Isaiah 7:14: Could it be Joseph and Mary disobeyed a prime prophecy?
2009-11-01 06:57:11 UTC
I expect there could get some insults for this one, but I got to ask it anyway. So if the question offends you just skip it.

"And a virgin shall give birth to a son, and shall call his name Immanuel."
Isaiah 7:14

And yet when Mary gave the good news of her virgin pregnancy to her cousin she said his name would be called Jesus, and she didn't say anything about his name being called Immanuel. And when he was born they put Jesus on his birth certificate.

And so nobody knew his name was supposed to be called Immanuel. Which is why nobody ever called his name Immanuel. Then later they made up songs calling his name Immanuel, but nobody in his lifetime did; and this may have been a serious breach of the Isaiah 7:13 prophecy.

Could it be Joseph and Mary disobeyed a prime prophecy? I'm thinking this was Mary's fault, not Joseph's, what is your opinion?

Replies from religion scholars and others appreciated.

Additional Details
Yeah well okay maybe whole thing was a hoax; yeah, but for the purpose of this question let's assume it was legit, otherwise don't bother with the question, thanks.
Eleven answers:
The angels have the phone box.
2009-11-01 08:42:56 UTC
Immanuel isn't a 'title'. That's a load of pish.

It's a name. There were plenty of names like that through the whole of the Tanakh. Isaiah is one, 'Yah has saved'.

The prophecy is simply that the siege that the people were under (during the reign of King Ahaz) would end before the kid a woman in the room was carrying reached the age of reason, 12 years. He was to be named "Immanuel" (G-d is with us) as a reminder of the prophecy.

This isn't a Messianic prophecy. It's a story about a king, a siege and a kid with a special name.
2009-11-01 07:27:07 UTC
1) Isaiah 7:14: Could it be Joseph and Mary disobeyed a prime prophecy?

No. It is not possible to disobey a prophecy, "prime" or otherwise.

2) And yet when Mary gave the good news of her virgin pregnancy to her cousin she said his name would be called Jesus, and she didn't say anything about his name being called Immanuel. And when he was born they put Jesus on his birth certificate.

Well, in fact it's simply a matter of interpretation.

It's wrong to assume that "[she] shall call his name Immanuel" can only mean "and she will give him the name Immanuel", as the article above clearly explains in probably more careful detail than you would like.

2016-10-16 05:34:52 UTC
Mary and Joseph of course did have a much bigger kinfolk Mark 6 3 isn't this the chippie, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters right here with us? and that they have got been indignant at him. I even have had talk with a Spanish guy of Catholic descent who asked his priest approximately this. The Catholic answer is that, Oh nicely the words for brothers and sisters may additionally prepare to cousins or nephews and nieces, I forget approximately which. incredibly that's purely an excuse for holding the fake doctrine of the 'ever virgin' Mary. For why could they be something different than brothers and sisters? And why could Mary proceed to be with out further infants after the beginning of Jesus? i think of James, who wrote the Letter in the hot testomony, is known to be Jesus' brother as pronounced in this verse.
2009-11-01 07:23:51 UTC
The angel Gabriel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end".

"How will this be", Mary asked the angel, "since I am a virgin?"

The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God".

(Luke 1:30-35)

In Isaiah, "Immanuel" is a TITLE meaning "God with us". Since most humans do not name their children with a title, and since the angel Gabriel told Mary (and Joseph on a separate occasion) to give her son the name Jesus, the prophecy is still fulfilled. Jesus had many names and titles while he was on the earth. So much for your 'serious breach' argument.
2009-11-01 07:20:03 UTC
immanuel means God is with us..this name was a prophecy Jesus name means Jehovah is Salvation...Jesus fulfills every old testament

concept of the the Messiah. the jews who reject Jesus i pose a difficult question to you. The law and solomons prayer dedicating the temple both mention that the Lord would scatter Israel among the other nations for breaking the covenant and God promised to gather you back a second time in Isaiah 11...the nation israel was captured by Assyria then Judah by babylon and were in bondage 70 years as Daniel prayed towards the temple and then the Nation was set free. so Along comes Jesus who said the temple would be torn down stone by stone..pilate wrote his crime and hung it on the cross "king of the jews" the temple was destroyed as Jesus said and you were scattered for almost 1900 years. Your law and prophets said you would be scattered for wickedness and your whoredoms got you 70 years in babylon, so what great evil did the nation commit around 70 ad for you to be dispersed for 1900 years? At the Crucifixion the crowd said his blood be upon us and our children...Daniel 70 weeks are for the nation and the holy city..jesus said he was rejected and another will come and israel will accept him..jesus said to watch for the abomination of desolation that daniel prophesied to take place and that happens in the temple; your temple will be rebuilt soon; as part of the 2 state solution..are you sure this man of peace who will emerge isn't the one daniel warns about who will make a covenant for a week (7years) the bible is no hoax...
2009-11-01 07:09:28 UTC
Both Jesus and Immanuel is a title. A lot of people drop the out of Jesus the Christ. As a child his name was Joshua.
John 3:16
2009-11-01 07:27:01 UTC
Since it was God speaking to Ahaz it is no wonder that there were earlier translations reading "thou Ahaz wilt call" not "shall call".

Isa 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
2009-11-01 07:03:30 UTC
Immanuel is a title. It means God is with us. He was also given the title of king of the Jews.
Blue Foots™
2009-11-01 07:00:55 UTC
Isaiah has nothing to do with Jesus.

The Christians rearranged the order of the books to try and put the prophets near the new testament. In the Jewish Bible this is not true because they don't link.
2009-11-01 07:04:00 UTC
no you adding your own interpretation that is not what the prophecy was saying

its not saying he actual name would of jesus be all immanuel

you are adding to what the scriptures are saying in the prophecy
2009-11-01 07:05:36 UTC
Mary admitted having had sexual intercourse of some sort leading to a pregnancy BEFORE she was even married to Saint Joseph!!!

The Gospel writers came short disclosing that the Blessed Virgin Mary must have passed out when she was sexually overcome like in an orgasmic experience by the power of God the Holy Ghost! She was a naughty girl believing in God’s command, “Be fruitful and Multiply!” We still have the writings of the Early Church Fathers telling us all about it. Mary was a horny teenager in full puberty. She was very eagerly submitting to the advances of the proxy agent the Archangel Saint Gabriel dressed in a slick business suit (spiritually speaking, of course!). God the Holy Ghost sent him to fix a deal for him with the Blessed Virgin Mary. She didn’t hesitate for one moment to comply with the indecent proposal of a perfect stranger! So it was not a rape, but more like a horny young girl's dream to lay God the Holy Ghost come true! Throughout Christian history this story is what makes so many priests and preachers fond of young girls!

It appears that as soon as Saint Joseph leaves the house on an errand and Mary stays home alone or she goes to the Temple of God in search of a decent lay like Israel used to do the first 300 Bible years after the Temple of Solomon was put together (2 kings 23:7), The Blessed Virgin Mary is telling us that God the Holy Ghost “overcomes” her in a most bizarre copulation of unprotected sex ever recorded in any religious story book. Mary ends up getting pregnant. She was never married to God the Holy Ghost, but so what! She was not married to Saint Joseph either. She was STILL TECHNICALLY AVAILABLE. She was LIVING TOGETHER WITH SAINT JOSEPH IN THE SAME HOUSE. She was only “engaged” to be married to him* (*IOW, to have sex for the first time). Marriage rules in those days were much different from today! In most cases the groom or his parents buy the bride when she is still a baby, or at a very young age for sexual intercourse and must wait for a while before trying. Saint Joseph must have been an old chap, if he ever existed. The fact of the story is that he is not the legitimate father of the Baby God the Son Jesus Christ! So what does that make of Jesus Christ, but a Holy b-a-s-t-a-r-d? There are plenty of vulgar words with the initials SOB that we can rightfully use to describe Jesus even today, but since the Early Church Fathers came up with the brilliant idea to bestow on the Blessed Virgin Mary the title of Perpetual Virginity nobody would dare to call Jesus any vulgar name! God wouldn’t deal with Jesus until his 10th generation! No matter what happened during the sexual tryst that Mary had with God the Holy Ghost her VIRGINITY was never compromised! Her hallowed hymen was NEVER TORN! She NEVER stopped having her regular periods, either, even during pregnancy otherwise she wouldn’t be a virgin. Her normal periods must have never stopped. If so she would be stoned to death. According to the Bible writers her parents must keep handy her last tampon at all times (Deut 22:20-21)! BTW, the Bloody Mary drink that we all enjoy was named after Mary’s period to honor her perpetual virginity, spiritually speaking, of course! So please, sip of it in full devotion when in company of your best Catholic friends! Most Protestants don’t go for it, but they still enjoy a good Bloody Mary drink!

The Blessed Virgin Mary kept her pregnancy a secret from her fiancé Saint Joseph for 6 months! When he found out that her belly was getting unusually big he was going to dump her. Mary assured him that she was still a virgin and that she going to mother God. Fortunately Saint Joseph had a dream that same night confirming her statements, so he kept her! When you love someone that badly you are bound to dream up almost anything! Most Christians, especially Catholics believe that the marriage of Saint Joseph to the Virgin Mary was never consummated. Today, Joseph is the Guardian Saint Protector of the Virgin Mary’s Perpetual Virginity and also the Saint Protector of all the Christian believers in the World! Countless faithful pray to him, too!

Because of the Holy Trinity connection, the Blessed Virgin Mary became recognized as the Mother of God conceived without the “original sin™”. Always virgin! Her hymen was not torn neither during the intercourse with God the Holy Ghost, nor during her pregnancy or at delivery! The Virgin Mary’s virginity is a miracle verified by Saint Salome to the fullest satisfaction of the Early Church Fathers! Nobody can prove any abuse! In 1950 it became a Church dogma that she ascended bodily into Heaven! Now she is officially known as the Queen of Heaven and the Mother of God! I don’t believe that she would be willing to complain about any statutory rape or abuse!!! The Vatican compensated her beyond her wildest dreams! LUCKY TEENAGER!

The Blessed Virgin Mary was really drenched in Holy Ghost Sperm from head to toe like the Early Church Fathers report in their queer Gospel that had equal chance to be part of the Holy Bible, but they already had so many books that it didn’t make it. The decided to admit only a number of books for the Holy NT equal to the number of letters in the Greek alphabet!


Chapter 2 (II)

3 Bartholomew therefore said unto Peter: Thou that art the chief, and my teacher, draw near and ask her. But Peter said to John: Thou art a virgin and undefiled and thou must ask her.

4 And as they all doubted and disputed, Bartholomew came near unto her with a cheerful countenance and said to her: Thou that art highly favored the tabernacle of the Most High, unblemished we, even all the apostles, ask thee to tell us how thou didst conceive the incomprehensible.

5 But Mary said unto them: Ask me not concerning this mystery. If I should begin to tell you, fire will issue forth out of my mouth and consume all the world.

6 But they continued yet the more to ask her. And she, for she could not refuse to hear the apostles, said: Let us stand up in prayer

(7 Verses of a prayer in the “Gibberish” (Pentecostal) tongue…)

14 And when she had ended the prayer she began to say unto them: Let us sit down upon the ground; and come thou, Peter the chief, and sit on my right hand and put thy left hand beneath mine armpit; and thou, Andrew, do so on my left hand; and thou, John, the virgin* (*no joking!), hold together my bosom; and thou, Bartholomew, set thy knees against my back and hold my shoulders, lest when I begin to speak my bones be loosed one from another* (*she was anticipating another orgasmic experience of humongous proportions just at the thought of having had sex with God the Holy Ghost! It is all in the Early Church Father’s writings!).

15 And when they had so done she began to say: When I abode in the temple of God, on a certain day there appeared unto me one in the likeness of an angel.

16 And straightway the veil of the temple was rent and there was a very great earthquake, and I fell upon the earth, for I was not able to endure the sight of him.

17 But he put his hand beneath me and raised me up, and I looked up into heaven AND THERE CAME A CLOUD OF DEW AND SPRINKLED ME FROM THE HEAD TO THE FEET* (*this is not hard to imagine if you ever watched any bukakke video!), and he wiped me with his robe* (*apparently, there was not a shower room in the Temple of God!).

The Blessed Virgin Mary never lost her virginity during her sexual intercourse with God the Holy Ghost, and not even during DELIVERY of the Baby God Jesus Christ! According to...


19. And the midwife went forth out of the cave, and Salome met her. And she said to her: Salome, Salome, I have a strange sight to relate to thee: a virgin has brought forth-a thing which her nature admits not of. Then said Salome: As the Lord my God liveth, unless I thrust in my finger, and search the **** parts, I will not believe that a virgin has brought forth.

20. And the midwife went in, and said to Mary: Show thyself* (*spread thy legs!), for no small controversy has arisen about thee. And Salome put in her finger, and cried out, and said: Woe is me for mine iniquity and mine unbelief, because I have tempted the living God; and, behold, my hand is dropping off as if burned with fire* (*She got real hot using her whole hand in search of the hallowed hymen! In her excitement, she almost destroys the paramount prove of Mary’s virginity and God the Holy Ghost had to slap her hand!).

This official Early Church Fathers’ account comes to you at the tune of…

"♫♪ Faith of our Fathers, living still…♪♫♪ we will be true to thee till death!... ♫♪"

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.