How to witness to Jehovah’s Witnesses:
First don’t argue with us. We didn’t come to your door to argue. Nobody wins an argument (contrary to what others have said). Please understand that for one to win an argument, one of the individuals would have had to change their mind. If we feel that all you want to do is argue we will leave. By leaving we aren’t “running away” we are following the counsel at Matt 10:12,13.
Next don’t try to tell us that we must believe the trinity. According to the New Encyclopedia Britannica (1976), and the New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967) the trinity is not found in the bible, and the Apostles did not believe anything even remotely approaching that idea. The Encyclopedia Americana (1956) says that the trinity does not reflect accurately early Christian teaching regarding the nature of God, it is, on the contrary, a deviation from their teaching.
So if you say that you can “prove” the trinity using the bible, you are either misunderstanding what the bible is actually trying to say or you are purposely trying to teach falsehoods.
Next don’t say that “my” bible is inaccurate or full of mistakes. According to Truth in Translation: Accuracy and Bias in English Translations of the New Testament. by Jason BeDuhn, associate professor of religious studies at Northern Arizona University, in Flagstaff, Arizona; The New World Translation “is one of the most accurate English translations of the New Testament currently available” and “the most accurate of the translations compared.” One of the bibles it was compared to was the NIV. John 1:1 was one of the verses compared and the NWT was the only bible translation that translated it correctly. (He did say he preferred “and the Word was divine or godlike to “a god”, but a god is an accurate and truthful translation).
Speaking of the NIV, when Edwin H. Palmer, Th.D., Executive Secretary for the NIV’s committee was asked why they didn’t translate Jehovah’s name correctly and accurately in their bible in the almost 7000 times it appears, he stated that they had spent $2 million dollars and if they had translated God’s name correctly as Jehovah or Yahweh instead of LORD, they would be throwing that money away. He also said that we are the victims of 350 years of the King James tradition.
So my question is if they mistranslated Jehovah’s name 7000 times to “sell bibles” what else did they
mistranslate to “sell bibles”? (2 Corinthians 2:17)
If the reason they didn’t use Jehovah’s name was “Jewish Tradition” remember what Jesus said about Jewish traditions and God’s Word at Matt 15:6, the Jews had made God’s Word invalid do to their traditions. Therefore is following Jewish tradition a good idea when it comes to translating God’s Word?
Another point you shouldn’t bring up is the immortality of the soul. Unless you can disprove Ezekiel 18:4 and Matt 10:28 which says that the soul will die and also be destroyed as punishment for sin. Please remember that the first recorded lie in the bible was to the effect that if we disobey God we will not die. (Gen. 3:4) So if you tell me that the soul / spirit does not die, you are repeating the lie Satan told Eve.
Add to this the fact that according to Eccl. 9: 5 & 10, the dead are conscience of nothing at all and Jesus liken death to sleep (Matt 9:24; John 11:11-14). Finally let’s not forget that eternal life is a reward for faithfulness, not something we already have. (John 3:16; Romans 6:23)
Another point you shouldn’t mention is “All those who believe that Jesus is Lord will go to heaven.” Please notice what Jesus said about John the Baptist at Matthew 11:11. No one can deny John’s faith in Jesus, but he won’t even be a lesser one in heaven, so how and where is John to receive his reward for faithful service? (Matt 5:5) This is in harmony with what the bible says about King David (Acts 2:34) not going to heaven. Another point about heaven is: don’t say Jehovah took Enoch to heaven because John denies this at John 3:13.
So what is the best way to witnesses to one of Jehovah’s Witnesses? Well, instead of waiting for one to come to your door, call your local Kingdom Hall and ask for a personal study of the bible, study once or twice a week, attend all the meetings for 6 months. If you haven’t learned to witness to Jehovah’s people in this time period, pray to Jehovah and ask him to help you remove whatever it is that is holding you back.