2011-06-11 07:14:54 UTC
i know big bang theory(The cosmos goes through a superfast “inflation” expanding from the size of atom to that of a grapefruit in a tiny fraction of a second.
Post inflation the universe is a seething hot soup of electrons quarks and other particles
A rapidly cooling cosmos permits quarks to clump into protons and neutrons.
Still too hot to form into atoms, charged electrons and protons prevent light from shining the universe is a super hot fog.
Electrons combine with protons and neutrons to form atoms mostly hydrogen and helium light can finally shine.
Gravity makes hydrogen and helium gas coalesce to form the giant clouds that will become galaxies: smaller clumps of gas collapse to form the first stars.
As galaxies cluster together under gravity, the fast stars die and spew heavy elements into space: these will eventually form into new stars and planets)great explanation and maximum try.but i cant find the ancient origin or source of the universe very difficult.