Will you go to hell if you commit suicide?
2008-05-23 07:54:46 UTC
I know it's a strange question but someone I know recently killed herself and I was on the net looking into suicide -why ppl do it, if you could do anything to stop them, help them etc -and a lot of people say it's a sin and that people who take their own lives, their spirit/soul/whatever goes to hell where they will suffer horrendously for eternity.

Obviously this really upset me (even more). I don't want to think of her burning in hell. I'm not particularly religious but my mum made me go to church until I was 15 so I think some of it may have stuck.

Do you think this is true? Do you think there is an afterlife, a heaven and a hell? And do you think that people who kill themselves spend eternity burning in hell and being tortured etc. I don't want sugar-coated answers, just the truth. Also, if anyone knows, is it different depending on which religion you belong to (Catholic/Protestant/Church of England)?

Would be grateful for answers.
Thanks x
40 answers:
2008-05-23 08:03:55 UTC
Hmm i'm not great with traditional christanity, i would class myself as a very modern christian. I beileve that the concept of hell is used to incite fear and heaven is used to give people hope. I do certainly not think she will go to "hell" loving god is done so out of duty not reward and those who hate god only deserve punishment. I would not worry about it there is no way a benevolant god could punish ignorance but by nomeans does he reward it. Hell in short is an absense of god, an unconcious nothingness, not a falme covered damnation that middle america may try and scare into you.
2008-05-23 08:21:05 UTC
Well, I can only say that there is a place prepared for those who have accepted the Gospel of Jesus Christ and have been washed clean from the sins of this world. There is a Heaven where God reigns and wishes us all to come and dwell with Him forever.

I am also certain that there is a place prepared for those souls who knew not Jesus, whose actions were far from what was required and have no place or intention to dwell with God.

Suicide is such a complex issue though. We will never know fully what this person was thinking when she decided that she could not go on. We'll never know what pressures she was facing or what sicknesses (depression or whatever) she was battling or for how long she was sufferring.

The only one who knows this is God. I know that God is merciful and loves your recently departed friend. You have to look at it like God being a loving Heavenly Father... if your child were sufferring and battling this illness (which is what depression and the related issues are) wouldn't you want her to be happy? Sure there is a punishment affixed to what she did, but if she was fully well, and in her right mind, do you think that she would have committed such a horrendous act?

I believe that God will make the right decision in respect to your friend. When you see her again, which I am also certain that you will, then you'll be able to ask her the question why. Until then my prayers are with you in this trying time.

God bless you.
2008-05-23 08:08:05 UTC
No, I personally don't think there's an afterlife, no matter how much I and the bunch that will give me the thumbs down would like to believe so.

But even if we miraculously kept living after death, the idea of a hell or a heaven is quite naive, to say the least. Don't listen to these people, don't let them upset you, the only go about their religious jabbering but have never opened a science book in their entire lives.

I'm so sorry to hear about your friend/acquaintance. Was she heavily depressed or had something unbearable happen to her? Unfortunately she's gone, try to enjoy your own life without fears and superstitions. And when you have to face problems just remember that this is the one precious life you have and make the most of it. And if there is an after life, well, that's even better.

Your friend is not in hell. Don't have any doubts, sweetie, you've been to the wrong websites.
Darth Veda
2008-05-23 08:12:54 UTC
Well, despite the heresies in the RCs the Anglicans and other Protestants concerning the length of time spent undergoing punishment in the lake of fire, actually all the stubborn towards Christ - not found in the Lamb's book of life - go to hell2 to have their soul killed by God until the end of the eons after which all are released, having paid for their sins by themselves, and so then all infact come to be reconsiled to God and live with Him forever...

This is the gospel according to the Greek New Testament which most english translations have departed from.

For a free download of bibles that correctly translate the Greek for eon and eonian and so explain the truth about hell this site is on offer:

And, no, the bible does not say that suidice in unforgiveable - only blaspheming the Holy Spirit is unforgiveable.
Pastor Biker
2008-05-23 08:07:21 UTC
Im a pastor but Im also a Biker and dont sugar coat nothin, soo im sure you want the truth but also Im sure you wont like the answer but yes if you commit suicide, and die you can no longer be able to repent of that act soo you will spend an eternity in Hell suffering for ever and ever...Hugs I only tell it like it is...

Hell/Gehenna/The Garbage Dump may be nothing more than the natural, eventual fate of this Universe unmodified by Life. Christ is going to build a better Universe. Don’t end up stuck in what is left of the old one by default. No one has to. He made it easy for us, hard for Him. Christ does not build Hell. Those who do not choose to join His Body do. If you locked several Nuns in a Holiday Inn for a year and gave them supplies and otherwise left them alone, in a year that Holiday Inn would still be a decent living environment. It may even improve. If you did the same thing to a bunch of criminals, and came back in a year, what would you find? Now imagine the same thing going on for a VERY long time. There is where Hell comes from. God does not torture the residents there. They torture each other. Those have gone their own way and do not want God’s interference. It would not be ethical for Him to intervene without permission. They rejected Him, not the other way around.
2008-05-23 08:06:53 UTC
Suicide is, in effect, self-murder. The unfortunate thing about it is that the one who commits it cannot repent of it. The damage is permanently done. We can see in the Bible that murderers have been redeemed (Moses, David, etc.), but they had opportunities to confess their sins and repent. With suicide, the person does not. But that does not mean the person is lost. Jesus bore all that person's sins, including suicide. If Jesus bore that person's sins on the cross 2000 years ago, and if suicide was not covered, then the Christian was never saved in the first place and the one sin of suicide is able to undo the entire work of the cross of Christ. This cannot be. Jesus either saves completely or he does not.

That I cannot answer because I cannot list every possible situation. But, it seems obvious that suicide is clearly wrong, though forgivable. However, there are general categories of suicide that we could briefly comment on:

Medically Assisted Suicide - I've never seen this as being acceptable. The doctor is supposed to save life, not destroy it. But, lately as destroying the lives of the unborn is more common place, destroying the lives of the sick has become the next logical step.

Suicide to prevent prolonged torture - Let's say that someone was being tortured in an excruciating manner for an unbearably long period of time, is suicide an option? Perhaps. But if it were in this situation, why wouldn't it be all right in the medically assisted context if the patient were also in excruciating pain for long periods of time? Quite honestly, I'm not sure how to answer that one.

Suicide due to depression - Of course, this is never a good reason for suicide. Seasons pass and so does depression. The one who is depressed needs to look to Jesus and get help. Depression is real and powerful and is best fought with help. Also, severe depression robs the mind of clear thinking. People in such states are in a real way, not in their right mind.

Suicide due to a chemical imbalance in the brain - The human brain is incredibly complex and the medical community is full of accounts of extraordinary behaviors by people whose "circuits got crossed." I don't see how a situation like this would make it justifiable. I think it simply would make it more explainable.

Accidental suicide - Sometimes people accidentally kill themselves. This could mean leaning over a balcony too far and falling to one's death, or actually, purposefully taking a stupid risk like playing with a gun. Of course, with either, stupidity does not remove us from the grace of God. But then again, if it was an accident, it wouldn't be suicide would it?
2008-05-23 08:13:50 UTC
No one who commits suicide goes to hell. But please, don't take this as a encouragement to commit suicide. I think that if it takes to believe in hell to stop this insanity of suicide, we are better off with the fear to end up in hell. But just here between you and me, forget all the 15 years you learned about hell in the church because there is no such a thing as hell for one to suffer horrendously for eternity.

There is no afterlife either in heaven or hell. Take it from the original that's me. The Bible is not Catholic or Protestant or Church of England. The Bible is Jewish. That's the original. Therefore, don't worry your little head about these fairy tales of heaven, hell or afterlife.

The only afterlife that there is, is eternal rest in the dust of the earth. Heaven or hell is a state of mind caused by ourselves or others to ourselves or to others here on earth.
Your Brother's Brother
2008-05-23 08:04:21 UTC
Religious people would say what you've said is true, but I would disagree.

Judging from a lot of NDEs (near-death experiences) I have read, people who commit suicide do experience a form of 'hell' but it might not be the same as what you are expecting.

Basically they are shown the negative consequences of their actions, and the repercussions on other people's lives/how much pain they have caused etc.

The 'hell' would be of her own making, being unable to forgive herself for what she's put other people through. She might find it very difficult to forgive herself.

But there is no guarantee that this will go on forever, and hopefully she will eventually learn from her actions, move on and once again return to the Source (God).
2008-05-23 08:08:13 UTC
No one knows where we end up but God.

Let me tell you a quick story. When I was 13, a good friend of mine (who was 15 at the time) committed suicide. He struggled heavily with depression, but he was a great kid. He was in church every Sunday, he was a good friend... but he had a mental illness and ended up taking his life.

Obviously we were all devastated... but the people in our church (and in other churches she's been to) had the nerve to tell his grieving mother that her son was in hell.

I think it's sick... and NO ONE knows that for sure but God.

Your friend is NOT "burning in hell." She was obviously hurting... people commit suicide because their hearts and souls are broken. They are in horrible emotional pain... they just want to go home. I don't believe in a God who would send someone from painful reality to painful reality. No way. He loves your friend.

I'm sorry for your loss. Don't worry about what other people say. They don't know your friend and they don't know God. All they have are guesses.
2008-05-23 08:02:55 UTC
Constantine is a very terrible movie and does not have any biblical teaching in it whatsoever. Disregard that person's comment.

Alot of people say a person will not go to Hell simply because they commit suicide, because they say the single sin of killing yourself is not an unforgivable sin. They say that God forgives any other sin, so He will forgive that one too.

However, they err in this reasoning because they look at suicide and point out a single sin. That is not what suicide is, by is so much more complex than a single sin.

God can forgive any sin, yes, but something that He does not forgive, and will never forgive, is an unrepentant, sinful lifestyle. Jesus Himself said, "Unless you repent, you will all likewise perish." (Luke 13:3). So repentance is crucial. If you do not repent, you will be banished from God.

Suicide involves the single act of murder of self, but it isn't just that. Suicide is the end result of a lifestyle of continuous rejection of God. It is an unrepentant lifestyle. If a person would repent from their depressing thoughts, or whatever it is that is bothering them, they would come to the realization that there is joy found in the Lord Jesus Christ, because He offers salvation. Suicide is taking your own life in your own is refusal to submit to God's will. Suicide is contemplated prior to the act.

No person who lives in a continuous state of unrepentance and rebellion will enter the kingdom of God.
2008-05-23 08:02:11 UTC
I say no but then I'm not a believer. I don't think the people who wrote up the rules truly understood mental illness and many still don't. You can tell that by those who label all suicide victims as cowards. They have absolutely no idea what a depressed person goes through and cling to their primitive belief system to insult others. Why not go the whole hog and call cancer sufferers weak for not being able to defeat their disease?
2008-05-23 08:09:42 UTC
You are trying to put human emotions and human problem solving on a non-human God. God is the Alpha and Omega and it's hard trying to imagine what decisions He makes. I personally think that God understood your friends pain and suffering, knew her emotions, knew her heart. You aren't sent to hell on a technicality, if she was a believer she goes to heaven. The only unforgiveable sin in the Bible is turning away from God, not being lost or angry at God, not questioning but being a believer and then denouncing Him. Even then I think God knows if you really believe or not.
Brent Y
2008-05-23 08:07:17 UTC
No one has ever proven that hell exists, nor god(s) or heaven.

I'm not sure which church believes what, but don't forget there are hundreds of sects with extremely variable beliefs - and that's just among the Christians, not to mention Jews, Isamics, Hindus, etc. As their beliefs contradict each other, they can't all be right, and as none has any actual evidence to back up their claims, you might as well accept only that which is most likely - that there is no afterlife and your friend is simply gone - her suffering is at an end.
2008-05-23 08:02:35 UTC
According to the bible, suicide along with blasphemy are unforgiveable sins. I, nor anyone can judge where she is spending eternity right now. I do believe there is a heaven and a hell. I think you should pray and ask God for the answer your looking for.
2008-05-23 09:32:19 UTC
YES YES YES God gave us life & it is only for him to take it & is seen as very ungrateful to do that there's always others in a worse position, it's a test & you don't pass by taking the easy way out but the long term worse situation for eternity in hell!. I totally believe in the afterlife with heaven & Hell.
2008-05-23 08:03:04 UTC
People can't proof that there is a heaven and hell, but to not believe in anything is risking the chances of going to hell

anybody who commits suicide will go to hell, because God gave you life, and for somebody to take their own life is basically disrespecting God and not appreciating what he has done

that is what I believe anyway, I'm not judging anybodies actions
2008-05-23 08:02:11 UTC
we can't know for certain whether an afterlife exists as there are no reliable reports of experiences.

It's however very unlikely it does, so I wouldn't worry. And whatever is the case it's only relevant if you can do something to change her situation. I think the best you can do for somebody dead is to remember them kindly and with affection and keep their memory alive within you.
2008-05-23 08:08:43 UTC
When one dies no part of them go to hell fire.

When one dies their spirit goes back to God where it came from. Spirit being breath of life. The soul , being the mind, will, and emotions become non-existent. The body goes to the grave.

Yes, suicide is sin although it is only God that judges where the spirit of man goes in the end of time as we know it.

God is just, God is merciful, God is loving, God is full of grace, God is wonderful.
2008-05-23 07:58:12 UTC
No one really knows who is in hell and who is not.

That being said, most religions would agree that suicide is a grave sin committed by a seriously disordered soul.

BUT, that person could have realised it at the last minute when it was too late to go back, repented, and asked forgiveness. If that person did that, then no worries my friend.

In fact, I would not worry about it at all. Worrying about things no one can do anything about never helped anyone.
2008-05-23 08:17:44 UTC
I don't fully understand the workings of kamma but I do know that whether or not you kill yourself is just one factor in billions that determines your rebirth in samsara. If someone killed themself and was reborn in a hell-realm it would still be temporary (like everything else). That's some relief, huh?
2008-05-23 08:03:36 UTC
no dear i donot beleive that you friend is in hell.

were energy that is free from our body when we die

we then go to the next stage of our existance a higher or lower plaine depending on our vibrations either was your not tourtured or burn your energy just exisits taking form for what ever state it needs to be in

my uncle commited suicided years ago and visited me in dreams he was ok not in hell.but like a foll i asked him y and he stopped visiting me,dont dispare shes fine where ever she is however where she is cannot be known as we cant see the place shes gone to.maybe shes in the air the water the moon who knows

but what i do know is your a good friend to of cared so much and to now wonder where shes gone to smile at her spirit and the energy she left behind

take care hunny xx
2008-05-23 09:49:58 UTC
According to the bible anyone who takes their own life will live betwen heaven and hell and that place shall be called Purgatory, for no one can take life except God who gave you that life.
2008-05-23 08:04:54 UTC
Suicide is commited by cowards who are afraid to face life.So when a person commits suicide he goes to hell and has to endure torcher.That's when he realises how foolish he was and it would have been lot better if wouldn't have commited the sin.
Annie K
2008-05-23 08:03:37 UTC
I am an atheist so don't believe in heaven or hell, however if your friend got to the stage where they couldnt take living any more then they must be happier as no longer in pain.

If that makes sense??!!
2008-05-23 08:02:49 UTC
I haven't a clue. You certainly will not go to heaven and get 9 virgins, as Arab suicide bombers a led to believe.
Not Of This World - N.O.T.W -
2008-05-23 08:02:08 UTC
you better believe there's something, and yes if someone commits suicide then it shows that this person was not happy, if you have Jesus in your heart there's no way you could ever commit a suicide act. Let God judge this person not me.
Andymcj78 (Atheist)
2008-05-23 07:58:32 UTC
You won't face any negative karmic consequences if you commmit suicide to escape pain but you will have to deal with regret for the opportunity for spiritual growth you've squandered.
2008-05-23 08:00:00 UTC
Forget about her. Making such a groove of thought in ur mind won't do any good to u or her.

Every soul takes on to another body, sooner or later. Its wise just to pray for peace for departed souls.
Stephanie K
2008-05-25 09:12:40 UTC
no, i don't believe humans go to hell. it would not make sense. humans are created flawed, and are punished for being flawed? sounds a little sketchy.
2008-05-23 08:01:37 UTC
no way! it doesnt! life and death are very personal and proper to every culture... the gods might feel sorry for the one who commits it but they would have compassion too.

suicide is really an extreme choice... nobody in his heart would want to make it worse for the person.
2008-05-23 08:01:08 UTC
I would say no, but I'm an atheist.

Here is a similar question that someone else asked.
2008-05-23 08:12:47 UTC
"GOD being 'NO respecter of persons', applies to suicide."

"I never once gave suicide one thought."

"It's one thing to sacrifice my Life, it's another thing to not care

about the threat of someone taking my Life, but SUICIDE,...."

"....from one of my favorites, 'No Can Do.'; 'I can't go for that'!"
2008-05-23 08:07:39 UTC
of course you would sisterm, any non muslim or non believing muslim will go to hell, anyone that commits suicide will take you straight to hell fire, as Allah gave you the life, and who are you to decide when and where to take it away?
Mike K
2008-05-23 08:06:47 UTC

Under some circumstances they might. If it is because of bad medication prescriptions through to diseases like manic depression, no.


Michael Kelly
2008-05-23 08:03:48 UTC
There is no such thing as hell
2008-05-23 07:58:56 UTC
depends on how you lived your life, were you selfish? ut of control? enjoyed being depressed, not helping yourself.

or were you tortured and reduced to dieing. not in your control.
2008-05-23 07:59:01 UTC
If she was baptized and had accepted Jesus as her saviour, she would only be judged for her sin. If she was not a believer, then she would be put to death or go to hell for her suicide. Sorry..
2008-05-23 07:57:45 UTC
Watch "Constantine". That should give you all the answers you need.
2008-05-23 07:58:59 UTC
since hell is imaginary.....i would have to say NO !
2008-05-23 07:58:41 UTC
I didn't.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.