Hope I'm received well here, as I usually traffic the LGBT sect, but to get the best answer religion? ?
Granny Gum
2008-11-24 17:56:56 UTC
This is in no way a hate question, and please do not say this and that about my sexuality. I believe in our heavenly father and I know where I stand, and do not need a preacher with his hand on a plate wanting payment for telling me if I'm sinning or not. God knows me, and is in my heart, and he will be the one to judge me in the end and no one else. So please just answer the question and enlighten me if you would care to.

When our Father created man in the garden of Eden, by what did he go by? The Bible teaches me that it is by his own image. What did he have to go by, being to my understanding, he has no image, but is the Holy Spirit.

I thank each and everyone of you that answer. I would also like to add God Bless you all.
22 answers:
2008-11-24 18:05:14 UTC
According to Judaism, Adam and Eve were created joined, back to back or side to side. In His image, masculine and feminine, joined together as one.

This would tell ME at least, that God has both masculine and feminine aspects, qualities, and that we were created to mirror those qualities.

I think human beings are created all along a huge scale of male and female energy, and that males contain some female energy and that females contain some male energy as well.

What percentage of each, is totally individual as God created each person to have what they need in order to complete whatever mission they came here to do.

This is why we cannot judge anyone else for having a different amount of male or female energy than someone else does. How the hell do WE know what that person needs? No way to know, let them do what they came here to do.
2008-11-24 19:01:04 UTC
The word image in the Hebrew text is the same word as likeness. Man before the fall was made in the image or likeness or pattern of appearance as God. After the fall of man, that image was marred from it's original creation because man was not created with sin imputed to him. Because man has freewill, he has a relbellious nature which is sinful in God's eyes and therefore he (man) has a sinful nature. It is true that God is Spirit because God is not earthly. He is in heaven which is a spiritual world and a world we cannot see into in a flesh body. Once we leave these flesh bodies, we can and will see God and see Him in His temple according to scripture. The only way we can see God is to leave this life and go to the afterlife where God is in His heaven.
2008-11-24 19:00:10 UTC
There were three powers in force in the creation of life as we know it. God (the architect) Jesus/The Word (in his prehuman existence as God's Master Worker - think project manager here) and Gods Holy Spirit (the active force - think the energy of a multidimensional being entering time and space). When God is recorded as saying "Let us make man in OUR image" he is speaking to The Word, and their collaboration was the basis for Adam, a self-referencing, conscious, loving being with the capacity for highly developed thought, creativity, a full range of emotions, and the ability and passion for stewarding the world around him.Thus he would be a reflection of the Grand Architect and his collaboration with the Master Worker.

Also in his original / perfect state Adam would have had the capacity to work with Holy Spirit in a way that we cannot do yet today. I say this because Jesus, spoken of as the "second Adam", used Holy Spirit on a regular basis after being anointed at his baptism to do a number of things we today call miracles including: raising the dead, calming the seas/controlling weather, healing the sick, feeding the masses with impossibly small starting rations.

All of these events seem to have required God's approval since Jesus could not determine his own end as evidenced by the prayer in the Garden where he asks that the cup be taken away then adds "... but let not my will, but Your will be done". Thus the voice in Genesis was talking to another entity with free will not just Himself in the mirror so to speak. (Though this line of reasoning blows holes in the Trinity, since it implies that God and Jesus were of two different minds, there are so many other places the trinity defies logic I doubt it will bug anyone who believes it to add one more :) I would also guess that this is why it was Jesus/The Word who came as a propititory sacrifice to buy back what Adam had lost and not one of the other angels or archangels. As project manager he would have more than just a passing intrest in the outcome.

So in answer to your question I would say, imagine if you as an artist wanted to collaborate with a craftsmen to create an object that perfectly reflected your image and theirs. what would it look/do/feel like? The only difference here is that God had the luxury of being able to create that artwork as a living being that could reproduce and care for life itself.

My two cents for what its worth.

Hope this helps.
2008-11-24 18:05:39 UTC
If you read the bible in Genesis you will notice the pronoun we pop up all over the place. Take for instance Genesis 1:26. "Then God said, 'Let US make man in OUR image, in OUR likeness . . . so God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created man." God does have an image. The only thing about it thought is that he is too holy and pure to be seen by human eye's. That's why when he appeared to Moses, he made Moses hide in a cave. God does have an image and I believe that Adam was created in his image.
2008-11-24 18:03:35 UTC
Hey, that's a good question, so I'll give you the best answer I can. I have read the bible, it isn't part of my chosen religion... but maybe that passage has a deeper meaning. I hope I can explain this well enough... here goes: God has no image, but he created us in his image. Maybe the bible wasn't trying to say physical image, but a spiritual one, like God and humankind both have souls, we both feel love, etc. Just a thought I had, inspired by reading your question :)
2008-11-24 18:23:15 UTC
God does have a personage although none have seen him "yet" including those who now worship around His throne. The Holy Spirit is separate, who is the active-working hand of God. As I understand it, a separate intellect, "searching" the mind of God. It is the Holy Spirit that is a helps to us as we struggle here and now. The time is coming when He will not always be. Jesus is also a separate personality of the same person who, is at the right hand of the father making intercession for us. In other words reminding God "the father" that your sins and mine are covered by His sacrifice of blood. Trinity is a difficult concept for us all.

I hope this helps.....

Thank you for your profession of faith and insight as to the burden you bear. I encourage you to find somewhere to belong that you may be fellowshiped by others who will love you.
2008-11-24 19:01:49 UTC
Jeffery Springer is correct & also initially there was a man & a woman, her name was Lilith she was cast from heaven 'cause she wouldn't bow down to Adam as her superior so God made her into a daemon, then God took one of Adams lower ribs & made Eve & she was subservient to Adam & Followed Gods word, except she was gullible & did what the snake told her to do & got humans kicked out of the garden forever.
2008-11-24 18:04:37 UTC
Well in my opinion, there are two possibilities. And I'm just a teenager so I'm probably wrong.

One is that either God looks human-like but is completely different in that he is infinitely superior. Or that he imagined the human structure.

Once again I am just speculating and probably wrong. Anyway God bless you, and know that whenever someone does something hateful toward you just turn the other cheek, as Jesus said that if one hates someone it is the same as murder (I'm paraphrasing here). No matter what God loves you.
2008-11-24 18:05:09 UTC
The Image is our spirit... our soul... our very being. These bodies are only temporary vehicles housing our sprits while they walk planet earth. We are modeled after love, kindness, generosity, intelligence, wisdom, truth, allowance... and all the negative crap? Well... guess we've learned a few things on our own since then...
2008-11-24 18:28:57 UTC
God created man like Himself. God is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. He made us three as well with a mind, a body and a spirit. He made us to be creative, like Him. He made us to appreciate, to love, to build, to desire, to need, to want, and a host of other things. He created us to provide, to nurture, to worry, to care, to speak, to write, to invest in and to hope for. We are like Him in many ways. We have the ability to choose. Just as He chose to be who He is, He is good.
2008-11-24 18:01:28 UTC
It is not necessarily a literal image. God created us in His likeness. Great Danes and Chiwawas are both dogs. They don't really look totally alike, but they have the same ancestor. They are both dogs. They have the same likeness. Like we are created in the likeness of God.
2008-11-24 18:01:17 UTC
There is more to image that appearance.

We received creativity, discernment, empathy, relational qualities and the like from God.
2008-11-24 17:59:56 UTC
Lots of definitions of the word "image."

Assuming "image" is the proper translation of the ancient Hebrew.
2008-11-24 18:00:58 UTC
This is where faith comes into play....the image he thinks of himself. With religion a lot of things have to go on faith! God Bless you and I hope you find your answer!
2008-11-24 18:00:56 UTC
It's a trilogy. Not just the Holy Spirit. God is a physical being up in heaven. So yeah.
2008-11-24 18:01:19 UTC
I believe that in his own image means, than God has hands, legs a face he is not a 4 legged creature , animal or fish. but that is my opinion.
2008-11-24 18:08:41 UTC
In that text, the Hebrew term for God is elohim; which is plural, not singular; i.e. there was more than one being there.
Smile Jesus Loves You
2008-11-24 18:00:55 UTC
God said, let US make man in our own image. US means Trinity which means Jesus Christ included...
2008-11-24 18:02:34 UTC
how are you so flippin sure? how do you know that this is all right? b.c a book says so? so do a lot of other books.... in so much detail... think critically.... and be happy with who you are instead of worrying about who you are.
2008-11-24 18:00:07 UTC
He created us with a spirit
Rossonero NorCal SFECU
2008-11-24 18:02:15 UTC
I reallyh don't know the answer to your question, but I wanted to welcome you to R&S.
2008-11-24 17:59:54 UTC
You have it backward. Man created God in his own image, not the other way around.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.