The wise men or magoi as the Greek word is (practicers of magic) arrived 2 years later when Jesus was a walking talking young child living in a house. Matthew chapt 2. Herod had all boys 2 and under in the area killed in his haste to kill Jesus.
That isn't the only place in the Bible that prohibits it for Christians also.
1 Corinthians 10:20-22 does also and says these other nations worship demons.
1 Timothy 4:1-5 says Christians will fall for the doctrines of devils.
Rev. 22:15, 21:8 shows that all liars and those loving lies lose eternal life.
Matthew 7:21 to end of chapter shows that the bulk of Christians will be destroyed by Jesus.
There are many others.
People basically don't care. 2 Timothy 3:1-7 especially note 5 and 7.
They want to have a good time, party, relax, make money and get all the entertainment they can. They don't want to have to do deep Bible study, much less obey. They want human governments to rule them and think God's kingdom is only a mere heart condition (Isaiah 9:5, 7, Dan. 2:44, Rev. 11:15, 18, 19:15-18). But it is an actually government that is going to destroy man's rule of the earth to install Jesus as king along with his bride class who don't get involved with or fall for all this stuff (Rev. 17:2, 5, 18:3, 4).
Most Christians have not read the Bible in it's entirety. A study of the religious denomination, its origins, beliefs, etc. is NOT required for membership in most churches. In fact, they usually don't tell you much of anything except Jesus died for you until after you join and donate money. And then Bible stories that could be told to anyone or pop psychology type helps are the topic of norm, not deep historical controversial things like this.
The Bible is more widely read by atheists, non Christian religions, historians, etc. Archaeologists often use the Bible to locate dig sites or search for historical details/proofs of someone's existance or a city, artifact, etc.
But this life is the inheritance all get to do what they want. It is not our business to control, rule over or force others to listen or join. Nor is it our business to force our sexual morality, marital laws, etc. on those not in the faith. They are having their reward in full as the Bible says.
EDITED TO ADD: Christianity is not the same as Christendom. The latter had it's big start in the 4th century. Though even before that and in the Bible text, the apostles were putting out heretics right and left for taking up their own doctrines or other things (some made up teachings suited to the ideas, some wanted to be Christian, but return to parts of Mosaic/Jewish law, and other things).
The apostasy from true Christianity was expected, warned about and mentioned over and actual Bible Christianity is NOT based on pagan religions. IT is based on Bible Judaism (not popular Judaism which had/has taken up mysticism, numerology, Greek philosophy and other things).
To Been There Done That (or anyone interested) Hyslop's The Two Babylons is online as well as many of those other hard to find books.
At the lady who says "worship requires intent" a large extent that is true. However, falsehood, untruth, poison, etc. don't require intent. The Bible says that there are ways of a man (human) that are right in his own eyes, but the ends thereof are death.
While some of these customs are or seem harmless, many aren't. Many result in ill health and death. Such as ungodly sodomous sexual practices which are forbidden even between male/female Christian married couple (same sin whether straight or gay).
Big business/greed make many products, medicines, etc. which kill people and cause side effects, sickness, additional medical cost, lost wages/work, etc.
Worship of the God of the Bible is NOT about performing some rituals that please the doer. It is not about God needing anything (he doesn't need us at all). IT is about safety, about life/truth (having life and having it more abundantly free from sickness, death, old age, violence, stress/hate and all the things sin does that damage our life form). IT is about sound medicine, sound science, good and true government, eternal life and good health, etc.