The Bible is a Book of Science, how come it isn't promoted that way?
2012-01-04 09:36:07 UTC
Science heads and Atheists attack the Bible for some odd reason when if one actually spent time reviewing this Book they would see it is clearly 100% scientifically valid. In fact, this information was in the Bible years before Science "discovered" it....For example : (1) The book of Job describes two dinosaurs (chapter 40 starting at verse 15) (2) Bible also says that each star is unique ( 1 Corinthians 15:41). 3. Bible describes the suspension of the Earth in space (Job 26:7) 4. In 1616, William Harvey discovered that blood circulation is the key factor in physical life—confirming what the Bible revealed 3,000 years earlier (Leviticus 17:11). 5 . Bible also describes cave men (Job 30:5,6). 6. Hydrothermal vents[4] are described in two books of the Bible written before 1400BC—more than 3,000 years before their discovery by science (Genesis 7:11 and Job 38:16)............I could go on forever..... Oh, Secular history supports the Bible. For example, in The Antiquities of the Jews, book 18, chapter 3, paragraph 3.............Funny how this kind of information never makes it to non-believers ears or eyes.
24 answers:
2012-01-04 09:42:29 UTC
Oh, please, you have to be reading with a very vivid imagination to get scientific facts out of those verses. Have you actually read the verses in context, or did you just copy what you wrote off an apologist website?

The Bible also says that there is a solid canopy over the earth separating the waters above from the waters below and God can make it rain by opening a window in heaven. It says stars can fall to earth. It says that leprosy can be cured through a bizarre ritual involving two dead birds. It says snakebite can be cured by gazing at a brass snake on a pole. It says you get striped goats by having your goats copulate in front of a striped stick.

Science in the Bible? Don't make me laugh.
2012-01-04 09:45:15 UTC
No. It really isn't. Science is an objective method of describing how our world works. It starts with observed premises and comes to observable conclusions based on repeatable findings. If new evidence later shows something to the contrary, the conclusion is changed. What you're doing is taking conclusions and scouring the Bible and twisting little bits and pieces into something that sort of describes them.

The original quote was said about Philosophy, but it fits here nicely:

"Science has questions which may never be answered. Religion has answers that may never be questioned."
2012-01-04 09:47:24 UTC
Evolution does not disprove the bible or God but only someones theological interpretation. On the idea of whether there is a God or not, good science yet remains neutral. Since God is tracing genes in the bible, doesn't that mean that God new about evolution before science? Does Genesis 30:39 where Jacob is dealing with the flocks of sheep reveals that God had taught him something about genes and how they are passed from generation to generation? It doesn't say that Cain went out to a land and named it Nod but that he went out to the land of Nod. Nod was already named before Cain went there and also so were all the regions surrounding the garden of Eden. God made sure that this evidence remained in the bible not just for a good story but to point out the existence of other human like creatures that were here before the Adamites.

The things spoken about in Genesis 1 that God did in an instant mentally/Spiritually is still unraveling in the progress of time and Genesis 2:1-3 from the point of view of the physical has not yet happened. It doesn't take time for God to create but time actually is part of the creation. Now Adam was the start of a new segment of time called the Adamic age (of which the bible deals with) within a much older segment of time that could be millions or billions of years old. Adam was something new introduced to this world. Time is actually insignificant to the God. Genesis 6 speaks about Adam's offspring (called the Sons of God) being mixed with the humanoid evolved creatures, that were here before Adam, through their daughters. Noah was mixture and so are we. Adam's offspring introduced language and objectivity to the purely subjective and emotional world of the animal. Adam is the missing link that science has yet to find because of his origin as an angelic genes that were placed in a physical body his bones dissolved after death and so did his descendants that were giant. Because the Giant were not able to breed with the smaller people they became more and more inbred which produces mental and physical problems. Since not all were physical giants though but some were mental and spiritual giants yet of a small size and could breed in a bigger gene pull their traits survived. Adam's genes remain on this planet but only mentally and spiritually.
2012-01-04 09:41:26 UTC
There is no "science" in the bible.

It doesn't describe any dinosaurs.

The ignorant goat herders that wrote it thought stars were tiny pinpoints of light on a dome over the earth. And they didn't know the earth was a planet, or orbited a star, or anything else.

Your rather silly post-hoc attempts to fit ignorant myth to scientifically established facts only demonstrate your intellectual dishonesty...nothing else.

2012-01-04 09:52:13 UTC
It is of course perfectly OK to desire anything one wants on this physical plane of existence.

But the Bible is about two things, each quite separate from one another.

The Bible is about the Esoteric phenomenon of Spirituality, and to point to this Esoteric phenomenon, it uses stories, parables, and other intellectual references.

What the Bible cannot do is convey Spirituality. And the reason is that Spirituality ONLY exists within the Spiritual dimension, which is incapable of being perceived by physical means. The vibrational Energy of Spirituality is beyond the reach of physical capability, in other words.

And science limits itself to that which is physical, tangible and capable of being perceived by the physical brain.

To touch Truth, or Spirituality, one must utilize ones faculty of Intuition... and the ability to do this is rare.

2012-01-04 09:53:12 UTC
Birds aren't bats, snakes don't talk, pi isn't 3, the world isn't flat, and the rest of that is just twisted bull only a true believer desperate to drag their bronze age faith into the 21st century would fall for.

Edit to the idiot who thinks NASA proved that 24 hours are missing, please visit the NASA web site. That lie is clearly debunked.
2012-01-04 09:50:50 UTC
because its not in anyway a book of science infact its nothing more then stolen twisted corrupted and raped info mixed with lies and made to remove all true spiritual and occult knolage from the populace and put it in the hands of a chosen few inorder to brainwash and enslave the world

hail satan

hail the crowns of duat
2012-01-04 09:39:31 UTC
Are you the same guy that says the Koran is a science book--pleaseeeeeeee as far as science goes the bible (and koran) are both garbage. Suitable for wrapping dead fish in.
2012-01-04 09:39:02 UTC
Interpretation of the Bible is subjective, that is why it is not used as a book of science. If it wasn't so subjective, there would not be as many conflicts in religion as there have been throughout history.
2012-01-04 09:39:26 UTC
I don't understand why anybody would believe anything from the Bible. It was written by primitive men who believed that the Earth was the center of the universe, and it was flat and covered by a large solid dome called the firmament.

Why would anybody worship the mythical god Yahweh of the Bible? He lies, cheats, and kills with impunity. But, he says that he loves us!

It seems that you haven't done your homework. Very few scholars use Josephus as a proof for Jesus any more. The paragraph 18.3.3 in Jewish Antiquities looks like just about everything a Christian could hope for, to prove that Jesus actually existed. Unfortunately, it's an obvious latter insertion — almost certainly created by “church historian” Eusebius, who first referred to it in about 324 CE, for Emperor Constantine's Council of Nicaea. We know this for several reasons:

* No Christian or scholar before then refers to it, especially not the Christian scholar Origen, whose library Eusebius had.

* Origen even wrote that Josephus did not believe in Jesus Christ.

* If the pious Jew Josephus had truly thought that Jesus was the Messiah, he would have become a Christian.

* It's unlikely that Josephus would have referred to the accusing Jews as “the principal men among us.”

* There never was a “tribe of Christians.”

* Copies of Josephus' works exist, that lack either reference to Jesus.

* The style of the text is radically different from the rest of his writings.

* The text is completely out of context with the paragraphs around it, and interrupts their story line.

* Josephus wrote extensively about many minor people of the time. A single paragraph and sentence for the Messiah is impossible.

With these two references removed from Josephus' writings, he becomes strong negative evidence for Jesus. If Jesus had existed, Josephus would have written extensively about him.
2012-01-04 09:47:59 UTC
I assume that your a Biblical scholar, a scientific scholar or possibly an independent thinker who came to some conclusion, thinks that they know more then the experts and is blessing us with his lack of knowledge.
2012-01-04 09:38:08 UTC
The bible is not a book of science and was never intended to be so, the concept of science did not even exist when it was written
2012-01-04 09:41:11 UTC
People who don't want to believe the Bible is true will do all they can to suppress it.

Archeology Proof

1. NASA can prove from the space records that 24 hours are missing in time. They have to get all that accurate because of orbiting satellites. 45 minutes from when Hezekiah turned the sundial back and 23 hours and 15 minutes from when Moses held up his arms until the battle was won at Ajalon.

2. Biblical archeology is finding more and more proof of the truth of what the Bible says. Remains of chariots and bones at the bottom of the Red Sea, location of where Sodom and Gomorrah were located, Noah’s Ark can be seen in MT. Ararat from Satellites in space.

3. The fact that the Jews are still alive and can speak Hebrew and are back in their own land is also proof of God’s existence. That is why Islam wants to destroy them. They have even taken Israel off their maps.

Many of these things are being silenced due to unbelievers suppressing it.
2012-01-04 09:40:15 UTC
I agree, the bile is equal parts fact, history, and pizza! Also that no gods or devils exist anywhere outside of ones properly inculcated mind! Which is a fact not a pretend belief of you theists!
2012-01-04 09:38:06 UTC
Only problem is, this knowledge was known and shared before and during the time the bible was written.

Complete and absolute fail, dude.
The Happy Atheist
2012-01-04 09:44:55 UTC
From biology to mathematics, the bible gets it wrong every time.
2012-01-04 09:45:44 UTC
You have got to be a troll. Not even a creationist could come out with anything that stupid.

A Muslim perhaps, but that's another matter.
4HIM- Christians love
2012-01-04 09:45:27 UTC
The Bible contains 66 separate books, which were written by thirty six men who were chosen by God to script His words. This took place over 1600 years and the evidence is in the events and the purpose of the scriptures.

The purpose of the entire Bible is to tell us about our condition of being separated from God because of our sins, God's plan to bring a Savior to die in our place for our sins, Jesus' birth, life, death and resurrection, that God's prophecy has taken place and about our invitation to belong to God as His adopted children through acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and our Savior.

The Bible is God's written Word to us.

It was written by human authors, under the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit.

“Above all you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” 2 Peter 1:20-21. (New International Version)

Breakdown of the Bible

36 human authors inspired entirely by God over 1600 years.

66 separate books

39 Old Testament

Genesis- The creation of the world, sin, flood and birth of Israel

Exodus to Esther- History of the nation of Israel

Job to Proverbs- the books of poetry and wisdom

Isaiah to Malachi- Prophecy or foretelling of the future events to come.

27 New Testament

Matthew to John - Four Gospels representing the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ now with all authority in Heaven and earth.

Acts- Birth of the Church (The Bride of Christ)

Romans to Jude - Letters to the Churches

Revelations - The ultimate future plans for: The Church, Heaven, Hell, a New Heaven and a New Earth.

Here are some Bible Study Resources for anything you may want to look up:
2012-01-04 09:37:47 UTC
doesn't it suck that we didn't know there was science in the bible until it was actually scientifically discovered and then we began seeing it in the bible?

what im trying to say is, people see what they want to see.
2012-01-04 09:37:34 UTC
I suppose any set of archaic writings can be twisted into a scientific text book if you're deluded enough.
2012-01-04 09:42:48 UTC
yeah,because science tells you to kill your disobedient son,and it also gives you tips on how to treat your slaves
2012-01-04 10:05:51 UTC
get real.

when you can find a passage about protons or DNA. let us know.
2012-01-04 09:37:20 UTC
The bible is a book of camel excrement.
2012-01-04 09:38:18 UTC
the bible is the book of the christian religion!the only true bible!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.