1.Reality: is there a God?
We always ask ourselves: "Where do we come from? What is the source of this vast universe around us?" The only entity to ever come out and claim responsibility is God. Fact is, we didn't create ourselves and we can't control when we die. Yet we do have control over other aspects. This can only mean that there is a supernatural entity that has created us and given us partial control of our physical existance.
2.Is nature spiritual or reality, stable or caotic?
Everything in nature has been created according to a very maticulously executed masterplan. The only chaotic thing in nature is the actions of humans. Why? With the exception of mankind, everything created submits to the Will of God, and thus follows the masterplan. Humans however have been given free will to submit or not submit. Chaos is a direct result of non-submission.
Spirituality can be found in nature. God tells us to reflect upon His creation in order to gain understanding. The act of meditation is a way of becoming one in nature and elevating the spirit.
3.Is humanity Spirit or Biology?
Both. A human being is a marriage between a soul and a body. It is fascinating to observe how lifeless a person is once he/she dies. It's like looking at a wax scultpture.
4.What comes after death? Paradise/Reincarnation/Nothing...
This life is a testing ground. We are placed here to make choices. Once we depart, we will be gathered at the entrance to the next existance. At this entrance, we will be directed to go to a final destination based on our performance of the test of this life. Those who submit will gain the favor of their Creator (Heaven), whereas those who reject will be rejected themselves and cast into the pit (Hell).
5.How do we KNOW what we know?
We were created with the ability to recognize, observe, react, and learn. When a computer is programmed to perform calculations, the computer then knows these calculations. But does it know that it knows? No. It does not have a spirit; it only knows physically. We on the other hand exist on both a physical and spiritual level. The act of knowing knowledge is part of self-awareness which resides in the spiritual realm. Since we have only been given control of physical aspects, we don't have the means to understand what resides in our spirits and how.
6.How do we know what's right and wrong? Conscience/Laws/Science/God
Right and wrong are both relative and absolute. The absolute right and wrong which was given to us by God is something instinctive within us because we were born with. The source is God and the analysis mechanism resides in the conscience.
Does science provide us with absolute right and wrong? No. Science has been known to be fallible before (flat earth) and can very well be fallible now. Laws? Possibly. There were laws that allowed and regulated slavery in the past. On second thought, maybe not.
7.What is the meaning of Life? None/What you make of it/Purpose exists
God created us for the sole purpose of worshipping Him and serving Him by executing His laws here on earth. This is the miraculousness of God's creation. He could have simply put angels on earth to execute His commands. Instead, to exmplify His Magnificence, He chose to place on Earth beings that will rule and execute His commands based on free will. How do we know that it's free will? Because many have accepted, yet many more have rejected.
Thus, the meaning of life is to understand that free will was given to us by a Higher Being; we did not inherit it from the big bang theory. Otherwise, other creatures and beings would also have free will. But they do not; they only submit. And the fact that they don't should make us ask 'why'? Then and only then can we understand the purpose of our existance.
And God only knows best
For privacy reasons, I choose not to give you my real name. I can only tell you that my name comes from an ancient language and it is translated to "His Servant, Righteous".