Those verses you select are examples of how Muslims select verses out of context to twist them around to suit their own agenda.
When Jesus says "only God is good" is comes after Jesus is called "good teacher" and Jesus is correcting him to refer to his own Divinity. If Jesus is called "good" and Jesus says that "only God is good" then Jesus is calling himself God.
When Jesus says "ye are gods" he is quoting the prophet David from the Old Testament. Some have accused Jesus of blaspheming for calling himself God, and he is reminding him of the words of their former king.
Jesus made reference to himself as being Divine many times. He says "I and the Father are one", and "Jesus called God Father, and referred to himself as the Son, he would say only God can forgive sins, and then he would forgive sins, and he worked miracles to prove he was God.
Muslims claim that Jesus was a prophet but they do not follow his teachings. Jesus instructed his disciples to baptize all his followers, but do Muslims do this? Jesus organized his apostles to be the foundation of his church, but Muslims reject the apostles.
Muhammad was a false prophet. He taught that dogs have demons. He taught that Adam was 90 feet tall. He taught that one wing of the fly had a disease and the other had the cure. He taught that humans have always worshiped in Mekkah, and that Abraham built the Kaaba. That's a lie too, science knows that Mekkah didn't exist before the 4th century.
Christians know that God is ONE, and God has no father. Christians also know that God is beyond our understanding. Through the teachings of Jesus Christ we know that God has a Triune nature, meaning three in one. The Trinity is how Christians describe this nature - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This does not mean that God has sex or has children. That is a horrible misconception that Muslims teach about Christians.