What is the Great Secret of Alchemy?
Mmmm.... Cheese
2010-03-12 15:54:40 UTC
Alchemy wasn't a bunch of nuts trying to turn "lead in to gold" (literally). They simple had to disguise their beliefs (in codes using metals and elements) because if not, they would of been persecuted for going against the church (like Galileo). The word "Alchemy" is a combination of two words; Alah (meaning God) and chem (means - at that time- merging of metal. Later 'chemistry' was derived from the same word).

So what's the secret of "the great work?"
Ten answers:
2010-03-12 16:08:12 UTC

"As above, so below."

if one understands that, then perhaps one will understand Alchemy... or the intent behind it. i studied Alchemy for awhile but it was a beginning course and i did not advance very far.

i wish you the best of luck with your spiritual quest... and may Allah (swt) guide you... Insha'Allah.

it would be wonderful to transform the lead of ego into the gold of the holy spirit... by the Grace of our LORD. (Psalm 127:1)

(the Philosopher's Stone is sought my many... but who will tell of those who have found it... except through allegory and mystical writings...) - Matthew 22:14

warm regards...


edit: "Much silence and a good disposition, there are no two works better than those." - Muhammad (saw)

double edit: brother... we have a different understanding of the holy number 9. Ephesians 5:14 and 3:19... but as i indicated above... i am ignorant... for all Wisdom belongs only to God. Jude 1:25. good luck.
2016-04-14 15:15:20 UTC
Alchemy is just the roots of the science of chemistry. If there are any Christians about who make any further assumptions about it, then they have been misinformed. Alchemy has nothing more to do with the devil than does playing a good blues guitar mean having to sell ones soul at the crossroads. Although, I have personaly been told by more than one Christian that the blues is the devil's music. Oh well.
2010-03-12 18:04:08 UTC
'Secret to whom, we might ask? 'Not a secret any longer. I recall taking Chemistry in which the professor stated that Chemical Physicists, Physical Chemists, and Nuclear Physicists thought this notion of Alchemy curious, enough so that after having resolved that transforming one element into another can in theory be done, they undertook to try out their theories first hand in the laboratories.

A host of physical scientists took on Neils Bohr's and a few other theoretical physicists' postulates and theories and brought these to task in their chemical and nuclear research and development. Indeed, they did transform elements into others. However, with that successful demonstration, they concluded that the expense and degree of energy required to do so was decidedly cost prohibitive -- requiring tremendous energy in order to shift subatomic particles, and masses, and spins from out of their orbital shells and into whole different elements, which does thereby cause a given element to default to a lighter or more massive element, especially those elements that set close to one another on the periodic table: Gold (Au), for example, is somewhat proximal to that of Lead (Pb) on the periodic table when looking at the atomic number and weight of each, but not so close that an outrageous measure of energy is not required to cause such a leap.

"As on earth is it so above," thus we can say that alchemy might be used as a metaphor for the transformation and discipline and energy required to coax and facilitate the Common-man into becoming the Godman -- which input of effort, focus, and time, too, is even more so epic in proportion.
2010-03-14 10:04:29 UTC
Actually I been wanting to learn Alchemy for a while now but its really hard to find anything on the subject its like modern day society is keeping it away from people who really want to learn more about it I mean I find bits and pieces on the internet but they don't go very deep in the subject
Auntie Christ «stuporstar»
2010-03-12 15:57:02 UTC
Since the meaning of life is 42, the secret of alchemy is...

2010-03-12 16:00:18 UTC
The great secret of the work is that practising it gets you the special gift of dying of mercury poisoning.

Not much of a pay off, but it was at least a consistent outcome.
Consort▲of the▼Goddess
2010-03-12 16:18:07 UTC
"Alchemy is one of the cornerstones of the Gnostic Esoteric Work. In his writings, Samael Aun Weor unveils the secret of alchemy and discusses its importance in detail. The metals that the alchemists refer to are not things found in the world around us, but rather are substances found within our own bodies and psyches. The core of the alchemists' long and cryptic discourses, when unveiled, is a straightforward sexual concept. It consists of the transmutation of the sexual energies, or secretions, through the practice of the sexual act between husband and wife, but without ever wasting the sexual energies (i.e. never reaching climax or orgasm). The idea of intercourse without reaching orgasm may seem at first unusual, but if it is practiced correctly it gives us the ability to achieve self-realization.

In modern society the sexual energies and spirituality going hand-in-hand seems like a contradiction. This is not so, however, when sexual alchemy is performed correctly. A hermetic axiom states "As above, so below", and by practicing alchemy we are using the same primary forces of creation that the Creator uses in order to bring everything into existence, only we are using these forces at a different level of being. Through sexual alchemy we create the esoteric vehicles and virtues that enable us to reach the Divine. Transmutation gives us large quantities of energy. Instead of the sexual energies being wasted through orgasm, they are transmuted or transformed into a finer, more potent form of energy. The physical, psychic, and spiritual energies that accumulate through sexual transmutation are of an extremely powerful nature, and it is energy of this quality that we need to successfully progress in the Gnostic Esoteric Work.

Sexual transmutation through the practice of sexual alchemy has often been referred to in Gnosis as working in the "Ninth Sphere." The number 9 esoterically represents the work with the sexual energies. Card number 9 of the tarot, "The Hermit", signifies the alchemical work. The 9th sephiroth of the Kabballistic Tree of Life is Jesod. Jesod means "Foundation", and it is in this sephiroth that the sexual forces, which are the living foundation of our physiology, gravitate. The Gnostic teachings stress that it is impossible to attain self-realization without working in the Ninth Sphere. Birth, one of the 3 Factors for the Revolution of Consciousness, denotes the creation of those vehicles and virtues that enable us to achieve "yoga", or union, with the Divine. To "be born", however, is an entirely sexual matter, and involves working in the Ninth Sphere.

Awakening of the Kundalini: One of the main objectives of the alchemical work is the awakening of the Kundalini, that powerful, serpentine energy of Oriental philosophy that is found at the base of the spine. The Kundalini is currently found dormant in most people, but it is only through its awakening and subsequent ascent through the spinal canal that it is possible to achieve true Birth. As the Kundalini ascends, vertebra by vertebra, through each of our lunar bodies, it results in the awakening of the spinal chakras, the creation of the solar bodies, and the manifestation of inner virtues. To awaken the Kundalini, and to subsequently keep it ascending, requires great amounts of energy. This energy is obtained only through the practice of sexual alchemy. Contrary to what many schools believe, meditation alone is inadequate to awaken the Kundalini. The Kundalini is sexual in nature, and meditation, although being a very powerful technique to obtain information, cannot provide the quantity nor the quality of energy needed to awaken the Kundalini and make it rise along the spine.

The Merits of the Heart and the Ascent of the Kundalini

The awakening and ascent of the Kundalini is governed by certain universal laws that must be adhered to. These are not blind or mechanical laws, but rather conscious laws. The Kundalini is under the control of the Divine Mother and the fires of the heart, and only develops through work in the Ninth Sphere and by the merits of the heart. These are merits obtained through a process of sanctification and purification. The Kundalini will not rise even by a single vertebra if the merits of the heart required for that vertebra are lacking. These merits are obtained through the daily observation, comprehension, and elimination of the negative psychological elements constituting our ego. By disintegrating these psychological defects a degree of consciousness is freed, and virtues opposite to the eliminated defects are then manifested. This disintegration process, however, requires a special kind of energy. This energy is to be obtained through sexual transmutation and working in the Ninth Sphere. In addition, sacrifice for humanity is required in order to earn the "cosmic capital" which gives us the right to eliminate the ego and obtain the merits of the heart. Currently we all have many karmic debts, and we pay back these debts through sacrifice for humanity. This is why the Three Factors for the Revolution of Consciousness (Birth, Death, and Sacrifice) are absolutely necessary for spiritual growth, and why we must practice them in a balanced manner.

A complete study of alchemy, the Ninth Sphere, the Kundalini, and the merits of the heart involves a great deal of further explanation, much more than can be presented in just a few paragraphs. The investigation of these topics requires both intellectual and intuitive comprehension, and also a need to change out way of thinking and feeling. This is done in a gradual manner and with an open mind. Through the practice of the psychological techniques that Gnosis offers, we become more receptive and increase our ability to grasp the profound concepts contained in the Gnostic Doctrine."
Ghost Wolf
2010-03-12 15:56:26 UTC
"Alchemy, originally derived from the Ancient Greek word khemia (Χημία)meaning "art of transmuting metals", which has its routs in the persian word, "Kimiya" meaning treasur, later arabicized as al-kimia (الكيمياء)"

You were saying?
Nerdlinger ~
2010-03-12 15:56:55 UTC
Your inner lead turns golden when you purify your consciousness.
Aonghas Shrugged
2010-03-12 16:00:30 UTC
If I knew, it wouldn't be a secret any more, right?!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.