Do you believe humans are still evolving?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Do you believe humans are still evolving?
42 answers:
2011-06-15 15:36:58 UTC
We'll continue evolving to suit our environments as our environments change. But it's a slow process. Like, millions of years slow.
2011-06-15 17:15:50 UTC
We are in the fifth round according to occult science with two more to go. In the sixth round most will reach the place Plato, for one example, was in when he lived. Evolution has been going on forever, thus the different levels of experience and evolving. Jesus had his own human experience aeons ago on other planets from our own. He is so far ahead of us many mistake him for God. Yes, there are latent abilities. The keys for unlocking them are closely guarded for they are revealed according to the level of inner purity in an individual. In addition, such mysteries can never be written down.
2011-06-15 17:11:39 UTC
It's really too early to tell. The enlightened ones you refer to were not really socially successful, maybe even misfits in a way. Our modern world favors technical and engineering abilities, and athletes and entertainers. And our medical system wants to keep as many alive for as long as possible, so we are actually weakening our gene pool physically. We really have two major talents mentally: numbers and language words. Physically, our hands are as important as the wings of birds.

At the trends we've created though, our descendants will have to live in hotter climes, and breathe dirty air. Many of us might not survive. Maybe none.

I had the strange idea that we might evolve by implanting cell-computers and phone tech in our heads, and perhaps tools for limbs--much like the Borg in Star Trek.
2011-06-15 16:49:16 UTC
If we adopt a policy of human genetic selection, then we would be responsible for our evolution. If not, then every unconscious force in human existence has that power of genetic extinction selection. As it is now, humans interfere with genetic extinction selection and thus humans invalidate their evolution, e.g. medicine and war. Perhaps war may select the superior strain, e.g. we beat the Nazis, but it is uncertain whether the balance was due to superior brain power or superior material resource. Probably the later.
2011-06-15 15:38:46 UTC
Until a species produces nothing but exact genetic copies as offspring or becomes extinct, it will always continue to evolve.
2011-06-15 15:37:39 UTC
Of course we are. Every species is subject to some form of evolution.

Humans control their environment to such a degree that natural selection is no longer the primary driver of our evolution. Most evolution in modern humans is in the form of nonselected mutation.
2011-06-15 15:36:54 UTC
Soon, I will be a Raichu. So yes.
2011-06-15 20:07:48 UTC
As long as we live by space and time, we are still evolving within space and time.
2011-06-15 17:28:28 UTC
I am - evolving, that is.

Christian M
2011-06-15 16:42:12 UTC
I don't imagine we can measure evolution in terms of little segments of time such as centuries and ages. But if one being may exibit even a slight increase in awareness I assume that is what mankind is capable of and will one day demonstrate. As Jesus said, "What I do is nothing compared to what you will do when you awaken."

I don't know what was meant by you having made unwarranted assumptions about some of the Masters that have demonstrated advanced mastery of the material world and declared we will also when we are connected with Source. There is a spiritual evolution as well as a material evolution and technological evolution. In truth, everything advances toward a greater clarity and knowing. Otherwise there would be no possibility of sustained creation. It would as quickly return to chaos and dissipate all patterns of energy into unrecognizable nothingness without continuity of change. It would happen and as quickly cease to happen if there were no conscious awareness behind it, some point and purpose. And the point and purpose is to express the Joy and Bliss of What Is, the Reality behind what appears to be.

2011-06-15 22:12:26 UTC

All humans have far more than they reveal. Even as we continue to evolve, we need to make sure it is the direction we could go, not driven by primal urges alone.The more is usually constrained by confusion, delusion, stupidity profusion.

The whole point of SGI is to enable people to reveal their real capacities and develop them.

Most of us sulk around in our seven, or eight levels of consciousness and only rarely open up to the unlimited ninth.

Expand Your Consciousness

By Generalist

Just open up

There is much discussed about consciousness

The fulfillment of the desire for a happier life and a more peaceful planet requires that consciousness be expanded beyond the limits of material and power acquisition. Those just get in the way once they get substituted for virtue and wisdom. There is nothing inherently wrong with power, or with acquisition. It is the delusion that they are sufficient, and that any means are justified in securing them, which causes the problems.

The question is how to accomplish the expansion. Some opt for religion, others for intense learning, others for chemistry, and others give up and sink into hopelessness or into acquisition. That is what we are currently taught by the globalized governmental-corporate entities whose basis is the delusions I mentioned. The stories have changed through history, but the essence is the same. Subject yourself to the communal whirl of events and prescribed opinions, or be cast out, or killed.

Those approaches have been available throughout human history and have not stopped cruelty, or its ultimate expression, war.

What is needed is an approach that is available to all who wish it. An approach that responds to effort and intention, and also delivers real-life improvement, is needed. It must be based on truths that anyone can verify for him-erself. Fortunately, that approach was developed centuries ago. Consciousness expansion is only one of its rewards.

The power of intention focused with the right mental tools is amazing. What Isaac Newton did for gravity, the Japanese monk Nichiren did for all of life.

700 years ago, he already knew that after all assumptions are discarded, these few simple truths remain. I have listed the main points and the words in Japanese. They are capitalized for clarity.

1-Things are always changing, yet the underlying realities common to all life do not change. KYO

2-Causes produce effects. Sometimes this is not obvious because of the time lag between cause and perceived effect. RENGE

3-Life is both physical and non-physical. MYOHO. This is the term that includes the limited aspect of the perceivable and the unlimited aspects of the non-perceivable and their inseparability.

4-Humans have the ability to focus their minds and achieve great results. NAM

For example, cell phones, google Earth, and GPS to which we are so accustomed would be impossible without satellites in orbit. Yet, they could not be placed there by using the astronomy and physics that existed before Isaac Newton developed his laws of motion and gravity. His formulas are the basis of rocket science. This is an example of difficult and complex methods being replaced by elegant recognition and previously unachievable results being realized through the process of cognitive enhancement. There is no magic in it, just mental clarity.

Nichiren’s method works for life, whether people believe in it, or not. A person just needs to try it for a few minutes a day for 100 days. It can be directed to any goal, including expansion of consciousness. I have had multiple out-of-body experiences that served toward that end. The study of the underlying documents also expands knowledge of consciousness from a functional, rather than a physiological perspective. All aspects of life become more consistent with reality, both perceived, and not. It is so high octane that it takes years for people to discard their disbelief, even when they get phenomenal results in their life by reciting the formula -Nam Myoho Renge Kyo- and joining with others who also use the method.

It's one thing to be smart and frustrated; it is another to decide to try an extremely effective method of arranging your world in a better way. Unfortunately, most people feel safer with contemplating than with learning something new and working toward results. Winning is better than frustration.


My own experiences: phenomenal changes as a result of reciting the formula and working with the SGI for peace, culture and happiness. Caution, translation difficulties and cultural usages tend to cause many people to regard awakening to reality as a religion because it is called Buddhism. The original documents show that neither Shakyamuni, nor Nichiren, intended people to rely on a power beyond their own capacities for enlightenment. ,
2011-06-15 21:39:42 UTC
As a cult survivor your question fairly quickly brought up a red flag. My associations could have gone many different ways but here is the red flag one.

Beware of the self-proclaimed teacher who considers him/her/self a more evolved being worth following and worth paying. Chances are high that this type of person is suffering from psychological disorders of the narcissistic type ranging all the way to a sociopathic criminal.

Do your research which fortunately has become easy now with the internet. One search will yield more info than you can easily read for months so there is no longer any need to learn the hard way wasting decades and impoverishing you all along.

On one level as you say change makes life more interesting and we then adapt to new conditions and new tools. This is one form of evolution. In the last half of my lifetime for example the information explosion has increased a thousand fold or more. What will it be like fifty years from now? My guess is that we can`t even imagine what life as a human will entail then. Cheers!
of Me of Him
2011-06-15 21:28:55 UTC
I think were on the brink of where-what were entering now, when we tap in to it and stop wondering then what will come of it will-still evolving and the truth will begin in unity of heart the true source of endless its self begetting. But yet so true the great tribulation in which the bible speaks is the evolve to all this and its truths as also many other sources of prophetic of names.

“Then it seems to me, that we could also be consistently improving upon the previous version of us as a species.”

Yes it is true the bond of peace is right now mustering out its own individual, unto, unitize unto a consistent created place; in all places of society moving making peace by change in how we are preserving one another to as use to all facets to stronger ties to refined hearts of a relation to what it is we so do/be; and as a whole will reflect the same.

It’s no longer a name, but a people of a name, are the evolving us Peace, peace, peace is a manifestations to place of connection of connections.

“Should we assume only a few can achieve greatness, or is it slightly possible, that each and every one us has the capacity within us?”

It’s no longer a name but a people of a name are the evolving us and in so as said ““each and every one us has the capacity within us.””

Jagjit S
2011-06-15 18:31:07 UTC
Undoubtedly the universal law is every moment evolving every thing, as per the requirement of living beings. But its affect appears in generation to generation

According to universal law of evolution, whatever part of body is used much, necessary improvement is seen in the next generation and the parts which are not used or less used face retardation.

Some examples may be examined in the light of above law.

First of all is the height of human beings, it is constantly being decreased. About a few hundred years before it was more than seven feet average and it is expected to come down to four feet in few hundred years, since we are not using our height in general, but make equipments within our reach. .

The length of neck of Giraffe is another example. It happened due to some of the species of this category had to use their neck just to eat leaves at high places in that area.

It is believed by scientists that there was tale with human beings, but that went on decreasing, being of no use.

Hence evolution was started with the big bang and it will last till the universe it in existence. But the cause of all the causes is Supreme Lord God.

He ever cherishes and cares for all beings, but the fool does not appreciate any of His virtues. ||1||

{{{Guru Arjan Dev Ji, Raag Sorath 612}}}
2011-06-15 17:27:39 UTC
Physically evolving? No.

Someone mentioned that mountain dwellers seem better adapted to low oxygen conditions.

The human body needs always a correctly corresponding level of oxygen to carry on function. Some types of people, such as the Sherpa guides who help foreign climbers climb to great heights, have a barrel-like chest which greatly aids them in breathing. However, they still need the same amount of oxygen to survive, they can just take bigger breaths.

Scattered amongst the general population are these same body types, even in America, so it can't be said to be a mutation, it's just a body type.

For all the folks who are sure that somehow we are evolving physically into super men, I'd like to see examples if you have them.

As far as spiritual greatness, it will remain as it is: those who devote themselves to the Divine and stop chasing after desires and ambitions, will become spiritually great.

I don't think there is much of a trend toward ordinary people getting better.
2016-04-15 01:22:45 UTC
Evolution is mankind's feeble attempt and excuse for denying the power and existence of God. Mankind is only 6000 years old and all the human race has come from Adam & Eve, whom God created in the garden of Eden. All this other stuff about fossils and prehistoric man are relics from a pre-adamite world that existed before Adam, but was destroyed when God cursed the earth and cast Satan out of heaven down to earth. Their is no link between the two existences. God re-made the world (that's the Genesis account) and then made man in His (God's) own image. The other upright creatures before may have resembled mankind in that they were primates. but they were not "in the image of God": That explains the dinosaurs and all these other fossils and traces of a pre-Adamic world. But what has existed since the re-creation and restoration of the world, which Indeed IS millions or billions of years old. But mankind and the current existing lifeforms haven't evolved from anything, but were created and placed on this earth AS THEY ARE NOW when God did the 6 literal day creation, 6000 years ago. Man still looks like he did when he was created,(in the image of God) and apes still look like what they did when God made them; they're still apes. If apes evolved into man, why are there still apes?
2011-06-15 15:41:12 UTC
Yes, humans are still evolving. Our population is so large and interbreeds across multiple boundaries, so the evolution is very small, but still there. The human evolution is more noticeable in isolated populations. Back in July of last year, there was a study done on the Tibetan versus Han Chinese. The Tibetans, who live in a much higher altitude, and thus lower oxygen content air, have 30 genes differences from the Han Chinese cousins, who live at lower altitudes, that specifically help them utilize lower oxygen environments better. It is documented that every human has approximately 100 genetic mutations that did not come from their parents, but instead from other natural sources.

I'm not quite sure about the religious ties you attempt to make.
Simon T
2011-06-15 15:40:24 UTC

Evolving in different ways probably, but if there is any difference in the rate of reproduction then we are evolving.

For instance we could be evolving stupidity. The more intelligent people tend to devote more to their careers, may be concerned about overpopulation, etc. and so have fewer children later. So the stupid people that have more kids actually out evolve them.

Of course this is just a very simplistic example. In reality the whole thing is so complicated that it is very difficult to predict where evolution might take us.
leather mall
2011-06-16 00:00:34 UTC
Yes, humans have been evolving since time immemorial. We all have a capacity within us but very few achieve that greatness.

Why does this happen? Because most of us act within this world out of selfish intent. There are generally speaking two types of actions within this world. One is Transactional action (what is in it for me?) and the second one is Transformational action (How can I be of service to the person who is in front of me now?) which is without any motive of self interest. This latter type of action performed brings us closer to spiritual enlightenment that we are all infinitesimal spiritual parts of one Supreme spirit and we are all connected as pearls rests on this invisible thread that is God.

But unfortunately 99% of the world acts on the former principle.

Our actions performed are for the purpose of desire to enjoy, to control and possess, and to be better than the next person. That becomes a noose around our neck by coming back to this repeated cycle of birth, death, old age, disease, faults, misfortune, unhappiness which are guaranteed in this world.

My spiritual teacher always says that "Selflessness is in our own self-interest. And the only path to to spiritual growth and enlightenment is to serve the Lord seated in the heart of all beings whose lives we can touch."
Stephen H
2011-06-16 01:56:14 UTC
Humans can choose whether to evolve or not. One would expect that the majority would choose to continue to evolve. We are self-empowered. We are not creating our environment. We are co-recreating ourselves. The environment has it's own way. It provides to us. It's a mutual relationship to be respected for what it is. One doesn't understand until it's respected. And that begins with self-respect, for all that we are. Evolution automatically flows from that.

Anyone can achieve pretty much what they like. We are not limited by external worldview in what we are allowed to be, or how to be or what to do. We can have calm positive feelings, and integrate and expand all functioning we have. Even if we don't recognise we have it, we can see clues to it elsewhere and develop and integrate that as well.

Respect and empower other people and most of the time, they will respect and further empower in return.

There are only a few who have an extremely limited worldview who base their idea of greatness by needing to hold on to it tightly and trying to enforce their greatness by imposing their limited worldview on everyone else. They are just failing miserably to hold back the evolutionary tide. Because every time they try it, it just reinforces more strongly that the opposite is much better and people are entitled to evolve.

But only one can achieve the greatest greatness at any one time. It depends on the perception of what constitutes greatness and how it's applied. It's fairly irrelevant, because each can achieve what is greatness in their own way. It's not like a horse race where only one can come first. It is each to their own, and they develop and contribute in their own ways. That way for any two arbitrary people we have two positive outcomes at the same time rather than one positive outcome with one getting a nose ahead and the other one being redundant. It's a little bit strange to think that greatness is limited to and define by only one kind of role. If we just do what we like we're ahead of the field on that, because noone else likes exactly precisely the same combination of kinds of things to the same extents.

There is no competition to be like Jesus or Mohammad or Enoch for that matter. For each one of those there had to be lots more who did their own things their way otherwise they would have had no place like that and no recognition at all.

We don't need to worry about biology because biological theory is largely based on genes. To imagine that they are only meant to be one specific way or another just doesn't fit with facts.On a purely biological basis it's what we do with the genes and the epigenetic effects that matter, because the epigenetics optimise the workings of the genes. There is of latent biological ability tied up with those epigenetic things. If life is optimised and all functioning optimally engaged they switch back the right way. And there lots of viruses within and around that work with our systems so if anything goes wrong as a consequence of a third party action, they help to bring it all back again.

People just have different roles. Even the ones that do nearly everything wrong provide a very clear message on how to do everything right. They've got their place and contribution in evolution too.

Even psychiatry is pretty highly contributing in the long run. They've got something like a 400 page manual of things that they regard as taboo. If it wasn't so expensive, we could try them all out and find useful applications for nearly everything in it. But there isn't a rush, because when that little hierarchical control system falls apart, the manuals will be really cheap and we can try all kinds of in some cases slightly unusual functioning and integrate all that as well.

There's noone really who can do anything to try to hold back evolution without providing more material for evolution to be built on. It's matter of respect for the nature of things. We've got all that we need already, but everything else helps us find anything that we've not found already. It's either the same or different and either the wrong way up or the right way up. The hierarchical control theme is prime example where there's an attempt to put people down and force them to buy in. It could seem a little strange unless we realise that we can turn it the other way up and empower ourselves and in passing help to empower everyone else, and recognise the difference with other people as well and know where we can expect to find help, encouragement and support in our evolution.
2011-06-15 15:50:25 UTC
No. While we are moving along through technology etc, we have not changed at all in relation to all sorts of Crime, Wars, Greed, Racism, Genocide and Jealousy or the way we treat our fellow man as well as the environment we live in and we have been doing this for thousands of years.
Pirate AM™
2011-06-15 15:43:59 UTC
"Improving" is not an evolutionary concept. That is to say, species do not "improve", they adapt to their environments.

In the absence of natural pressures or selection, then sexual and artificial selection have a greater influence and there is nothing that suggests that some sort of evolution will not happen if none of these selections are not present.
Auntie Christ «stuporstar»
2011-06-15 15:42:14 UTC
I'd like to think that we are evolving and that we will continue to do so as long as we keep learning, growing, and caring for our planet.

I hope that we'll keep on keepin' on until we've exhausted every idea and resource we have... Or until something bigger, and badder from across the universe gets to us first. But... We'll probably do it to ourselves before any of that can happen.

Still... I like humanity. We're plucky, and we've got potential!
2011-06-15 15:43:07 UTC
Yes we're still evolving despite those who argue that technology is stopping us from evolving. People who are best adapted to modern living get to reproduce more and their children have a greater chance of surviving than those who aren't as well adapted.
2011-06-15 15:42:52 UTC
I think we are evolving... I think I saw a study about the 'attractiveness' of the female species, and selective breeding.

Basically the "hot chicks" get snapped up more often, and pop out kids more often. Ergo attractiveness perpetuates.

Time will tell...

--not superstitious
2011-06-15 17:46:16 UTC
Yep, I see neanderthals every day roaming around.

Everyone has the potential to achieve greatness in their own way within their own peers...
2011-06-15 18:22:58 UTC
Never have , Hebrews 9:27 "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation."
2011-06-15 15:38:54 UTC
You're making many unwarranted assumptions about Jesus, Muhammad and Enoch.

But to your actual question, yes, humans are still evolving. As are other organisms on this planet.
green meklar
2011-06-15 15:57:12 UTC
Yes. Everything is evolving. Evolution applies universally.
2011-06-15 15:40:02 UTC
Possibly. Different people still enjoy different rates of reproductive success. But don't make the mistake of thinking that "evolving" means "getting better". It means change, for better or worse.
2011-06-15 15:39:08 UTC
After two World Wars - of course not.
2011-06-15 15:40:00 UTC
We most assuredly are still a staggering rate, no less.

The thing is, after Homo Sapiens sapiens, human evolution largely shifted from biological evolution to technological evolution.
2011-06-15 15:46:57 UTC
my thoughts are this:

not one atom in your body now was in existence when you were say....a toddler.

every cell in your body has been replaced many times over. every hair on your head, every brain cell, every blood cell, every skin cell.

evolution doesn't equate to 'better'. it just means change.

lower your expectations of the human population and you wont be disappointed.
2014-08-21 20:02:18 UTC
Of course.
2011-06-16 10:58:17 UTC
Were evolving to X-MEN
2011-06-15 15:46:26 UTC
No. We never evolved and we are not evolving. Here is an evolutionist theologian trying to explain why we can no longer observe evolution in man.
2011-06-15 15:38:40 UTC
i don't think so, we adjust alone our environment or we develop structures to live in it now. there are no "advantages" or "disadvantages".
2011-06-15 15:36:40 UTC
as harold camping would say, it's a spiritual (invisible) evolving
2011-06-15 15:39:04 UTC
of course we're still evolving spiritually, technologically and even in our bodies (even though the last one is just in minor parts of the body)
2011-06-15 15:39:29 UTC
I don't believe humans ever evolved in the first place.
2011-06-15 15:40:01 UTC

2011-06-15 15:38:22 UTC
::looks around::

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.