Why does certain religions teach that you should not ask questions?
2006-11-15 09:12:36 UTC
I was reading a friends blog, and found that as a result of her asking questions she was seen as not a believer. Dont you think if indeed there is a god, knowing him, or her would be about asking questions. Just wondering.. And dont say that religion dosent do that. Where does the term god works in mysterious ways, this to justify our reasoning for not questioning.. And the church tells you to not question god. Well I think that it is very thing we should do
What do you think?
27 answers:
2006-11-15 09:15:14 UTC
Im with you, we should question to deepen our understanding!
Kia Extreem
2006-11-15 17:25:23 UTC
I come from a different school of thinking. I know that the Jews during WWII put God on trial for the Holocaust. That was enough to remove all doubt that I have rights to question, to wonder and to hold God accountable for the happenings here in creation.

Religions that dissuade a person from asking questions are usually false to start with. A person can't learn without processing information and it's hard to process if you can't adapt what's coming in with what you have already learned. When people are in control of the church and not God these things happen. What they're believe they are read is doubt on the part of the questioner, so that questioning would be used to disprove faith. It's just not so. Usually when people ask they aren't doubting God but the interpretation by the establishment.
2006-11-15 17:22:57 UTC
I am aware of several fundamentalist movements which are dictatorial in nature and take the stance you describe.

This whole notion of unquestionable theologians and dogma presents a rather cult like appearance and in fact are fanatical and intolerant of scrutiny.

The beginning of knowledge is the realization that a question must be asked and a prime tenet of teaching requires that answers are provided in response to questions being asked.

Therefore, I think that religions which teach that you should not ask questions are based on a false gospel and/or misinterpretation and/or misrepresentation of the sacred texts.

In either case it's not God who is being questioned. It is the person presenting the knowledge -- or lack thereof. For this reason, God teaches discernment, that ability to evaluate a given position and make up your own mind.

As children of the 'age of the fig tree' many will be deceived. Your willingness to discern what is being said and evaluate it of your own accord will help keep you from spiritual deception.
2006-11-15 17:22:54 UTC
I would think so, maybe that is the true test, to question. Maybe we are supposed to question everything about the Universe. Maybe if there is a God he has set up everything so vague as to be a test, like trying to find your way through a maze. Maybe he is sitting on some planet out there somewhere waiting for us to find him. Maybe that is the test of all intelligent life in the Universe, and those species that become intelligent enough to find him are spared by him from dying out and individuals of that species are brought back to life to hear and wittiness the truth about God and creation, wouldn't it be ironic if science is the one thing that actually saves us by some day helping us find God? Just another theory on the subject. I don't think it's any better or worse than anyone else's.
2006-11-15 19:01:36 UTC
If any religion doesnt let you ask questions run dont walk away from it as fast as you can !!!!! in the Bible many faithfull servants of the True God Jehovah asked questions like Abraham Moses All the Apostles we are encouraged to ask questions that how you learn and the Bible has a wealth of answers and Im sure if you Ask any of Jehovahs Witnesses they will answer any of your questions and show you from your copy of the bible where to find it also prayer is a good way to open your heart ask question thank and praise our loving heavenly Father hope this helps Gorbalizer
2006-11-15 17:17:55 UTC
Certain religions, pastor and churches will say "Thats just how God wanted it" and leave it at that. Its a power, and control issue. But if they were secure, wuldnt they encourage you to question it?

I was Baptist, and they didnt want me to question., But I did, and I found some of their teachings to not be as sound, or logical as I expected. Now, I am merely a Christian, and I believe the Bible, not doctrine.

I think if more people questioned and researched, organized religion would take a big hit.
2006-11-15 17:21:04 UTC
By asking questions we are seeking the Truth. Those that want to curtail ones personal knowledge are wanting to control they do this being threats of fear so they can have power over. How did they get so smart. They had to ask questions. Silence is golden. Once we ask the question from our hearts we listen for Gods answer. These answers come in many forms. A bird singing at a particular moment, a song on the radio, in your dreams, etc. Any one that threatens you not to be allowed free choice are in direct contradiction of Gods greatest gift to us FREEWILL.
2006-11-15 17:15:52 UTC
Asking questions and questioning God are two very different things. If you knew God, you wouldn't question His ways...though you might ask Him how many things could be, for there is so much we can't understand that only He can understand....though He continues to reveal the mysteries of life to us as we seek Him
2006-11-15 17:19:37 UTC
Well when I was a Christian my then pastor told the congregation to diligently "seek" the truth. Then, when I did that and found MAJOR contradictions and flaws in the bible and in what he was teaching from the pulpit... I got blasted and raked over the coals for questioning....Let's just say that was the beginning of the end of religion for me. I still tell people to seek truth, because it IS what set me free!
2006-11-15 17:42:48 UTC
1 Peter 3:15

"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect"

If you do not have the questions that you have for yourself answered, how can you answer anyone who asks you why you believe? We should know what we believe and WHY we believe it, not to blindly follow anyone and HOPE we are right.
research woman
2006-11-15 17:27:54 UTC
Matthew 7:7-8 tells us;

7 “Keep on asking, and it will be given YOU; keep on seeking, and YOU will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to YOU. 8 For everyone asking receives, and everyone seeking finds, and to everyone knocking it will be opened. Make your questions a matter of prayer to Jehovah God and he will help you to find the answers you seek.

We can see how important asking questions is by the statement below, because it can mean your very life.

“Seek Jehovah . . . Seek righteousness, seek meekness. Probably you may be concealed in the day of Jehovah’s anger.”—ZEPHANIAH 2:3.

Here is a link to questions often asked by interested people.

I hope you enjoy these links.
2006-11-15 17:17:56 UTC
Yes, I agree. When I started questioning as a teen, I was looked at as a trouble-maker instead of given answers I was looking for. That is one of the things that helped me to get away from the christian churches. So, I'm kinda glad I got that responce, it said alot to me spiritually.
2006-11-15 17:16:16 UTC
I thnk Jesus answered all honest questions

the smoke and mirrors type questions where the answers didnt matter... well He didnt answer all those

in the end being saved is related to 'recieving the love of truth' according to Thessalonians so truth matters

A saving leap of faith it would be a leap toward the light
Blondie B
2006-11-15 17:48:00 UTC
Who saw your friend as a non believer ..... it wasn't GOD.

All those people who don't want you to ask questions....are the ones who have followed blindly through the years and cannot give you the answers. Keep searching for yourself....
2006-11-15 17:15:55 UTC
I don't question God, I do question churches and religions! I think this is probably one church that I would leave!
Uncle Thesis
2006-11-15 17:18:06 UTC
Question everything!

If the belief is truthful will stand.

If the belief is erroneous will DESERVEDLY fall.

In Matthew 24:3, the apostles come to Jesus and asked a series of questions.

He stopped and took the time to answer them ...and in detail.

That's our precedent.
2006-11-15 17:15:43 UTC
If you ask questions, you're more likely to find inconsistencies and things that don't make sense in a religion, and you're more likely to stray away from it. The LAST thing they want you to do is ask questions.
tan e
2006-11-15 17:35:43 UTC
you are right,how are we going to clear our doubts if we don't ask questions?in what i practises we are encourage to ask and seek,first is to trust yourself and to rid ourself of evil thought,all this cannot be done by others but ourself,you will get the first hand experience and that is very important because what we seek for in life is wisdom,go ahead and ask,it is good for you
2006-11-15 17:19:29 UTC
The truth is, Satan and his demons are trying to turn us away from god. James 4:8 says "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you". The Bible thoroughly tells us to learn about God. How can we learn about him if we don't ask about him? By reading the Bible, we can learn about God.

Satan and his demons want us to draw AWAY from God, so they try to influence false religion. They actually use many religions to make people draw AWAY from God by telling them to just "take it as it is".

Try talking to Jehovah's Witnesses on the matter, they are quite insightful.
2006-11-15 17:15:26 UTC
Because they dont want to answer your questions it take time out of their day when they could be getting your money.
2006-11-15 17:15:24 UTC
That's usually called a cult, not a religion.
2006-11-15 17:14:31 UTC
I think we should be given the chance to ask questions. Unfortunatelly the tuth is some people want us to conform to what they think is right....
Jack G
2006-11-15 17:15:27 UTC
Easiest way in the world to stay in control!
2006-11-15 17:15:22 UTC
Not true. My religions teach us to ask when in doubts.
Learn about the one true God
2006-11-15 17:26:00 UTC
“This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.”—John 17:3

The first requirement is taking in knowledge of God. Consider Jesus’ words recorded in John chapter 17. The setting was the final night of Jesus’ life as a human. Jesus had spent much of the evening preparing his apostles for his departure. He was concerned about their future, their everlasting future. Raising his eyes to heaven, he prayed for them. In verse 3, we read: “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.” Yes, their salvation was dependent upon their “taking in knowledge” of both God and Christ. That applies to us too. To gain salvation, we must take in such knowledge.

What does it mean to ‘take in knowledge’ of God? The Greek word here translated “taking in knowledge” signifies “to come to know, recognize” or “to understand completely.” Notice, too, that the rendering “taking in knowledge” implies that this is an ongoing process. To take in knowledge of God thus means to come to know him not superficially but intimately, developing an understanding friendship with him. A continuing relationship with God brings ever-increasing knowledge of him. This process can continue forever, for we will never learn all that there is to know about Jehovah.—Romans 11:33.

How do we take in knowledge of God? There are two books that can help us. One is the book of creation. The things Jehovah has created—both animate and inanimate—give us some insight into the kind of person he is. (Romans 1:20) Consider some examples. The roaring of a majestic waterfall, the pounding of the surf during a storm, the sight of the starry heavens on a clear night—do not such things teach us that Jehovah is a God “vigorous in power”? (Isaiah 40:26) A child laughing as he watches a puppy chasing its tail or a kitten playing with a ball of wool—does that not suggest that Jehovah, “the happy God,” has a sense of humor? (1 Timothy 1:11) The taste of a delicious meal, the pleasing scent of flowers in a meadow, the vivid colors of a delicate butterfly, the sound of birds singing in the springtime, the warm embrace of a loved one—do we not discern from such things that our Creator is a God of love, who wants us to enjoy life?—1 John 4:8.

There is, however, a limit to what we can learn about Jehovah from the book of creation. To illustrate: What is God’s name? Why did he create the earth and put mankind on it? Why does God permit wickedness? What does the future hold for us? For answers to such questions, we must go to the other book that imparts knowledge of God—the Bible. In its pages, Jehovah reveals things about himself, including his name, his personality, and his purposes—information that we cannot obtain from any other source.—Exodus 34:6, 7; Psalm 83:18; Amos 3:7.

In the Scriptures, Jehovah also imparts vital knowledge concerning other persons we need to know about. For example, who is Jesus Christ, and what role does he play in the outworking of Jehovah’s purposes? (Acts 4:12) Who is Satan the Devil? In what ways does he mislead people? How can we avoid being misled by him? (1 Peter 5:8) The lifesaving answers to these questions are found only in the Bible.

For more information please go to
2006-11-15 17:16:43 UTC
what kind of crack pot church does she attend...she needs a change
2006-11-15 17:17:39 UTC
i really don't know about that.It s the first time i know about that.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.