How is it that the Jews have God's favor ?
Rolando C I
2011-06-03 19:15:45 UTC
If they have rejected Jesus as the Messiah up to this day ? Could it be that Bible students do not understand that God's favor shifted from a natural Israel to a Spiritual Israel ? Matthew 21:42
Fourteen answers:
'maters Granny
2011-06-04 11:44:00 UTC
Jesus told the Jewish leaders that Jehovah had abandoned their house. They not only denied Jesus, they offered him up to death. They are also guilty of Spiritual Adultery as they have forsaken Jehovah repeatedly in Biblical history. They continually looked to man for salvation. Nothing has changed with them.

There is a new Israel, Spiritual Israel. People need to read and study their bibles. Churches are short changing them.
2011-06-03 19:50:09 UTC
answer: YOU fail to understand that your NT has no relevance on Judaism, Jews and our ETERNAL covenant with G-d. Jesus failed to meet the criteria to be the Jewish Messiah.

Reasons Jesus was NOT the Jewish Messiah:

Divine birth/divinity (the Jewish Messiah will NOT be divine. He will be human.) G-d cannot become human: Deuteronomy 6:4, Isaiah 44:6, Hosea 11:9, Ezekiel 28:2, Numbers 23:19

Performing Miracles – the Jewish Messiah will NOT perform miracles but will accomplish them

Taking on the sins of others: no one can take on the sins of others: Deuteronomy 24:16, Exodus 32:30-35, Ezekiel 18:1-4, 20-24; 26-27

Breaking the Sabbath – the Jewish Messiah will be observant.

Sacrificed/Rising from the dead: G-d rejects human sacrifice and blood sacrifice is NOT an absolute requirement for the absolution of sin – Deuteronomy 12:30-31, Jeremiah 19:4-6, Psalm 106:37-38, Ezekiel 16:20, Leviticus 5:11-13, Jonah 3:10, Leviticus 17, Leviticus 5:11-13, Numbers 16:47, Numbers 31:50, Isaiah 6:6-7, Jeremiah 7:22-23, Psalm 51:16-17

Prophecies Unfilled – the Jewish Messiah will accomplish ALL the prophecies in one lifetime.

The Jewish Messiah cannot trace his lineage through Jehoiakim, Jeconiah, or Shealtiel, because this royal line was cursed (I Chronicles 3:15-17, Jeremiah 22:18, 30). But according to Matthew 1:11-12 and Luke 3:27, Jesus was a descendant of Shealtiel

Communion – the ‘last supper’ – No Jew would ever call upon followers and fellow Jews to even symbolically consume blood and flesh.

Jesus is worshiped – the eternal covenant between G-d and Jews is that Jews will worship G-d and only G-d and G-d does not become a man. Numbers 23:19, Hosea 11:9, 1 Samuel 15:29, Job 9:32-33, Ezekiel 28:9, Hosea 4:15, Malachi 3:6

thanks to What Jews Believe website, Mama P and tweaking of my own (Aravah)

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The actual prophecies about the Jewish Messiah

* The Sanhedrin will be re-established (Isaiah 1:26)

* Once he is King, leaders of other nations will look to him for guidance. (Isaiah 2:4)

* The whole world will worship the One God of Israel (Isaiah 2:17)

* He will be descended from King David (Isaiah 11:1) via King Solomon (1 Chron. 22:8-10)

* The Moshiach will be a man of this world, an observant Jew with "fear of God" (Isaiah 11:2)

*****In other words - this must all be accomplished in a human lifetime*****

* Evil and tyranny will not be able to stand before his leadership (Isaiah 11:4)

* Knowledge of God will fill the world (Isaiah 11:9)

* He will include and attract people from all cultures and nations (Isaiah 11:10)

* All Israelites will be returned to their homeland (Isaiah 11:12)

* Death will be swallowed up forever (Isaiah 25:8)

* There will be no more hunger or illness, and death will cease (Isaiah 25:8)

* All of the dead will rise again (Isaiah 26:19)

* The Jewish people will experience eternal joy and gladness (Isaiah 51:11)

* He will be a messenger of peace (Isaiah 52:7)

* Nations will end up recognizing the wrongs they did to Israel (Isaiah 52:13-53:5)

* The peoples of the world will turn to the Jews for spiritual guidance (Zechariah 8:23)

* The ruined cities of Israel will be restored (Ezekiel 16:55)

* Weapons of war will be destroyed (Ezekiel 39:9)

* The Temple will be rebuilt (Ezekiel 40) resuming many of the suspended mitzvot

* He will then perfect the entire world to serve God together (Zephaniah 3:9)

* Jews will know the Torah without Study (Jeremiah 31:33)

* He will give you all the desires of your heart (Psalms 37:4)

* He will take the barren land and make it abundant and fruitful (Isaiah 51:3, Amos 9:13-15, Ezekiel 36:29-30, Isaiah 11:6-9).

Thanks to Mark S, myself (Aravah) and Plushy Bear
2016-11-19 11:28:17 UTC
God does not love Jews extra advantageous than different communities of peoples (tribes, countries, ethnicities). For the checklist there presently is basically one race of human beings. human beings are available diverse colorings, statures, and so on yet in uncomplicated terms one race. it remains thought that there ever has been different "races" of human beings in history. What we do comprehend for particular is that there have been and are particularly some races of primates. yet I digress. think of on it this way, in case you have 7 brothers, somebody on your loved ones may be the 1st born son, top? ok, interior the custom/way of existence of the classic worldwide, the firstborn son had household projects to the getting older mothers and fathers, each so often grandparents, youthful siblings (beginning administration hadn't been invented yet) and if the Dad died, to the extra youthful sisters and mom. It replaced into the exception, no longer the guideline that othere than the eldest son inherited extra to pass along with his further household projects. that does no longer mean that the mothers and fathers enjoyed the 1st born ultimate/maximum yet he'd been raised to comprehend and do this job. Jews are like that interior the scheme of mankind. They have been created out of all the countries, to be a human beings particularly for God. it is not that no person else could comprehend God, or have a dating with Him. The Jews have been like "first born" and further duty replaced into placed on them. So, while Jesus got here, he got here to the Jew first. a similar Bible that tells of Jesus, have the 4 gospels and Acts and each of something tells of Jesus taking the time to fulfill and demonstrate himself as Messiah to the Samaritan (seen a million/2-breeds) female. Jesus exclaims how large is the religion of the Centurion (a Gentile aka non-Jew) and multiple different incidents. Peter is sent particularly to a house of non-Jewish human beings and then witnesses the Holy Spirit being given to them additionally (via faith in Jesus) just to make clean they are equivalent. Paul's entire ministry exterior of Jerusalem is with the help of the fact God does not favour Jews over others. Do Jews want Jesus? For what? For salvation? sure, of direction. Is Messianic Judaism faux? some Messianic Jews are. some are not. same as non-Messianic Jews, some are faux and a few are not. same as a large many Christians are no longer something of the type yet there particular have been some genuine ones and nonetheless would be some genuine ones each of ways as much as the tip.
2011-06-03 20:37:13 UTC
The notion of a "spiritual Israel" is non-Biblical. The Bible makes it plain that the Jews are the descendants of Jacob/Israel through the daughters of Israel's 12 sons, and those who convert into the religion of Israel.

Christians are not the tree, nor are they grafted into the tree; they are a completely different religion, and a pagan one at that.

The Jews are God's Chosen, His son, His firstborn, and they are these things because they chose God as their God.

In the last days, the Christians, the Muslims, and everybody else, will approach their friendly neighborhood Jew, grab the tzit tzit of the Jew, and say to that Jew, "We will go with you and learn of God from you, for we have heard that God is with you."

Zech 8:23. So said the Lord of Hosts: In those days, when ten men of all the languages of the nations shall take hold of the skirt of a Jewish man, saying, "Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you."

Ps 51:15 I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners will return to You.
2011-06-03 19:23:12 UTC
God's ways are not our ways.. God's thoughts are not our thoughts... The important thing for us to know is that those that bless the Jews will be blessed, and those that curse the Jews will be cursed.

Many Jews have accepted Jesus Christ as Israel's Messiah. As a matter of fact the first three thousand Christians were Jews. Acts 2.
2011-06-03 19:23:21 UTC
Because they made this religion up, obviously.

The Bible is a Jewish conspiracy. Christians are deluded under a powerful spell. Christianity is nothing more than a vicious program, with the goals of:

Forcing the Gentiles to give up all occult knowledge and power so all psychic power is in the hands of select Jews for total control.

Indoctrinating the the Gentile masses into pacifism and a slave-like mentality of servitude

Encouraging the Gentiles into giving up all money and worldly goods which is funneled into the hands of the ruling Jews and their Gentile lackeys like Billy Graham

Preparing the Gentile masses for a one world communist slave state with the ruling Jews in control.

Channeling Gentile psychic energy and prayers into the "Second coming of Christ" which is in reality the Jewish Messiah as any working of the mind must have a connection.

Cutting the Gentiles off from their own Tribal Gods and Demi-Gods, whose identities have been altered and replaced with fictitious Jewish characters. Our True Creator God has been denegrated, viciously and heinously insulted and blasphemed and relegated to the enemy of humanity.

"May his name and memory be blotted out."

-The Jewish Talmud

The list is endless and it is so glaringly obvious what was done. Now, we all know the Nazarene is fictitious. The Jews themselves know it and don't believe in him as he is a lie based upon some 20+ crucified "saviors" stolen from Gentile pantheons around the world.

I have put a lot of effort and time into researching the Bible, as so many people have serious hang-ups because of intense indoctrination with Christiainty and the psychic power that has gone into it. It is obvious the Bible is a hoax and a lie.

"We shall now endeavor to answer the question which must naturally arise in the minds of all who see for the first time, the similarity in the legends of the Hebrews and those of other nations, namely: have the Hebrews copied from other nations, or, have other nations copied from the Hebrews? To answer this question we shall; first give a brief account or history of the Pentateuch and other books of the Old Testament from which we have taken legends, and show about what time they were written; and second, show that other nations were possessed of these legends long before that time, and that the Jews copied from them."

- Bible Myths And Their Parallels in Other Religions By T. W. Doane © 1882, page 92
2011-06-03 19:17:39 UTC
Is it necessary for Jews to put faith in Jesus Christ in order to be saved?

Isaiah 53:1-12 foretold the death of the Messiah ‘to bear the sins of many and to make intercession for the transgressors.’ Daniel 9:24-27 connected the coming of the Messiah and his death with ‘making an end of sin and forgiving iniquity.’ (JP) Both passages show that the Jews were in need of such intercession and forgiveness. Could they expect to reject the Messiah and have the approval of the One who sent him?
2011-06-03 19:33:04 UTC
Romans 11.17 And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree; 18 Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee.

i am a bible student.

' Could it be that Bible students do not understand '

could it be that YOU do not understand ..
2011-06-03 19:20:51 UTC
I think Christians are just hedging their bets by being staunch Jewish allies, really. That aside, however, this question raises another question: If God's favour can shift so readily, what is to say that it could not shift again. I mean, I know the bible has prophesy for the end times and what-have-you, but if his favour for one people or another can change, what's to stop his plans for the end times? Doesn't a shifting favour suggest that the entire document is elastic?
2011-06-03 19:18:31 UTC
Every human tribe across the planet, has their own God/Creation story. They all have the same common traits of a god that favors them and created Territory for them.
2011-06-03 19:24:18 UTC
God doesn't favor neither jews nor christians. It seems to favor atheists, we tend to be smarter
2011-06-03 19:18:35 UTC
It's because everyone in the religious world wants to think that they have their god's favor. Religion is pliable like that.
2011-06-04 10:55:34 UTC
Because G-d made an eternal covenant with the Jewish people.

Gen 17:7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.

Gen 17:8 And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.

Gen 17:9 ¶ And God said unto Abraham, Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore, thou, and thy seed after thee in their generations.

Jer 31:36 If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, [then] the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever.

Jer 31:37 Thus saith the LORD; If heaven above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, saith the LORD.

I'm not sure if Christians in general just don't read the bible or if its a lack of faith that causes them to jump to such conclusions. It also appears that Christianity takes the concept of a "spiritual Israel" out of context. Not everyone who stood at Mt. Sinai were the physical descendants of Abraham yet they all became part of the covenant when they said "Everything that Hashem has spoken we shall do". (Ex19:8) It seems that Christianity would have us believe that those who have rejected the eternal covenant are the "spiritual Israel" rather than those who have accepted that covenant.

Also in the future many gentiles will choose to join themselves to the Jews:

Zec 8:21 And the inhabitants of one [city] shall go to another, saying, Let us go speedily to pray before the LORD, and to seek the LORD of hosts: I will go also.

Zec 8:22 Yea, many people and strong nations shall come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before the LORD.

Zec 8:23 Thus saith the LORD of hosts; In those days [it shall come to pass], that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard [that] God [is] with you.

Isa 56:6 ¶ Also the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the LORD, to serve him, and to love the name of the LORD, to be his servants, every one that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my covenant;

Isa 56:7 Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices [shall be] accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people.

Isa 56:8 The Lord GOD which gathereth the outcasts of Israel saith, Yet will I gather [others] to him, beside those that are gathered unto him.

When read carefully the prophets paint a picture of the future that is quiet different than the picture Christianity would have us see.

2011-06-03 19:19:16 UTC
To answer your question objectivity the Jewish people do not have our Creator's favor because of their disobedience and elitist mentalities which is the cause of the Jew hate throughout the ages.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.