About the holy trinity, I think I may get it now...?
2009-07-06 06:49:51 UTC
I've had problems with this concept ever since confirmation classes, as a matter of fact, the Rev. at the church (named Holy Trinity no less) asked me to leave way back when because I couldn't get it & wouldn't pretend to...

No offence intended by this comparison, but tell me if I'm on the right track...the Holy Trinity is kind of like the "Great Link" on DS-9, right? When the shape shifters are all 1, they are a different entity, but when 1 leaves the Link, it has its own identity like the Father, Son, or Holy Ghost?

Please, again no offence is intended here by comparing religious concepts to sci-fi, I am just trying to put it in terms I can I close?
Seventeen answers:
2009-07-06 06:58:10 UTC
It's okay to try and put things into terms that you can grasp.

I seriously doubt God would be so petty as to be insulted by it. :)
Whoa D
2009-07-06 14:12:33 UTC
Understand the Trinity in a simple way. It is just another word for God. Jesus explained that God is One. If he meant there was just one God he would've spoke it that way. But what he was telling you is that he and his Father are One. They are both God and the same with the Holy Spirit. God is One. When you hear the word Trinity, its like hearing the word God. They are all apart of the same body. And now us believers can be one with God just as Jesus was. Whoever serves Jesus will be loved by the Father and will have the Holy Spirit. Therefore we too are one with God.

Also think of the devil. He wants to clone God and be like him. So he will set up a false trinity. He will be the head of it as the dragon, then he will raise up the antichrist, and the false prophet. This will be the false trinity or the false god. Those who don't understand the Trinity probably just lack understanding of the scriptures.
2009-07-06 13:55:30 UTC

The Bible shows that all the many forms of false religion are part of “Babylon the Great.” (Revelation 17:5) That name calls to mind the ancient city of Babylon, where false religion started up after the Flood of Noah’s day. Many teachings and practices now common in false religion originated long ago in Babylon. For example, the Babylonians worshiped trinities, or triads, of gods. Today, the central doctrine of many religions is the Trinity. But the Bible clearly teaches that there is only one true God, Jehovah, and that Jesus Christ is his Son. (John 17:3) The Babylonians also believed that humans have an immortal soul that survives the body after death and can suffer in a place of torment. Today, belief in the immortal soul or spirit that can suffer in hellfire is taught by most religions.
2009-07-06 14:15:18 UTC
he was wrong to ask or tell u to leave dead wrong.... the trinity is a man made way to say they are three its not bible and to understand is to simply believe the are one not seperate 1 john 5:7there are three that bear record in heaven, the father the word, and the holyghost:AND THESE THREE ARE ONE. the word is jesus shown in john 1:1 in the begining was the word and the word was with god AND THE WORD WAS GOD then in verse 14. and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us in matt 1:18 it says mary was found with the child of the HOLYGHOST which would be impossible since we know jesus is the son of GOD but it corect because they are the same also shown in matt 1:20 for that which is concieved in her is of the HOLYGHOST.......god is a spirit the holyghost is a spirit the word was a spirit untill he took form in the flesh as jesus jesus is considered the son which is a title he couldnt be a father because he didnt have any kids he couldnt be a mother a wife or a daughter because he wasnt born a woman his title had to be a son because he was born under a woman (Mary) and a man ( GOD) to understand is to simply believe i hope this helps
null n
2009-07-06 14:11:34 UTC
The reason you've had problems with it is because the bible teaches nothing of a trinity. Jesus is God's son, separate from God. God's holy spirit is his active force. If you'd like the scriptures, you can contact me. They all throughout the bible. Jesus himself said that he was not equal to his father.


THROUGHOUT the ancient world, as far back as Babylonia, the worship of pagan gods grouped in threes, or triads, was common. That influence was also prevalent in Egypt, Greece, and Rome in the centuries before, during, and after Christ. And after the death of the apostles, such pagan beliefs began to invade Christianity.

Historian Will Durant observed: "Christianity did not destroy paganism; it adopted it. . . . From Egypt came the ideas of a divine trinity." And in the book Egyptian Religion, Siegfried Morenz notes: "The trinity was a major preoccupation of Egyptian theologians . . . Three gods are combined and treated as a single being, addressed in the singular. In this way the spiritual force of Egyptian religion shows a direct link with Christian theology."

The people who support the trinity cannot themselves fully explain it.

Thousands of times throughout the Bible, God is spoken of as one person. When he speaks, it is as one undivided individual. The Bible could not be any clearer on this. As God states: "I am Jehovah. That is my name; and to no one else shall I give my own glory." (Isaiah 42:8) "I am Yahweh your God . . . You shall have no gods except me." Exodus 20:2, 3, JB.

JESUS called God "the only true God." (John 17:3) Never did he refer to God as a deity of plural persons. That is why nowhere in the Bible is anyone but Jehovah called Almighty. Otherwise, it voids the meaning of the word "almighty." Neither Jesus nor the holy spirit is ever called that, for Jehovah alone is supreme. At Genesis 17:1 he declares: "I am God Almighty." And Exodus 18:11 says: "Jehovah is greater than all the other gods."

The teaching of the trinity is strongly entrenched in Christendom, which is why people hold so strongly onto it, even if you prove to them directly from God's word that it is a pagan teaching. People have twisted the scriptures to support their beliefs, and alienated many seeking an accurate understanding in the process. Many will not like this post, but God is a God of truth, and he wants people to seek truth.
2009-07-06 14:10:18 UTC
Actually, an easier way to explain the trinity is by comparing the trinity to a clover leaf. Most have three leaves and each leaf represents one of the three persons, in which God is revealed to us, in one plant.
jaime d
2009-07-06 14:02:29 UTC
They are all one and all equal yes. But they each have their own separate body and own specific purpose but They all work together as one because They are one. That's not right, they made you leave for not getting it. It's a very difficult concept and they shouldn't act like they understand it so well like they know everything, good that you don't pretend you knew it. That's cool.
2009-07-06 13:56:00 UTC
Sounds pretty good to me. Gene Roddenberry had a lot of theological ideas in his movies and TV shows. I think Gene was gone by the time DS-9 came around though.
2009-07-06 14:47:01 UTC
I explain the Trinity in the following way:

God - energy being

Jesus - physical manifestation of that energy

Holy Spirit - the power of inspiration, communication of ideas, thoughts

Person/body - physical being

Soul - immortal energy

Mind- the power of inspiration, communication of ideas, thoughts.
2009-07-06 14:00:46 UTC
I think this is closer:

I said, I am God’s Son [...]" (John 10: 36)

- - Jesus Christ

"And a voice came from heaven: "You [Jesus] are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased." (Luke 3:21-22)

- - Almighty God

"Why do you call me good? Nobody is good, except one, God."

- - Jesus Christ (Mark 10:18.)

God (who's name in the bible is revealed to be Jehovah (YHWH) and Jesus are two different people. The bible says that Jesus and His father are not equal. In heaven, AFTER his resurection, NOW IN HEAVEN scripture says that

" ...Christ has authority over every man, [....], and God has authority over Christ." ***

-- I Cor 11: 3 : GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)

***Does ice have authority over water? Does the Yolk have authority over the egg white? Does that make sense to you?

We know this is true because the bible says there was a time when Jesus did not even exist because he was created by his father, God. (See Revelation chapter 3 verse 15). The father however has always existed.

Another reason we know Jesus must be a different person from his father is because there are some things that the Father knows that he hasn't told his son (Matthew 24: 36).

Jesus is indeed a "mighty god" (see Isaiah chapter 9 verse 6) but he is NEVER referred to as ALMIGHTY God; so Jesus is very powerful but not as powerful as his father; in fact the bible says that Jesus has a God, and his God is his Father (see Romans 15; 6)
General Dogbitz
2009-07-06 13:56:02 UTC
not in the slightest. the concept of the trinity is a third or fourth century attempt by man at to explain something which defies logic or rationality and which doesnt exist.
2009-07-06 14:06:24 UTC
It's just another mythological delusion so whatever it takes for you to understand it is fine, including comparison to another fiction.

Or you could stop wasting your mental and emotional energy on this two-thousand-year-old myth and live in the here and now.
2009-07-06 13:53:51 UTC
The concept of the Holy Trinity is a fine example that proves Jesus is not the messiah. There is only one true God, not 3.

Does that make sense?
2009-07-06 13:57:40 UTC
The trinity is a euphemism for polytheism for the blind, those without eyes to see or ears to hear, created by self-arrogated authorities called clergy and unquestioningly accepted by others likewise blind.
2009-07-06 13:57:46 UTC
see if trinity was god.and trinity is not confusing for u only there r many ppl who r confused. and ur bible says that god is NOT the author of confusion. but this concept of god only creates confusion. therefore trinity is wrong it is not true
Pastor Biker
2009-07-06 13:55:36 UTC
try looking at it like this....I must acknowledge that the following object lesson is only an attempt to comprehend the Trinity. Any explanation of the Trinity falls short of the magnificent reality of God being three unique Persons, and at the same time One Person! Ultimately, it requires faith to accept what God says in his Word to be true.

Props: water, ice, jar with water in it and covered in plastic, and/or a cup of hot water. Allow the water in the jar to set for a few hours in the heat so that water droplets form on the inside of the plastic top.

God In Three Persons:

The Bible teaches us that God is three unique persons, yet he is ONE GOD. He is God the FATHER, God the SON (JESUS), and God the HOLY SPIRIT. We call this the Trinity*, or triune nature of God*. This is hard to understand, even for adults. However, water is a great example of how something can be three different things, and at the same time remain one thing. Water can be a liquid, a solid (ice), and a gas (vapor/steam).

Show the different props as you name the different states of water. When you get to gas, show the jar with water droplets and explain that the water is vaporizing or becoming a gas. You cannot see the process of water turning into a gas, only the effects of the gas after it rises to the top and lands on the plastic. You can also use a hot cup of hot water and allow the children to feel the warm steam rising to touch their hands.

Even though there are three uniquely different states of water, (liquid, solid, and gas) they are still water. In the same way, these states of water can remind us of the triune nature of God.

The solid form of water (ice) reminds us of God the FATHER. Ice is hard. It is solid. In the same way, God the FATHER is our solid foundation. ("Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you." Psalm 89:14)

The liquid form of water reminds us of God the SON. Water is useful for cleansing. In the same way, God the SON, died on the cross to cleanse us of our sin. ("How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!" Hebrews 9:14)

The gas form of water reminds us of God the HOLY SPIRIT. Gas cannot be seen, but you can see the effects of it. As we did when we saw the water droplets on the plastic, or felt the warmth of the steam from the hot water. In the same way, the HOLY SPIRIT cannot be seen, but the effects of his presence can be seen and felt in our lives as the HOLY SPIRIT works to make his will known to us and to change us to be more like him. ("I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you. John 16:12-15 )

The next time you drink a glass of water, or eat an ice cube, or feel the effects of steam, let this lesson on water remind you that God is three Persons in One!

* The Bible never mentions the word, trinity, or triune nature of God. However, there are plenty of references to the trinity. Here are just a few:

Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

John 1:1-2, 14 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made...The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.

Matthew 1:23 "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel" --which means, "God with us."

John 14:9,11 "...Anyone who has seen me (Jesus) has seen the Father...Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me..."

John 14:25-26 "All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you."

Ephesians 1:13-14 "And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession--to the praise of his glory.

Colossians 1:15-20 "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created
2009-07-06 13:54:39 UTC
"Trinity — a three for one sale on deities."

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.