupid they actually sound . They reject the drive to be FACTUAL and opt for the emotionalism to Feel like they are valid

the Typical Monkey question . Demonstrates their knowledge and Maturity ,Thanks for the question

. as an theist I do defend peoples RIGHT to DISSENT

Some one did not put their THINKING cap on today

If you deny other the right to express an opinion you deny yourself that same right

.This very question your right to Criticize them for criticizing called free speech to express an opinion .

that does not mean that they are Valid or factual and have legal standing to suppress evolution to be taught as science .

Do you know what the word HYPOCRITE means

One is Confusing the term "RIGHT TO with VALID Let me re-Phrase your Question

" Are Christians VALID in Criticizing something they do not Understand ?

Valid defined as in an argument or point having a sound basis in logic or fact

thank you for the question
2015-10-21 06:40:23 UTC
Do you have the right to criticize Christianity if you don't understand it?
2015-10-19 21:53:33 UTC
Well the fact is YOU do not understand it and the idiots that came up with the lie do Not understand it because IT IS A LIE

All it takes is common sense, but REAL science has already refuted evolution and adding a term science theory will never make it true

the species lie just does not fit the basis of evolution as it is described

I suggest you and your fellow self claimed atheists get a little more educated on the facts and how Real science throws the evolution lie under the bus.....and explains the pseudo science that started the lie of evolution and why !!!
2015-10-21 19:54:56 UTC
of course they have a right!

It s freedom of speech, however it does make one look silly at criticizing something if you don t have the fundamental facts correct and continue to build an argue on top of that.

The U.S. is actually lagging behind most other industrialized nations in the world when it comes to students and your average adult understanding basic Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM).

It doesn t help as well when there are institutions and right wing Religious groups that purposely and sneakily misinform people on basic Science and Scientific methodolgy

-Observations of facts, Hypothesis, testing, peer reviewing, modelling and theory.

-using strawmans and fale equivocations especially with Evolutionary Biology and Climate Science.

-even Medical Science is misunderstood and undermined such as a misunderstanding and fear of vaccination, blood transfusions, research into stem cells and abortion.

This is part of a bigger issue on anti- learning, defending established Religious doctrines and generally raising a generation of people with less education and skills to compete with international workers who are better skilled and knowledgable for jobs.
2015-10-20 07:49:58 UTC
Anyone has a right to criticize anything. And when you criticize something you evidently don't understand, other people have a right to laugh at your ignorance.
Jimmy H
2015-10-19 17:21:46 UTC
Christians, jews, atheists, scientologists, muslims, NO ONE should criticize ANYTHING if they don't understand it. I used to think I had it all figured out but then I started to actually educate myself on evolution which led to the rude awakening to the fact that I didn't have the first clue as to just what in the hell I was talking about. I know how you creationists "think". I was one of you.
2015-10-20 20:29:52 UTC
I would say no. By the same token, I would say atheists have no right to criticize God since they don't actually understand him. They may have an IQ of 200, but to know what we need to about God takes spiritual wisdom. It takes a relationship with him.
2015-10-20 01:25:38 UTC
It tends to be be people who have a religious conviction about evolutionary theory that have the problems.

All evolutionary theory says is that "survivalists survive" - that's it. Evolutionary theory does not answer the question of existence, how life began (came?) on Earth, or challenge God and the metaphysical.
2015-10-20 19:42:15 UTC
Why do you assume that Christians are uneducated idiots that go blindly around with no mind of their own? I do understand "Evolution". But, you see what frustrates us that are born again and have a relationship with our living God that created everything is you try to dismiss HIM because most of you claim there is no proof. Really? Ok, so you tell me where the gases came from? If we evolved from a one celled animal, an amoeba, paramecium, then why do they still exist. I mean think about it plz for a moment. When you see a painting you know there was a painter that made the beautiful creation. You believe in the wind but, you can't see it nor know where it comes from, yet you believe. But, you blindly believe that all this in all the vast universe came from a huge explosion and then all the sudden life appeared. Ok, explain to me the life that happened where did that come from? I know where it came from. Jesus Christ is alive and well. He reveals Himself to HIS children that love and obey HIM and maintain a personal relationship with Him. So, why do you think you have a right to question our GOD that you don't understand? Why don't you seek HIM yourself diligently. He loves you and wants to be your Father and Savior...Do you realize that you are believing in theories.... they aren't even facts...if they were they would no longer be called theories they would be called Scientific Laws. I love Science. It is my favorite subject. I even studied Psychology for six years. So, don't even go there with your ignorant ideas that all born again Christians are uneducated idiots. I'm not trying to pick a fight or upset anyone. I'm simply trying to get you to see our point of view for a change. There are plenty of people that have been to Heaven and Hell. I'm one of them. So, yes my beloved I do know what I am talking about. I don't expect you to believe me because you don't know me and probably think I am delusional. I don't care. I only ask that you seek Jesus Christ for yourselves and ask Him to reveal Himself to you. He will. He has to many. Remember He loves you very much. He is calling us up soon plz don't be left behind. Love to you all.....
2015-10-23 15:25:01 UTC
Turn the question around and ask yourself do non Christians have the right to criticize Christian beliefs just because the don't understand them?
2015-10-20 12:56:15 UTC
If atheists can attempt to criticize... any.... religious belief without comprehending it, then why is it so critical for Christians to not have the right to criticize evolutionary theory without understanding it?

Now run along.
2015-10-22 05:43:51 UTC
Yes, freedom of speech and what-not.

Atheists also have a right to criticize people who like to believe in strange things others can't see.
2015-10-21 05:00:35 UTC
The vast majority of Christians don't criticize evolutionary theory.
Bob L
2015-10-22 11:25:06 UTC
Do Evolutionists have the right to criticize Creationism if they do not actually understand it?

Without a mutual common ground, there is no foundation for debate. From the social science of multiple cultural histories recording a great flood, we find the scriptures to be supportive of the fact. From science's "continental drift" we find the scriptures to be supportive of one original land mass. From the Biblical history of the Jews presented in the Bible, we have thorough understanding of why the Jewish State of Israel uses the Old Testament as a grade school history text for its schools. What do you not understand about the Bible?
2015-10-20 08:38:10 UTC
You have the right to criticize anything as an American citizen but you are a total idiot if you criticize anything with out understanding it. With that bieng said I think that Christians have as much right to criticize evolution as godless people have to criticize god or Christianity. " There is grandeur in this view of life with it's several powers having been originally breathed by the creator into a few forms or into one, and that whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been and are bieng evolved." ~ Charles Darwin
2015-10-20 12:07:24 UTC
No, If you don't understand something then it would be ignorant blindly disagree. Micro Evolution is real and observable. Macro is probably fake because no one can prove a rock can make an organism. DNA is so complex billions of years could not produce it by accident or random. I believe Intelligent design by God. Jesus is Lord
Jacob Njeru
2015-10-21 22:02:04 UTC
Christians have the right to criticize the evolutionary theory, the evolution is set by confused guys, Christians have known the true and living Father, God Almighty.
save us
2015-10-22 00:17:24 UTC
They have the right to criticize anything but they don't have the right to be taken seriously. Especially when they argue from a position of ignorance.
Roberta B
2015-10-19 13:42:43 UTC
Your assumption is that because someone is a Christian, then they are incapable of understanding evolutionary theory.

Actually any Christian worth the name can read, or can associate with someone who can read to him or her..

Origin of Species is a book.

Science textbooks are, well, books

Therefore, a Christian who can read, can read Darwin's book and the science textbooks and, many can even read and understand science research papers that deal with evolution.

So your assumed premise is inaccurate.
2015-10-21 11:48:09 UTC
If you don't understand something then you don't have the right to criticize it. Would you criticize a movie you've never seen before?
2015-10-19 04:52:51 UTC
Everyone needs to be careful criticizing what they don't understand.
Cosmos Jones
2015-10-19 16:10:09 UTC
Everyone has a right to be critical of anything. We will always have ignorance in some areas just because we aren't that interested in the subject.
2015-10-19 04:37:59 UTC
Just so long as the non-Christians have the right to criticize Christian theology when they don't actually understand it. I mean - what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander - agreed?
2015-10-19 20:29:31 UTC
And do you have the right to criticize religion if you don't understand it?
2015-10-19 08:14:05 UTC
Only those that have been indoctrinated by the American extremist sects and cults believe that God was not clever enough to use the big bang, evolution and science as his tools!

Which extremist sect or cult indoctrinated you to believe that God was not clever enough to use the big bang, evolution and science as his tools?

The Pope, Catholic Church, Church of England and mainstream churches all accept the big bang and evolution!

Lord Carey the former Archbishop of Canterbury put it rather well – “Creationism is the fruit of a fundamentalist approach to scripture, ignoring scholarship and critical learning, and confusing different understandings of truth”!

Nice that Christians and atheists can agree and laugh together but sadly at God’s expense!
2015-10-20 00:33:17 UTC
Of course they do. As anyone has their right to their opinion. But I feel they do not have the right to spread their ignorance to younger generations. That lack of understanding and ignorance of the facts can be detrimental to young people if they teach it in the classroom. While I wish everyone understood evolutionary theory, leaving kids out of it is good enough for me.
2015-10-19 20:04:41 UTC
Thank you SO much for saying this!!

Atheists actually tend to know more about the bible than Christians know about evolution.

And we could also say

"We're not saying God didn't put us here. We could be saying God put life here and then it changed through evolution."

But no they don't listen to **** half the time.
2015-10-20 10:06:08 UTC
No more than anyone has the right to criticize that which they don't understand.
2015-10-22 04:22:30 UTC
The fossil records do not establish an unbroken record of any animal!

After billions of years of evolution their should be at least one!

The Cambrian explosion destroys Darwin's theory !

And yes, evolutionist have a right to believe in the world of their imagination!
2015-10-21 13:34:31 UTC
Yes you have a right to criticize anything you want. You can critisize about the colour of the grass, or if rain exists. But to tell you the truth evolution does exist just like these other things do. And to critisize them wouldn't be very intelligent. Evolution is here and it exists whether the Christians like it of not. Facts are facts and there's nothing that we Christians can do about them

When non-biologists talk about biological evolution they often confuse two different aspects of the definition. On the one hand there is the question of whether or not modern organisms have evolved from older ancestral organisms or whether modern species are continuing to change over time. On the other hand there are questions about the mechanism of the observed changes... how did evolution occur? Biologists consider the existence of biological evolution to be a fact. It can be demonstrated today and the historical evidence for its occurrence in the past is overwhelming. However, biologists readily admit that they are less certain of the exact mechanism of evolution; there are several theories of the mechanism of evolution. Stephen J. Gould has put this as well as anyone else:

In the American vernacular, "theory" often means "imperfect fact"--part of a hierarchy of confidence running downhill from fact to theory to hypothesis to guess. Thus the power of the creationist argument: evolution is "only" a theory and intense debate now rages about many aspects of the theory. If evolution is worse than a fact, and scientists can't even make up their minds about the theory, then what confidence can we have in it? Indeed, President Reagan echoed this argument before an evangelical group in Dallas when he said (in what I devoutly hope was campaign rhetoric): "Well, it is a theory. It is a scientific theory only, and it has in recent years been challenged in the world of science--that is, not believed in the scientific community to be as infallible as it once was."

Well evolution is a theory. It is also a fact. And facts and theories are different things, not rungs in a hierarchy of increasing certainty. Facts are the world's data. Theories are structures of ideas that explain and interpret facts. Facts don't go away when scientists debate rival theories to explain them. Einstein's theory of gravitation replaced Newton's in this century, but apples didn't suspend themselves in midair, pending the outcome. And humans evolved from ape-like ancestors whether they did so by Darwin's proposed mechanism or by some other yet to be discovered.

Moreover, "fact" doesn't mean "absolute certainty"; there ain't no such animal in an exciting and complex world. The final proofs of logic and mathematics flow deductively from stated premises and achieve certainty only because they are not about the empirical world. Evolutionists make no claim for perpetual truth, though creationists often do (and then attack us falsely for a style of argument that they themselves favor). In science "fact" can only mean "confirmed to such a degree that it would be perverse to withhold provisional consent." I suppose that apples might start to rise tomorrow, but the possibility does not merit equal time in physics classrooms.

Evolutionists have been very clear about this distinction of fact and theory from the very beginning, if only because we have always acknowledged how far we are from completely understanding the mechanisms (theory) by which evolution (fact) occurred. Darwin continually emphasized the difference between his two great and separate accomplishments: establishing the fact of evolution, and proposing a theory--natural selection--to explain the mechanism of evolution.
2015-10-19 12:10:26 UTC
No one seems to understand the evolutionary theory. We were created on this earth at the lowest form of life and have progressed to the highest, which is man but not by accident but by each incarnation as a material being.
2015-10-22 09:16:57 UTC
No complete fossil record. Enough said. Darwin said his theory would have more weight if there was a complete fossil record. Conveniently it is said that not all micro transitions will be discovered as not all were fossilised. The problem with this is that any scientific exploration when a lack of evidence can be written off as such it defeats the purpose of observation.
2015-10-19 18:51:12 UTC
Do Evolutionist have the right to criticize Christians, if they don't understand or ? GOD
2015-10-19 22:15:11 UTC
Anyone has a right to criticize anything whether they understand it or not. Just an FYI - there are Christians who do understand Evolutionary Theory. I am one of them. I studied Evolution in college and have a solid background in molecular biology. Evolution is a theory that has some aspects that are observable and factual (and the Bible does not actually conflict with these aspects of Evolution, by the way) and other aspects that can't truly be proven because we were not around millions of years ago. There are many flaws in Evolutionary Theory, and there are other aspects that make sense. Much of Evolutionary theory is conjecture. Believing in God is also conjecture. The big bang cannot be proven, and the existence of God cannot be proven or disproven. It takes an element of faith to believe in Evolutionary theory and it takes an element of faith to believe in Intelligent design. Or some Christians even believe God used Evolution to create the world. Evolution and Creation do not have to be mutually exclusive. All theories can be criticized. In fact, Christians can even criticize their own religion - or at least question it. Also, many atheists (who believe solely in Evolution) criticize religion and spirituality without truly understanding it. They may understand what some Christians believe, but the majority of criticism I've seen by atheists criticizing spirituality is based on stereotypes they have formed and over-generalizations.
2015-10-19 04:37:26 UTC
Everybody has the right to do that.

Any and all are invited to question it, and seek further understanding.

Christians don't 'criticize' evolution, they just whine about it.

To criticize something properly, you first must understand it.
2015-10-20 07:43:26 UTC
Yes and its not one way a lot of non religious will criticise others religions without knowing it without understanding the faith of people to want to believe. Everyone is entitled to an opinion whether I or anyone else agree's with it or not is irrelevant unless that opinion threatens others its theirs to express. The day that ceases to be I'd rather not be hear.
2015-10-23 02:46:47 UTC
You are confusing not understanding something with disagreeing with it. That is failed logic. We understand it well as we've had it shoved down our throats all during school and university. Oh yes, I understand it well. I just don't agree.
2015-10-19 09:27:00 UTC
T H E O R Y! It is you who do not understand. A theory is an UNPROVEN idea. I was a science major in college and used it to make a living for many years.

Creation VS Evolution

Atheists found out that Darwin based his whole THEORY of evolution on the Islands of the Galapagos. There are different animals on all the continents, many of whom are not in the areas he studied.

Evolutionists can ridicule all they want (it’s all they have left), but they can’t prove that inorganic matter evolved into organic matter that evolved into the complex life forms we are and see around us. Evolutionists can’t get from atoms to people. It’s even worse for them since they can’t account for the original matter or the organized information necessary to organize the matter.

To believe in evolution is to believe in magic — literally. At least stage and street magicians start with a deck of cards, a coin, or a rabbit. Magicians can’t really make something appear out of thin air. But that’s exactly what evolutionists claim for evolution. When I say exactly, Imean exactly. Here’s an example found in the prestigious Scientific American:

“It is virtually impossible to imagine how a cell’s machines, which are mostly protein-based catalysts called enzymes, could have formed spontaneously as life first arose from nonliving matter around 3.7 billion years ago.”[1]

It’s impossible to imagine because it’s impossible, but that’s what evolutionists believe. One of the first scientific truths a biology student learns is that spontaneous generation is not science, and yet in order to be an evolutionist, you must believe in it even though it’s contrary to logic, experience, and experimentation.

Did you notice that the authors describe cells as “machines”? When has a machine ever spontaneously come into existence? Never! “But there was this time 3.7 billion years ago. . . .” Helmuth writes, “Whatever levels of analysis you care to use, from molecular to planetary, they all mutually reinforce the discovery that all living things evolve through a process of natural selection. Absolutely nothing in the 154 years since Origin was published has undermined the theory.” “Absolutely nothing”? Do I detect a hint of desperation and fear?

OK, like you, I started with the molecular. Using observation (no one was around 3.7 billion years ago and no one has seen nothing become something) and experimentation (no one has been able to produce life in the lab), demonstrate to us how evolution took place. Don’t theorize. Don’t assert. Don’t propagandize. Show us. You can’t and neither can Richard Dawkins or any other evolutionist living or dead.

And they call us Christians stupid.
2015-10-19 14:36:31 UTC
Don t criticize something you don' t understand for the times they are a changen. This works well for the Bible also.
2015-10-19 21:13:15 UTC
Did you ever stop to think that it is possible that things evolved after most were created? You might want to consider it. I find it more odd that you would accept so readily a human belief handed down by man yet, there was not the existence of mankind first . So we have no official documentation from mankind until a few thousand years ago.
The Goat Nose
2015-10-19 22:00:00 UTC
What in God's name makes you think that all Christians reject evolution.

You are talking about Americans in the Bible Belt who read scripture literally. That is there mindset and they aren't going to change.
2015-10-19 19:19:50 UTC
As long as the theory of evolution is defined and controlled by the people who support it and teach it, this is the most pointless question I have ever heard. When you own something, you can redefine it and change it for your own benefit. If you're arguing against the owner, they can just decide whether or not you understand THEIR bullsh**.
2015-10-20 16:19:11 UTC
you can criticize and condemn, but breaking science news says that:

Life on Earth likely started 4.1 billion years ago, much earlier than scientists thought Evidence that early Earth was not dry and desolate Date: October 19, 2015 Source: University of California - Los Angeles
2015-10-20 06:33:54 UTC
Evolutionists don't even understand it.

Why? Because it doesn't make sense.

The fossil record the, the pattern of desighn found in nature today as well as extreme inconsistencies in the scientific study of it all prove the Theory of evolution to be false.
Hannah J Paul
2015-10-19 12:22:14 UTC
I am not altogether certain what you mean by “criticize” evolution. My dictionary says the word means to disapprove, censure, disparage. I do not do any of that. I think the subject of evolution is a fascinating one and I like to consider it. So I don’t think I criticize it. However, it is true that I do not believe that the theory rises to the level of fact and so I do not accept it as such. And it is true that I reject it as an explanation for the cause or genesis of life. Why?

The reasons are varied. I am not a scientist so I must get my information from the scientists themselves: microbiologists, paleontologists, molecular biologists, geneticists and so on. A great many scientists believe in evolution; a great many do not and still other scientists believed in evolution at one point but later in their career, they changed their mind. I base my conclusions on the data from all three groups.

I do not fault people for believing in evolution; neither do I engage in name-calling, refer to them as stupid and uneducated or dismiss their information as crap and donkey drivel. Really, what is the point of all that? When I cite to scientists who reject the explanation of evolution, I sometimes find that my listeners (or readers) will simply demean and reproach those particular scientists, questioning and/or dismissing their qualifications, thereby discrediting them (at least in their own eyes), and hence continuing the defense of evolution as a factual explanation. But that is hardly a scientific approach, is it?

At the setting of the sun, I believe that based on what I have learned from the scientists themselves, there is sufficient reason for me to reject evolution as an explanation for life.

Hannah J Paul
2015-10-19 04:56:19 UTC
Why not? Atheists criticize Christianity without actually understanding it.
Yorkshire Lass
2015-10-19 15:02:36 UTC
To seriously study the scientific argument that the earth is young is a VERY convincing argument, g this more honest study reveals the loop-holes in the fashionable e theory of evolution. I suggest studying the logic of the 'young earth' theory first, it saves you a lot of time!.
2015-10-20 06:04:29 UTC
No of course not....I researched long and hard before concluding that I could not believe in God or religions. Also studied evolution which makes perfect sense. We are still evolving...the appendix is very small now because we no longer need it...ask any doctor.

Mo University Lecturer with degrees in Theology, Comparitive Religious Studies and Philosophy of Religion...Atheist.
Wellll... hello then!
2015-10-21 14:42:16 UTC
Define your understanding of the word ''understand'' to yourself while using a reputable dictionary.Then work on the real science evaluating evolution to find the real facts.
2015-10-19 05:11:11 UTC
They have the right to criticise, but they shouldn't expect to be taken seriously by people who do actually know what they're talking about.
2015-10-20 15:17:20 UTC
They have a right to criticize it, but they will be ridiculed at doing so. Only a biologist, someone who has studied hard for several years of his life, has the right tools and evidence to criticize it, and almost 100% of them agree it is a fact.
Doug Freyburger
2015-10-19 14:37:21 UTC
Rational people don't have the right to stop them. That's how free speech works.
2015-10-20 18:22:46 UTC
I'm a biologist I understand evolution. I believe in Creation God created the world in six days Jesus Christ is Lord
2015-10-20 21:01:41 UTC
nobody has a right to criticize anything if they don't understand it. unless they criticize it for being hard to understand ...
2015-10-19 09:05:27 UTC
I am a Mormon convert from Protestantism and I do not believe that God has revealed the details concerning the creation. I do not claim to know to what extent (if any) God used evolution in the creative process.

I do believe that many Christians are pretty wobbly concerning their belief in God. Their dogmatism is the result of fear that causes them to hold tightly to their own paradigms, even to controlling what is taught in schools. They cannot venture outside of their own chosen beliefs in fear of their entire world view and identity crumbling.

Scientists who shut their eyes to the spiritual side are close minded. There are eternal truths such as honesty, sacrifice, love, service, etc. that are difficult to measure. Christians who close their minds to what can be physically observed are equally close minded and are cowards.
2015-10-20 14:42:51 UTC
Huh permission to speak up that's a new one! Besides I have no intention to further try to understand utter confusion and nonsense!
Kevin Queen
2015-10-20 17:02:58 UTC
well i like evolution i dear they have evidence but Christians they just want you to believe anything the whole reason why there is religion is to help people and make them believe in there self me i believe in what i believe in and religion is the whole reason why we have wars and sh*t but there Evolution was thought by Charles Darwin Christianity was created by ???? the reason is was it God, Jesus or the Easter bunny and plus why have we not seen god or jesus but then you do have ancient alien theorist that think we where made by aliens but there will be a time when we will find out it is either when we die or the future will tell you never know when you die you could come back like what that religion think there is lots of religions and theorise that could be true like may be god made the big bang then from there we had giant insects and dinosaurs and god was like lets make so apes or whatever then he did but then he was bored of the one ape so he made evolution in apes and whatever then everything went every where to make different religions and whatever where every religion could be right it is just a puzzle and think about it you have Israel where you have Jewish people, Muslim People and Christians then you have England where evolution started but the one reason why we have religion and all that is to make people believe and people can choose what they believe they cant be forced in to believe in we humans out cast people who are instant but who is the enemy and the enemy that fights a lot is use we create war i think we can stop war
2015-10-20 11:29:32 UTC
All of mankind have every right to disagree with certain un-proven scientific Theories, But they must also understand that God did create all thing in their adult forms with the ability to modify themselves in order for them to survive certain earthly conditions............ Now I don't believe that mankind were once apes no matter how close we are genetically.............. But I do believe that all thing were created from the same substances that God used to create all things that existed on the face of this earth................................
2015-10-20 04:16:42 UTC
Do atheists have the right to criticize faith if they don't actually understand it?
2015-10-22 01:28:34 UTC
Oh I understand it. I understand that it's a mind-warping hoax.... And that we could not have come from apes because if we did then how come there are apes still around??
2015-10-19 04:42:01 UTC
All of have freedom of expression. Don't we?
2015-10-21 04:54:05 UTC
all people have the right, and the duty, to oppose lies. i have stood in the presense of Jesus, the existence of jesus proves there is a God and he is our creator in partnership with God. evolution never happened, and yes, even with a limited science education i can know the theory of evolution is false and i understand the primary arguments for it. there are great men who are scientists that are intelligent and converts who teach that they were atheists and now are converts. its not always true that the religious know all the truth either! but, at least they acknowledge there is a God
2015-10-21 04:58:22 UTC
What I find amusing and actually sad is they do not CARE enough about How they Sound or are Viewed , That feeling that they are correct or right in their thinking or evaluation of it some how is their driving force
2015-10-19 17:10:08 UTC
We do understand it and we do know it's a Lie,
2015-10-20 13:36:00 UTC
Free speech is a civil right protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution. With a few exceptions, for example libel and slander, we have the right to say anything we want. If I say black is white or noon is midnight I have the right to say those things.
2015-10-20 03:06:39 UTC
Yes - in a democracy everyone even the ignorant and uneducated, have a perfect right to criticize anything.
2015-10-19 04:42:46 UTC
Course. It's a free world, and that includes the freedom to be a retard.
The Mikel
2015-10-21 12:30:50 UTC
Yes, everyone has the right (under popular approval) to criticize everything.otherwise you have unhealthy censorship.

Look how long it took to get birds out of Dinosaurs when the "Scientific Community" is sure they were reptiles.
2015-10-20 08:23:48 UTC
There are LOTS of things that Christians do not understand. They merely follow the crowd. Asking them if they if they have no knowledge is just the sort of thing they DO understand.
2015-10-19 21:11:58 UTC
This question reminds me of a good ol story called the empire's new clothing .if you didn't agree with the king you were stupid, and everyone agreed with him that his new clothing was fabulous even though he was naked.
Ernest S
2015-10-20 00:45:12 UTC
Nobody understands it because it is absurd nonsense, against reason and relies upon contradictory principles. The assumptions made to promote it are proved impossible.

It can only be held by the grossly ignorant or those with sinful motive.
2015-10-19 23:38:48 UTC
Or, rather, you think we don't understand it because we don't believe it.
Special EPhex
2015-10-19 18:46:31 UTC
Only if the same rule applies to those who criticize Christianity.
great knight
2015-10-19 16:25:30 UTC
You don't understand that they teach known admitted lies! They admit the "geologic column" does not exist! They admit rock layers formed rapidly! That is the end of it! They admit no transtitional fossils with "punctuated equilibrium"! They admit it is their religion of "naturalism"! This is all admitted! Wake up! Get a kjversion Bible and believe. Jesus Christ is the truth.
2015-10-21 13:58:40 UTC
We understand it; it is an attempt to convince people of a God-less creation, no Lord to hold anyone accountable.
2015-10-19 22:37:59 UTC
well sure, they have that right, but they shouldn't expect anyone to be persuaded by that kind of criticism, or even take it seriously really.
2015-10-19 13:22:31 UTC
We DO understand the little of it there is.

Evolutionists like to forget they have a THEORY- NOT a "proof".

Let me know when you actually have proof.
2015-10-20 19:33:17 UTC
Since the theory of evolution is true thus no need to fear of criticism.
Groove doctor
2015-10-20 12:10:05 UTC
Absolutely! They may look a bit silly when someone points out they have no argument, but they are of course entitled to make a fool out of themselves!
2015-10-19 15:22:00 UTC
No they have the right to criticize it if they know it for a fact
2015-10-20 17:13:20 UTC
they no place talking about something they can't understand like a rational person.
2015-10-20 03:51:29 UTC
By the same token, what right do you have to criticise Christianity as you appear not to understand that.
2015-10-19 13:09:28 UTC
Of course they do.

Just laugh at them and move on. You can't fix stupid.
2015-10-19 09:18:21 UTC
Yes because they are always coming from a good place and they are following gods word
Alan H
2015-10-20 13:37:54 UTC
Do you seriously believe that Darwin, who was a Christian, did not understand it?

Or were you genuinely ignorant of that?
2015-10-20 11:20:18 UTC
They do have the right to criticize it. Like i have the right to say people like that are delusional, narrow minded and pathetic
2015-10-20 17:25:31 UTC
The freedom of speech to do so yes, but they should be treated as ignorant childeren clinging to there imaginary freinds.
2015-10-20 22:06:42 UTC
Yes. As per Fundamental Rights, it has been guaranteed to every citizen. There is a provision in our Constitution.. Please consult a constitutional expert. He will explain all your genuine doubts.
2015-10-21 14:34:53 UTC
No more than atheists have the right to criticize God & Faith that THEY clearly do not understand either....
2015-10-20 20:12:37 UTC
The less one understands a thing, the easier it is to criticize it.
2015-10-19 04:42:29 UTC
They have the right, but it is not ethical to critique something that you have not taken the time to fairly evaluate. Christianity and ethics are apparently incompatible.
2015-10-19 05:58:30 UTC
Who can not understand it? There is no evolution ever found in nature, so what is to misunderstand?
2015-10-20 05:25:07 UTC
setting yourself up for ridicule is a tenant of Christianity......their holy book claims suffering and ridicule make them's disgustingly inhumane.....
Chris Ancor
2015-10-19 17:23:22 UTC
They have the right but they shouldn't.
Donut Tim
2015-10-19 04:41:40 UTC
That depends on the laws of the country in which they live.

No one has a "right" to anything unless the law provides for it.
Old School Hero
2015-10-19 20:13:13 UTC
Yes. Anyone has a right to be ignorant.
2015-10-19 17:00:51 UTC
2015-10-19 21:45:09 UTC
I never understood why people even separate the two...Maybe miracles still use physics and whatever science
Not Gay, Blind Freddy
2015-10-19 21:56:32 UTC
Smarten up Princess Its my right to tell the truth.

Oppressing the truth doesnt negate it.
King Mob
2015-10-19 04:36:15 UTC

And we informed folk have the right to point and laugh at them.
2015-10-21 09:47:04 UTC
Steve S
2015-10-21 03:24:55 UTC
Do people have the right to ask loaded questions?
2015-10-19 04:38:21 UTC
If survival of the fittest was correct, creationists would have died out by now.
2015-10-20 03:43:37 UTC
Something about who is a charlatan *Sky pic* oh same person.
2015-10-20 13:58:35 UTC
Everyone has freedom of speech
2015-10-23 01:51:59 UTC
Yes, they deny evolution ever take place.
2015-10-19 05:30:54 UTC
They think the bible is perfect and most of them have not even read it. What difference is this?
2015-10-19 04:39:12 UTC
I totally understand it for the science-fiction hogwash it is.
2015-10-20 15:13:58 UTC
2015-10-19 05:11:54 UTC
you cannot criticize what you do not understand.
2015-10-19 20:47:37 UTC
I cut yo headoff.
2015-10-20 00:00:52 UTC
2015-10-19 16:20:27 UTC

we do understand that the claims are ludicrous and totally unscientific
2015-10-19 04:40:38 UTC
Since when has that ever stopped people. 😂
Tom S
2015-10-20 17:28:24 UTC
They believe they do, but then they believe all kinds of BS.
2015-10-21 10:57:50 UTC
Of course not!
2015-10-20 05:06:55 UTC
2015-10-21 09:03:59 UTC
is foolishness and so are the fools who teach it
2015-10-20 08:14:21 UTC
2015-10-20 21:10:25 UTC
2015-10-21 11:16:47 UTC
i think not
2015-10-20 16:13:46 UTC
2015-10-20 14:35:15 UTC
2015-10-20 12:19:41 UTC
2015-10-20 00:29:30 UTC
2015-10-21 15:08:38 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.