There were three powers in force in the creation of life as we know it. God (the architect) Jesus/The Word (in his prehuman existence as God's Master Worker - think project manager here) and Gods Holy Spirit (the active force - think the energy of a multidimensional being entering time and space). When God is recorded as saying "Let us make man in OUR image" he is speaking to The Word, and their collaboration was the basis for Adam, a self-referencing, conscious, loving being with the capacity for highly developed thought, creativity, a full range of emotions, and the ability and passion for stewarding the world around him.Thus he would be a reflection of the Grand Architect and his collaboration with the Master Worker.
Also in his original / perfect state Adam would have had the capacity to work with Holy Spirit in a way that we cannot do yet today. I say this because Jesus, spoken of as the "second Adam", used Holy Spirit on a regular basis after being anointed at his baptism to do a number of things we today call miracles including: raising the dead, calming the seas/controlling weather, healing the sick, feeding the masses with impossibly small starting rations.
All of these events seem to have required God's approval since Jesus could not determine his own end as evidenced by the prayer in the Garden where he asks that the cup be taken away then adds "... but let not my will, but Your will be done". Thus the voice in Genesis was talking to another entity with free will not just Himself in the mirror so to speak. (Though this line of reasoning blows holes in the Trinity, since it implies that God and Jesus were of two different minds, there are so many other places the trinity defies logic I doubt it will bug anyone who believes it to add one more :) I would also guess that this is why it was Jesus/The Word who came as a propititory sacrifice to buy back what Adam had lost and not one of the other angels or archangels. As project manager he would have more than just a passing intrest in the outcome.
So in answer to your question I would say, imagine if you as an artist wanted to collaborate with a craftsmen to create an object that perfectly reflected your image and theirs. what would it look/do/feel like? The only difference here is that God had the luxury of being able to create that artwork as a living being that could reproduce and care for life itself.
My two cents for what its worth.
Hope this helps.