Hinduism:Can anyone explain to me the basics of ADVAITA philosophy?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Hinduism:Can anyone explain to me the basics of ADVAITA philosophy?
Sixteen answers:
Aparna M @ divya
2010-06-03 03:20:18 UTC
The advaita philosophy of Adi sankara bhagavat pathal are given hereunder. These are all the basics of Advaita philosophy.

The transcendental or the Pāramārthika level in which Brahman is the only reality and nothing else;

The pragmatic or the Vyāvahārika level in which both Jiva (living creatures or individual souls) and Iswara are true; here, the material world is also true, and,

The apparent or the Prāthibhāsika level in which material world reality is actually false, like illusion of a snake over a rope or a dream.

Brahman: According to Adi Shankara, God, the Supreme Cosmic Spirit or Brahman (pronounced [ˈbrəh.mən]; nominative singular Brahma, [ˈbrəh.mə]) is the One, the whole and the only reality. Other than Brahman, everything else, including the universe, material objects and individuals, are false. Brahman is at best described as that infinite, omnipresent, omnipotent, incorporeal, impersonal, transcendent reality that is the divine ground of all Being. Brahman is often described as neti neti meaning "not this, not this" because Brahman cannot be correctly described as this or that. 'It' (grammatically neutral, but exceptionally treated as masculine)is the origin of this and that, the origin of forces, substances, all of existence, the undefined, the basis of all, unborn, the essential truth, unchanging, eternal, the absolute. How can it be properly described as something in the material world when itself is the basis of reality? Brahman is also beyond the senses, it would be akin a blind man trying to correctly describe color. It, though not necessarily a form of physical matter, is the substrate of the material world, which in turn is its illusory transformation. Brahman is not the effect of the world. Brahman is said to be the purest knowledge itself, and is illuminant like a source of infinite light.

Due to ignorance (avidyā), the Brahman is visible as the material world and its objects. The actual Brahman is attributeless and formless (see Nirguna Brahman). It is the Self-existent, the Absolute and the Imperishable. Brahman is actually indescribable. It is at best "Satchidananda" (merging "Sat" + "Chit" + "Ananda", i.e., Infinite Truth, Infinite Consciousness and Infinite Bliss). Also, Brahman is free from any kind of differences or differetiation. It does not have any sajātīya (homogeneous) differentiation because there is no second Brahman. It does not have any vijātīya (heterogeneous) differentiation because there is nobody in reality existing other than Brahman. It has neither svagata (internal) differences, because Brahman is itself homogeneous.

Adi Shankara also proposed some logical proofs:

Shruti — the Upanishads and the Brahma Sutras describe Brahman in almost exact manner as Adi Shankara. This is the testimonial proof of Brahman.

Psychological — every person experiences his soul, or atman. According to Adi Shankara, Atman = Brahman. This argument also proves the omniscience of the Brahman.

Teleological/Intelligent Design — the world appears very well ordered; the reason for this cannot be an unconscious principle. The reason must be due to the Brahman. (Similar to Albert Einstein's famous words: "God does not play dice.")

Essential — Brahman is the basis of this created world.

Perceptible feeling — many people, when they achieve the turīya state, claim that their soul has become one with everything else.

Georg Feuerstein summarizes the advaita realization as follows: "The manifold universe is, in truth, a Single Reality. There is only one Great Being, which the sages call Brahman, in which all the countless forms of existence reside. That Great Being is utter Consciousness, and It is the very Essence, or Self (Atman) of all beings."
2010-06-07 23:57:48 UTC
According to Advaitha, body and mind are "naswara" (mortal)and "mukti" (Salvation) is not needed for the body and mind. "Atma" is "Answara" (immortal) and hence it also does not need "Mukti". My doubt is: Then according to Advaitha, salvation is for whom?

If the scholars here or (anywhere on Earth) fail to give me a suitable answer, I can only consider 'Advaitha' is Baseless.
Cliffnote's Verstion
2010-06-03 00:58:27 UTC
Yamunaithuraivan has started ranting about which path is correct and which part is wrong which is absolutely similar to the mentality of extremists. This mentality is against Sanatana Dharma. One path is not meant for all. This is obvious to somebody who understands the Bhagavad Gita.

ALSO, THERE IS NOTHING ABSOLUTELY RIGHT OR WRONG. Nothing is absolute in the Universe, everything is relative.

EDIT: First of all, understanding Advaita requires you to let go of all that you know or believe to be true...Just let go and make your mind blank. (Don't worry, you won't forget what you already know or change it, but will help you understand Advaita.)*****

Also Dvaita and Advaita DO NOT CONTRADICT EACH OTHER, but are complementary.

I am not at all learned, but this is how I understand Advaita philosophy in my own child-like manner. I hope learned folks don't laugh.

My gross description of God is the sum of all matter-energy and intelligence. The only thing that exists (seen, unseen, matter, energy, space) is together God. Suppose we consider God to be an ocean of water molecules, then we are just the water molecules.

At the beginning, the only thing that existed was God. So the raw material for creation is also small packets of matter-energy-intelligence existing in one form or another i.e. God. So we are all part of the Universal being or intelligence.

To understand Maya, I would really recommend you to watch the English movie trilogy Matrix: Most of the storylines are based on Advaita and the Matrix computer program (in the movie) is exactly what Advaita teaches about Maya.

If you close your eyes, all you see is darkness. You open it and you see your computer etc... You have absolutely no guarantee that when your eyes are closed there is a room around you, except that that is what your senses tell you. But even people having hallucinations experience it with their senses. Their visions, sounds and pain are as real as how we see the world around us. But we don't see it.

So as long as you "see" the world is there. When you don't, it might be there, or it might not be. (Search for Schrodinger's Cat on wikipedia to understand this scientific concept better.)

So our senses perceive the world and we believe it exists. But actually none of it is actually there if we stop believing it.

Awareness of our true nature melts away each layer of Maya.

There is nothing you can be certain about. Even at the basic atomic level, it's not possible to determine the position and movement of an electron simultaneously, it's presence at one point does not mean that it will be at a definite place at another time...It can be anywhere....Comparatively, if a nucleus is considered to be a football, the electron can be at any point within a 5-mile radius!! ( See Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle...)

So everything we see around us is in fact God because it all has matter-intelligence-energy. All worship we do is to draw energy from the Whole (ocean) for ourselves (water molecules).

I don't know whether I have done a good job of explaining it, but it is definitely interesting and I'll think some more about it and post some more. I might also have to rephrase some of what I've already written.

WHAT I'M WRITING NOW COMES FROM VARIOUS BOOKS BY DEEPAK CHOPRA. This takes us into the realm of advanced physics, which is required to understand Advaita.


1. Rocks, trees etc. disappeared from sight when science realized that they are made of atoms invisible to naked eye.

2. Atoms disappeared when it was discovered that they are made of energy, mere vibrations in the void.

3. Energy disappeared when it was discovered that vibrations are temporary excitations in a field and that the field itself doesn't vibrate but maintains a flat, constant "zero-point".

Nothing is real until it is observed. So reality depends on the observer. The observer is not perfect. So there is no way to determine whether anything is actually happening or it is just an illusion.

I really recommend reading Deepak Chopra's Life After Death. It really helps you understand this ideology.

EDIT: That's a fantastic question you've asked...I'll think about it and get back to you...

ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION: I think any analogy used to describe something greater will have flaws. I was trying to think of what is the flaw in my water molecule analogy...I think I found it.

There is a difference between the 2 situations. In case of the ocean, what exists is essentially a collection of molecules...the ocean is an illusion. Ocean is made up of finer particles.

In case of God and us, the illusion is the separation and the material world. Reality is that only God exists...nothing else. We are all perceived divisions in that absolute. God is that zero-point field from which everything else arises. (I guess...)
2016-11-12 15:54:46 UTC
Advaita Philosophy
2016-03-01 04:06:15 UTC
One of the major differences between Advaita, Dvaita and visistadavaita is the nature of the Supreme Reality. The Advaitin claim that Brahman is deviod of Attributes which was rejected by Ramanuja and the previous sri vaisnava acaryas like Yamuna and Natha Muni. "Ramanuja, on the other hand, does not take into consideration knowledge that is self-luminous and absolute. Knowledge, he declares, is always relative, and in it there is always a distinction between subject and object. In short, Ramanuja does not admit nirvikalpa samadhi, the unitary consciousness, the experience of the Self as one with Brahman." There are three basic principles which underlie the theory of Visistadvaita theory, namely Tattva, Hita and Purushartha. Tattva refers to the knowledge of the three real entities, namely Jiva, (the sentient being), Jagat (the insentient one) and Ishwara (Vishnu- Narayana or Parabrahman). Purushartha is the goal to be attained, i.e. moksha or liberation from bondage. Hita is the means of realization, i.e., through Bhakti (devotion) and Prapatti (self-surrender).
2010-06-05 03:21:59 UTC
Advaita Vedanta is considered as the most influential sub-school of the Vedānta Other sub-schools of Vedānta are Dvaita and Viśishṭādvaita. Advaita (literally, non-duality) is a monistic system of thought. "Advaita" refers to the identity of the Self (Atman) and the Whole (Brahman).

The key source texts for all schools of Vedānta are the Prasthanatrayi—the canonical texts consisting of the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita and the Brahma Sutras. The first person to explicitly consolidate the principles of Advaita Vedanta was Adi Shankara, while the first historical proponent was Gaudapada, the guru of Shankara's guru Govinda Bhagavatpada.

Salient features of Advaita Vedanta

Three levels of truth

The transcendental or the Pāramārthika level in which Brahman is the only reality and nothing else;

The pragmatic or the Vyāvahārika level in which both Jiva (living creatures or individual souls) and Iswara are true; here, the material world is also true, and,

The apparent or the Prāthibhāsika level in which material world reality is actually false, like illusion of a snake over a rope or a dream.

The impact of Advaita

Advaita rejuvenated much of Hindu thought and also spurred debate with the two main theistic schools of Vedanta philosophy that were formalized later: Vishishtadvaita (qualified nondualism), and Dvaita (dualism). Advaita further helped to merge the old Vedic religion with popular south-Asian cults/deities, thus making a bridge between higher types of practice (such as jnana yoga) and devotional religion of simple householders
2010-06-07 22:44:51 UTC
The basic is :

Only that PARAMESHWAR is there in and as this whole world.

This whole Universe is the manifestation of himself only.

Aum Namah Shivay
2010-06-04 07:36:03 UTC
On the peak of spiriruality, only "THAT" is there. Everything else get dissolved in that. Body Dissolves, world dissolves and its "non existance" is experienced.

People who experienced it, Narrated like "I M THAT", "I M GOD", "THERE IS NO GOD ONLY THAT IS THERE" , "ONLY GOD IS THERE", "ITS ONLY LIGHT" etc.

Advaita also means "no second".
2010-06-03 10:59:09 UTC
For Yamuaith:

The unreality of the world means that the world only possesses empirical reality and not absolute reality. To have empirical reality means to have as much reality as is needed for the practical activities of the world. But even that reality is not intrinsic to the world but is borrowed from Brahman. Therefore the world is called by advaitins to be vyavharik satta. The world is called unreal because it is sublated by the knowledge of Brahman. Now, just as the world being unreal can still perform the day to day functions of the world similarly, the statement, "The world is unreal", being equally unreal can still perform the function of indicating the unreality-ness of the world.

Edit: @ Yamunaith: I answered your objection and you started on an abusive rampage. If you have courage answer my counter argument or go home, the leader of eunuchs! The greatest of sentimental fools! Don't think of my roots, think of the gutter you were born in, I will send you there again!


G: Obviously SankarAdvaita is a naive, unintellectually simple-minded view of Reality. Its mithyA / anir-vacanIyam doctrine denies reality to Individual Beings and the Universe,

is simply naive and beats all common sense. and Sankara says the Pure Consciousness that's the Brahman somehow

injected 'avidyA' (ignorance) to Itself and believes It roams in misery in transmigration and someday it somehow wakes up and realizes Its own true self.

REPLY: Your statement that Sankara's Advaita Vedanta is a vague simple minded view of reality is itself so ambigious that it itself appears naive and completely unintellectual. That Pure consciousness injected avidya and is self affected is totally a straw man argument. Avidya is false and exists as a beginningless series. And Brahman cannot be affected by it because the real is not affected by the unreal. The superimposed snake cannot affect the real rope, so Brahman is not affected by avidya at all. Brahman appears and does not actually becomes the world or the individual soul and it is here that avidya lies.

G: Nor does mithyA-vAda find support in the whole of the SAStras including vEdAnta/bhagavad-gItA/vedAntA-sUtra.

REPLY: Mahabharata Santi Parva 187.24 says that the same self when appears limited by the limiting adjuncts of mind-body complex is called jiva and when freed from it is called the Supreme Soul. Again in Santi Parva 339.44 Lord Vishnu shows his Viraat Svarupa to Narada and mentions that this is just a illusion that he created by his maya. I have not yet even started quoting the Upanisads.

G: The idea of transmigration, and liberation would be unreal and untenable in advaita.

Reply: If bondage is the very nature of the jiva like the heat is of fire then both would be inseparable. So on your view there would be only bondage and no liberation at all.

G: This is because, per Sankara, the Brahman is unknowable and the Brahman cannot know anything else either ! and the current day advaintins would belabour on 'gyAna-yOga' which is an oxy-moron.

REPLY: Brahman is unknowable by any means of the Pramana and hence the Kena Upanisad says that that which is the eye of the eye and he ear of th ear, how is one to know that one? It is beyond the knowable and the unknowable. Jnana Yoga has no fault either because it does not mean perception inordinary sense but in an immediate intuition of Brahman and Sankara and all advaitins concur that Brahman can be intuited. Thus the Upansiad says that the Supreme is realized through the intellect. By giving equal importance to all deities Advaitins separate themselves from sectarians in the Hindu society that are eating them up.

G: All these multiple levels of 'reality' is just another non-sensical hypocrisy the SankarAdvaitins introduce just to deceive and confuse themselves.

REPLY: Prove it!

G: GauDa-pAda and Sankara just used a Buddhist type of illogic to attempt to preach Atheism and non-sense in the disguise of vEdAnta.

REPLY: Thew difference between the Buddhist view and that of the Avdaitins is that the former take the whole world inculding consciousness to be anirvacaniya (Lankavatara Sutra 2.74) while in the advaitins view pure consciousness is not anviracniya. If otherwise prove by giving reference to advaitic texts and buddhist texts.

G: GauDa-pAda and Sankara just used a Buddhist type of illogic to attempt to preach Atheism and non-sense in the disguise of vEdAnta.

REPLY: Advaita vada makes all arguments in perfect agreement with the rules of logic set by the Nyaya school which is the standard in Hindu Philosophy. There are five logical fallacies, 24 False Rejoinders and 18 defeat situations or Nigrahastanas according to which the opponent is refuted and you are calling us illogical without proving illogicality. You are an insane man. Show your adherence to the rules to logic.


1. The Absolute of Ramanuja is a perfect personality including all selves and the world, it is difficult to know how the finite selves with their respective consciousnesses, unique meanings and values, are sustained. One self cannot be a part of another. Ramanuja's Brahman is not only a Supreme Self but an eternal society of selves. How can God both include and exclude the jiva in the same ultimate sense?

2. Brahman is the material and the effecient cause of the world. The changes relate to the body of God while the soul remains unchanged. The body of god is the material cause and the soul effecient cause. This distinction is to be maintained as Ramanuja beleives that the body of God does not change. What then is the essence of God that remains unchanged? If Sat, Chit and Ananda form the attribute of God then the process of change in the form of god must also bring a chnage in the attributes. Does this mean then that God is not absolute actuality but is himself in making? The reply that the soul of God remains unchanged and the body changes is an untenable solution. We cannot take half a fowl for cooking and leave the other to lay eggs. Thus Vaishnavas themselves commit the error of reducing Brahman to rags by making him or transforming him into the world and therby destroying his nature and blame Advaitins of the same. They falsely intrepret the scriptures by saying that dream experiences are real experiences, and say that Advaitins misinterpret scriptures!


1. If God creates, if the beginning of the world process is the result of the desire of the divine self then we may no doubt account for creation but the difficulty remains that whatever feels a want or has a desire is imperfect and limited. God on such a view cannot be represented as Supreme Perfection.

2. If Brahman is co-eternal with the world then what is the relation between the two? If it is a co-eternal relation, is the supreme bound to objects other than itself? It is difficult to beleive that the essence of God involves a relation to objects whose existence it does not necessitate.

3. The theory of predestination fraughts with the great danger of ethical life. If God randomly elects jivas for salvation then there is no point is sadhana. The moral character of God is also compromised.

Edit: @ GOVIND: DON'T YOU HAVE THE COURAGE TO MEET MY OBJECTIONS AND COUNTER ARGUMENTS SQUARELY? The Vaishnavas have been a blot on Hindu religion. They just care about themselves. In temples they rob people by scaring them by their mass of superstitions. They have never done any good for the country and no good work for the society. It was Swami Vivekananda who first organized sanyasis for social work and now various organizations are emulating him. With their feminine habits they have made the people of the country impotent. The Vaishnavas are always busy in their dancing and singing programs. They make temples not to worship god but to earn money. They are full of propaganda and fool people by their bullious and even laughable theories. They indulge in fairy tales and call it philosophy. Hindus rather should be shameful for having Vaishnavas amidst them. Thus Kurma Purana in Ch 15 says that the great sinners, the Pacaratrins, were produced as a result of killing cows in some other birth, that they are absolutely non-vedic and that the literatures of Pancaratrins is for delusion of mankind. Ashvalayana smriti says that no one but an outcast would therefore accept the marks recommended by Pancaratrins. In the 4th Chapter of Vrihad Naraniya Purana it is said that even for talking conversing with Pancaratrins one would land up in Raurava hell. Manu Samhita 10.23 calls the Satvats or the Bhagavats as outcasts. On the commands of Ramanujacharya, Vishnuverdhan, the king of Mysore killed thousands of Jains by crushing them by big stones.


Madhva's birth place was either in the ancient city of Kalyanpura or close to it. Kalyanpura has always been reputed one of the earliest christian settlements in India. In the legends described in Narayana's madhva Vijaya there is one which holds that the spirit of the deity Anantesvara appeared to Brahman and made hima messenger of good news to proclaim that the 'kingdom of heaven was at hand'. The child Madhva was being led through the forest by his parents when their passage was obstructed by evil spirits which left after Madhva rebuked them. The child Madhva was at one time missed by his parents at the age of five and he was found teaching the way to worship Vishnu through sastras. See the parralelism in the Bible where the life of Jesus is described. According to Madhva salvation can only be secured through an intermediary of the wind god Vayu like the bible says that no one shall reach the father except through the son ie Jesus Christ. The theory of eternal damnation, purgatory etc are all influenced by christianity. Thus Madhva is a christian in disguise.
C. Sri Vidya Rajagopalan
2010-06-06 18:23:04 UTC
Basics of Advaita philosophy:

1) Three levels of truth:

A) The transcendental or the Paramarthika level in which Brahman is the only reality and nothing else;

B) The pragmatic or the Vyavaharika level in which both Jiva (living creatures or individual souls) and Ishvara are true; here, the material world is completely true, and,

C) The apparent or the Prathibhasika level in which even material world reality is actually false, like illusion of a snake over a rope or a dream.

2) Brahman, the Nirguna Brahman:

According to Adi Shankara, God, the Supreme Cosmic Spirit or Brahman is the One, the whole and the only reality. Other than Brahman, everything else, including the universe, material objects and individuals, are false. Brahman is at best described as that infinite, omnipresent, omnipotent, incorporeal, impersonal, transcendent reality that is the divine ground of all Being. Brahman is also beyond the senses. It is the basis of the material world, which in turn is its illusionary transformation.

Due to ignorance (avidyā), the Brahman is visible as the material world and its objects. The actual Brahman is attributeless and formless. It is called as Nirguna Brahman. It is the Self-existent, the Absolute and the Imperishable. Brahman is actually indescribable. It is at best "Satchidananda" (merging "Sat" + "Chit" + "Ananda", ie, Infinite Truth, Infinite Consciousness and Infinite Bliss).

3) Maya:

According to Adi Shankara, Maya is the complex illusionary power of Brahman which causes the Brahman to be seen as the material world of separate forms. It has two main functions — one is to "hide" Brahman from ordinary human perception, and the other is to present the material world in its stead. Maya is also said to be indescribable, though it may be said that all sense data entering ones awareness via the five senses are Maya, since the fundamental reality underlying sensory perception is completely hidden. Maya is neither completely real nor completely unreal and hence indescribable. Its shelter is Brahman, but Brahman itself is untouched by the illusion of Maya, just like a magician is not tricked by his own magic.

Adi Shankara claims that the world is not absolutely unreal (false). It appears unreal (false) only when compared to Brahman. In the pragmatic state, the world is completely real—which occurs as long as we are under the influence of Maya. The world cannot be both true and false at the same time; hence Adi Shankara has classified the world as indescribable.

4) Ishvara, the Saguna Brahman:

According to Advaita Vedanta, when man tries to know the attributeless Brahman with his mind, under the influence of Maya, Brahman becomes the Lord. Ishvara is Brahman with Maya — the manifested form of Brahman. Adi Shankara uses a metaphor that when the "reflection" of the Cosmic Spirit falls upon the mirror of Maya, it appears as the Supreme Lord. The Supreme Lord is true only in the pragmatic level — his actual form in the transcendental level is the Cosmic Spirit.

Ishvara is Saguna Brahman or Brahman with innumerable auspicious qualities. He is all-perfect, omniscient, omnipresent, incorporeal, independent, Creator of the world, its ruler and also destroyer. He is causeless, eternal and unchangeable — and is yet the material and the instrumental cause of the world. He is the subject of worship. He is the basis of morality and giver of the fruits of one's Karma. However, He himself is beyond sin and merit. He rules the world with his Maya — His divine power.

This association with a "false" knowledge does not affect the perfection of Ishvara, in the same way as a magician is himself not tricked by his magic. However, while Ishvara is the Lord of Maya and she (ie, Maya) is always under his control, the living beings (jiva, in the sense of humans) are the servants of Maya (in the form of ignorance). This ignorance is the cause of the unhappiness and sin in the mortal world. While Ishvara is Infinite Bliss, humans are miserable. Ishvara always knows the unity of the Brahman substance, and the Maya nature of the world. Ishvara can also be visualized and worshipped in anthropomorphic form as deities such as Shiva, Vishnu or Devi.

5) Atman:

The soul or the self (Atman) is identical with Brahman. It is not a part of Brahman that ultimately dissolves into Brahman, but the whole Brahman itself. Atman is only one and unique. Indeed Atman alone is Ekaatma Vaadam. It is a false concept that there are several Atmans (Anekaatma Vaadam)Reality and Bliss are its characteristics. Atman, being the silent witness of all the modifications, is free and beyond sin and merit. It does not experience happiness or pain because it is beyond the triad of Experiencer, Experienced and Experiencing. It does not do any Karma because it is Aaptakaama. It is incorporeal and independent.

When the reflection of atman falls on Avidya (ignorance), atman becomes jiva — a living being with a body and senses. Each jiva feels as if he has his own, unique and distinct Atman, called jivatman. The concept of jiva is true only in the pragmatic level. In the transcendental level, only the one Atman, equal to Brahman, is true.

6) Salvation, Liberation or Moksha:

Advaitins also believe in the theory of reincarnation of souls (Atman) into plants, animals and humans according to their karma. They believe that suffering is due to Maya, and only knowledge (called Jnana) of Brahman can destroy Maya. When Maya is removed, there exists ultimately no difference between the Jiva-Atman and the Brahman. Such a state of bliss when achieved while living is called Jivan mukti.

While one is in the pragmatic level, one can worship God in any way and in any form, like Krishna or Siva as he wishes. Adi Shankara himself was a proponent of devotional worship or Bhakti. So Adi Shankara established the Shanmatha worship.

7) Theory of creation:

Every Astika darshana aims at establishing the correct relation between the triputi named jiva, jagat and Ishvara. Generally, this relationship is of the nature of karya and karana. Astika darshanas hold brahma to be the karana for jagat. karana can be of three types: upadana, nimitta and sadharana. Satkaryavada is an important aspect of samkhya theory. The word satkarya indicates the aspect of satta or asthitva of karya. Thus, it can be stated that satkaryavada is all about the abivyakti of karana as karya. This abivyakti is aided by the vyapara of the karana.

For example, if til seeds are seen as karana, til oil would be the karya. Even before the vyapara of extraction of oil from the seeds, the oil is already present in the seeds i.e. vyapara does not newly generate karya, but only helps in the abhivyakti of karya. When karana becomes vyaparashIla i.e. til seeds are accompanied by the vyapara of extraction, the karrana named til needs manifests as til oil, the karya. Due to this process of manifestation of karana as karya, the karana here is referred to as upadana. Thus, the samarthya of karana to manifest as karya is the key aspect to be noted here.

According to satkaryavada, karya is neither newly created nor destroyed and is ever present in the karana.

When karana is associated with vyapara, which we can call shakti, karya becomes evident.

One can consider the example of a tortoise stretching its limbs out of the shell and withdrawing them inside again. When there is abivyakti of karya from karana, it gets called as utpatti or creation and when there is tirodhana of karya in karana, it gets described as nasha or destruction.

Thus, neither utpatti nor nasha of the karya is true but these are rather vikaras or transformations. Also, they can be described as the vyaparas or activities of the karana.

Vivartavada and parinamavada can be described as two branches of satkaryavada. Vivarta can be interpreted to mean change, transform, turn around, appear altered or illusion. The relation between an actual object and its reflection within a mirror is one of vivarta. A jignasu describes vivarta as the false notion that is characterized by anyathabhava from tattva.

In advaita vedanta, vivarta is illustrated through two popular examples: sarparajju nyaya and shuktirajata nyaya. One can get the false impression of seeing a snake on seeing a rope or of seeing silver on seeing a shell. The adhyasa (misconception or erroneous attribution) named jagat occurs on Brahman on account of avidya (nescience).

Though the karana named Brahman, due to vivarta, appears as the karya named jagat, there is no separate karya in reality. Thus, only the karana or Brahman is satya and jagat is mithya. Though one is initially confused by the appearance of snake, he eventually realizes the true nature of that vastu as rajju. Similarly, true knowledge or brahmajnana is attained on adhyasa nirasana.

At the pragmatic level, the universe is believed to be the creation of the Supreme Lord Ishvara. Maya is the divine magic of Ishvara, with the help of which Ishvara creates the world.

The serial of Creation is taken from the Upanishads. First of all, the five subtle elements (ether, air, fire, water and earth) are created from Ishvara. Ether is created by Maya. From ether, air is born. From air, fire is born. From fire, water is born. From water, earth is born. From a proportional combination of all five subtle elements, the five gross elements are created, like the gross sky, the gross fire, etc. From these gross elements, the universe and life are created.
2010-06-03 00:52:32 UTC
Please read Mandukya Upanishad and Mandukya Karika.

It is good to read Khandana Treyam also which contradicts Adwaita

The question cause to start a debate between Dvaita and Advaita. Both are true

For a man looking from the world to Brahman Dvaita is true.

For a man LOOKING from Brahman to this world Advaita is true.

One can not put forward an arguement against Maya for in dream we all experiance the dreamworld as it is true. So this world may be an Illusion or maya.

But according to tarka sastra Maya vada seems to be wrong.

This is because Tarka sastra takes World and its affairs as the base.Madhvacharya argues on the basis of tarka sastra.

So One may think he is right

But Advaita is above reasoning That is the problem
2010-06-03 00:56:42 UTC
Dvaita means Duality

Advaita means Non-Duality.

Its simply means there exists no second one.

It also can mean everything in this cosmos is simply a part of the One that has manifested into a cosmic form. Due to our ignorance we see it one different from another. In reality they are just the part of the same being.

Example: Motor Vehicle.

It consists of many parts. That is Duality.

When it is assembled, it functions as a Single Unit. The Motor Vehicle. That is Non-Duality.
2010-06-03 02:24:51 UTC

There are two main philosophies while worshiping in Hinduism

1. Dvaita Bhava ( austerities performed are idol worship, visiting holy places, etc)

2. Advaita Bhava (austerities performed are meditation, pranayama, etc )

The Dviata Bhava means that we worship the Lord as an external from our self and I will do idol worship, austerities to obtain HIS divine grace. Meaning the Lord Krishna is separate from myself and I am worshiping HIM as a different identity.

Adiata Bhava means I and Lord are the same, HE resides within me and I have to provoke my true self to recognize HIM. Meaning Lord Krishna and I are one, HE resides in my Soul and I have to invoke myself to merge with HIM to obtain Eternal Bliss....

Actually Advita Bhava is difficult to perform as The part difficult here is to have unison with The Almighty in the initial stage but with regular practice, faith, devotion, etc... the feeling becomes stronger and stronger and we really experience the unison with HIM.................

And to explain the above additional details is like fish and water, there is water outside the fish, but still the fish is thirsty, Similarly in universe there is Almighty within us and around us, still we keep searching HIM in all the possible ways as possible............................

Hope it Helps.................
Mathuraiyar Mannan
2010-06-03 00:33:21 UTC
The advaitha philosophy is based on maya. It says that this world is not real and you and I are not real as well.

So how can this advaitha philosophy be true? It is false as well.

Cliffnote's Verstion is a case of one blind man leading other blind men. struggling hard to come up with some junk and calling it advaitha philosophy? Don't mislead with your bullshit stories

Raghav: you are a typical case of mayavadi juggling with meaningless words to confuse people. No one gains anything from your so called advaitha theory. Come to reality and learn some real tatva.

Raghav idiot - you are an arrogant rascal having no clue about advaitha. keep your bloody theory with yourself and be a muda all your life. but don't go around like an insane *******

raghav: you have given nice self introduction about yourself. no wonder you are mad thanks to your bastard roots

Advaithins have proved that they are rascals and thrive on utter nonsense. Advaitham is outdated and no sensible person can practice it. I just gave a couple of facts on advaitham and advaithins are boiling and showing their true color. They were not able to place any legitimate argument to counter my statements. They are fanatics with no knowledge. They are just fooling themselves and fooling others with gibberish.

Govindji: your answer is excellent and insightful
2010-06-03 06:17:53 UTC
if you think that a finger is the part of your body that is right ,same as head/nose/ heart or what ever you name is the part of your body.BUT all the parts are together making ONE if you think that your body and the parts of the body different to each other or separate from each other,then is DVAITA but if you achieve that knowledge that all the parts are making one body and the parts may have different names but are belongs to one body and body is nothing but group of parts are given the name as a body SO the body and all the parts are ONE .THAT IS ADVAITA..THANKS.
2010-06-04 23:42:31 UTC
According to the Sankara school of advaita, the Supreme Being is one undifferentiated 'consciousness'. that cannot be object of perception.

Sankara denied reality to anyhing that can be characterized, described or perceived in a subject-object dichotomy.

Sankara would use the word 'mithyA' (unreal) to refer to anything we see, hear, touch or talk about.

Sankara referred to Brahman as 'nir-viSesha-cit-mAtram-brahma' ie undefinable, immutable awareness.

Obviously SankarAdvaita is a naive, pseudo-intellectual simple-minded view of Reality.

Its mithyA / anir-vacanIyam doctrine denies reality to Individual Beings and the Universe, is simply naive and beats all common sense.

and Sankara says the Pure Consciousness that's the Brahman somehow injected 'avidyA' (ignorance) to Itself and believes It roams in misery in transmigration.

and someday it somehow wakes up and realizes Its own true self.

The mithyA-vAda is plain inconsistent and out-of-touch with Common Sense/ Ground Reality / vEdAnta/ bhagavad-gItA/ vedAntA-sUtras.

GauDa-pAda and Sankara just used a Buddhist type of illogic to attempt to preach pseudo-theism and non-sense in the disguise of vEdAnta.

If you are looking for something to amuse yourself, just study advaita. The SankarAdvaita gibberish will certainly not disappoint you on that pursuit.

The notions of the vEdic authenticity as Sadba-pramANa, the plight of transmigratory existence,and subsequent release from transmigration through vedAntic learning from a teacher, etc would all be unreal, untenable and absurd in the SankarAdvaitic .tradition.

This is because, per Sankara, the Brahman is unknowable and the Brahman cannot know anything else either !

and the current day SankarAdvaintins would belabor on 'gyAna-yOga'

which is an oxy-moron, because in their own view there's nothing else for their Boring & Lonely Brahman to know about and nothing else to unite with.

. Yet the SankarAdvaitins would still engage in some sort of delusionary pseudo worship of any god or deity that is deemed UNREAL after all.

All these multiple levels of 'reality' is just another non-sensical hypocrisy the SankarAdvaitins introduce just to deceive and confuse themselves and the ignorant people into somehow legitimize deity worship, though worship is deemed UNREAL in their own terms.

ADDITIONAL comments:

- That SankarAdvaita is the Most Popular or Most Influential does NOT necessarily mean correct philosophy.

Then you would be compelled to accept even the barbaric and no-brainer Savage Tribal Cults like Islam/Christianism/Judaism by your argument.

Unfortunately the SankarAdvaita Gibberish has become such a soceital cancer or bulldozer culty nuisance afflicting naive laymen nowadays.

- The various schools of Vendanta can in no way be described as Sub-schools of one another.

Each tradition has its own distinctly characteristic subtle nuances on the theory of ontology, metaphysics, consciousness, perception, epistemology (logic/reasoning), theology, bodandage, mukti etc.

and it is just plainly ignorant, downright rude, inaccurate and delusional to call them Subschools of 'SankarAdvaitism'.

- Each philosophical system has been in existence independently historically and has come down through generations since time immemorial.

So it's naive to state 'SankarAdvaita' was the Earliest First Tribal Cult and therefore it's correct and valid.

After all, for the vaidika-s the veda-s are ETERNAL, valid, real, unauthored, defect free, reliable means of philosophical and practicable knowledge that 's well rooted in ground reality and is vetted with common sense and that which causes no harm to the either the practioner or the whole world.

- If you believe SankarAdvaita is the oldest thought,

please wake up to the fact that often times in the ancient past even several ancient Brahmins such as Naagaarjuna, Dig-nAga and Dharma-kIrti confused themselves and others through post-Buddha gibberish like the anirvacanIya logic, their misconceived multi-levels of 'truth' such as - paramaarthika 'truth', vyaavahaarika 'pseudo truth'


So would you describe Sankara-GauDa-pAda-advaitism a sub-school of Buddhism ?

Check out:

- For the SankarAdvaitin, the vedas/SAstras are just mithyA (unreal). So it's just a Mockery to call SankarAdvaitins as vEdAntins.

- For the SankArAdvaitin, the word 'gyAna-yoga' or any type of yoga does not really apply.

This is because, in their view, the Brahman is a mere dumb inert conciousness (pretty much like a stone pillar)

and the Individual Self is a result of mithyA/unreality.

Yet the SankarAdvaitins use empty words like 'gyAna-yoga', 'karma-yOga', 'dhyAna-Yoga', 'rAja-yOga', 'bhakti-Yoga' etc just for propandanda to snare the ignorant.

- Last, but not least, just observe how these modern day the self proclaimed SankarAdvaitins conduct themselves in the real-world.

Just study their values, words, deeds, their eating habits, their leisure time activities, religious and social customs etc.

You would NOT be surprised to discover an ocean of disparity between their philosophical system , their speech and actions .

( on a side note, most of the current-day advaitins were once brahmins that polarized themselves to a kind of confused non-vedic-Saivism/SankarAdvaitism persuasion and suffer a split personality in terms of their ardent Rudra worship though iit is deemed unreal and advaitically nonsensical.

It is comical to see a SankarAdvaitin - verily the upanishadic undifferentiated conciousness - walk to a temple to only do self-spins frantically in front of a taamasic Rudra deity deemed unreal ! Sure way to drive the Rudra real mad through these insulting self-circum-ambulatory gestures !

This appears to be no different than the christianists and islamists denigrating Icon Worship on the one hand while also doing rituals with their cross, stained glass, or circumabulating the Kaaba or kissing the back-stones on the other hand !


There's no end to this Sankara-advaita non-sense !

Buyer Beware !

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.