why does the media (T.V, magazines, radio,Internet, news) states black women aren't pretty?
2007-03-27 10:46:05 UTC
But in real life, black, white, and spanish men in flock loads constantly tell me how strikingly gorgeous I am. I been proposed to, by men of different races. Men offer me jewery. money, new cars, ect,ect. Tell you the truth I did accept the car and the money.LOL I do work and everything like that, but why; when I have men just give it to me?
36 answers:
Michael C
2007-03-27 10:52:11 UTC
Where in the hell did you hear that? I am a white men and I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee chocolate mmmmmmmmmmm I am by the way a white supremacist but I will never let them know about my secret? hell naaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh.
2007-03-27 13:06:08 UTC
Everybody knows that the world, and especially the USA is full of beautiful girls with a large percent of their race being beautiful also. I have never in my life heard the media run black women down because of their looks. Just the opposite is true when you think of all the beauty contestants that are black, and win their prospective contests all the time. Vanessa Williams comes to mine, who is still beautiful. When you think that the percentage of blacks in this country is small compared to other races, they do very well in multi -racial contest.

I would ask the question that: since the above answer is true, why then do black peoples have to have their own magazines, such a Jet, Ebony etc. and their own beauty pageants and fashion shows, plus black organizations such as the NAACP and others. Doesn't the black race see this as racial? Isn't this a double standard? Would it be alright if white people had magazines called Ivory or White as Chalk? How about a beauty contest where only whites are the contestants. It time to get over the racism. Lets get to some kind of middle ground. Please!!!!
2007-03-27 10:59:29 UTC
well i don't know where you got the idea for the question from but here goes for the sake of hearing more on the other side. Most people are attracted to the traits that are inherently their own. For some reason everyone has a different idea of what it is to be beautiful. Personally i go for the "look of health" it is that normal guide to your senses that tells you that the mate you chose is able to hold their own and birth children without deformities. As for me there is allot to do with the hairstyles. I'm sorry if i offend you but i just do not find the look of grease and super small curl and burnt up hair attractive in any way. I do know that not all black women have this going but a majority does and it is disgusting to me. It is good that you are happy with yourself and not all black women are gross, but then again i could also say that not all white and spanish women are gross either. It's just my standards that i want my mate to live up to. I know you have standards as well and can not say that everyone is totally hot. But super dark sunburned and skin cancer showing with the funny hair and super nails is at the very bottom of my "who i would do when desperate list" so sorry if i add to a stereotype i didn't mean it that way... but if you are going to gloat post a photo instead of an avatar. It makes it more convincing...
2007-03-27 10:51:54 UTC
I don't think the media sends that message at all. In fact I think ladies like Halle Berry and Beyonce are consistently regarded as some of the most beautiful women in America... and there's PLENTY more. I think you just wanted to say some outlandish statement to get attention about how you get money and cars from guys because you're "gorgeous".

Sharisse F
2007-03-27 11:03:34 UTC
I agree w/ the rest of the YA, I've never read or heard of the media stating that black women are not pretty. The media uses all types of women to sell products, and last time I checked they weren't using unattractive black women to sell products. So lets try to think up more intelligent pressing questions for YA to comment on. Good Luck.
2007-03-27 11:18:53 UTC
I want to know where you got that info. Considering there's been a black Miss America. You can't get that title unless you are pretty. I don't see or hear in the media people say these things.

Why? when you just have men giving it to you? Then don't work, take em for all they've got..... we'll see where you end up in 20 yrs =)
2007-03-27 10:53:07 UTC
Beauty is harmony and good proportion. It can come in any race. But as a general rule fair and light is more beautiful than dark. Soft smooth silky features are more beautiful than broad and coarse. So the media picks up on it as a tool to sell things. They never use any real dark blacks because that is not attractive. Even Oprah had to change her appearance to look more light and suave.
Mama Gretch
2007-03-27 10:51:39 UTC
How have you formed this opinion that "media states black women aren't pretty?" I see nothing but gorgeous women of all races and colors on TV and in print! The problem is that average-looking women aren't represented. Society has come to worship the rare exceptionally pretty women and the majority of us have to conform to feel like we're in the mainstream. There is absolutely nothing to support your statement that black women in the media aren't beautiful!

Nice for you that you're so pretty - be careful who you accept gifts from - they only want one thing from you and I'll bet you give it to them...
Ana Thema
2007-03-27 10:54:01 UTC
Who says black women aren't pretty? I've never heard that. I've seen black women who are drop-dead gorgeous. They make me so jealous. And as for the older ladies, nothing is so creepy as an old white woman with limp white hair and a wrinkly face (like me) compared to an old black woman with the striking contrast of her crisp white hair against the smoothest, prettiest skin you could ever ask for. You're reading the wrong mags, listening to the wrong stations, and surfing the wrong websites!
2007-03-27 10:53:35 UTC
who owns the media has the power to put out on its airways whatever.... I know how men act as if large or fat women are nasty and disgusting...but when I use to go in the chat rooms I noticed that the bbw rooms were always full and off the hook.... and the fat girl parties with would be surprised what people actually find beautiful and desireable....some people are just undercover lovers of what society trys to exploit as being "Unpretty".
2007-03-27 10:52:27 UTC
what magazines are you reading? I suggest you stop subscrbing to Better homes,and Klansmen. I have never seen a magazine or T.V. show or Radio or news story or Internet story that says black women are not pretty. You're either looking for racism or looking at racist publications,and not mainstream media
2007-03-27 10:52:46 UTC
Gold digger. All women are beautiful no one race has a lock on beauty stop taking gifts from men one day your beauty will fade get something in your head so you can take care of your self. No one loves a beautiful woman more than me and I have had a few of them the word is Had get my point
sister steph
2007-03-27 11:02:53 UTC
REally? Any time I see a Black woman in the media, she's always beautiful. I haven't seen a single ugly woman (period) in the media unless I catch Jerry Springer.
2007-03-27 10:53:30 UTC
You might be physically attractive, but based on the things you stated, you sound like you're quite ugly on the inside.

That's a dealbreaker for anyone with an IQ over 70.
Jamie B
2007-03-27 10:49:58 UTC
I've never heard that. Where do people get this kind of information? Do they just dream it up? Oh, and you comments about how you are so beautiful and men buy you things and give you crap makes you sound like a hooker not a goddess. Just thought I would let you know.
2007-03-27 11:00:49 UTC
Everyone is beautiful in their own way.

Even Satan was the most beautiful of all the angels. (of course I'm not saying you are evil. However if men are giving you gifts like new cars, etc. I would have to wonder).
2007-03-27 10:52:22 UTC
I have never heard that before. Black, white, Asian, Indian, Spanish women are pretty. You should not let what the media portrays affect you
2007-03-27 10:52:01 UTC
You don't have to be black or pretty to be a hooker -- sounds like you're well on your way.

Hope you find something more enduring than your looks to get you through life -- looks only last so long.
2007-03-27 10:55:42 UTC
Not true.It is politically incorrect to denigrate black people.And,beauty is in the eye of the beholder anyway.Sounds like you are very insecure and out of touch with reality,as well as shallow.
2007-03-27 10:50:24 UTC
Well, you may be the most gorgeous thing on Earth, but your grasp of the English language is pretty lacking.
2007-03-27 10:50:59 UTC
For one thing hun, your avatar is a light color. Your skin is probably light, your features fair, your hair well styled. Most dark skinned women aren't considered beautiful in hollywood. Hollywood is brutal. You never see dark-skinned flat-nosed women in the movies or on TV. Most popular black women are not even all black. Halle Berry is mixed, Beyonce has some white features, i can't think of one movie star that is actually a real black women.
2007-03-27 10:55:17 UTC
Maybe because people like you give them a bad rap. Look, ooooo, you are so pretty, but are you pretty on the inside? I'm guessing no. Get past physical appearances and grow up.
2007-03-27 10:51:27 UTC
I haven't heard or read that?

In real life, God calls you beautiful. That is what matters. Not so much what someone else calls you. And there is a problem with sooo many men calling you beautiful. I think the problem is that they want sex.
2007-03-27 10:48:33 UTC
I dare anybody, at the risk of a good smiting, to deny that Halle Berry is beautiful.

Someone doesn't like Halle because her mother is white....

Let's try Naomi Campbell

or Iman
2007-03-27 10:49:58 UTC
I've never heard that stated in the media, but I think you just wanted to brag a little bit. :]
2007-03-27 10:49:14 UTC
I really dont understand why your question is in R&S.

Who said that anyone states that black women aren't pretty? Is this just an attempt to try and brag yourself up?
2007-03-27 10:52:29 UTC
I have not seen that anywhere. All ethnic groups have beautiful women, and not so beautiful women.

Same goes for men.
2007-03-27 10:52:38 UTC
I'd do you...

I wouldn't give you cars, cash, or jewelry for the "honor" though. Those guys are idiots, and you're a prostitute.
2007-03-27 10:49:12 UTC
I didn't know humans could have sex with ducks. Dear Lord what will they think of next. Quack women. Dear. .dear.
2007-03-27 10:59:43 UTC
since when has the media done that? there are as many nubian goddesses on the papparazzi as honkey princesses
2007-03-27 10:51:38 UTC
How many times are we going to have to hear you talk about how beautiful you are?
2007-03-27 10:50:58 UTC
well you are quite modest, i mean they FLOCK well to answer your question you have no Idea what a guy will do when he is smitten.
2007-03-27 10:50:44 UTC
i guess they haven't seen you yet,as for the gifts you receive,you should work so you have self respect for yourself
2007-03-27 10:49:45 UTC
I wasn't aware that they do. Maybe they do that just where you live.
2007-03-27 10:52:57 UTC
well, you go girl......cause if guys offered me stuff, anything I would take it too
2007-03-27 10:49:19 UTC
i do not believe are full of beans...

maybe you are bored..thats ok..i need 2 points thanks

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