“This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.”—John 17:3
The first requirement is taking in knowledge of God. Consider Jesus’ words recorded in John chapter 17. The setting was the final night of Jesus’ life as a human. Jesus had spent much of the evening preparing his apostles for his departure. He was concerned about their future, their everlasting future. Raising his eyes to heaven, he prayed for them. In verse 3, we read: “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.” Yes, their salvation was dependent upon their “taking in knowledge” of both God and Christ. That applies to us too. To gain salvation, we must take in such knowledge.
What does it mean to ‘take in knowledge’ of God? The Greek word here translated “taking in knowledge” signifies “to come to know, recognize” or “to understand completely.” Notice, too, that the rendering “taking in knowledge” implies that this is an ongoing process. To take in knowledge of God thus means to come to know him not superficially but intimately, developing an understanding friendship with him. A continuing relationship with God brings ever-increasing knowledge of him. This process can continue forever, for we will never learn all that there is to know about Jehovah.—Romans 11:33.
How do we take in knowledge of God? There are two books that can help us. One is the book of creation. The things Jehovah has created—both animate and inanimate—give us some insight into the kind of person he is. (Romans 1:20) Consider some examples. The roaring of a majestic waterfall, the pounding of the surf during a storm, the sight of the starry heavens on a clear night—do not such things teach us that Jehovah is a God “vigorous in power”? (Isaiah 40:26) A child laughing as he watches a puppy chasing its tail or a kitten playing with a ball of wool—does that not suggest that Jehovah, “the happy God,” has a sense of humor? (1Â Timothy 1:11) The taste of a delicious meal, the pleasing scent of flowers in a meadow, the vivid colors of a delicate butterfly, the sound of birds singing in the springtime, the warm embrace of a loved one—do we not discern from such things that our Creator is a God of love, who wants us to enjoy life?—1Â John 4:8.
There is, however, a limit to what we can learn about Jehovah from the book of creation. To illustrate: What is God’s name? Why did he create the earth and put mankind on it? Why does God permit wickedness? What does the future hold for us? For answers to such questions, we must go to the other book that imparts knowledge of God—the Bible. In its pages, Jehovah reveals things about himself, including his name, his personality, and his purposes—information that we cannot obtain from any other source.—Exodus 34:6, 7; Psalm 83:18; Amos 3:7.
In the Scriptures, Jehovah also imparts vital knowledge concerning other persons we need to know about. For example, who is Jesus Christ, and what role does he play in the outworking of Jehovah’s purposes? (Acts 4:12) Who is Satan the Devil? In what ways does he mislead people? How can we avoid being misled by him? (1Â Peter 5:8) The lifesaving answers to these questions are found only in the Bible.
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