Meeting with Jehovah's Witnesses?
2011-01-10 10:58:30 UTC
I am an avowed atheist. A friend of mine (Brad) married a JW and after 12 years of marriage he apparently is on a fast track to become a witness himself. Before that he was unchurched or nominally a Christian at best.

After refusing to breach the subject of religion with me for all these years, he suddenly wants to discourse about it. Further, he told me that there are some very knowledgeable JW's he knows who have heard him talk about me and are "very interested" in meeting with me.

I accepted that invitation. I asked him if this is just a set up and they are going to preach to me like they do everybody else, or do they want to have a two-way dialogue with me. He says they are really interested in me based on what they have heard, and that they are even somewhat nervous about it.

Here is the question: I would be down for a formal or informal debate with them on God's existence, the inerrancy of Scripture etc. but I suspect they won't want to debate. So what can I expect to happen when I meet with them on Wednesday? What will their approach be and what kind of strategy do you think will be employed?

I welcome answers from JW's, other Christians, and atheists alike as long as you have some genuine insight into this and aren't just going to post some non-sequitur so you can gain a free point. I'm asking a serious question. (Why anybody would spend a moment of their time trolling for points I would like to know)
33 answers:
2011-01-10 11:01:54 UTC
We will not argue. We state a point from the Bible. If as in your other question you want to discuss Philosophies, we may listen but will go back to the Bible. If you up front say that you do not and will not believe what the Bible says, we may leave. If you would like to listen and ask questions, all good. We believe you have the free will to believe what you want and contrary to what some say we do not convert. We show what is in the Bible. Take it from there.

After reading some of the answers here, Many say we have a twisted Bible. The truth of the matter we have gone to the earliest documents available to get the most accurate Bible. Things like the Chester Beatty Papyri, Dead sea scrolls, Greek Septuagint, Coptic versions, MSS, Bodmer Papyri and the like. What many people do not realize is that the translation thru time have been altered, Like taking God's Name out of the Bible over 7000 times. That said, want to use your bible? Great, we will use that one no problem. The point is we use the Bible, not man made doctrine!
2011-01-13 21:23:53 UTC
I can tell you that they will be very prepared. I've attended their "Theocratic Ministry School" on Thursday nights, and they practice these types of encounters every week on the front stage during this meeting. One will play the part of the JW, while the other plays the part of a householder, and those in attendance every week learn the various arguments thoroughly.

I am a Christian, and I've had two book studies with local JW's, which means I had regular weekly encounters with various ones. I would try to make eye contact with them as much as possible while speaking my piece. Even when I did, it was apparent that they were not listening intently the majority of the time. It's like their minds were working towards organizing the next thing they would say.

You might want to ask them for a copy of their November 2010 issue of Awake! magazine. The feature article was, "Is Atheism on the March?" More than likely, they will use some of the arguments from this issue in your debate.

I certainly would prefer that you not remain an atheist, but that you would come to enjoy a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, but I will give you a piece of advice if you agree to meet with them more than once.

If they start to bring up unfamiliar quotes from certain authorities or authors you're not familiar with, ask them for a copy of the material or magazine they're referring to that contains the quotes. Tell them you'd rather not come to any hasty conclusions based on the material they're quoting until you have a chance to do a little research. Agree to meet at a later time, and in the meantime, check the quotes for context, even if it means spending a day at a well-stocked library. In my dealings with publishers for the Watchtower Society, I have found the organization to be deceptive in the way they handle quotes. Many times they are taken out of context and made to sound the opposite of the author's intention.
2011-01-10 11:11:51 UTC
Your friend and the J.Ws. he now knows are all out to convert you. You against several of them makes you a dead duck. Don't keep the meeting. If you wish to discuss what J.W.s believe then discuss it with him alone and do your homework first. They will have you indoctrinated before the meeting is over and you'll be doing bible studies (from THEIR version of the bible) by the following week.

Meet with your friend alone, preferably in an open place or in your home where you can show him the door if things don't go well. Ask him why he wants this meeting and ask him what he has said about you which makes them so eager to meet you. It sounds as if they have been given the impression that you are 'ripe for the picking'.

Added info.

You confuse me. At the start of your question you say "I am an avowed atheist." but later on you say "I am a formal evangelical Christian". Perhaps you can confirm whether or not you meant to say 'former' rather than 'formal'. If not, what you say makes no sense whatsoever. You cannot be an atheist AND an evangelical Christian.
2011-01-10 14:06:47 UTC
Now I see why you asked your previous question on JW's beliefs. Watch out man of the world-with your bad self, Jehovah just may see something in you to work with just as he did the apostle Paul. I'm not worried for you, no sir I well think you can hold your own against man-but can you hold it against Jehovah? Now that's the question. I don't think my brothers will get into what you call a debate as we are taught not to debate. 1Tim.2:8, verses23-26. I would say that or hope that you are in for an amicable dialogue. The strategy as I would use would be to Listen to your view point and reasoning's and then proceed with answers from the Bible. Please email me and tell me how it went if you will. Ooh you went to a university for religious studies-did they teach you solely from the Bible or did they use other reference books? Just curious, there seems to be people who are opposed to using Bible aids.
2016-04-25 12:34:35 UTC
If you do not happen to own a modest skirt and blouse or dress, the main thing is that you go to the meeting with an open mind and if you do not have a Bible, a brother will give you one. If all you have are blue jeans and modest top, that will be alright. I hope you are searching for the truth, that is the main thing. John 17:3 We have to take in accurate knowledge of the only true God, Jehovah and of his only-begotten Son Jesus Christ.
2014-09-23 05:50:34 UTC
You can get Blood 2 The Chosen for free from this link:

it's a perfectly working link, no scam !

Blood 2: The Chosen is the series next to FPS blood and set a hundred years after the original.
2011-01-10 11:10:41 UTC
You're not really getting any good answers.

Just talk to them.

Some points....JWs don't believe evolution that is true, but we aren't creationists or young earth creationists. So we don't believe what the other churches do about that topic.

We don't believe most of the doctrines of other churches either as they were adopted from pagan cultures and taught long before the time of Jesus or even Moses. We do believe the Bible. And our beliefs are not dependant on the NWT (which is a relatively new Bible version anyway and not available everywhere around the world).

I'd say just talk to them if you want or not if you don't want. You aren't under any obligation to do so. You can cancel at any time.

N'awlins D'awlin
2011-01-12 07:23:38 UTC
Unlike others, JW's really sincerely love their neighbors and are genuinely concerned for their overall well-being. We have something good to share with our neighbors and that is why we volunteer so much of our time sharing the same good news that Jesus and his first century disciples shared.

We endeavor to educate ourselves on why some have chosen to become atheist. You, although well educated on the Bible, have chosen to become an atheist. We sincerely want to know why?

We realize that many were exposed to a form of religion and at one time believed in God (like yourself). However, serious health or family problems or certain injustices they experienced weakened their faith. For others, courses taught in schools of higher learning have had a negative impact on their concept of God. Note the following examples of atheists who eventually developed a strong belief in Jehovah God and became his Witnesses.

A woman in Paris had been born with a debilitating bone disease. Although baptized as a Catholic, she proclaimed herself an atheist. When she asked the nuns why God had allowed her to be born with such a disability, their answer was: “Because he loves you.” She refused to accept that absurd idea. Also, consider a young person in Finland who was diagnosed as having an incurable muscle disease and was confined to a wheelchair. His mother took him to a Pentecostal who claimed to cure sick people. But there was no miraculous healing. As a result, the young man lost interest in God and became an atheist.

A man in Honduras was raised a Catholic but studied Socialist philosophy and atheism. Convinced by university teaching that mankind is the product of evolution, he ceased to believe in God. Similarly, a woman in the United States was raised a Methodist. In college, she took psychology classes. How was her belief affected? She said: “In one summer they destroyed every bit of faith I had in religion.”

Can you relate to either of these experiences?

Our careful search has revealed many individuals who say that they do not believe in God would appreciate knowing if there is a solution to the problems of poor health, family discord, injustice, and so forth. They are sincerely interested in finding answers to such questions as: ‘Why does evil exist?’ ‘Why do bad things happen to good people?’ and ‘What is the meaning of life?’

A husband and wife living in Switzerland had both been raised as atheists. When they were first contacted with the truth, their response was negative. But they had serious family problems and were considering divorce. When the Witness visited again, she showed the couple from the Bible how to overcome their problems. The couple were astonished at the practical counsel contained in the Scriptures, and they agreed to a Bible study. Their marriage was strengthened, they progressed spiritually, and they got baptized.

JW's around the world enroll in a free ministry school administered by the local congregation of JW's in their area. The Theocratic Ministry School teaches young and old, educated and uneducated alike to develop teaching abilities and qualities that will help them to understand the thinking of others (not become skilled debaters) and endeavor to reach the heart of their listeners.

When someone tells us he/she is an atheist, we endeavor to find out the reason why he/she says that. Is it because of the education he has received, the problems he has experienced, or religious hypocrisy and false teachings he has seen? We might ask him: “Have you always felt this way?” or “What is the reason for your conclusion?” His answer will helps us to determine what to say. Where powerful arguments are required, the book Is There a Creator Who Cares About You? may be just what is needed. Our publications are "helps" and they do exactly that. Sincere people are being helped to take in accurate knowledge from the Bible and come to know and love the only true and living God, Jehovah.
2011-01-10 11:07:09 UTC
They may listen to you, but I'm afraid it will not register with them. They will see it as you have been told wrong and they know the truth and like most religions they will try and correct and "save" you. They are very stuck in their beliefs and really cannot accept any other. I had some JW's over years ago and a friends house. They came in and we had tea together. My friend invited them, I basically just listened. The subject of homo sexuality came up and they said, well you don't see it in nature. Well my friend mentioned a dog can pretty much hump anything and they were like, well, there are exceptions.

So talking further you find that the true person underneath does have real thought, but they are so structured in their religion that their true self is always pushed back. All religions do this, but JW's have very strict policies and it's all or nothing with them.
2011-01-10 11:14:11 UTC
Have read some of the "older books". Some of it is good stuff. The newer book I glanced at?.......very dry intellectually.

Pushy........upfront in your face, "I am here to save you." Did not care for the one encounter.

But all things considered? They are safe......when you get tired of it, show them the door.

They do have one issue that is a tough one to think around. Their history in Nazi Germany.

Took some of what I thought was good, and left the rest......did not wait for the peach pie. Older books had some good reasoning.

Be careful.

A very serious, fiercely independent, Irish Christian Eschatologist

EDIT: After reading all the comments......Good Grief were some long.......just make it YOUR decision based on what you preceive to be truth and to hell with what anyone tells you to do, and that includes JW's........ God, I hate it when people make choices for me!!
Poя¢єℓαιη Vєѕѕєℓ (στην αλήθεια)
2011-01-12 11:08:57 UTC

We love to debate & will respect your views even if we disagree with them.

Our intention is to reason using the scriptures rather than relying on traditions or what imperfect men say. I'm sure you will enjoy the discussions you have with us.

I'd be very interested to hear how you get on
2011-01-10 11:23:13 UTC
As one of Jehovah's witnesses myself, I am happy to tell you that we do not believe in forcing our opinions on anyone and we do believe in respect for others beliefs, our main objective is to follow Jesus example in the bible, that is our basis of belief and we only want to show you the reasons for our beliefs based on Gods word, we also are interested in the beliefs you have as well and Im sure the people you meet with you are just wanting to have an interesting discussion with you, i think you will enjoy. and btw as for the comments regarding our bible being modified, we will read from any bible you provide, the main bible we use most of the time because unlike the king james version it doesn't have all the thy, and sub words like that cause it can kind of be more confusing since most of us don't speak that way. but we will use and go by any bible, but considering you don't believe in the bible then it probably wouldn't matter which one we read out of.
True Truthseeker
2011-01-10 11:12:00 UTC
Just relax, those who are genuine Witnesses of YHWH/ JEHOVAH and His Christ, Jesus, are only interested in helping others see how things really are in contrast with how things appear to be.

Years ago, a couple of letters that I submitted to a newspaper pertaining to the existence of God, were published. Since my E-mail address was included, I received many e-mails, with quite a few being from atheists and agnostics.

Much of one particular dialogue focused on the Bible. It was here that the NW Translation [published by the Watchtower] proved to be ahead of other translations in how the ancient Hebrew, Aramaic and Koine Greek were rendered into English and other tongues.

Also, there are many Witnesses who are scientists, or, have a background in science, they do not misrepresent the Bible as those persons who propose that the universe was created in a matter of literal days.
2011-01-10 11:05:46 UTC
I can only think of the times I went to Mormon or RLDS historical sites, because I am somewhat of a history buff. At the end of their presentations, someone at the sites always tried to convert me. I politely said something to the effect of how I believed that God still talks to people, but I could see that wasn't enough for them. I think they were sincere in their beliefs, and really wanted me to see things as they did. However, I turned tail and left, as politely as possible. People who really believe in whatever they profess, even if it's atheism, seem to become sad, upset, or even angry, when someone else can't see things there way. I don't think the Jehovah's Witnesses will necessarily become angry with you, but unless some of them are on the cusp of atheism in their own lives, I don't think you're going to come away without them trying to convert you.
2011-01-10 11:08:13 UTC
Well, for one, the bible that the JW's use is so mistranslated, ( I know by experience, my step-mom is a JW and converted my dad) :(. They believe that Christ isn't the center of Salvation, so what they tell you won't really matter whether or not you believe that God exists. Why? because it's not just about believing in God, but believing Him. By trusting in Christ as His Son. I hate to call JW's out, but it's absolutely true. My step-mom has been brainwashed by the JW's and now my dad has been too. I tried to sit on in one of the services and it was like God wasn't there at all. They may talk about God but it's not just about head knowledge. I have more to say, but not enough time. I hope this answer helps out, if not, then I tried my best. Please don't hate...
2011-01-10 11:05:12 UTC
I suppose just look up as much information pertaining to the JW's beliefs and be ready to counter them or offer an opposing viewpoint.

You could google up some of their main points and I'm sure there are sites out there with arguments against them already.
2011-01-10 11:14:54 UTC

Many are the times JW have been in my home, when they knock, I allow them in. The script from them is always the same, they bring their bible and call it little treasures they want to share with me. Since I am a christian, I take out my bible and tell them that they are welcomed in my home, but this forum must be equal and opened for two way exchange. I always tell them that I am familiar with their belief and their own bible and am not likely to change my beliefs based on theirs.

It is like going around and around in a circle to get them to hear, and you can dismantle everything they have with bible truth. they will get discouraged and then want to leave. there is no yelling or arguing, just giving them bible truth.

when they see that you are convicted to truth and cannot receive the false teachings they have, they leave.

Now in your case, I suppose you would stand on what you believe and they will tell you about how they were founded, they will address racism within the church, they will tell you that the Holy Bible is wrong and that their bible is right and that theirs is also easier to read, (that is a bad trick, never works.) they will show you the watch tower, they willnot speak much about the watch tower and it's control, but they will load you with those tracts and try to leave you one of their bibles to replace anyone in your home.

Questions you can ask:

What is their belief about the Holy Spirit.

Why is transfusion not okay since Man has the knowledge to save lives with it. How dangerous is that doctrine.

Why was the church separatist from blacks and why only recently did they allow them into the church.

What is the trinity without the Holy Spirit and How do they explain the trinity.

You may have a different line of questioning because you are atheist, so you can stick to social issues like:

Why don't they pay taxes?

Why don't they enlist in the service of the country to protect what they believe in and other americans?

why don't they vote? (some say they do, but why if they don't believe the country is worth protecting?)

How do you try to keep a utopian society with in the freedoms of america.

why shun and exile people from the church when they don't do what they say instead of forgiveness?

What happened with the molestations of little girls that was covered up and settled in court which was as big a story as that of the catholic church.

What about familiocide and their treatment of Homosexuals and the increase in their homosexual suicides because they make families turn their backs on their own.

As they talk to you, your wheels will begin to turn and you will have many questions and they will be vague, elusive and defensive.

Just make sure they listen to you as well as you listen to them and if that is not happening, I would leave.

You need to do a good background research on JW before you meet with them.
2011-01-10 11:04:14 UTC
The fact that there will be several of them sounds a bit suspicious to me. Why not ask to meet them one at a time, I bet they won't be so keen on the idea.

Or better still just turn up with a bunch of atheist friends.
2011-01-10 11:16:13 UTC
Please don't fall for their propaganda. They claim to be Christians but teach that Jesus is God's first creation. Denying the Deity of Jesus it the first sign of a cult. They use a bible that was translated by a man who could not read one letter of Greek or Hebrew.

I normally do not try to dissuade a person from a 'church' but I can't stand by and not say something. I am really concerned about your friend and his wife. He never should have married a J.W.
2011-01-10 11:04:44 UTC
They have no interest in having a rational conversation. You will be a lost soul they are going to try to save. The best you can do is put a few doubts into their heads but don't hold your breath on having a rational conversation. Personally, I wouldn't waste my time.
2011-01-10 11:30:50 UTC
Jehovah’s Witnesses are an interesting “non-Christian” group.

Here are some quick facts:

They do NOT believe that Jesus is Jehovah God (YHWH/Yahweh/the great “I AM”). They believe he is the first and only direct CREATION of God and the agent through which Jehovah made all other things.

They believe that Jesus’ TRUE followers are known by their worship of the true and almighty God, Jehovah, who is not a Trinity.

They believe that Jesus was raised from the dead, NOT with a physical body, but as a mighty “spirit creature”.

They believe that the second “coming” of Jesus WAS an invisible spiritual presence that began in 1914.

They believe that the dead exist only in God’s MEMORY; the wicked will not be punished with conscious torment, but will be extinguished forever.

They will use common Christian terms, but they will have a different meaning for them. It will sound like they are saying one thing, when in fact they are using the terms to represent a different meaning.

If I was you, I wouldn’t go, but it is up to you!
2011-01-10 11:07:21 UTC
Jehovah's Witnesses like to twist the Scriptures. They will whip out their New World Translation Bible to trip you up. This has been altered to reflect their own religious beliefs. Get a copy of a real Bible to compare any Scriptures they give you.

Edit: It's like playing poker with marked cards.
Dreamstuff Entity
2011-01-10 11:04:31 UTC
A few quick points:

They're evolution-deniers, using the same old debunked creationist claims ( ).

They're unfamiliar with logical fallacies.

They all misrepresent their beliefs as facts. They are used to stealing people from other denominations, so their initial assumption is that the bible is true.

They practically never admit being wrong on any points, even when it's crystal clear.
Je t'adore Saturday.
2011-01-10 11:25:27 UTC
Jehovah's Witnesses are not brainwashed and do not manipulate scriptures.

I am 14 and probably have as much knowledge of the bible than a 30 year old who CLAIMS to be a christian(not to sound pompous). I know that this is long but it is answering some of the questions you might have.

You can expect us to talk about how humans have an earthly hope in a paradise earth.(Psalms 37: 9-11) You can read it in any other bible, I find the bible that we use to be easier to understand.

You will learn about God's Name: Jehovah(Yahweh: hebrew version) Psalms 83:18

And they may see if you are interested in the book: "What does the bible really teach?"

you can go to our website to learn more about what we believe at

and you can read the "What does the bible really teach book" online here

@Anthony H, These are some of the questions he wanted you to ask us, as I said, SOME of the questions.

Why is transfusion not okay since Man has the knowledge to save lives with it. Not accepting blood transfusions is actually safe. They protect us from diseases that the person donating could have had.

Titled: Blood transfusions: How safe?

Acts 15: 28-29:28 For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to YOU, except these necessary things, 29 to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication. If YOU carefully keep yourselves from these things, YOU will prosper. Good health to YOU!”

What is the trinity without the Holy Spirit and How do they explain the trinity: Here is an article entitled: How is the Trinity explained? Have you noiced that the word trinity is not even mentioned in the bible.

Why don't they pay taxes?

We do pay our taxes, in fact my best friends parents are accountants.

here is a scripture: Mark 12: 14-17: On arrival these said to him: “Teacher, we know you are truthful and you do not care for anybody, for you do not look upon men’s outward appearance, but you teach the way of God in line with truth: Is it lawful to pay head tax to Caesar or not? 15 Shall we pay, or shall we not pay?” Detecting their hypocrisy, he said to them: “Why do YOU put me to the test? Bring me a de·nar´i·us to look at.” 16 They brought one. And he said to them: “Whose image and inscription is this?” They said to him: “Caesar’s.” 17 Jesus then said: “Pay back Caesar’s things to Caesar, but God’s things to God.”

Why don't they enlist in the service of the country to protect what they believe in and other americans? We don't want other countries to fight us, so why should we fight them? War is cruel and has killed the lives of many innocent people.How can you attain peace, when war is the exact opposite. Here is an article about war.(I know it is not about "Enlisting but it provides information about war and why we remain neutral.)

why don't they vote? (some say they do, but why if they don't believe the country is worth protecting?) We don't vote because we know that only Jehovah can peacefully and correctly rule this world. Humans cannot rule this world succesfully. As you see the wars and famine and murders, it is very clear that humans cannot rule themselves. Also God is not the one ruling this "system of things." It is Satan. (Revelation 12:9: 9 So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him.)
2011-01-10 11:03:16 UTC
I think it really depends on the individuals. I am an Evangelistic Christian and have received JW's in the past. They were quite willing to debate and to let me show them what I believe and why, but even if I proved them wrong black on white (fallacies in their modified Bible and their doctrines that contradict ANY version even theirs), they were too brainwashed to see it. Let's just say we agreed to disagree.
2011-01-10 11:10:18 UTC
I've had one of these meetings, so I can tell you what to expect.

Expect them to read their literature at you - not to you, at you.

Expect them to tell you exactly how many of their 'chosen people' will get to go to heaven - as I recall, it was around 144,000 people.

You can expect them to hand you a stack of their literature.

You can expect them to side-step any questions about blood transfusions and shunning family members who do not accept their doctrine.

You can expect them to get frustrated with you because you are wanting to discuss their doctrine instead of joining their group without any question.

And, if you are lucky, you can expect them to leave in a huff - if you are not lucky, they will be back for another visit.
2011-01-10 11:12:17 UTC
2 Corinthians 4:3-6

3But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:

4In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

*blinded their minds in the 1st Earth Age. 1/3 of the souls turned against God. That final generation is now living on earth in the flesh.

5For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake.

*Jesus was Emmanuel, "God with us" because people wanted a God they could "see."

6For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

The JW's have quotas to meet and hours to turn in on each convert. They will use that time to their benefit. Whether or not you believe in God or (a god) is something else. God loves those who seek him and encourages us to ask questions and see whether those things written are true. The JWs bait people in with magazines with colorful pictures & encourage you to a bible study. As time progress they will expect you to be baptized and join in the ministry (recruiting others). Some of them don't believe it but they risk being shunned by family or disfellowshipped. You have to answer a series of questions to make sure you agree with their doctrines, not necessarily that you "believe" it. They will show you how to "play act" like a christian and you will be required to go to meetings and conventions. It is a strictly controlled cult! You will be watched by other members and brought before Judicial Commitees for any type of wrongdoing or for asking too many questions. This is not bad-mouthing them, it is a heads up!
2011-01-10 11:04:00 UTC
It sounds like you are the target of a religious conversion. Personally I would avoid it.
2011-01-10 11:02:29 UTC
i had a Jehovah's witness come to my door and preach, they left after they saw the table i had was supported on one leg by a bible they gave me.
2011-01-10 11:06:09 UTC
It's easy,if you know the "Apostles Creed " ask the JW or the Mormon to say it with you and see what they say.
2011-01-10 11:02:31 UTC
I despise their views on blood donation.

I give them leaflets on it, in return for theirs, when they come to my door.

The stuff they believe is really quite disturbing, having read their little leaflet, the one with some people in a field with a moose... It makes God out to be some kind of angry king... who we have upset in some way.

I would bring backup with you, if you are going into some kind of debate with them. I have got into arguments with them on my doorstep, they can be very intimidating when they show up in groups.
2011-01-10 10:59:50 UTC
Oh silly you... Everybody knows jehovah's witnesses aren't people.

There like Africa, they don't exist.
2011-01-10 11:01:59 UTC
Here’s a ‘crash course’ for you on JWs ~~

Ask them about this (it got my physical residence address blacklisted-no more visits) ~

JWs believe Jesus is a **created** being, really the Archangel Michael! JWs confuse the description of Jesus as the “only-begotten” Son to mean, “first-created” son. Fact is, Jesus is never spoken of as being **created**. And no other “son” of God (us, or Michael) is ever spoken of as being the “only-begotten” of the Father, except Jesus. Calling Jesus the **first-created** son of God is a blasphemous denial of the Savior’s deity and His atoning, substitutionary sacrifice for your sins(even though JWs claim to “believe in Jesus”).

How interesting ~ this mistake is similar to that of Mormons and Muslims! If Jesus is just a spirit-sibling or just another created being, then His sufferings on the cross were useless, unnecessary and you can satisfy the Father’s justice (pay, or atone) for your own sins through your good deeds. ~ Except ~ ‘It doesn’t work that way.’ ~ You can’t.

Our sins, contrary to the beliefs of false religions, are not only against Man, but against our Creator. Even if you make restitution to every person you offend in life, that’s good, but your offences are **also against your Creator** not only against other people. All your restitution, human goodness or religious obedience will never absolve **even one offence** against the infinite, eternal, just Creator! You need a bigger sacrifice, a bigger payment -- much bigger -- than your lifetime could ever produce. Only Your Creator could provide a sacrifice that big ~ which made it necessary for the Creator to **beget Another** who (like an earthly father & son) would share His **same nature & substance**. Only that begotten Son, fully God the Son, could provide the big enough payment to satisfy the infinite, eternal, perfectly just demands of your Creator - your Father in Heaven.

No earthly judge would accept an innocent person to suffer for a guilty person – no earthly judge would – but your Father in Heaven offered and is willing to accept Jesus’ sufferings for the punishment your sins deserve; you would be very foolish to refuse, even if a sacrifice like that doesn’t seem to “make sense”! You were created in love to respond to the love your Father in Heaven proved He has for you; but love also demands justice. Your Father in Heaven is merciful and loving; but also just; perfectly, absolutely just. In an astonishing act of grace (undeserved favor) He provided the way for your offences against Him to be removed, when you confess your sins to Him and ask His forgiveness; He will! Then turn from them proving your repentance is real. Trust that His Son Jesus provided the only payment big enough for your sins against took the punishment your sins deserved, on His cross (aka “believing in Jesus”). I have done this; so can you.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.