Do you believe in the word of God or Evolution?
2006-09-24 08:00:00 UTC
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.....

There are people who believe in Evolution and there are people who believe That God created everything...Its been a controversy for years...
But here is my question for you...NO matter what scientist have studied no matter how much a human may look like a monkey....Explain to me how The eyes are so detailed and strong....How there are so many things in this world...Where did it come from? A little tiny molecule didn't create the world, the animals, and humans......There is only one way and one way only.....Something so powerful...So generous....Do we desirve to live on this beautiful earth....No..But God IS good..he is Gracious He created you and me for a purpose, and animals for a purpose and trees and etc...Everything in this earth and earth alone was created for a purpose....We as humans are to beautiful to detailed.. So stop and think carefully........Why did evolution stop at humans if evolution is correct? God Bless
26 answers:
2006-09-24 16:23:10 UTC
There are some serious flaws in the evolution theory, for example, what is the explanation for how the process of evolution began? Who provided the ingredients? Who is changing and adapting the different forms of life? How did the operational structure of the universe in a micro/macro sense come into existence? How does something come out of nothing?How can that something be sentient, if sentience isn't within the original source? Why do the proponants of science not follow there own standard of proof?Why can they not empirically demonstrate the origin of the universe, yet claim to know the source?Why do they not understand that God consciousness is attained on a personal level and will never be proven in laboratories?Why do they ignore the fact that LIFE COMES FROM LIFE, not from molecules and chemicals randomly interacting with each other untill they form a living entity?

The more analysis given to this scientific theory, the more ridiculous those theories are perceived by all rational God conscious people.

For example, the modern proponents/atheistic mental speculators of Darwinism say that the first living organism was created chemically. So, If life originated from chemicals, and if science is to prove itself, then why can't life be created biochemically in laboratories?

This cannot be done, which makes this a theory only, the hypocrisy of modern science resembles the dogma of the medieval church in Europe, if we follow the dogmatic materialist view, this can only result in another form of the "dark ages" where the spiritual lamp of knowledge is extinguished.

To discuss further:-Sriman Sankarshan Das Adhikari (
2006-09-24 08:10:51 UTC

How are the eyes are so detailed and strong?

How are they so similiar to rats, dogs, cats, mice, small forest creatures eyes? Why does everything have eyes, except stuff at the bottom of the ocean where there is no light. We have the tools that are only absoultely necessary.

How there are so many things in this world...Where did it come from?

Not being able to explain something does not make it false. There are a number of theories, my favorite right now is one provided in the book Meme by Sean Sinjin.

He created you and me for a purpose. Everything in this earth and earth alone was created for a purpose.

What purpose is that? I want a pure and concrete answer fully explained similiarly to how you want the creation of the universe detailed.

Why did evolution stop at humans if evolution is correct?

Who said it ever stopped?
2006-09-24 09:00:03 UTC
All your facts about evolution are not correct. Do some more studying and come back with a better question.

If you can't even find some decent information about the evolution of the eye (the eye has evolved many times, in many ways) then you should be banned from Y!Answers.

Evolution is not a belief or religion, nor a replacement for them. Science is not there to prove anything. Science tries to explain what we encounter. So far the only way science has been able to explain diversity of life on earth to what it is today is with the theory of evolution. The more they find out, the more this underlines the theory of evolution, and there's yet nothing serious that contradicts the theory of evolution. There are still some blank spaces, but they see enough lines and dots to determine it's a circle (in a figure of speach).

All "evidence" against evolution is coming from creationist (religious) people, that only have one goal: to prove the existence of a creator and their research consists of hardly anything else than critisising the theory of evolution and filling in a god in the blanks spaces of the evidence for evolution.

I don't believe in a god because I've never seen the hand of a god anywhere, I've never felt it's presence, not even when I really wanted there to be one and needed one.

I think the concept of a god is an ancient attempt to explain our existece and everything around us, but so far this ancient thesis has been contradicted in many ways. This especially is true for the biblical god and alike and indoctrinations that have come forward out of the concept of a god. When the perception of a god, moral (and heaven and hell) and poitics get mixed up, it becomes a religion. A religion is the perfect tool to get "all noses in the same direction", which makes societies more controllable.

I wish you a happy life, right out of my own heart.
2006-09-24 08:48:38 UTC
I believe in the Creator God. Remember, evolution is still a "theory" and it is still labeled that way because they can't prove it! Scientists can't create the smallest cell, they can only work with and screw up something that already exists. The world around us and how it works is so can't create matter out of nothing, only God can create. And another thing I've always thought about. If people supposedly come from chimps, why are there still chimps? Supposedly everything at that time was "evolving" so shouldn't they have "evolved" together? Science is just so sad. Desperate to come up with something because they don't want to acknowledge God. They will someday.
2006-09-24 08:20:16 UTC
First off you don't understand it all, which is OK once neither did I.

The Pope in Rome, probably one of the harshest critics in the world and the Catholic Church, along with Jewish Theologians gave their blessings to the DARWIN theories and said it contains nothing contrary to Biblical teachings.

Darwin says evolution is by NATURAL SELECTION.

Boy, doesn't that almost sound like INTELLEGENT DESIGN

In other words, God Selects creatures to survive and flourish.

No where in Darwin does he specifically say man came from Ape. This is something silly people created.

Most scientists agree man was a separate species and was once different.

Even the Bible says that. It says there were Giants IN the Earth at the time of Adam and Eve.

We certainly have evolved differently since the time of Adam and Eve or CAN YOU GIVE BIBLE CITATIONS as to where the Blacks, Browns, Whites, Yellows all came from?

Are these not evolved Adam and Eve decendents who relocated to other regions and adpated or evolved to those new conditions outside of the Sinai Desert!

Did God create other men and women after Adam and Eve and they just forgot to write that down in the Bible.

If Adam and Eve were the first humans, where do all those other people come from when Adam and Eve were cast out of Eden or did Caine and Able make babies with their sisters!

Are we inbred!

What, Adam and Eve leave Eden and magically there are 50,000 other people and tribes and villages and none of that is explained in the Bible.

Is Adam black, white or brown!

If all decended from Adam and Eve and Abraham is a Semite, then Adam and Eve must also be Semites and look a little brown in color.

In what Verse did God create the black man. In what verse did God create the Yellow man.

What, these just sprang out from the Earth out of nowhere!

Even if God changed them, they are still the inbred decendents of Adam and Eve.

Remember, we never got past inbreeding. We have TWO people a man and a women who lived over 100 years in age and probably begat an easy 20 children. Did brother and sister begat with each other!

Where did the magical husbands and wives come from.

Is that one of those "don't ask" questions.

Maybe they begat with monkeys.

What evolution and genetics does is change skin color, hair texture, eye color, pigmentation, height, weight, grith, frame size, amount of hair, thickness of skin, resistance to temperatures, climate, parasites and diseases of a given area.

This is why you get sick when you go to another country and drink the water.

They drink it all the time and don't have a problem with it, because they were raised on it.
2006-09-24 08:10:46 UTC
It doesn't have to be one or the other. I believe that God created the earth, but I also accept evolution. Many scientists don't buy the humans came from monkeys argument but they do agree that species change over time, and thru DNA and RNA tests they have found evidence that we did come from a common ancestor. Who says God didn't have anything to do with that though? I believe this is how God created the earth and in this way scientific fact and spiritual belief can go hand in hand.
2006-09-24 09:05:12 UTC
It is the purpose of my life to NOT separate God from evolution. Whatever created us, is big time into evolution. Everything evolves. Even the Universe, is evolving, expanding at this very moment, I believe at 7,000 miles per minute.

The misnomer is to believe that the only thing that was destined to evolve is the physical. All prophets have proven to us that (after a period of seclusion and reflection) that the consciousness of man is expanding, evolving, as well. To reach higher consciousness is the inner directive that can be seen in all forms of humanity, from Continent to Continent. Be ye, Gandhi, Confucius, Buddha or Christ, there is an transcendence that these prophets have experienced that made them 'see' the inner connectedness to ALL, and their deduction, their Epiphany be: LOVE IS ALL. That my brother, or my enemy, is myself.
Granny Annie
2006-09-24 08:14:49 UTC
A) Enough with the either/or garbage! Don't you think God is big enough, powerful enough, intelligent enough or caring eough to use evolution as a part of His creative doings?

B) Where do you get the idea that evolution, even human, has stopped? Helloh! Ask that one after you've lived a few million more years.

C) God Bless right back at you! Have a prayerful day.
2006-09-24 08:21:27 UTC
churches have spread words in the name of god and this has no standing. God /Jesus may be surprised on the myths being spread in their name. Belief of a group of people can not form a concrete evidence of Truth

How could God say that earth is some hunderd years old and it is flat, and that sun is circling round earth ?

At least science is giving concrete evidences about the making of earth and its inhabitants.

Quantum physics is to be believed more than religious crap
2006-09-24 08:06:17 UTC
You make a fundamental flaw in your argument. You wrongly assume people "believe" in evolution. This is only the case if they have not bothered to research it and simply take what others believe for their own ideas, similar to a religious belief.

I personally, do NOT believe in evolution; I ACCEPT and ACKNOWLEDGE the facts that have been proven beyond doubt through observation and experiment.

THAT's the difference.

Oh, and FYI and all others who have never read anything to do with evolution, but like to claim they know, humans did NOT evolve from monkeys. One may find this blatant piece of misinformed propaganda on MANY christian websites, but should the intellect take the time to research from source(ie: scientific sources) they would discover this.
2006-09-24 08:22:05 UTC
The foolishness that serves you as a substitute for knowledge and reason is a logical fallacy (a flaw in thinking) known as the "Argument From Incredulity"... which is a sub-category of the "Argumentum ad Ignorantiam" (Argument From Ignorance). It goes something like this: "I can't conceive of how this might have come to be; therefore, God did it."

That does not point to a limitation of nature... rather, it exemplifies a limitation of knowledge and/or intellect. Also, it is intellectually dishonest, since it does not (as scientists do) ACKNOWLEDGE the limitation of knowledge and/or intellect... it merely invokes the fanciful idea of a supernatural creator-entity to manifest the ILLUSION that your ideations map to reality.

'Faith' (wishful, magical thinking) is a substitute for evidence.

'Belief' (the internalized 'certainty' that you are privy to the 'truth' pertaining to some fundamental aspect of existence and/or reality) is a substitute for knowledge.

faith + belief = self-delusion and willful ignorance


"When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion." ~ Robert M. Pirsig
2006-09-24 08:08:33 UTC
I believe in evolution. It is G-d's way of perfecting the world. What difference does it make as to how G-d started things, or how they progress? It is all from G-d.
2006-09-24 08:05:45 UTC
The course of evolution is far from over. many progressive changes are possible.Especially with intelligent "eugenics". The "word " of God is not to be found crystallized in any book.
2006-09-24 08:12:43 UTC
Evolution is a fact. God is a theory.
2006-09-24 09:49:36 UTC
So disappointed to know that still, many people in this world doesn't believe in the word of God, which is the bible, well, just a simple advise, wake up, before it's too late.....
2006-09-24 08:04:46 UTC
Evolution can be observed. The existence of god cannot. That pretty much sums up my belief.
regina p
2006-09-24 08:10:08 UTC
i believe in the word of God , He is the most logical reason that we exist.

even darwin himself said that his theory was ridiculous without a higher power and he said it was joke
2006-09-24 08:04:29 UTC
I believe in option C.
norm s
2006-09-24 08:05:47 UTC
God of course
2006-09-24 08:04:31 UTC
Another one who just left church today. Go out and run, work off your zealous euphoria.
george p
2006-09-24 08:03:42 UTC
i am the life a am the evolution and all that is
2006-09-24 08:03:03 UTC
2006-09-24 08:01:57 UTC
2006-09-24 08:09:35 UTC
evolution is real
2006-09-24 08:07:07 UTC
Word of God, nothing else is TRUTH
2006-09-24 08:15:10 UTC


Three fundamentals are essential for the material universe to exist: n matter n energy n information. Obviously, all theories about how the universe operates, and its origins, must take account of all three. However, every evolutionary, origin of life hypothesis yet devised (primordial soup, hydrothermal vent, etc. etc.) concentrates solely on the chemistry/physics of life, i.e. the interaction of matter and energy. Evolutionists have completely ignored the essential role and origin of information. We should demand to know why? Especially as we are told (through the popular media and education system) that an evolutionary, origin of life scenario, should be regarded as irrefutable, scientific fact.

In order to store information, a storage code is required. Just as the alphabet and language is the code used to store information in the written word, life requires both the information itself, which controls the construction and operation of all living things, and the means of storing that information. DNA is the storage code for living things. No evolutionary, origin of life hypothesis has ever explained either u how the DNA storage system was formed, or u how the information encoded within that DNA storage system originated. In fact, even to attempt to look for the origin of information in physical matter is to ignore the natural laws about information.

Information theory completely rules out the spontaneous generation of life from non-life.

Information theory states: ANY MODEL FOR THE ORIGIN OF LIFE BASED SOLELY ON PHYSICAL AND/OR CHEMICAL PROCESSES, IS INHERENTLY FALSE. And: THERE IS NO KNOWN LAW OF NATURE, NO KNOWN PROCESS AND NO KNOWN SEQUENCE OF EVENTS, WHICH CAN CAUSE INFORMATION TO ORIGINATE BY ITSELF IN MATTER… So information theory not only rules out all evolutionary hypotheses which cannot explain the origin of information in original life, it also rules out all evolutionary hypotheses which cannot explain the origin of the completely new, increasingly complex information which would be required to be added to a gene pool for any progressive evolution to take place in existing life. Because of their zealous and unshakable faith in Darwinian evolution, many evolutionists choose to ignore this. They simply refuse to face this most important question of all, where does the complex information essential for all life come from? The reason seems obvious, because there are only two possible answers which could be compatible with the evolution fable, both are unscientific nonsense, and both violate information theory. They are 1. That information can just arise magically out of nowhere. OR 2. That the material universe is an intelligent entity, which can actually create its own information..

Evolution - - Science? or magic?


The Law of Biogenesis rules out the spontaneous generation of life from non-living matter under all known circumstances. All modern scientists now accept this well tested law as valid. In fact, the whole concept of medical sterilisation, hygiene and food preservation is totally dependent on this law. No sensible scientist would dare to claim that spontaneous generation of life ever happens in the world today, and there is no reason whatsoever to believe that this Law (like every other natural law) is not always valid, in all places and at all times within the material universe. Yet, amazingly, in order to support biological evolution, evolutionists are quite prepared to flout this well, established Law and to resurrect the ancient, superstitious belief in abiogenesis (life arising from non-life). Like latterday advocates of the ancient Greek belief (that the goddess Gea could make life arise spontaneously from stones), evolutionists routinely present to the public, the preposterous notion that original life on earth (and even elsewhere in the universe) just spontaneously generated itself from inert matter. Apparently, all that was required to bypass this well established Law was a chance accumulation of chemicals in some alchemist’s type brew of ‘primordial soup’ combined with raw energy from the sun, lightning or geothermal forces. They call this science? - - Incredible!

Evolution - - Science? or magic?


The second Law of Thermodynamics rules out the spontaneous generation of life from non-life as a chance event. Even if we ignore the above reasons why spontaneous generation of life is impossible, the formation and arrangement by chance of all the components required for living cells is also impossible. The arrangement of all the components within the simplest of living cells is extremely precise; these components cannot just arrange themselves by chance. According to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, when left to themselves, things naturally become more disordered, rather than more ordered. Or in other words, things will naturally go to more probable arrangements and disorder is overwhelmingly more probable than order. Disorder actually increases with the passage of time and also with the application of raw (undirected) energy (for example, heat). Yet we are repeatedly told the evolution fable, that the numerous components required to form a first, self-replicating, living cell just assembled themselves in precise order by pure chance over a vast period of time, aided by the chance and random application of raw energy.

Evolution - - Science? or magic?


Even if we ignore the Law of Biogenesis, Information Theory and the Second Law of Thermodynamics (which all completely rule out the spontaneous generation of a living cell from non-living matter). Mathematical probability also rules out the spontaneous generation of life from non-living matter. The laws of probability are summed up in the Law of Chance. According to this Law, when odds against a chance event are 10 to the power of 15, the chance of that event happening are negligible on a terrestrial scale. At odds of 10 to the power of 50, there is virtually no chance, even on a cosmic scale. The most generous and favourable, mathematical odds against a single living cell appearing in this way by chance are a staggering 10 to the power of 40,000. A more likely calculation would put the odds at an even more awesome 10 to the power of 119,850. Remember odds of 10 to the power of 50 is sufficient to make an event virtually impossible (except, perhaps, by magic!!).

Fred Hoyle, The Big Bang in Astronomy, New Scientist 19 Nov 1981. p.526. On the origin of life in primeval soup. “I don’t know how long it is going to be before astronomers generally recognise that the combinatorial arrangement of not even one among the many thousands of biopolymers on which life depends could have been arrived at by natural processes here on the Earth. Astronomers will have a little difficulty at understanding this because they will be assured by biologists that it is not so. The biologists having been assured in their turn by others that it is not so. The “others” are a group of persons who believe, quite openly, in mathematical miracles. They advocate the belief that tucked away in nature, outside of normal physics, there is a law which performs miracles.”

Evolution - - Science? or magic?

“Since science does not have the faintest idea how life on earth originated, … it would only be honest to confess this to other scientists, to grantors, and to the public at large. Prominent scientists speaking ex cathedra, should refrain from polarising the minds of students and young productive scientists with statements that are based solely on beliefs.” Bio-informaticist, Hubert P. Jockey. Journal of Theoretical Biology [Vol 91, 1981, p 13].

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.