If there is no creation by God, and we did evolve, why has no one ever seen species evolve again?
2007-06-03 15:53:57 UTC
Just wondering why the scientific field has never seen another species evolve?
wouldn't this be wonderful hard evidence that in fact evolution is 100% true fact ?
it would prove it, and no longer would it have to be called the "evolution theory" but the "evolution fact"
now some may say you have to be open minded and and not be so igonorant and overlook some facts or issues , but would that fall under "faith"?
so why have we never seen any kind of species transform from one species to another (preferably to human) again?
51 answers:
2007-06-03 16:00:42 UTC
Scientists themselves state that if it can't be observed in a laboratory and quantified that it can't be considered science. The theory of evolution can't meet these conditions because evolution can't be observed happening in a laboratory.

2007-06-03 16:51:46 UTC
There are several ways evolution can occur, depending mostly on how isolated a population is from others of the same species and on how much change has occurred in the local environment. Significant changes within a small isolated population still require hundreds of generations. Jesus Christ was alive about one hundred generations ago. If the human genome project had been done when Christ was alive, and the records were perfectly preserved, we might just be able to detect actual human evolution. (This is why geneticists use fruit flies, which can reproduce in as little as 7 days, instead of humans which require about 20 years.) We actually have seen bacteria change from one species to another in the laboratory. An easy example is the antibiotic resistent TB bacteria in the news recently. That is a brand new species which evolved inside one or more human beings. The West Nile virus is a new species, though not quite "living." Countless artificial species, mostly plants and bacteria, have been created using techniques which alter DNA without having to wait for a random mutation to do it.

A major problem most believers have with evolution is the word "theory." A believer usually imagines "theory" to mean a tentative speculative explaination, unsupported by facts. A scientist calls such an explanation a hypothesis. To a scientist, a theory is a hypothesis which has withstood every known test and is still consistent with the facts. A theory has withstood the rigors of peer review. A theory is as close to a fact as a scientist can get because he must always remain open to the possibility that new knowledge may become available. Science is a self-correcting system for discovering new truth. Religion is as inflexible system for preserving old mythology.
2016-05-20 09:08:26 UTC
Just as fair an argument would be to ask of you for your proof of the evolution theory. I suspect that you are sitting there smugly and waiting to catch a fly in the web, but I could easily reverse the direction of your question (which is more a platform for a statement than a question), and bend it to my frame of reasoning. Bottom line is, when do we cease with the rhetoric? How many times must we pass through this same argument before the "logically minded" atheists get bored and just go away? You know very well that no one has seen the Creation, but then again, you also know, and just as well, that no one has seen evolution either, so what's the point? I say we lay this down. I'm all for allowing you to believe whatever it is that you believe, and ask that you allow me the same courtesy. And why so angry? Maybe too much sugar.......?
Bill K Atheist Goodfella
2007-06-03 16:13:37 UTC
Do a search for 'galapogos finches'. You will find many articles showing that science has witnessed evolution occuring within the last 100 years. New antibiotics and vaccines are developed because the bacteria and virii that they fought evolved to become resistant...some of them on a fairly rapid time-table.

Given the amount of time required for the small changes within a species to amount to a change in the species itself, one would have to be hundreds of thousands of years old, in order to be an eyewitness to the occurence. This is why the fossil record is so important. Thousands of transitional fossils have been located and verified. They provide the evidence to show that 'micro' evolution leads directly to 'macro' evolution.

The word theory has been bastardized by those wishing to disprove scientific progress. It only means 'guess' when it is used in a non-technical sense. When used in relation to a scientific process, it means: a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena: Einstein's theory of relativity or Evolutionary theory.

If, as you ask, one has to not overlook facts, then, are not dealing with faith. Faith is the belief without any supporting facts to verify it.
2007-06-03 16:05:56 UTC
its not something you can witness first hand. evolution is slow. terribly slow. so slow it may 1000's of years to see a noticeable physical change in an organism. and since no human can live that long no one has ever first hand seen evolution take place. what people have done is looked at the fossil record and compared genetics between species. evolution isnt like Pokemon where theres a bright light and a new creature is there. get a basic high school biology book and look it up why dont you!
2007-06-03 16:07:55 UTC
Evolution occurs over millions of years. It doesn't occur in a human's lifetime.

Germs and such do start creating resistance towards the antibiotics that are created to combat them.

I don't know much about evolution, and I mean the really scientific stuff that goes deep. But what I know lays it to rest that evolution i sa fact and nor a "theory" as many ignorant people suggest.
Broken Alabaster Flask
2007-06-03 16:08:34 UTC
You have a good point there. I have often wondered that myself. But to tell you the truth... this vast creation with all its details.. a simple thing like the sun being off by even one degree forward or backward will either freeze the earth or cook it to a crisp attests to God and His creation. God upholds this universe by the power of His Word.

The simplicity of God somehow escapes man. It is creation which declares the wonders and glory of God. He stretched forth His hands according to the Book of Zach and created the heavens and earth and best of all.. He created a spirit of man within him:)

These evolutionists may say that " it takes time" but that is their only excuse for their foolish theories. And you are right.. they will only be theories not solid hard facts. The bible spoke of the world being a sphere long before the scientific world acknowledged it to be so. I tell you.. they should simply read the Holy Scriptures BY the One who made this vast creation and be saved from a lot of wondering.

Its been many many years since the creation of man... we should all look different.. i dunno.. maybe have an extra nose growing on our foreheads by now lol? BUT no.. man is made in the image and likeness of the Constant God... the unchanging God...Who is the same yesterday today and forever. May God be praised forevermore amen.

We trust the words of God.. even the foolishness of God rather than the wisdom of men...
Jess H
2007-06-03 16:07:17 UTC
You need to learn about the theory of evolution. The theory does NOT say that we evolved from one species into another (entirely different) species. We evolved from simpler versions of ourselves. Millions of years ago, there was a very simple life form. That life form began to evolve. As it started to evolve, it branched off. One branch eventually evolved into simians, another branch eventually evolved into humans. It took millions of years for this to occur. It's not something that you can just "watch" happen.

Yes, I'm going to tell you not to overlook facts and issues, and no, that doesn't fall under "faith". The facts and issues I'm talking about have evidence to back them up. "Faith" is believing in something even though it might not have a shred of evidence to back it up. It means believing in something even if all the evidence goes against it. (aka: religion)

And we ARE still evolving. All species are always evolving. It never stops. It's just something that is too slow to observe.

If you are truly interested in knowing what the theory of evolution actually SAYS, and not just looking to spew out nonsense fed to you by your preacher and issue nonsensical challanges, then look at this site. It's easy to read, and gives you all the basic information about the theory of evolution.

Other good sites:
2007-06-03 16:09:26 UTC
species are stil levolving, and experiments have been performed, especially on fruitflies that prove evolution as a perceivable fact.

take one tribe of fruitflies split it in two and both give them different types of food, after about 25 generations (which in fruitfly years is about 25 days) the flies will no longer be able to reproduce with a member that fed of the other food source.

as for macro evolution, it is not something that happens over one single day. but geologists and antropologists have seen much evidence in fossils that strongly point in the direction of the theory of evolution.

try to read up on your science before taking a stance, cmon ive read the bible. you could atleast recipricate.
2007-06-03 16:04:31 UTC
As for in this day- all you will see in your lifetime are mutations of diseases. You may see humans get a variety of them and invent a variety of chemicals to treat them. Most of the evolution we see is bacterial or cellular.

As for the larger creatures- they all have different genes, chromosomes so you won't be seeing some new kind of zebra, for example. I do believe that humans are humans and we have not "come from" apes- as there are still apes and monkeys and us.

You may only see a number of different birth defects in plants, animals and humans in response to the amount of pollutants/poisons that they are exposed to- they will adapt to try to survive.

The Earth is hundredes of millions of years old- you think life was all the same as it is now? That would also be crazy.

The Earth, at times, has only been able to sustain certain types of life at certain times in it's history.

The theory of evolution may not be a perfect one, but explaining this all away as ocurring in a seven day period at the snap of the invisible man in the sky's fingers is as absurd as anything else I've heard/read.

As for the stories in the Bible- you would have to be equally as crazy to take stories of magic so literally!!

Faith and science should never be confused- they are both wonderful parts of life and each should be respected.

Someone mentioned animal husbandry and someone else- gardening techniques, new species of bird and frogs- how do creationists blow that off so easily?
2007-06-03 16:02:05 UTC
Evolution occurs at the molecular level or some may say it is "genes" that evolve. Species dont evolve but because of evolution at the smaller levels new species are made.

That is why we ie "evolved from apes...but there are still apes"

Just adding that so in 20 minutes when someone posts that question I can refer them back to this.
2007-06-03 16:06:24 UTC
I like to tell people who say they have no faith but they believe in evolution that they in fact do have faith. Some people try to call adaptation evolution, but they need to actually see how long it takes for a species of bug to turn into a better species of bug, but, of course, they would have to be immortal to see that. Actually, there is a chemical in every plant and animal that disproves evolution. That is one other reason we never see any species evolove.
Starvin' Marvin
2007-06-03 16:00:15 UTC
Biologists define evolution as a change in the gene pool of a population over time. One example is insects developing a resistance to pesticides over the period of a few years. Even most Creationists recognize that evolution at this level is a fact. What they don't appreciate is that this rate of evolution is all that is required to produce the diversity of all living things from a common ancestor.

The origin of new species by evolution has also been observed, both in the laboratory and in the wild. See, for example.

Even without these direct observations, it would be wrong to say that evolution hasn't been observed. Evidence isn't limited to seeing something happen before your eyes. Evolution makes predictions about what we would expect to see in the fossil record, comparative anatomy, genetic sequences, geographical distribution of species, etc., and these predictions have been verified many times over. The number of observations supporting evolution is overwhelming.

What hasn't been observed is one animal abruptly changing into a radically different one, such as a frog changing into a cow. This is not a problem for evolution because evolution doesn't propose occurrences even remotely like that. In fact, if we ever observed a frog turn into a cow, it would be very strong evidence against evolution.
Boar's Heart
2007-06-03 16:01:51 UTC
1. It takes a *long* time, and we've only been watching for about 100 years.

2. It IS happening.

A. Bacteria that have evolved to eat refined oil products, which have only been part of the environment for a little over 100 years.

B. Those chimpanzees recently documented as hunting with spears. Yes, I said spears. If they start knapping flint, I'm going on safari and taking them out . . . I've watched "Planet of the Apes" too many times not to know where THAT'S headed.

C. We're in more of an extinction phase right now. Wait awhile.
2007-06-03 16:04:10 UTC
We do see species evolve, all the time. If you want large scale evolution, you have to wait for it. How long have we been watching - a few hundred years? Are you seriously claiming nothing could possibly take longer than a few hundred years?
~Heathen Princess~
2007-06-03 16:03:55 UTC

Every species evolved. Everything from the bird to the alligator to the flu that is constantly changing. They all started out as somethign else. The modern day bird is said to have evolved from a dinasour. Just because human evolution is the only one you are paying attention to, doesn't mean its the only one.
2007-06-03 16:04:52 UTC
Good lord, kiddo (pun intended). As if your obvious one-sided "question" last night wasn't enough to prove your ignorance, you come up with this?? You honestly think that a species can evolve in the span of an average human lifetime? *sigh*

PLEASE just get some education! It won't hurt! I promise!
No Chance Without Bernoulli
2007-06-03 16:02:34 UTC
Interesting how you ask a scientific question, yet either ignore or rejct science completely.

Evolution takes place over millions of years.

You can't just go to the zoo and watch animals evolve.

Here's one for you:

There is a fish which has EVOLVED. It is called the Northen Snake Head. It has developed flippers that allow it to walk on land, and a respitory system that allows it to stay on land for miles.

There's one proof. Now show me some proof that religion is not a delusion.
2007-06-03 16:01:20 UTC
Okay, I'll try to keep calm in answering this.

First off, the theory of evolution states that animals evolve over millions of years and then only because of environmental pressure.

We've found fossils in varying states of evolution. For example, we can trace human lineage through Australopithecus, Home halibus, homo erectus, etc., all the way up to home sapien sapien (that's us.) This happened over millions of years.

A monkey is most certainly not my grandfather.
Bobby Jim
2007-06-03 16:10:41 UTC
Oh, Betty!

Don't you get it?

Dino is now Rover, and Fido, and even Lassie!

Wait a minute Betty, Barney's on the phone. He's coming home early from work and wants to practice evolving. Gotta go!
2007-06-03 16:02:10 UTC
Who says they aren't?

Several species of frog have evolved in just the last 20 years. Normally, because climate and habitat changes are slow, evolution takes place over longer periods of time.

Since our horrific destructive damage to the atomsphere with our pollutants has caused global warming, species are attempting to evolve to survive. unfortunately, thousands are becoming extinct every day because the process is just too fast for normal adaptation.

Honestly, if you'd read up on science, you'd find this fascinating.
Laptop Jesus 3.9
2007-06-03 15:57:35 UTC
How much don't you understand about evolution?

It doesn't happen in a lifetime Sparky. It's not an afternoon of watching a new bird species evolve. It happens slowly, generations upon generations.

And there are TONS of transient fossils. Look at them at a non-biased website. You'll be amazed.

It is called evolutionary theory because that is how you phrase certain scientific ideas. Like the Theory of Gravity and the Theory of Aerodynamics. If you seriously think these theories are just shooting in the dark, put your money where your mouth is and never fly on airplanes.
2007-06-03 16:04:37 UTC
How do you know there are no new species in the last 10,000 or so years? How would you go about finding recently evolved species? How can you say "no, it hasn't happened" without having looked?
2007-06-03 16:05:19 UTC
I have seen here that evolution doesn't happen in front of our eyes.

Haven't we been in human form long enough?

Haven't the animal forms been in that form long enough?

It's been like this for a few thousand years now. I don't think that would be considered "right in front of your eyes."

Isn't that like saying: Christ will come, just wait?

To that, we Christians get ridiculed left and right by the atheists.

I say if evolution is true, something should have happened by now. Isn't that what you say about my Christ?
2007-06-03 15:58:51 UTC
Because it's a process that takes millions of years to happen, and humans have only been scientifically recording things for the past few hundred years.
2007-06-03 16:01:10 UTC
Sure it has. There has been speciation in the lab amoung fruit flys and a few other examples. There are papers on this back as far as the fifties.

It takes a while for anything more complex. We only have a couple hundred years of data. Give it time. There are fish in two lakes that were once connected that are close.

Email me and I can point you to them if you really care.
2007-06-03 15:58:58 UTC
You must be an american christian; only that country is so backwards, scientifically.

29 Evidences for macroevolution:

Do you "believe in" gravity?

Why is it called "gravity theory" and not "gravity fact"?

Shouldn't people who argue against science know at least the basics? Such as what exactly the word 'theory' means?
2007-06-03 16:03:48 UTC
we have seen species evolve.

The development and spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria, like the spread of pesticide resistant forms of plants and insects is evidence for evolution of species, and of change within species. Thus the appearance of vancomycin resistant Staphlococcus aureus, and the danger it poses to hospital patients is a direct result of evolution through natural selection. Similarly the appearance of DDT resistance in various forms of Anopheles mosqitoes, and the appearance of myxomatosis resistance in breeding rabbit populations in Australia, are all evidence of the existence of evolution in situations of evolutionary selection pressure in species in which generations occur rapidly.

99% of biologists believe in evolution.

in america, many of those biologists are devout christians.

evolution is a valid theory. i believe it explains HOW God made creation. The pope agrees.

species change takes millions of years.
Joe B
2007-06-03 19:17:43 UTC
Because you touch yourself at night.
2007-06-03 15:59:21 UTC
I see it every day

I see how my children are taller than I am , slightly different in build

I see how I am different to my mother , and her to her mother

these changes are still happening .... over time , small differences

but if you look back even a hundred years or so

we are quite differently built than they were
2007-06-03 16:00:57 UTC
It takes thousands or millions of years for a species to evolve
2007-06-03 16:02:54 UTC
Evolution takes millions and millions of years. It doesn't happen overnight, in a year, in ten years, or in a hundred years.
Near of DN
2007-06-03 15:59:13 UTC
it is weird when more than one animals live in the same environment and places then evolve and becoming two difference animal.
2007-06-03 16:16:54 UTC
You are right there is no evolution or else we would still be coming from monkeys but we are not we are coming from women
2007-06-03 16:04:33 UTC
Go talk to any farmer you choose to about hybrid crops and how animal husbandry has improve livestock!

2007-06-03 16:00:41 UTC
What you have stated is untrue. We have seen new species evolve. Take a look at certain strains of bacteria. Over time, and because bacteria replicate very fast, we have seen these bacteria strains evolve into multi-drug resistant strains of bacteria, such that common antibiotics no longer kill them.
2007-06-03 16:08:08 UTC
Evolution is not science.

That's why.

Science is




You are asking about the observable part.

Evolution is not observable and therefore not science.
2007-06-03 15:58:23 UTC
Evolution takes hundreds, if not thousands of years. No one has been alive long enough to see it in action. We can take fossils and specimens that show evidence of this though.
2007-06-03 16:00:03 UTC
in paleontology with the fossil record we can see all kind of species evolve
Da Mick
2007-06-03 16:03:22 UTC
Evolution is a theory, which in some classes they teach it as a fact. But, again, one cannot notice the gaps and missing pieces of the "Facts." And, as much as evolutionist might hate this word, they too, like the Creationists, rely on "Faith."

Skyhawk: That could be from the chemicals that we put into the water, be it accident, (The exxon thing) or whatever the nature.
I need a life
2007-06-03 15:58:04 UTC
it's because evolution doesn't happend right in front of your eyes. It happens slowly and takes many many many many years.
2007-06-03 15:57:04 UTC
I can't wait to see the answers for this one.
2007-06-03 15:58:22 UTC
We actually have.

Other than that, because it takes very long times for it to be noticeable. For example, it could just be phenotypical.
2007-06-03 15:58:43 UTC
We are all evolving, all the time, but its very very slow
2007-06-03 16:07:57 UTC
2007-06-03 16:01:00 UTC
its cause it takes a 12312412341279034981273-589712389-74189237589034758923745891723489057348972503475982347589172349085718923758901347589713489-57239-475892347589-12734589273489572348957892347589023475890237490857234908572389457902347589234759028374590823745897234908572348905723904857892347589023745897234890572389045723890475289034758902347590823745890273408957239047528930475890273409857289034755348975209837458927345723894752389475092384758902347

years to get there...give or take....

or maybe evolution is wrong...
baba where art thou
2007-06-03 15:59:21 UTC
YEAH I SAY THE SAME THING and when i did i got a bunch of thumbs down...i said if we come from monkeys then why the monkeys die as monkeys why they not turning into humans...i was so suprised i get thumbs down.
✞ Ephesians 2:8 ✞
2007-06-03 16:02:45 UTC
Good question!!!! I simply believe God created all things .
2007-06-03 15:58:09 UTC
Because evolution is false. When Darwin came up with that theroy he probably couldn't comprehend how big the liberals would make it sound.
2007-06-03 15:58:07 UTC
2007-06-03 15:59:01 UTC
because it's a LIE that's why!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes religion is a lie but science is a religion too, a Godless one and it too is a lie!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.