Nonsense Jibber Jabber...
Standard answer to this one cos I'm sick of it...
*******************Ignore what doesn’t pertain to you*******************
EVERYONE is PRO-life... excepting maybe psychopaths.
I am PRO choice and you are ANTI choice... let's call it what it is...
Not some emotive term denigrating people who believe in freedom of choice.
It sounds very much like you're another willing tool of the religious right, driven by misogynistic wrinkled old men.
The modus operandi of ANTI choicers is to pick on the weak and vulnerable.
The ANTI choicers' main tools of trade are FEAR, GUILT, lies and hypocrisy.
I am against abortion BUT
1. I am a man; I should have NO say.
2. I am NOT that girl; I should have NO say.
I'm pro-choice, not pro-abortion…
Religion needs to stay out of a woman's vagina; it has no business there.
Only the terminally gullible believe that making abortion illegal makes it stop... it just drives it underground and kills more women.
There is nothing I can think of more barbaric than forcing a girl-woman to gestate unwillingly.
IF men could become pregnant, abortion would NOT be an issue and you know it.
Tony Abbott (Australian Catholic sexist politician): Abortion is the easy way out.
Yeah… right, Tony.
Addendum: “Our tax dollars already go into welfare, child protection programs, and abuse counseling for underprivileged children.
These are necessary programs, but wouldn't be great if they could be less necessary? If more children were wanted and were born to people who were emotionally prepared to be parents these and other programs would not be as flooded as they currently are by neglected, unloved children.
I'd rather pay for someone's abortion, than pay for 18 years of child care.
Giving women access to reproductive health choices, including birth control and elective abortion means healthier, happier families, and less strain on the tax payer.”