All humans have far more than they reveal. Even as we continue to evolve, we need to make sure it is the direction we could go, not driven by primal urges alone.The more is usually constrained by confusion, delusion, stupidity profusion.
The whole point of SGI is to enable people to reveal their real capacities and develop them.
Most of us sulk around in our seven, or eight levels of consciousness and only rarely open up to the unlimited ninth.
Expand Your Consciousness
By Generalist
Just open up
There is much discussed about consciousness
The fulfillment of the desire for a happier life and a more peaceful planet requires that consciousness be expanded beyond the limits of material and power acquisition. Those just get in the way once they get substituted for virtue and wisdom. There is nothing inherently wrong with power, or with acquisition. It is the delusion that they are sufficient, and that any means are justified in securing them, which causes the problems.
The question is how to accomplish the expansion. Some opt for religion, others for intense learning, others for chemistry, and others give up and sink into hopelessness or into acquisition. That is what we are currently taught by the globalized governmental-corporate entities whose basis is the delusions I mentioned. The stories have changed through history, but the essence is the same. Subject yourself to the communal whirl of events and prescribed opinions, or be cast out, or killed.
Those approaches have been available throughout human history and have not stopped cruelty, or its ultimate expression, war.
What is needed is an approach that is available to all who wish it. An approach that responds to effort and intention, and also delivers real-life improvement, is needed. It must be based on truths that anyone can verify for him-erself. Fortunately, that approach was developed centuries ago. Consciousness expansion is only one of its rewards.
The power of intention focused with the right mental tools is amazing. What Isaac Newton did for gravity, the Japanese monk Nichiren did for all of life.
700 years ago, he already knew that after all assumptions are discarded, these few simple truths remain. I have listed the main points and the words in Japanese. They are capitalized for clarity.
1-Things are always changing, yet the underlying realities common to all life do not change. KYO
2-Causes produce effects. Sometimes this is not obvious because of the time lag between cause and perceived effect. RENGE
3-Life is both physical and non-physical. MYOHO. This is the term that includes the limited aspect of the perceivable and the unlimited aspects of the non-perceivable and their inseparability.
4-Humans have the ability to focus their minds and achieve great results. NAM
For example, cell phones, google Earth, and GPS to which we are so accustomed would be impossible without satellites in orbit. Yet, they could not be placed there by using the astronomy and physics that existed before Isaac Newton developed his laws of motion and gravity. His formulas are the basis of rocket science. This is an example of difficult and complex methods being replaced by elegant recognition and previously unachievable results being realized through the process of cognitive enhancement. There is no magic in it, just mental clarity.
Nichiren’s method works for life, whether people believe in it, or not. A person just needs to try it for a few minutes a day for 100 days. It can be directed to any goal, including expansion of consciousness. I have had multiple out-of-body experiences that served toward that end. The study of the underlying documents also expands knowledge of consciousness from a functional, rather than a physiological perspective. All aspects of life become more consistent with reality, both perceived, and not. It is so high octane that it takes years for people to discard their disbelief, even when they get phenomenal results in their life by reciting the formula -Nam Myoho Renge Kyo- and joining with others who also use the method.
It's one thing to be smart and frustrated; it is another to decide to try an extremely effective method of arranging your world in a better way. Unfortunately, most people feel safer with contemplating than with learning something new and working toward results. Winning is better than frustration.
My own experiences: phenomenal changes as a result of reciting the formula and working with the SGI for peace, culture and happiness. Caution, translation difficulties and cultural usages tend to cause many people to regard awakening to reality as a religion because it is called Buddhism. The original documents show that neither Shakyamuni, nor Nichiren, intended people to rely on a power beyond their own capacities for enlightenment.
http://www.sgi.org , http://www.sgi-usa.org