Questions For Atheist?
2015-04-10 21:50:27 UTC
No disrespect just wondering what you think, Im Christian.

1. Do you think Christianity has something different to it then the other religions?
2. Why is atheist point back to the crusades and just very little bad things Christians do instead of understanding they donate the most amount to charity and help people on a daily basis.
3. If so why is it you feel christians force their religion down your throat?
4. What do you think of Evangelicalism compared to things like Catholicism or other protestant religions?
5. Why is it in science when ever they try to figure out something they will always disclose the idea of God.
6. Have you ever tried to have legitimate relationship with God? It requires faith.
7. Do you think real Christianity has a positive or negative influence on society?
8. What do you not like about Christianity?
9. What do you think of the bible?
10. My most important question is why do people like Richard Dawkins have so much hate towards religion? Its really not that bad and he goes really far with it do you agree with him?
11. Some evangelicals have called their beliefs a relationship with God rather then a religion what do you think of that?

You don't have to answer them all Im just wondering, by who ive met most atheist tend to be very deep thinkers so maybe you would like to answer questions. Have a good day :)
Sixteen answers:
D'Glester Hardunkichud
2015-04-12 22:25:06 UTC
1. Well, if all religions were the same, then there would only be one religion.

2. I don't. I understand that sometimes a group can get corrupted and can stray from the true message of the group.

3. Only few do.

4. Not sure.

5. If they had to take into account one deity, then they would have to take into account all the others. It is either all or none, and none seems more sound.

6. The reason I dismiss the Abrahamic God is the same reason you dismiss all other deities. Have you tried making a relationship with Vishnu? Neither have I.

7. Most people use Christianity positively, but it usually leads to some ignorance about actually science.

8. Ignorance.

9. Good book. I think Lord of the Rings is also a good book series.

10. He just wants the best for humanity, which is knowledge and truth. He just does not want people to be stupid.

11. I think it's like having a relationship with an imaginary friend. It doesn't have to be bad, necessarily.

It's actually good that you have respectful questions about atheists. I wish more theists were like you. Have a good day, sir.
2015-04-10 22:31:16 UTC
I'll answer some of those questions. A couple of them seem like they should be pretty obvious, like how all religions differ at least slightly.

You say "very little bad things Christians do," which is actually false. Certain historical events like the crusades are pointed out because almost everyone knows that it happened, and there is usually no need to go into explanation about how it was so terrible. There are plenty of other smaller acts that might even be happening as we speak, although I can't tell you exactly what they are.

Also, anyone can donate to charity and help people on a daily basis. No religious beliefs are required. The only reason why most of the contributions come from religion at all is because religion outnumbers atheists by a lot.

Okay, the garbage. There is hardly any fact in there, the book was written by men (you can tell because the grammar is terrible), some passages are too vague and ambiguous (resulting in various interpretations of the same thing), and people keep on doing the "this passage is a parable" excuse (making the Bible's authority rather weak). So many ideologies in that book are outdated, and no matter how anyone tries to interpret it (without avoiding it), the Bible contains some of the most sexist, racist, intellectually insulting passages I have ever seen. (Judges 19 is one I will never forget)

If you want to know why people like Richard Dawkins hates religion so should read his book called The God Delusion, then look at the passages he specifically points out, and you might find out why...
2015-04-12 11:20:03 UTC
1. No it’s as bad as the others.

2. No need to go back as far as the crusades, Christians have committed more recent atrocities. I think Christians mostly give to charities that further their own cause. What evidence do you have that only religious adherents donate more money to charity? No reliable evidence would be my safe bet.

3. I don’t feel Christians force their religion down my throat and if they did I wouldn’t let them.

4. I think the same about all religions and all their branches: morally corrupt and mythical nonsense.

5. You are obviously brainwashed. I’m a scientist and have spent my working life as one. I’ve never, ever tried to disprove the existence of any god. No scientist I know or have ever known has ever done this. I’ve never read a scientific article that aims to disprove god. I think things are far worse than you think: we don’t try to disprove god; we simply have no interest whatsoever.

6. Why would I try to have a legitimate relationship with a non-existent entity?

7. I think to answer your question I’d need to know the difference between real and unreal Christianity. I think all religions have a negative impact on society.

8. It tries to make people believe in a myth. It claims you’re born sick but must heal yourself. It makes you live a good life not for its own sake but by the fear of eternal punishment if you don’t. That to me is morally corrupt and not an example by which I want to live my life.

9. I think it’s a book. In the King James Version it’s a wonderful piece of literature.

10. If you think Richard Dawkins hates religion then again I have to say you’ve been brainwashed. I doubt that you have once listened to him. I would suggest that you watch the video on YouTube where he interviews Wendy Wright. If you’re an honest person, and if you’re a Christian you’re supposed to be, then you’ll find that Wendy Wright is the spiteful one not Prof. Dawkins.

11. I think it’s nonsense. It gives them licence to think and do what they like. It’s DIY Christianity. They are also often the most holier-than-thou attitude; whilst being spiteful, hated-filled bigots.
2015-04-10 22:07:51 UTC
1. No two religions / denominations are exactly the same. They all have something different than eachother'

2. Christians are more than happy to point out the good they do, so I leave that to them. I point out the stuff they rather sweep under the rug.

3. Because they do

4. I have a special dislike for Catholicism.

5. Its not just God, science doesn't consider any magical / mythical / supernatural possibilities. If it did it would never get anywhere. Science often works by process of elimination. The last remaining explanation that hasn't been disproven must be the correct one. For that method to work ALL explanations MUST be falsifiable. Otherwise Harry Potter did it ( or God did it ) could be the answer to every single question. If science considered "its magic" to be a valid explanation we'd still be living in caves.

6. I was Christian once, and I did actually believe God existed.

7. I reject your definition of "real" Christianity. "Real" Christianity is what we see from Christians everyday in reality. Real Christians are generally a hateful bunch. On the other hand hypothetical, ideal Christianity where everyone is loving and follows Jesus's example is not real because it does not exist.

8. The crap in the bible. It portrays women as inferior, it says slavery is okay, and it shows the Christian God as a evil dictator who's planning on torturing the vast majority of mankind for all eternity because we didn't do exactly as he commanded.

9. Refer to previous answer

10. Again refer to answer 8

11. Bulls**t. Basically a lie so they can pretend their beliefs are more than just unsubstantiated superstition. In a conversations I'd asked them specific details about their so called relationship until they admit that their relationship with God is about as real as my relationship with J.K. Rowling after reading Harry Potter.
2015-04-11 07:07:01 UTC
1 - No, It is a different fantasy, but ultimately it is a fantasy just like the others.

2 - Prescott Bush started the USO for American service men, but at the same time he was brokering loans for Hitler to continue WWII. That fundies donate to charities does not dismiss the fact that fundies are tortuing and murdering people - as we type - because they are "witches" and the bible says to kill all witches. That you donate to charity does not mean you are not evil incarnate.

3 - You were the ones who lied under oath in court - the oath that says you will tell the truth "SO HELP ME GOD" - to try and remove science from my class rooms and force your fantasies into my class rooms. You are the ones who INSIST that people you do not like not be allowed the same basic human rights you insist upon getting yourself. You are the ones who INSIST that you have the right to discriminate against people you do not like and use religion as an excuse.

4 - Just another fanatacism.

5 - Only to brain dead fundies.

6 - You either hear voices in your head or you do not. Most of those that do are in asylums on serious meds.

7 - It can have a positive influence on a person, but it has a negative influence on society.

8 - That the basis of that religion is based on a proven fantasy yet you INSIST upon forcing it into my life since that is one of the dictates of the religion.

9 - There are many good things said in it, but all of them are plagiarized from other ancient texts, so why not go to the originals rahter than the poor plagiarisms.

10 - Look at the hatred, the death, the torture and the murder that is happening as we speak TOTALLY for the cause of religion. ALL of the Middle East conflicts have to do with religion. Look at the countries that want Israel destroyed ONLY because they are Jewish. THAT is religion.

11 - Whatever fantasy that gets you through the day. the problem is when you INSIST that it is real and try and force everyone to have that same psychotic relationship.
2015-04-11 00:12:44 UTC
1. no

2. This is the argument relating to why blind faith is bad

3. Cos of blind faith, the bible says do it so they just do it

4. They tend to be the really stupid ones like young earth creationists.

5. Because science is not "poof god did it" and thats the answer, we (im doing physics at uni so yes im part of we) find out what happens and what causes it.

6. no as i have said faith is bad.

7. negative

8. Blind faith and teaching from a book full of horrid crap and unethical teachings

9. Q8 answer

10. Its not hate its annoyance at why religious apologists are so god dam stupid and say silly things.

11. They can call it whatever they want they still believe a book full of far fetched **** with horrid ethics.
2015-04-10 22:58:03 UTC
1. This question is very open ended so hard to give a simple and concise answer. Christianity is of course a bit different than other religions and even within itself varies in its different denominations. In the main sense it makes far fetched supernatural claims unsupported by objective, verifiable evidence though it is no different than any other religion.

2. I don't generally pinpoint the Crusades as what is wrong with Christianity or why I don't believe in it. If this topic does come up it would only be in response to assertions Christians sometimes make that their religion is some sort of special positive force when in fact there are really as many example of it not being as there are to support the assertion. The Crusades being just one of many.

3. Most if the Christians I know don't do this to any extreme extent and I appreciate that but there have been times that I can give personal examples trying to force people to pray in public settings (like schools) and being nasty and prejudicial towards those not interested. Trying to enact laws based on their religious beliefs forcing those beliefs upon or against people who don't share their beliefs. Heavy handed proselytization. Aside from personal experience historically there are many examples of religious intolerance and forcing said beliefs on people including Christian causing pain and suffering to others.

4. They often seem the least tolerant and most offensive and least educated of the groups but this an over generalization. Evangelicals are usually members of some denomination of Protestants though.

5. Science relies of following evidence not emotion or what some story or person claims on faith. So far no objective evidence validates God or religious claims scientifically.

6. I used to be Christian and how this would differ from making up an imaginary friend and convincing yourself they are real I can't see. I don't see faith lacking any good basis as always a generally positive character quality.

7. I think a mix of both. I think people with or without religion are just how they are. They are motivated to do things that are positive and negative as much with religion as without and generally end up behaving as the person they are shaped by their personality and life experience regardless.

8. Mostly I don't have strong feelings about it. It is just another of the many bizarre superstitious systems thought up by humans. Just as any of

the other religions though when its followers start justifying forcing their beliefs on others it becomes destructive and harmful. When it holds people back from embracing new knowledge because of what they prefer to believe on faith it is also not a positive force for society in my opinion.

9. Same as I think of the Koran or Bhagavad Gita or ancient Sumerian religious stories. It's an interesting window to the times and culture the stories emanate from. You can also get a feel for the evolution of said cultures from the OT coalescence of tribes to the reboot to better fit the new realities of a bit more advanced culture in the NT. Why anyone would just accept in faith its supernatural claims while easily rejecting those of other holy texts I don't get.

10. What about Richard Dawkins seems that hateful? I see way more hateful stuff coming out of theists.

11. Silly and pointless respinning of their beliefs to make themselves feel or sound different or more special.
2015-04-11 02:50:00 UTC
Because your claims are false!

1) The first person to produce a single tiny little piece of verifiable evidence for any god will become world famous and mega rich!

Academia states that in the absence of any sort of evidence of the existence of something it must be deemed not to exist until verifiable evidence is found - thus god is held not to exist pending some sort of verifiable evidence.

2) Biblical wars.




Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord. - Adolf Hitler

My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter.

- Adolf Hitler

As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people. - Adolf Hitler

George W Bush started FIVE wars in less than eight years stating each time that it was his "God Given Duty” and in 2001 even called it a Crusade!

Not his duty to the electors!

Not his duty to America!

Just his duty to keep slaughtering heathens for his god!

Christianity not only gives less but most of what they claim as charitable giving is in the form of tithes and collection plate giving. Time and again it has been shown that money given to the Church stays in the church and very, very little ever goes to the needy!

As for the rest of your question it is ridiculous to ask so much in one post!
2015-04-10 22:32:38 UTC
Questions For Atheist?

Enough said.
2015-04-11 00:09:26 UTC
I'm an atheist and ex-Christian. I answer all your questions here on this page I put up just for you:

2015-04-10 22:21:44 UTC
Something different? No two religions are completely identical. but all religions are wrong in espousing that non-existent things are real.

???? About what are you incoherently babbling? I rarely mention or think about the crusades. BTW, did you know most of the people murdered in them were Christians? The Crusaders mostly murdered other Christians.

Do you have EVIDENCE that Christians donate more and help more? Or do you just like to tell yourself lies that make you feel good about yourself? (Of course, more wealth is owned by Christians -- and many, if not most, of the people doing the mos tDAMAGE are Christains.)

Anyway, none of that has anything to do with the fact that your imaginary Sky Bully doesn't exist, or with the grotesque immorality of what Christianity says and teaches, such as teaching people that they are evil, that women are dirty, and sex is evil and wrong.

??? If so WHAT? I conclude that SOME Christians try to force your religion down everyone else's throats because I have eyes and ears. Religious fanatic politicians pass laws based on their extremely oppressive and morally reprehensible version of Christianity. Christians knock on people's doors, harassing us; or harangue us on street corners.

In the US, many say that this country is a Christian country, and try to force everyone to pretend that everyone here is a Christian. So I have EVIDENCE that many Christians DO try to force your beliefs on everyone. (Not to mention international missionary work, and prevention of foreign aid including birth control.)

What about them? Individuals vary more than the sects do. Catholics have done a LOT of damage -- especially their insane disapproval of birth control. And their abetting the rape of innumerable children.

But the Evangelicals are often among the most monstrous people around. Their hatred of everything good and human does tremendous damage.

LOL -- now you change the subject, to science. Most believers do not reject science. (Oh, but for "forcing down throats" and general damage, those few wing-nuts who prevent all young people from learning science is a HORRIBLE CRIME.)

???? About what are you mindlessly babbling? What do you mean "disclose the idea of god"? In the VAST majority of scientific communication, no mention is made at all of your imaginary Sky Bully. Science is the means for understanding the physical world. It doesn't study non-existent things at all.

LOL, having a relationship would require the existence of your imaginary Sky Bully. Read the book "Godless" if you want an example of someone who thought he had such a relationship -- and was a famous preacher -- who is now an atheist. I, personally, have not. But many have.

I see no reason to have mindless, blind faith that unreal things are real, or that irrationality is better than reason and fact. I think that's completely misguided, in fact.

"real"? LOL So, some moron on the 'net gets to decide which versions are REAL? LOL If a person considers JC to be divine, that person is a REAL Christian. As for positive or negative -- some of both. Some believers were inspired by their religious teachings to do good things, fight for human rights, study science, and so on. And there's been a LOT of damage.

Probably MORE damage than good.

If you were honest in wanting answers to all these, you wouldn't have jammed them all together, and mixed your propaganda into your "questions" -- so YOU are being dishonest.

Anyway, I've already mentioned some things I don't like about Christianity. If you weren't a moron, you'd realize that it's not about DISLIKE, but about ACCURACY and TRUTH. But you seem to have NO value for TRUTH.

Christianity is INNACCURATE. Your imaginary Sky Bully doesn't exist. Much of what it teaches is wrong.

What I don't like about it is the damage is has done and continues to do.

The Bible is NOT science, or history (thouh it has a little history in it). But it's wrong in much it says. Do you really need to ask us this? you couldn't figure any of this out?

If you wanted to understand Dawkins, you'd read his work, or watch videos of him speaking. Read The God Delusion or that book of essays -- The Devil's Chaplain? Anyway, I am not responsible for what anyone NOT ME says.

If you were capable of moral integrity, you'd have realized that.

Yes, religion really IS very bad. I haven't read everything of his. He did some really important work in coining the word 'meme' and in explaining evolution to the lay reader.

Yes, and evangelicals lie a lot about a lot of things. Whether it's also some relationship with an imaginary being, it IS a religion. Clearly it's a religion.

If your problem or your "curiosity" -- which you clearly are only PRETENDING to have -- is with Dawkins, then why not read or listen to HIM? I'm not him. I'm a different person.

I do realize a lot of believers are bewildered by this, and find it completely inconceivable, but I have a MIND, and I THINK FOR MYSELF, rather than having to mindlessly believe what I'm told to think.
Mr. Smartypants
2015-04-10 22:28:57 UTC
I was brought up Jewish though now I consider myself more agnostic (but Judaism itself tends to be agnostic). When I was a kid, I got tired of my Christian friends telling me I was going to go to Hell. They invited me to go to church with them and my parents encouraged me to go to see what it was all about.

Later I fell in love with a fundamentalist girl. I went to her Tuesday Night Bible Study and I was just totally shocked at some of the stuff that was taught. The people were very nice but I have to say I found the teachings very close-minded and arrogant. This was the time of the 'Reagan Revolution', when Christians became convinced that our founding fathers were all fundamentalists and meant for them to rule the country, to set their morals as a standard for everyone. Frankly I still think that's just a little dumb.

Being raised in a small minority religion, I was taught that Freedom of Religion means EVERYONE'S religion. Majority religions often think it means just THEIR religion (yeah, it's like that in Israel too. And all the Muslim countries too, of course.) This is related to the distinction some Christians make between 'faith' and 'THE faith'. The idea that other religions are just plain wrong, either stupid or delusions or just downright Satanic, so they shouldn't enjoy the same freedoms and rights. I think that's a very bad thing to teach a kid. ALL religions are a relationship with God. It's even the same God (I believe). Atheists have the same right to not believe as we have to believe.

Richard Dawkins' job is to explain evolution to the general public. His fight is not with Christianity or religion in general, it's with Creationism, being taught as a 'science'. Most of us have some patience with creationists but the Brits don't as much. They don't have politicians who mention God constantly and hint that God wants them to be elected. There are 20 or 30 high-visibility American spiritual leaders, and politicians, who say worse things about Atheists. Or Muslims. You just don't hear them the way we do.

I love the Bible,just on the level of literature. It is definitely one of the pillars on which rests all of Western civilization! But I was brought up reading different opinions and commentaries and I have to say it really rankled me to hear Fundamentalists come up with one exact interpretation for each phrase, as if the interpretation was totally obvious to everyone and, like, how could you doubt it? If you study Judaism you study the opinion and comments of all the great Jewish minds for 2000 years. They don't all agree! It's the range of views that makes it interesting, to me at least. I don't really have a problem with anyone's beliefs, but that kind of view is just not for me. I think some stories were clearly meant to be allegorical, some are 'legend', some are an attempt at history, as it was done in those days.

Hope I wasn't too offensive. Didn't mean to be. I feel the American fundamentalist movement has been co-opted, and corrupted somewhat,by politicians. It's the politics I don't like.
2015-04-10 22:34:56 UTC
1. Theology is Theology as it is the Theists who draw the lines and distinction. I for one see no difference accepting that the choose to worship a god in different ways claiming that their is but one while telling others that they worship a different god. 3. The crusades and that which was taken was not "donated" but absorbed by the church making the more of a world power. 3. No one can "force" a belief they can only attempt to ratify it through the sales of such for a "forced" faith or belief is not actually a belief or faith now is it. 4. Victimizing the downtrodden to validate ones faith or belief is wrong for your selling them hope which actually does not exist. 5. Science and the gods are not compatible nor do they conflict or compete for science is facts, logic and the search for proof where the gods are simply a belief being devoid of proof and only requires the dedication of the believer, his is precisely why it requires "Faith". If one truly has the faith then they do not require proof or evidence as their god resides in their heart and mind. 6. I have looked into many faiths, beliefs and religions as well as their organizations and followers so "yes" I have tried but chose to remain as I was born, without the need of the gods. 7. I will not address Christianity specifically as all Theology is synonymous to me. Religions allow man to feel comfortable in their lack of intellect in it's attributing an intellect to that which man does not understand. Theism itself does not hamper mankind but what which mankind has validated in such has done much damage to mankind. Ultimately we in our tribal need to be better than that tribe in the next cave are and will always be our own worst enemy. 8. I do not distinguish between Theistic sects. 9. I understand the bible and quran to be the writings of ancient men/man based in the morality, values and knowledge of their day but they are not of divine essence as much of what was written about Jesus and the times of Jesus was omitted by the church and that which was presented to the masses was selected and edited to present "their" version of a god in the fourth century. There is earlier copies which were dismissed as they did not validate the church as it is today.10. One associates hate with the choice to disbelieve which demonstrates the need to color your question to solicit a specific response. Mr. Dawkins has his agenda and it is "his" and while I have read his material explaining much I have also read much from science which has proven much. The bible stories have in minor ways been validated through archeology and other sciences but they have shown natural causes for and the elaboration of the stories written. Dawkins is simply stating that no intelligence exists that mankind attributed an intelligence (thousand of them through history) so that man could feel better in their ignorance. One needs also to understand that there is great comfort in the familiar and this is why some fight so hard to remain where they are in life. It is part of our human nature. Many need a faith or a belief but what they also need is to understand that not all will desire nor require that which they believe they have found. They should live their lives in the light of their faith/beliefs as a beacon for those who "are" searching to see not to sell or cheapen their faith as if it were a product. I enjoyed your inquire and wish you also a good day and a great life.
2015-04-10 21:54:13 UTC
1. no 2 what? oh, you're black. 3. Christmas, can I stop now?
2015-04-11 05:54:58 UTC
1. Yes and no. It has its Messiah, but fundamentally, they're all the same

2. I don't need to point back to the crusades or witch burnings. I only need to point back to the Holocaust, and then not that far back - to the Catholic led Rwandan genocide, or the African nations where Protestant Christian missionaries went to scare simple natives about witches - causing them to round up suspected witches and burn them alive. Or even the countries where both Protestant and Catholic missionaries, priests, bishops, and archbishops lobbied governments to give life in prison (after a public whipping) to homosexuals causing gangs to go around beating up lgbt. When Nigeria's Prime Minister was facing re-election after signing his anti-LGBT bill, which was unpopular among people, he went to the pope looking for an endorsement. The pope didn't chastise him because of the bill he signed into law He chastised those countries who withheld money from those countries that pass such laws.

(PS: Did you know that Hitler's FIRST treaty was with the pope, who agreed to shut down the Catholic Center Party in exchange for a monopoly on education - thus ousting the Lutherans and allowing Hitler to rise to power? Did you know that 93% of GErmans listed themselves as Christian on the 1939 census?

But I don't need to go that far back. Look at the guy in California who wants people to be able to shoot sodomites in the head or use any other convenient method to kill them. And look at that Indiana Law. Christians haven't changed. I still don't have the right to own my own body because of you. LGBT still don't have equality because of you. Yours is a very hateful religion and I think that Christians should start asking themselves why.

I do understand that they give the most money to charity, but I also understand what money is and how it works. You apparently don't have a clue. MONEY PROVABLY CAUSES POVERTY AND LACK. Not enough room to go into detail here, but if you understood what Jesus taught, you would know how stupid your position is on this point. Learn about money and what Jesus taught. Bring the two together. Then you will realize that giving fiscal charity rather than personal charity brings more harm into the world. Money is not a force for good therefore Fiscal charity is not a force for good. Care to see the PROOF?

3. when Christians legislate their religion into law forcing me to violate my ethics to follow your gross immorality, your religion is being forced down my throat. I don't care what you believe up to the point where your rights end where mind begin

4. 10 years ago I wouldn't have cared, but over the last few years, I've become anti-theist. Hard to believe. I used to be a devout Christian and loved my religion. There came a day when I realized that I realized that if the Christian god were actually real, it would ot deserve my respect. It is a cruel sadist.

5. Always is too strong a word. What's happening today is that thanks to quantum mechanics, we are discovering things that prove that the God of the Bible doesn't exist, but something else probably does, and it's SO wonderful. It's so empowering. It cannot appreciate worship and cannot answer prayers, but "mind" is so powerful because of it that we can manifest our wants -- just as Jesus said we could. The teachings of Jesus are totally consistent with the teachings of M theory. The teachings of Jesus are totally OPPOSITE the teachings of Christianity. Amazing times we live in.

6. Oh yes. I was a Christian until my 30s (and an ethnic Christian for 20 years after that). I was even born agaiin at 12. My favorite thing were the evening communiion hymn services. I really looked forward to them. I thought I had a relationship with God until I discovered the magnificence of spirituality and that which I can experience at-will by entering the NOW. I'm sure that's what Jesus called the kingdom of heaven that is within you. Now I understand that my "relationship with God" was mental masturbation - me confusing my own thoughts and emotions with God. Now that I have followed the new path, ego is gone - or largely so. With that, there is o more emotional sufferiing because I no longer confuse emotions with feelings.

7. I think that Christianity, like the other two Abrahamic religions are a plague on humanity. They are horrible. If there were a pill tht did to people what Christianity does to people, it would be outlawed. Looking at the USA red states, the most Christian states, people ther have the highest rates of

teen pregnancy



porn purchasing

bullying in schools


compare that with largely atheist Vermont that has not had a single case of school bullying or white cops shooting blacks in the back or anywhere else.

76% of our prison populations are Christian. Less than 1% are atheist. We know you by your fruit

8. I don't like that Christians don't know that they are bullies and that they are extremely short-sighted, thus putting us all in danger.

9. I love the teachings of Jesus, but the rest is dangerous crap. Look what it makes people do. If Christianity taught what Jesus taught, and left the rest alone, we could have peace on earth this year. It prefers the teachings of Pual & friends as well as the OT. The teachings of Jesus take courage to live by. The teachings of the others require cowardice.

10. You don't agree with him because you are a Christian and people don't like criticism - even if it's honest criticism. I personally think that he goes too far. He doesn't know a thing about spirituality but he criticized that too. As to his criticisms of the Abrahamic Religions, I agree with his points, but I think he could be more polite in his alterations. Still, I appreciate his presence on the stage because he gives so many courage to speak truth to Christians. You are looking at yourselves through rose colored glasses. Clean your mirror!

11. those who call their religion a relationship are lying. They are realizing that their religion is dead. They lost the culture war that they themselves declared against me and the rest of Americans that they disagree with. They are realizing that since the Internet, a lot of things that weren't knowable before are now known -- such as the Christmas story is a provable lie, as is the triumphant march into Jerusalem on a donkey, as it the crucifixion story. they realize that Israel discovered that the story of the Exodus (the first five books of the bible) are a myth rather than Jewish history. That's just for starters We are learning how to think, while places like Liberty University and Bob Jones U sell Ph.D's in Christian apologetics, that we commonly refer to as just more Christian lies. Christians as a group are very dishonest

EDIT: For hundreds of thousands of years, there were cultures that were able to live at peace with one another. They didn't believe in God, and never heard of Jesus, but they naturally lived as Jesus said to do. they were largely exterminated by the Christians i the last 600 years. They had total equality among adults, no private ownership of wealth, no money, no greed, no crime, no police, no prisons, no mental illness, no war (within their own tribes, though when they began coming into contact with Chritians and others who love money more than their god, they were attacked and forced off their land and into the horrible money system.)

In 909 CE, The Iroquois formed a league of nations - a confederacy - a democratic republic with democracy by consensus. It is the only such nation known in recorded history. Christians in Europe, who had devastated forest and field in unending wars, saw the abundance that the natives had and their Christian greed (that money creates) took over. Christians destroyed that utopian government.

If you have the courage or the stomach to read what happened in the Chritian invasion of the Americas, I encourage you to do so. Begin with the Spanish conquests in South and Central America as well as America's southwest. Compare and contrast the cultures who lived as Jesus said to - without knowing him - with the Christians who forced them to change their way, dress properly, worship god, and fall in love with inequality

The reason the indigenous peoples lived amidst such abundance is because they nurtured nature and never took advantage of it. They saw themselves as responsible for its care. We, on the other hand ransack the earth for profits. So now that we are facing and have already entered a mass extinction of all life on earth, I STILL hear Christians (and only Christians) saying that jobs are more important than saving the earth. I guess they think they'll be raptured before the effects of what we have done reach them. They're wrong. They are already here and because they don't know how money works, they don't know that the "tribulation" will not avoid America.

In fact, America now has more hunger than many 3rd world nations, and if we keep destroying our aquifers because of fracking and bad farming practices, we will have more thirst than Ethiopia. We have higher infancy death rates than many 3rd world nations. In every category studied, America, the Christian nation, is doing worse than any other industrialized nation and many 3rd world nations. That doesn't say much for Christianity, does it?

Have a good day right back at you. Sorry about the typos. My keyboard isn't working right. My kitty likes to sit on my keyboard so some keys need to be pounded to make them type. This causes some letters to come out double, missing, or even cause my fingers to jump to another key. I'll clean it up this afternoon.
2015-04-10 21:54:01 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.